![]() Author has written 21 stories for Charlie Bone. Hello, whoever you are. Thank you for visiting my profile. So, for the basics of moi: Name: Well, you may call me May. Age: 17 Music: Vanessa Carlton, Nickelback, The Fray, Fall Out Boy, All Time Low, Maroon 5, Lady Gaga, The Killers, You Me At Six, Anna Nalick, many more. My pen name (for fanfiction): lilmisswritergal4eva82719511 (pronounced: lil - miss - writer - gal - foreva - eight - twenty-seven - one - ninety-five - eleven) If I ever change my pen name, it would be: MusicWriter82719511 cuz a lot of my inspiration comes from music. Favourite pairings: Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys: Nancy/Frank Joe/Iola Joe/Vanessa Callie/Ned - This is the only one I feel the need to explain. I don't like her with Frank, I don't like him with Nancy, hook them up, I'm happy. :D Twilight: Pretty much anything canon. Aren't I so original? I just have a problem with Nessie/Jacob. It just feels wrong to me. I'm more Jacob/Leah and Nessie/Nahuel. The Host: I won't explain these because they're all pretty self-explanatory. Wanda/Ian Melanie/Jared Lily/Wes Doc/Sharon Kyle/Jodi Kyle/Sunny Anne of Green Gables: Anne/Gilbert - I just KNEW they would end up together. The Secret Garden: Mary/Dickon - Okay, so, Colin is Mary's cousin. Awkward, to say the least. And Dickon is just amazing and he helped Mary with the garden and everything. It just made sense, in my mind. A Series of Unfortunate Events: Klaus/Isadora Violet/Duncan - I loved these two the moment he came in. Quigley changed that for a while, but now it's back on track. Quigley/Fiona - Only because they get in the way of the first two and I have no one to pair them up with. Charlie Bone: (This is where I will squeal at every couple I mention :D) Fidelio/Olivia - YES YES YES! I love these two. They just fit like, PERFECTLY in my head. In my stories, they will ALWAYS end up together, no ifs, ands, or buts. Charlie/Emma - I always supported this, from like... the beginning of time. (Well, when I first read the books.) But they probably wouldn't work now because of the whole Paton/Julia thing. Gabriel/Emma - I read a fanfiction about these two and have been hooked ever since. They're probably paired up together in more of my newer stories. Charlie/Naren - This is pretty self-explanatory. Ben/Naren - Okay, so, I read "Thread" and I decided this could actually work, somewhat. Lysander/Lauren - What can I say? It's canon and Lysander needed someone. Then, Jenny Nimmo gave him a girlfriend and I was like "YES!" Amy/Lyell - Okay, raise your hand if you don't love these two. No one? Good. Manfred/Zelda - It is SO obvious they were together. I was upset when she left. I was like "now Manfred's all alone! D:" Cook/Dr. Saltweather - There is definitely some sort of chemistry going on with these two. Billy/Mai - Who's Mai, you ask? One of Gabriel's sisters. I needed someone for Billy, because he deserves SOMEBODY! And they've met (Castle of Mirrors) and in my head, they're the same age, so... yeah. Dagbert/Inez - I always thought Dagbert with one of the twins and Joshua with the other twin would make good pairings. Then I read a Dagbert/Inez and it was official. Joshua/Idith - Read above. There's no one for Tancred. :( And I have ONE couple that shall not be revealed until I post my story, "The Subjects". Digimon: TK/Kari - Best friends make the cutest couples :D Tai/Sora - Please look above to see. Joe/Mimi Matt/Mimi Ken/Yolei Davis/Catherine - Don't ask Jeri/Takato Henry/Rika Rika/Ryo Takuya/Zoe Criminal Minds: Spencer Reid/Jennifer "JJ" Jareau - THIS IS SO CUTE! :D I love them. Aaron Hotchner/Emily Prentiss - It might as well be canon. Like, seriously. Derek Morgan/Penelope Garcia - The chocolate god of thunder and his baby girl ;) enough said. Rookie Blue: Traci/Jerry - It grew on me. Sam/Andy - Look above. Gail/Chris - Once again, look above. Andy/Luke - Yeah. All the canon pairings grew on me. Luke/Jo - I LOVE Jo. She's so sweet, but so evil. (These are the weird ones) Chris/Andy - I dunno, I just always liked it. Dov/Andy - Look above. Besides, Dov needs *someone* because really? It's Dov! His epicness needs to be spread around! Dov/Gail - Same reason as Dov/Andy. And after watching "Heat & Sparks," I think Dov likes her, and is jealous of Chris. Castle: Castle/Beckett Esposito/Lanie Ryan/Jenny - I