Author has written 19 stories for Harry Potter, Sailor Moon, Stargate: SG-1, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Doctor Who, Stargate: Atlantis, and Star Trek: 2009. Special update: Okay, first order of business... Divergence. I've been getting a lot of reviews from you guys (your support for the story has been overwhelming and I so glad you guys are enjoying it so much), and I'm sorry that I haven't been able to update it. I had a timetable all planned out. Divergence was supposed to be done the last week of October as there's only one more chapter left and I had hoped to have the next story - which unfortunately does not have a title yet - if not done by now, then almost done. However life has intervened and screwed up my plans. School has been a pain, work is getting more hectic due to the Christmas season, student loans hate me and I have a bank loan that is making me uncomfortable. With all that, plus personal problems going on with some of my friends, the stress is just about killing me. I haven't had the time to work on any of my stories and for that I am sorry. I really wanna get them done - I'm enjoying the stories just as much as you guys - but I just don't have the time. The next and last chapter of Divergence involves some research from the original series and I just don't have time. That being said, I AM NOT ABANDONING THE STORY!! I'm having far too much fun with it and I'm gonna let you guys in on a little secret. The idea that sparked this little series of mine hasn't happen in my stories yet. It's an idea for a story that I haven't written. What you guys are reading right now is all the background leading up to this pinulimate story of mine and I wanna write that one and share it with you guys so badly, you have no idea. But I wanted to write the background stories first, mostly just to get it all straight in my head before diving into the deep end. So in the end, when all is said and done, this little Star Trek series of mine with have a total of six stories in it...and the ones I haven't written yet are all longer chaptered fics. The idea that sparked it all is story #5...I'm currently on three. Yeah, I'm a little crazy but I've never written ST before and I want to do both Kirk and Spock justice. As for my other story, Ghost of You, same thing. I haven't had time. However there is only one more chapter to that so don't worry. There's gonna be a sequel to it, but I wanna get the first series done first before I tackle that monster cause really, being such an AU, it's gonna be hard to write and will take awhile. So, as it stands now, I have no idea when I'm gonna be updating, but I will try my darnest to finish both Divergence and Ghost of You before Christmas. After exams are done and depending on work, I'll hopeful have the time. Sorry guys...forgive me? You can have cookies. Offers chocolate chip cookies up as a sacrifice Story priority list: These aren't in any particular order except for the first two. Most of the Doctor Who ones are one shots and so they get done at random intervels. I usually use one shots now-a-days to help with writer's blocks are slumps. 1. Divergence - Star Trek IX, Kirk/Spock. Continuation of 'Different Circumstances' and 'Stark Landscape'. Eliciting an emotional response from a Vulcan is dammed near impossible... unless said Vulcan happens to be under the command of one James T. Kirk. 2. Ghost of You - Star Trek IX AU, Kirk/Spock. He could not grieve for Vulcan, could not even grieve for his mother...all he could think about was his lost chance and the life ahead without his T'hy'la... 3. Untitled - Star Trek IX, Kirk/Spock. (As of now, has no title). Logic offers a serenity over emotions that humans seldom employ…but even it cannot stand up in the face of primitive instincts 4. Dedication - Star Trek IX, Kirk/Spock. He was terrified to look away, to so much as blink. It would take only a second for him to lose it all...but the worst thing was that he wouldn't even remember. 5. Forever is a Myth - Doctor Who, Ten/Rose. Continuation of 'Don't Let Go'. …No matter how much he pleaded and begged, nothing could last forever; not even Rose. 6. The Halls are Silent - Doctor Who, Ten/Rose. She gave a mournful cry, calling out to him, but he could no longer hear her. Her wolf cub was gone and now she had lost her Timelord as well. 7. Moments - Doctor Who, Ten/Rose. Moments in time for the Doctor in Rose. They were happy together…they were tore apart…now they struggle to live for the other and to find themselves again. |
Darkjedi (1) Princess Destiny (56) | Star Polaris (16) the Yarnspinner (0) | Una Spectre (204) |