![]() Author has written 10 stories for Legend of Zelda, Hetalia - Axis Powers, and Sonic the Hedgehog. Hey everyone! MidnightShadow001 here, and these are my pairings: Hetalia: AmericaxBelarus, CanadaxUkraine, RussiaxItaly, GermanyxN. Italy, AmericaxJapan, TurkeyxHungary, TurkeyxGreece, AmericaxEngland, CanadaxSeychelles, RussiaxHungary, S. ItalyxBelarus, RussiaxChina Full Metal Alchemist: EdwardxWinry, AlxMei, AlxRose, RoyxRiza Super Smash Brothers Series: ZeldaxLink, RoyxPeach, SamusxRoy, SamusxMarth Sonic Series: SonicxAmy, RougexKnuckles, TailsxCream A little about me: Some Random Question Quizzes! This is a random quiz one of my friends sent me. I don't know who made it, so all I'm gonna say is that it's NOT MINE!! :) What time is it?: Time to make the doughnuts! Random Fact: I love telling military time. What are you most afraid of?: Spiders and the Happy Mask Guy. shivers as she hears creepy laughing What is the most recent movie that you have seen in theaters?: Hmm...Alice in Wonderland with Johnny Depp and all... Place of Birth: In a hospital. What is your favorite food?: Shrimp linguini. As for drinks, it would be Sprite and Fanta!! Ever been to Alaska?: -_-;; What? That's random...no, I haven't been to Alaska. Ever been toilet paper rolling?: Huh? Croutons or bacon bits?: Oh, croutons all the way. Favorite day of the week?: Friday!! Or Saturday. Things you like to do?: Dance, play videogames, drink Fanta, play videogames, listen to music, talk with friends...that sort of thing. What games do you like?: ALL KINDS!! Mostly RPG's, what with Zelda being my absolute favorite and Final Fantasy: Dawn of Souls coming in second, yeah...Fav is Ocarina of Time, then ones I like are FF I & II, Metroid, Castlevania, ooh, Luigi's Mansion, Crazy Taxi, Urbz, Banjo Kazooie (old, but cool), Perfect Dark, Guitar Hero, Golden Eye 007, and the list goes on and on... What music do you like?: Rock, pop, reggae. Things like All Time Low, Daughtry, AAR, Daddy Yankee, Enrique Iglesias, Christina Aguilera, Rihanna, Beyonce, Neyo, Nickelback, Shakira... Favorite Sport to watch?: Football/Soccer (since only America calls it soccer really, but it both means the same thing), Tennis, Badminton. Favorite ice cream?: French vanilla. Disney or Warner Brothers?: Warner Brothers! Favorite videogame character?: Have too many. Probably Nabooru from Zelda, Ocarina of Time. How many times have you failed your driver's test?: Uh..._;; Do I have to say it? Hehe... Favorite TV show?: Drake and Josh, So you think you can dance, Dancing with the stars, Vampire Diaries (sort of like it...I've watched it a few times...) Favorite movie?: IDK, probably Pirates of the Caribbean! Type the first word that comes to mind: Cheese. 45 odd things about you! Fill it out and send it back to the person who sent 1) Do you like blue cheese salad dressing?-Well, I like it, but I don’t like having too much on my salad. 2) Have you ever gone clubbing?-No, but Canada is where it’s at when it comes to clubbin! They club with class! *hugs Mattie Williams* 3) Do you own a limo?-Nope! No point in drawing too much attention to yourself! 5) Do you get nervous before doctor's appointments?-Yeah! Doctors still freak me out! 6) What do you think of hot dog?-Like…the food? I love it! Reminds me of Alfred F. Jones!! (there’s my patriotism right there!) 8) What do you like to drink in the morning?-Tea, cofee, or cocoa. 9) Can you do pushups?-No! I really can’t! 12) Whats the trait you hate most about yourself?-Um, I can be kinda loud! Heheh… -_-;; 13) Fav video game?-LEGEND OF ZELDA OCARINA OF TIME!!! Ahh, the sweet nostalgia 14) Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment.-Play a game. Make some cocoa. Go to sleep. :D 15) 3 drinks you drink regularly?-Water, tea, coffee. 17) Current hate right now?-Nothin! Except maybe homework. 18) Favorite place to be?-Right here by the Christmas Tree (blame Mariah Carey for making me rhyme!) 19) How did you bring in the New Year?-Partied like crazy into the morning, playing videogames, eating cheesy appetizers, blasting some music! 21) Name at least three of your favorite TV shows-Leverage, Everybody Hates Chris, Drake and Josh 22) Do you own slippers?-Too many to count!!! 1…2…3...2000… 23) What color shirt are you wearing?-Pink and black (plaid!) 25) Can you whistle?-I whistle every other two seconds of my life! *starts whistling Drake and Josh theme* 26) Favorite color?-Green! 27) Would you be a pirate? HECK YEAH!!! HAVE YOU SEEN JACK SPARROW?!!?!? 29) Favorite girl's name?-Idk. I’m not ready to name any kids yet! ;D 30) Favorite soft drink?-FANTA! Don’t you wanna-wanna Fanta? 31) What's in your pocket right now?-Tissues *sniffles* 32) Last thing that made you laugh?-Alfred’s english voice dub! You gotta hear him talk ‘American’ when he shows England his fighter plane! (Alfred:Dude, it blowin ur mind yet?) 33) Best bed sheets as a child?-These white ones with blue flowers on them. 34) Worst injury you've ever had??Idk…I don’t remember…*gasps* WHAT IF I GOT AMNESIA? 35) Do you love where you live?-I can’t describe how much I love where I live! 36) How many TV's do you have in the house?-Only like, one TV. We mostly watch TV online. 38) How many pets do you have? None, but I wish I still had my pet fish! 39) Does someone have a crush on you?-Idk. Too busy to focus on crushes. 40) What is your favorite book?My favorite book is…Idk…maybe Pride and Prejudice? The Wizard of Oz? 41) What is your favorite candy?M&M’s, Twix, Kit-Kats! 42) Favorite Sports Team?-OH MAN WHERE DO I START? Portuguese National Football/Soccer (for my American readers out there) Team with Cristiano Ronaldo! (Even though I’m not even Portuguese…!) 43) What were you doing 12 AM last night?-On my computer watching dubbed Hetalia (Belarus sounds soooo weird. Not what I expected. Although the creepiness was nailed). 44) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?-Go listen to music! |