envy Jenny. OMGOMGOMGKEVINRYANOMGOMG. (L) Psh, what fan-girliness? Alexis/Ashley - I didn't like Owen. I was like "Yeah, no." I like Ashley; he's cute and cares about Alexis. (HE CARES MORE ABOUT HER THAN HIS RAT BEST FRIEND! :D) Being Human (US version): Aidan/Sally - I LOVE these two. Josh/Nora - I jumped for joy on their date. I was like "YESYESYES!" BERNIE - It's not a pairing but he was such an epic kid. Oh, and I feel like I should put Adam/Christa 'cause even though they're from "Becoming Human," I don't want to make a new section for that. The Office: Jim/Pam - I saw the first (maybe it was second? I dunno) episode and I was like "They are absolutely ADORABLE." Glee: KURT/BLAINE - ACK! Everytime I see them, I'm like "OMG KURT AND BLAINE!" And preceed to squeal like the fan-girl I SO am NOT (psh...) and put my hands up. My mom thinks I'm insane. Kurt/Sam - It's a leftover love I had for them before Blaine entered the picture. Rachel/Finn - I loved Finn in the season 2 finale! I was like "There's the old Finn!" :D Puck/Quinn - Okay, ever since season 1 when Quinn found out she was pregnant? I was like "Hm... Quick?" Answer: No. Flipping. Duh. Santana/Brittany - I was like "aaaaaawwwwwww!" during Landslide. OMG, Sam's comment to Artie about being close; MADE. MY. DAY :D Santana/Sam - I think they could work, but Brittana. Can't mess with that, you know? Artie/Tina - They are SO going to end up together! Artie/Brittany - It grew on me, but I'm not a HUGE fan. (ARTINA. ARTINA.) Mike/Tina - Look above. Will/Emma - Like Finn and Rachel; they'll find their way back to each other eventually! Sam/Mercedes - OMG. They were so cute at Prom, but then I was like "they're not going to do anything with that," BUT THEY DID. HIGH-FIVE. :D Lemonade Mouth (Movie version): Olivia/Wen Charlie/Mo - They could've totally worked. I liked him better than Scott. That being said... Mo/Scott - He actually cared about her in the end. And she always cared about him. I don't know why, but she did. Connor Undercover: Connor/Gisela - 'Cause that's not obvious at all. They have such great chemistry, though! I can't believe they haven't realized they like each other yet! Ty/Lily - But when they're older and Ty doesn't hate her so much and Lily isn't so... Lily-like. Big Time Rush: Logan/Camille - I only approve of Camille for Logan (on the show, 'cause in real life, he's kinda mine) and I want them back together! Their breakup was so sweet! Kendall/Jo - They're so sweet! I hope Jo comes back. Carlos/Stephanie - Hey, Carlos. The Jennifers aren't going to like you; Stephanie asked you to dance with her. Hello? Someone need a wake-up call, much? Storm Hawks: Aerrow/Piper - I wasn't sure at first if I liked it, but I fell in love with them. SQUEAL. :D Finn/Dove - I know she was only in two episodes, but I don't know... I like it. I HATED HOW THE SERIES ENDED D: The show was great in general, but there was so much potential from episode 40-52 and then BAM. It's done. They're in the Far Side and no more. WHAT IS THAT?! I want a third season. And a brilliant one at that. Or I just may end up writing my own third season. It probably won't be as good, but it's something. Copy and pastes: If you are obsessed with fanfiction copy this into your profile. If you have ever copy and pasted something to your profile, copy and paste this to your profile If you haven't died yet, copy and paste this onto your profile If you are in love with a fictional character, copy and paste this onto your profile. If you ever had a mad laughing fit for no reason, copy and paste this to your profile. If you're a girl and get sick and tired of guys assuming that you're weak and can’t fight, copy and paste this into your profile. 