Author has written 51 stories for Digimon, Gundam Wing/AC, CSI, Harry Potter, Kim Possible, Law and Order: SVU, and Hannah Montana.
I changed my pen name for the first time in almost 11 years.
Do you want to see a pair/scene/story done? Email and let me know. I've have writer's block and have been reading a lot lately.
Name: The November Rain 19 is because I was born in November, 19 is my favorite number and November Rain by Guns N Roses is one of the best songs of all time.
Avatar: A kodama from Princess Mononoke. One of the best movies ever.
Age: Too old to be on here as much as I am. :)
Sign: Scorpio and proud.
Tattoos: A lot. Next on tap a tiger, my favorite animal. It's addictive. I only recommend getting a tattoo that has meaning for you. Because if you don't, I can almost promise you will regret it.
Sports: Love 'em. Soccer is the greatest sport ever, and I am a huge fan of the USA Women's National Soccer Team. I bleed Yankee blue and hate the Boston Red Sox. Definitely a NY Rangers fan as well.
Reading: Anything and everything. Particular fandoms include Digimon, Gundam Wing, BtVS, X-Men, X-Files, CSI, Birds of Prey, The Pretender, Law & Order SVU, Kim Possible, Xena, HM, NCIS, Bleach, and Harry Potter. And, though it is not fanfiction, Postsecret.
Writing: Angst, drama, and romance mainly. I prefer the two former rather than the latter. I can't write action scenes.
Comics: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 8, Angel: After The Fall/Aftermath, Spike, Underworld, Charmed, Xena
Favorite Characters:
Gundam Wing: Duo, Trowa, Quatre
Digimon: Sora, Yamato, Ken
X-Men: Rogue, Nightcrawler
Harry Potter: Harry, Hermione, Ginny
CSI: Grissom, Sara, Catherine
BoP: Barbara, Helena
BtVS: Willow, Buffy
Angel: Fred,
X-Files: Mulder, Scully
L&O SVU: Olivia, Alex
The Pretender: Jarod, Miss Parker
House: Cuddy, House, Cameron, 13,
Bleach: Rukia, Ichigo, Uryu, Orihime, Yoruichi, Soifon,
NCIS: Abby, Ziva, Gibbs, Ducky
Favorite Pairings:
Birds of Prey: B/H
Digimon: Yamato/Tai, Sora/Mimi, Sora/Yamato, Daisuke/Ken
Harry Potter: Hr/G, Hr/H, D/H, L/N, RL/SB, RL/NT (occasionally)
Gundam Wing: 1/2, 3/4, 2/4
X-Files: M/S
Kim Possible: Kim/Shego
Teen Titans: BB/T, Rae/Star
Xena: X/G
Star Trek Voyager: J/7
House: Cuddy/House, House/Cameron, Cuddy/Cameron, 13/Cameron
HM: Liley
Bleach: Ichigo/Rukia, Rukia/Orihime, Ulquiorra/Orihime, a little bit of Uryu/Orihime, Yoruichi/Soi Fon (probably my favorite), Retsu/Isane,
NCIS: Ziva/Abby, Gibbs/Jenny,
Favorite Episodes:
Angel: Billy, You're Welcome,
BtVS: Dopplegangland, Hush, Once More With Feeling, Tabula Rasa, Passion, Help,
X-Files: The Field Where I Died, How The Ghosts Stole Christmas, Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose, Paper Hearts,
CSI: Pilot, Alter Boys, Jackpot, Play With Fire, Butterflied,
L&O SVU: Wrath, Scheherezade, Loss, Ghost, Persona, Guilt, Signature, Intoxicated,
House: Fetal Position,
NCIS: Shalom, Dead Man Walking, Requiem,
Futurama: Jurassic Bark,
Princess Mononoke - San!!
Boondook Saints - Veritas, Aequitas
Casino Royale - Holy God, Daniel Draig and Eva Green?? I died and went to heaven. Definitely the best Bond film in my opinion. So far, anyway. Daniel is on tap for two more Bond films at least
Chicken Run - I don't want to be a pie! I don't like gravy.
Harry Potter - All of them
The Incredibles - Throw me!!
Finding Nemo - I speak whale. Dory: "No. No, you can't... STOP. Please don't go away. Please? No one's ever stuck with me for so long before. And if you leave... if you leave... I just, I remember things better with you. I do, look. P. Sherman, forty-two... forty-two... I remember it, I do. It's there, I know it is, because when I look at you, I can feel it. And-and I look at you, and I... and I'm home. Please... I don't want that to go away. I don't want to forget."
Imagine Me & You - You're a wanker #9!!
Lord of the Rings - Sam will kill you if you try anything.
40 Year Old Virgin - You look like a man-o-lantern.
Mr. & Mrs. Smith - I don't understand the question.
Pirates of the Caribbean - But why are you burning the rum??
Robots - Am I in time for the butt whoopin'?
Saw - I want to play a game. (1 and 4 especially.)
What Lies Beneath - In my opinion, that'll teach you to swim in a lake.
The Dark Knight - "Would you like to know how I got these scars? My father...was a drinker..." My brother does such a dead on impression of this it is scary.
