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Joined Jul 8, 2008, id: 1628269, Profile Updated: Dec 19, 2010
Author has written 10 stories for Legend of Zelda, Hetalia - Axis Powers, and Sonic the Hedgehog.

Hey everyone! MidnightShadow001 here, and these are my pairings:
Legend Of Zelda: LinkxZelda, LinkxMalon, GanondorfxNabooru, AnjuxKafei, CremiaxKafei, LinkxMidna

Hetalia: AmericaxBelarus, CanadaxUkraine, RussiaxItaly, GermanyxN. Italy, AmericaxJapan, TurkeyxHungary, TurkeyxGreece, AmericaxEngland, CanadaxSeychelles, RussiaxHungary, S. ItalyxBelarus, RussiaxChina

Full Metal Alchemist: EdwardxWinry, AlxMei, AlxRose, RoyxRiza

Super Smash Brothers Series: ZeldaxLink, RoyxPeach, SamusxRoy, SamusxMarth

Sonic Series: SonicxAmy, RougexKnuckles, TailsxCream

A little about me: Some Random Question Quizzes!

This is a random quiz one of my friends sent me. I don't know who made it, so all I'm gonna say is that it's NOT MINE!! :)

What time is it?: Time to make the doughnuts! Random Fact: I love telling military time.

What are you most afraid of?: Spiders and the Happy Mask Guy. shivers as she hears creepy laughing

What is the most recent movie that you have seen in theaters?: Hmm...Alice in Wonderland with Johnny Depp and all...

Place of Birth: In a hospital.

What is your favorite food?: Shrimp linguini. As for drinks, it would be Sprite and Fanta!!

Ever been to Alaska?: -_-;; What? That's random...no, I haven't been to Alaska.

Ever been toilet paper rolling?: Huh?

Croutons or bacon bits?: Oh, croutons all the way.

Favorite day of the week?: Friday!! Or Saturday.

Things you like to do?: Dance, play videogames, drink Fanta, play videogames, listen to music, talk with friends...that sort of thing.

What games do you like?: ALL KINDS!! Mostly RPG's, what with Zelda being my absolute favorite and Final Fantasy: Dawn of Souls coming in second, yeah...Fav is Ocarina of Time, then ones I like are FF I & II, Metroid, Castlevania, ooh, Luigi's Mansion, Crazy Taxi, Urbz, Banjo Kazooie (old, but cool), Perfect Dark, Guitar Hero, Golden Eye 007, and the list goes on and on...

What music do you like?: Rock, pop, reggae. Things like All Time Low, Daughtry, AAR, Daddy Yankee, Enrique Iglesias, Christina Aguilera, Rihanna, Beyonce, Neyo, Nickelback, Shakira...

Favorite Sport to watch?: Football/Soccer (since only America calls it soccer really, but it both means the same thing), Tennis, Badminton.

Favorite ice cream?: French vanilla.

Disney or Warner Brothers?: Warner Brothers!

Favorite videogame character?: Have too many. Probably Nabooru from Zelda, Ocarina of Time.

How many times have you failed your driver's test?: Uh..._;; Do I have to say it? Hehe...

Favorite TV show?: Drake and Josh, So you think you can dance, Dancing with the stars, Vampire Diaries (sort of like it...I've watched it a few times...)

Favorite movie?: IDK, probably Pirates of the Caribbean!

Type the first word that comes to mind: Cheese.

45 odd things about you! Fill it out and send it back to the person who sent
it to you plus other friends. Learn 45 things about your friends and let
them learn 44 things about you! By the way, you don't have to fill out the
whole thing. But PLEASE DO SOME OF IT!

1) Do you like blue cheese salad dressing?-Well, I like it, but I don’t like having too much on my salad.

2) Have you ever gone clubbing?-No, but Canada is where it’s at when it comes to clubbin! They club with class! *hugs Mattie Williams*

3) Do you own a limo?-Nope! No point in drawing too much attention to yourself!
4) What's your favorite drink at starbucks?-CARAMEL FRAPPUCINOS THEY’RE DELICIOUS!!!!

5) Do you get nervous before doctor's appointments?-Yeah! Doctors still freak me out!

6) What do you think of hot dog?-Like…the food? I love it! Reminds me of Alfred F. Jones!! (there’s my patriotism right there!)
7) Favorite Christmas song?-All I want for Christmas is You by Mariah Carey

8) What do you like to drink in the morning?-Tea, cofee, or cocoa.

9) Can you do pushups?-No! I really can’t!
10) What's your favorite piece of jewelry?-My necklace 11) Favorite hobby?-Playing videogames!

12) Whats the trait you hate most about yourself?-Um, I can be kinda loud! Heheh… -_-;;

13) Fav video game?-LEGEND OF ZELDA OCARINA OF TIME!!! Ahh, the sweet nostalgia

14) Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment.-Play a game. Make some cocoa. Go to sleep. :D

15) 3 drinks you drink regularly?-Water, tea, coffee.
16) Current worry right now?-GAH, WILL I BE ABLE TO FINISH ALL MY FANFICS ON TIME? D:

17) Current hate right now?-Nothin! Except maybe homework.

18) Favorite place to be?-Right here by the Christmas Tree (blame Mariah Carey for making me rhyme!)

19) How did you bring in the New Year?-Partied like crazy into the morning, playing videogames, eating cheesy appetizers, blasting some music!
20) Do you like to travel?-Love to travel!

21) Name at least three of your favorite TV shows-Leverage, Everybody Hates Chris, Drake and Josh

22) Do you own slippers?-Too many to count!!! 1…2…3...2000…

23) What color shirt are you wearing?-Pink and black (plaid!)
24) Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?-I’m not a princess, I’ve only ever slept on cotton…

25) Can you whistle?-I whistle every other two seconds of my life! *starts whistling Drake and Josh theme*

26) Favorite color?-Green!

27) Would you be a pirate? HECK YEAH!!! HAVE YOU SEEN JACK SPARROW?!!?!?
28) What songs do you sing in the shower?-I don’t sing in the shower…

29) Favorite girl's name?-Idk. I’m not ready to name any kids yet! ;D

30) Favorite soft drink?-FANTA! Don’t you wanna-wanna Fanta?

31) What's in your pocket right now?-Tissues *sniffles*

32) Last thing that made you laugh?-Alfred’s english voice dub! You gotta hear him talk ‘American’ when he shows England his fighter plane! (Alfred:Dude, it blowin ur mind yet?)

33) Best bed sheets as a child?-These white ones with blue flowers on them.

34) Worst injury you've ever had??Idk…I don’t remember…*gasps* WHAT IF I GOT AMNESIA?

35) Do you love where you live?-I can’t describe how much I love where I live!

36) How many TV's do you have in the house?-Only like, one TV. We mostly watch TV online.
37) Who is your loudest friend?-I’M the loud friend!

38) How many pets do you have? None, but I wish I still had my pet fish!

39) Does someone have a crush on you?-Idk. Too busy to focus on crushes.

40) What is your favorite book?My favorite book is…Idk…maybe Pride and Prejudice? The Wizard of Oz?

41) What is your favorite candy?M&M’s, Twix, Kit-Kats!

42) Favorite Sports Team?-OH MAN WHERE DO I START? Portuguese National Football/Soccer (for my American readers out there) Team with Cristiano Ronaldo! (Even though I’m not even Portuguese…!)

43) What were you doing 12 AM last night?-On my computer watching dubbed Hetalia (Belarus sounds soooo weird. Not what I expected. Although the creepiness was nailed).

44) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?-Go listen to music!

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