98 percent of the teenage population has tried to or does smoke pot. if ur part of the 2 percent that doesn't, copy&paste on ur pro. The white man said, "Colored people are not allowed here." The black man turned around and stood up. He then said: "Listen sir...when I was born I was BLACK, When I grew up I was BLACK, When I'm sick I'm BLACK, When I go in the sun I'm BLACK, When I'm cold I'm BLACK, When I die I'll be BLACK. But you sir, When you're born you're PINK, When you grow up you're WHITE, When you're sick, you're GREEN, When you go in the sun you turn RED, When you're cold you turn BLUE, And when you die you turn PURPLE. And you have the nerve to call me colored?" The black man then sat back down and the white man walked away... A large percent of writers don't know the difference between "your" and "you're". If you're one of the ones who does know and wants to slug them, copy and paste this into your profile. .eliforp ruoy otni siht etsap dna ypoc ,sdrawkcab siht daer ot hguone trams era uoy fI If you have a very wide range of interests, copy and paste this into your profile. Weird is good, strange is bad, and odd is when you don't know what to call someone. Weird is the same as different which is the same as unique, so weird is good. If you are weird and proud of it copy and paste this into your profile. If you know someone who should get run over by a bus, copy this into your profile. If you ever felt like just running somewhere, copy this into your profile. Instead of doing it yourself, you like to copy. If that describes you, paste this into your profile. (sometimes) If you're one of those people who get excited when you see just two reviews, paste this into your profile. If you have your own little world, copy this to your profile. If you have ever had a crush on a fictional character (that is NOT a Cullen) put this in your profile. If you support Takari, put this into your profile! If you love Klaus/Isadora to no end and think that they should’ve gotten together and Fiona should go fall in a Medesiod-Mycelium-infested ditch, copy this into your profile. If you think Emma and Charlie should get together, and Tancred should go get swept up in a tornado, copy this into your profile. (sorry Tanc.) If you've walked under something that was about two feet above your head and ducked anyway copy and paste this is your profile. On Sears hairdryer: On a bag of Fritos: On a bar of Dial soap: On some Swann frozen dinners: On Tesco's Tiramisu dessert: (printed on bottom of the box) On Marks & Spencer Bread Pudding: On packaging for a Rowenta iron: On Boot's Children's cough medicine: On Nytol sleep aid: On a Korean kitchen knife: On a string of Christmas lights: On a food processor: On Sainsbury's peanuts: On an American Airlines packet of nuts: On a Swedish chainsaw: On a child's Superman costume: YOU KNOW YOU'RE AN AUTHOR IF... You talk to yourself a lot. (e.g. Hmm, what would happen if it was sunny the day Bella got hit by the van? Oh, story idea!! Must get computer!) You talk to yourself about talking to yourself. (e.g. 'Why do I constantly ask my self random things?') When you talk to yourself you often talk to yourself like you're talking to someone else. (e.g. 'Have you ever noticed that deliver could mean someone's liver?') After uttering a profound peice of wisdom like that above, you stare at the cookie in your hand with awe and say, "Wow,this stuff is great for sugar highs...' You live off of sugar and caffine (the two greatest things ever discovered!) You'll check your e-mail every day of the week and then dissappear off the face of the earth. You're e-mails tend to be pages long and incredibly random. When replying to an e-mail, you'll never actually address the point of it. You tend to collect Bic Stics off the ground like picking pennies off the ground. No matter where you are in a room you never have to get up to find a pen/pencil and paper. The letters on your keyboard are wearing off. Your friends and family think that you have carpal tunnel syndrome. People think you have A.D.D. You think it'd be cool to have A.D.D. You constantly start talking in third person, present or past tense. You start thinking about making lists like this and start giggling for no "apparent" reason Your friends stopped looking at you funny for no apparent reason a loooooong time ago. And FINALLY, the one way to tell if you're a good writer: You failed English 101. (copy that into you're profile if you fit one or more of the descriptions) Okay, so, I'm very slow at writing. It's a matter of inspiration. I have a million different ideas, a lot of which will never make on this website. But here's a list of ones that definitely will... eventually: (So far, these are only Charlie Bone, but oh well) One-Shots: Spun From Perfection: Main Genres: Angst, Tragedy Secondary Genre(s): Hurt/Comfort, Drama, Suspense Character(s): Dorcas L. Summary: Beautiful - Ugly - Sweet - Disgusting - Kind - Horrid - Joyful - Miserable - Friendly - Alone - Confident - Jealous - Truthful - Liar - Free - Enslaved - Needed - Despised - Loved - Hated - Special - Worthless - Perfect - Flawed - My name is Dorcas Loom Other Notes: This is actually about Dorcas (no duh). I always figured Dorcas would be fun to write. So Much For My Happy Ending: Main Genres: Friendship, Romance Secondary Genre(s): Hurt/Comfort, Humour Character(s): Emma T. Summary: Nine times someone’s broken Emma Tolly’s heart and nine times someone’s fixed it. Other Notes: This one is Emma-centric. Um... The title comes from Avril Lavigne's song "My Happy Ending". Ten Pretty Markers: Main Genres: Tragedy, Angst Secondary Genre(s): Hurt/Comfort, Drama Character(s): Emma T. Summary: There was one for each of them. / She played with them as if they were dolls, each one representing someone she hadn’t (had) lost, making up stories (that had actually happened) and waited on their return (the one that would never happen). Other Notes: Also Emma-centric. This is where Emma's a crazy person. Always fun, right? :D Multi-Chapter Stories: The Subjects: Main Genres: Adventure, Suspense Secondary Genre(s): Humour, Romance, Drama Character(s): Um... All, so when it's posted, there won't be anyone specified. Summary: Changes from chapter to chapter, so it won't be put up here. Chapters Posted: 0/20 Other Notes: So, the general idea - six new students at Bloor's that Ezekiel wants protect at all costs for reasons unknown to all the endowed. They're going to have to work together to figure out what's up... but the problem is are they willing to? Will the new students' secret be enough for them to put past their differences? The Way We Live Our Lives: Main Genres: Family, General Secondary Genre(s): None Character(s): Like The Subjects, it's pretty much all of them, so it's not specified. Summary: Live. Love. Laugh. Smile altogether. One for all. All for one. Because we're family and because that's just the way we live our lives. Chapters Posted: 4/17 Other Notes: This one is pretty much just 50 sentences of each family in the book. AND, if anyone wants to, they can send me a list of 49 words (none of them being "family") that I can use as my prompts. I have four lists. Two chapters use the same list, and the other three will be used for chapters. The Irony of Silence: Main Genres: Crime, Mystery Secondary Genre(s): Drama, Suspence, Romance, Friendship, Humour Character(s): Fidelio G., Olivia V. (Fido's the main-main one, but it incorporates Liv, Em, Gabe, Charlie, and Naren as main characters) Summary: A/U. Silence is golden, duct tape is silver, and both let a muderer get away. Chapters Posted: 0/15 Other Notes: So, it's AU (obviously). And if you happen to stalk my profile often (a little creepy, but whatever... I guess? I dunno), you would notice this is different than the stuff here before. I got a new idea, so it has been chaaaaaaanged. :) I like this one better; it's more believable in that whole Nancy-Drew/Hardy-Boys-esque way. Through The Hour Glass: Main Genres: Fantasy, Sci-Fi Secondary Genre(s): Friendship, Romance, Humour Character(s): Emma T., Gabriel S. Summary: AU. After a mistake's been made, Emma must prove that she's not the princess of the new world she's in by going on a quest and attempting to stop a war that only the "Mistress" can. But as time goes on, Emma realizes she just might be her after all. Chapters Posted: 0/35 Other Notes: So, each chapter title is a line from song. You would NOT believe how HARD it is to find THIRTY-FOUR songs with a line that fits EXACTLY to the chapter. D: BUT I DID IT! :D And the summary's a Work In Progress. I'll fix it later. The Last Confession: Main Genres: Horror, Supernatural Secondary Genre(s): Work In Progress Character(s): Work In Progress Summary: Work In Progress Chapters Posted: 0/? Other Notes: As you can see, I have a LOT of work to do with this one. Playing With Payback: Main Genres: Adventure, Friendship Secondary Genre(s): Humour, Drama Character(s): Tancred T. Summary: Companion to "Little Miss Perfect." Melanie has just moved to The Heights, and instantly notices a boy really dislikes her. As she decides to get even with him, she realizes it just might not be his fault. It's more of an 850-year-old spirit with issues. Chapters Posted: 0/16 Other Notes: So, I've been having a lot of fun with this, because I made Melanie someone I can really relate