A/N: I finally got this up! ^_^;; It took me a while to find the file on my old flash drive, but whatever. I got it up and that's what counts! I have to apologize to Kozan Shoku for keeping him waiting for this fanfic…I'm so damn lazy… I'll probably make the next chapter way better. So, enjoy! ;)

The room was dark at first, but as I passed through the hallway to the fountain there was an abundance of pink fairies lighting the room with a brilliant glow. They sprung up from the center of the fountain, just like every other morning, and slowly they wandered past me, some of them throwing me glances and displeased looks, till they reached the bright platform at the end of the hallway. The luminosity of the fountain was taken with them as they flew up into the bright light shining down from the hole in the ceiling, and just like that all the light was gone.

Save for me, of course.

I traveled over to the edge of the sparkling water that flowed calmly to the ends of the fountain and from there I gazed in at my own reflection. Just like every other morning, I was alone. Again.

It wasn't until a few years later that I finally became a Korkiri's guardian.

The annoying fairy. That's what I was. That what I always seemed to be to everyone we came across in our journeys. I had hoped that Link wasn't like that. Every time I reminded him of something he simply stayed silent, so I had assumed that I wasn't as annoying to him as I was to everyone else.

Today was just a peaceful day of relaxation for us as we viewed the sunrise from Lake Hylia. The water had just been restored back into the lake, and after defeating Morpha, we decided to take a break. However, that break lasted nearly a week already, and I was getting anxious. What if Ganondorf was attacking Kakariko Village? Or trying to wreak havoc near one of the temples?

"Link," I prodded his head and he threw me a contented gaze, "We have to go to the Shadow Temple."
"…I know."
"No," He wasn't listening to me, "We have to go now! I mean, we can't take a long vacation or anything while Ganondorf's taking over the world!"
"I got it, Navi. Don't worry about it." He lied on his back in the soft grass and looked up at the passing clouds. How could he act so calm about it?

"Listen!" I zoomed in front of his face, "You have to go! The world is depending on you! Are you really that lazy?"

"Navi!" He growled and bolted upright, while I frantically flew away. Why was he so mad all of a sudden? "I'm trying to help you, but it's hard when you don't listen to what I say!" He sighed and glared up at me. "It's fine if you say something to me once or twice, but you constantly pester me about things!"
"But that's because you're so lazy and I have to keep reminding you!"
"You're just an annoying fairy! So stop reminding me about things and leave me alone for once!" With a huff he lay back down and promptly clamped his eyes shut.

…Oh. I was annoying to him too…


I couldn't help but feel more and more hurt as I looked down at Link. Everyone always felt that way about me…which was why I had usually been so alone. And now the one person in the world who actually needed me didn't want me around…

I was alone again.

Without another word I flew silently away. I didn't really care where I was going. Anywhere… as long as I wasn't here.

The morning sun was now rising over the vast plains of Hyrule Field. Off to my right I would barely make out the entrance to the Kokiri Forest.

The forest…that would be a great place to go.

I had just needed some time to rearrange my thoughts. Some time to reassure myself that Link didn't actually mean what he said. Just some…alone time.

Flying along the whims of the breezes, I was carried over to the entrance with the fresh morning winds. "I wonder…when Link is going to realize I'm gone?" Sadly, I thought he might never realize that I left…or he would, but he wouldn't care. Probably the latter.

I remembered when I had been much younger. As a small fairy I used to be left out from the groups of other fairies who joined their Korkiri friends and left me alone. During those times I had ventured deep into the Lost Woods until I reached the Sacred Meadow. A little ways into the meadow had been a hole, and inside was the Fairy Fountain. Many of my childhood days were spent there as the fairy inhabitants were out scouting the forest during the daylight. Though even then I had been so terribly alone…

It had been years since I last went there. Surely no fairies resided there…not after such a long time…

The sounds of the forest filled my mind as I arrived at the old wooden bridge. Small bright stars bounced around me as I flew to an entrance to my left and began navigated around the forest. Silence was overtaking the forest; ever since Sairia had left…there was no more music. Maybe Link…felt lonely during those times. As lonely as I felt now.

These woods had been etched into my mind so long ago that I had known every turn to make to find myself in the Sacred Meadow. At last I arrived in said place, and flying over near the Forest Temple I entered a nearby hole.

Out of the middle of the fountain tons of pink fairies jumped into the air, twirling about the beautiful waters I had dwelled amongst before. "They probably wouldn't want me here..." I gazed at them sadly for a moment before turning to leave. "I should just go."

Suddenly a joyous laugh resounded in the room, followed by a very familiar voice.

"I've been waiting for you, Navi."