Author has written 1 story for Bones. Hey there! I'm a thirtysomething horticulturalist from Australia. Female. And completely besotted with Bones - which, at my age I really should not be. I mean I'm compulsively addicted. It was in my relentless quest to find anything on Bones earlier in 2008, that I stumbled across this phenomena called FanFiction... I'd never even heard of it before that, but I've become completely addicted to it - especially when Bones is not on tele (which in Australia is pathetically most of the time). Of course, I've been quietly reading these awesome stories for most of the year now, so I suppose it's only natural that eventually I'd want to write one of my own. So it is here that I offer to the world my first ever story (The Heart in Overdrive) that I've written since I was at high school... About me: What can I say? I have a wide variety of interests from the mundane to stuff that's incredibly left of centre. I'm full of contradictions, great at giving advice but clueless on how to help myself. Inquisitive but tend to forget the facts I've learnt. I wish I had a photographic memory. I love nature, being creative, travelling, reading, science, astronomy - I even have a telescope. A love of geology - I collected fossils and rocks for a long time; I adore hotted up old cars with really big noisy motors, David Boreanaz, metaphysics, philosophy, motorbikes, old movies, mythology, the internet, playing my music really loud, archeology, photography, ancient history and beautiful things. And who doesn't love Mr Darcy? I love to learn and I'm just a little too addicted to my ipod. David Boreanaz can park his shoes under my bed any day, and I'm really interested in natural therapies, ancient civilizations, painting, the Blues, hanging out with friends and family and driving really fast - so much so, I would have loved to be a racing car driver. But I've never lost my license. Now I've started dabbling in writing for fun. But really - the list just goes on and on and on... oh and did I mention I have thing for David Boreanaz? I've been a 'little' too addicted to tv since I was a kid (when I fell in love with David Cassidy from watching re-runs of the Partridge Family at age 6 - he was my first crush. No I lie, I was in love with Michael Landon as 'Little Joe' in Bonanza when I was even younger... damn, I've just been reminded of my love for Road Runner when I was 18 months old and I would walk around saying 'Meep Meep' all day!). These days I tend to be more selective - to the point where I can go for weeks without turning the tv on unless there is something I specifically want to watch. I guess I'd rather be doing or learning something else than watching crappy tv shows just for the sake of it. Just a few of my favourite shows of late (it tends to change) of course is Bones, I loved Veronica Mars (until it was cancelled), Heroes (although season 3??), Life on Mars (both the BBC and the US version), occasionally the CSI's (except for Miami - which I just plain refuse to watch), Top Gear (UK version), Spicks and Specks, Myth Busters, and the good old English murder mystery has always been a bit of a fav... hmm - there's a few more there than what I thought! I'm also a bit of an avid dvd collector (about 400 in the collection to date), both movies and tv shows - old and new. And naturally, my three box sets of Bones are what I tend to watch more than anything. I think that's it for now, and since I've thoroughly bored you to tears, I'm off - but thanks for dropping by! |
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