to. As in, she's a lot like me. :$ But a lot cooler, to be honest. And a tad bit more verbally abusive. :P And this will ALWAYS be updated at the same time as Little Miss Perfect. Little Miss Perfect: Main Genres: Adventure, Friendship Secondary Genre(s): Humour, Drama Character(s): Tancred T. Summary: Companion to "Playing With Payback." There's a new girl in the Heights, and Tancred instantly doesn't like her, because of her Mary-Sue-ish perfection. But as time goes on, he realizes it's not him who dislikes her. It's actually an 850-year-old spirit. Chapters Posted: 0/16 Other Notes: So, not much to say here. Just look at the "Other Notes" for Playing With Payback. A Web Over His Face: Main Genres: Romance, Friendship Secondary Genre(s): Humour, Drama Character(s): Gabriel S. Summary: Gabriel always thought he was love-resistant. Well, that's not the case seeing as he falls for cold-hearted Adrienne, has strange feelings towards best friend/neighbor Penelope, and becomes attached to a mysterious singer and her strange journal. Chapters Posted: 0/? (Probably 16) Other Notes: I love the OC I made Gabriel end up with. She's just so much fun to write about. The other one is alright, too, I guess. And there's some changes to this that will be made when they're all ironed out. Wolf Pack: Main Genres: Adventure, Sci-Fi Secondary Genre(s): Suspense, Drama, Romance, Friendship Character(s): Asa P. Summary: Post WW AU. Asa returns to his roots, only to find that things have drastically changed in his absence. Upon learning that his home is in danger, Asa must bring forth all his efforts to protect the one place he felt he ever belonged. Chapters Posted: 0/? (Probably 15) Other Notes: According to Sun (TheRushingRadiancexx), "this is so scandalous." LOL, but I like it. :) After all, Asa needs some love. The Willow In The Ruins: Main Genres: Adventure, Family Secondary Genre(s): Fantasy, Friendship, Romance, Drama, Humour Character(s): Um, no one listed in the archives. Summary: NextGenFic. Sally knew she was going to go to Bloor's Academy eventually. But she certainly wasn't ready for juggling her newfound endowment, the new friends - and enemies - she's made, a ghost haunting the ruins at night, and her homework all together. Chapters Posted: 4/20 Other Notes: This is my to-do list for Project PULL. This and writing a novel are my top priorities this summer. The Girl No One Could Save: Main Genres: Adventure, Fantasy Secondary Genre(s): Work In Progress Character(s): No one in the archives. Though, I think from the title, people might be able to guess. Summary: Work In Progress Chapters Posted: 0/? Other Notes: This one, I'm going to have fun with :D When The World Comes Crashing Down: Main Genres: Suspense, Drama Secondary Genres: Horror, Tragedy, Hurt/Comfort, Romance Character(s): Not sure if I should put them... it gives away the mystery ;) Summary: "Emilia," he said, trying the taste of it out on his tongue. She could tell he didn't like it, by the bitter look his face took on when he thought she'd looked away. She didn't know that to replace the taste, his mind kept repeating "Emma, Emma, Emma." Chapters Posted: 0/15 Other Notes: This one has a prequel that's going to be posted after it's finished called "The Lost Years." And also, for those of you who've read "Begin Again," this is the story I mentioned I was going to write eventually. Also, I have two other stories that will be on this list soon enough. Both are untitled as of yet. One is a one-shot featuring Emma and Tancred (no romance, sorry); the other has absolutely nothing going for it except it's a multi-chapter Tancred/OC fic. Also, I have one fic here that Sun wants me to put on, and I really did like the idea a lot, so it's a maybe. And I'm thinking about doing some for BTR, Connor Undercover, ND/HB, and Digimon. Plus, if you look under the Pairing section, subheading "Storm Hawks," you will see I've decided to write a third season. And I plan to write for Infernal Devices and Percy Jackson... when I actually finish them, that is. I'm actually so close to finishing ID, though! For all of you who think I'm dead - I'm not! I'm just incredibly lazy. And I've been focusing more on my original works. But I swear that sometime in 2012, I will make an effort to finish all my unfinished stories, and maybe, maybe, maybe get up all of the ones up there! |