Author has written 3 stories for Stargate: Atlantis, and Nine Lives of Chloe King. Some people golf, some people garden, others scrapbook. For relaxation, I write fanfic, mainly in the Doctor Who, Stargate: Atlantis and Stargate SG-1 universes. I've recently added the Nine Lives of Chloe King (Alek/Chloe) to the list as well. I try pretty hard to have fic finished or nearly so before I begin to post, because as a single mother of four, there's no telling when real life will real up and nix my fanfic obsession! And unfortunately, my muse tends to pout after a long hiatus and gets difficult about inspiring me on old, dusty, unfinished fic. My favorite ships are Doctor(9th or 10th)/Rose, Jack/Rose, Sheppard/Teyla, Ronon/Keller, and Daniel/Vala, although I may write others if the muse decides to move me. My Doctor Who fic is currently archived at A Teaspoon and An Open Mind (). I may bring a few of those over, but many will stay as they contain NC-17 warnings. SGA fics with similar ratings will be archived at Wraithbait. My single SG-1 fic is still a longish WIP and as yet not posted anywhere. I can also be located at LJ under the name sc_angel72. |