James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl
The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo
Harry Potter series by JK Rowling
Postsecret books by Frank Warren
Realize, The Little Things, I Never Told You - Colbie Caillat
Round Here, Anna Begins - Counting Crows
Diary of Jane (acoustic version), So Cold, Breath - Breaking Benjamin
Broken, Everything, You and Me, Walking Away, Simon - Lifehouse
Come On Get Higher, Wedding Dress - Matt Nathanson
I Wish The Best For You - Emerson Hart
Breathe In Breathe Out - Mat Kearney
You Belong With Me - Taylor Swift
Another Old Lang Syne, Leader of the Band - Dan Fogelberg
Better Than Me, Lips of an Angel - Hinder
Beautiful Disaster - Jon McLaughlin
In The Sun - Joseph Arthur
My Heart - K's Choice
Your Guardian Angel - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Broken - Seether, feat. Amy Lee
A Sorta Fairytale - Tori Amos
I'm Moving On, Stand, These Days - Rascal Flatts
Think of Me, Making Memories of Us, Tonight I Wanna Cry, 'Til Summer Comes Around - Keith Urban
Wait for Me - Theory of a Deadman
Boston, Sweet and Low - Augustana
Cannonball, 9 crimes - damien rice
Need You Now - Lady Antebellum
Longest Story: Bits (ongoing)
Most (non drabble) Chapters: 9 (ongoing)
Most Reviews: Bits
Randomness: Because I was bored...
Siblings - 2 younger brothers
Cell phone type - myTouch slide
Pet Names - Aiden and scully - reptiles, Lil - dog
Celebrity crushes - Johnny Depp, Keira Knightly, Emma Watson, Derek Jeter, Anne Hathaway, Emma Stone, Daniel Craig,
Current projects: 12/12/11 - Hmmm. Is that another chapter in 'Bracelets.' Could be... :P
Special Thanks: To my Mom. I guess I did get some of those writing genes, instead of just the math genes from Dad. :)
To Ben, who brought my hard drive back from the dead and writes some of the most achingly beautiful things I have ever read.
To those who keep checking back after all these (quite literally) years. It means more to me than you can ever know.
To Bri, who is dear to me.
To ellejay, who makes me laugh and writes amazingly.
To the reviewers, you make this all worthwhile.
In loving memory of EMW. I miss you, Grandma.
Advice: Do what you love. I still read comics and write fanfiction because it makes me happy. If there is someone important in your life, tell them. Now. And do it often.
Quotes: "Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength."
"Never contend with a man who has nothing to lose." - Baltasar Gracian
"There comes a time in each life like a point of fulcrum. At that time you must accept yourself. It is not any more what you will become. It is what you are and always will be." - John Fowles
"Experience is the toughest teacher. It gives you the test first and the lesson after."
"Devastation is loving someone who loved you back, but then decided they didn’t love you back enough to keep doing it."
"What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal." - Albert Pike
"Everyone suffers wrongs for which there are no remedy." - Edgar Watson Howe
"All I ask is for the chance to prove that money can't make me happy."
"Everything costs something. The only questions are how much and how you have to pay for it."
Some from BtVS and Angel:
Spike: I do remember what I said. The promise. To protect her. If I'd have done that, even if I didn't make it, you wouldn't have had to jump. But I want you to know I did save you. Not when it counted, of course, but after that. Every night after that. I'd see it all again, and do something different. Faster, or more clever, you know? Dozens of times, lots of different ways. Every night, I save you. - BtVS, After Life
Anya: “I swear, I’m just trying to find my necklace.”
Willow: “Did you try looking inside the sofa in hell?!” – BtVS, Dopplegangland
Willow: "It's a good fight, Buffy, and I want in."
Buffy: "I kinda love you." – BtVS, Choices
Buffy: It's just that the more I know, the more confused I get.
Giles: I believe that's called growing up.
Buffy: I'd like to stop then, okay? - BtVS, Lie To Me
Dawn: What's the list?
Anya: Possible hitchhikers.
Xander: Demons that might have come out of hell the same time Buffy did.
Dawn: (reading) "Skaggmore demons, Trellbane demons, skitterers, large and small bone-eaters." If we get to pick, I say we go with the small bone-eaters.
Anya: Well, that just means they prefer to eat things with small bones. Like you. - BtVS, After Life
Dead Lilah: "You hated yourself for being with me. Or maybe you just hated yourself for loving being with me. Hey, semantics." – Angel, Salvage
Fred: "I'm still working on a plan, but so far it involves being sent to prison and becoming somebody's bitch."
Fred: "Please, let my cellmate be gentle." - Angel, Ground State
Guy Officer: "Did you just tell me to relax? You think you can talk to me like that?"
Gal Officer: "I'd talk to you with my finger, but I like both hands on the wheel while I'm driving." - Angel, Billy
Little Tony: If I'd known how bad you wanted me, I might've let you catch me sooner.
Kate: If I'd known how much you needed the exercise, I might've let you run a little longer. - Angel, Sense and Sensitivity
Cordelia: You know what? I get it. You're a ghost. You're dead! Big accomplishment! Move on! You see a light anywhere? Go towards it! - Angel, Rm W/A Vu
Angelus: "That's just drinking water."
Cordelia: "Fresh from a mountain spring, delivered right to our door, then blessed every second Tuesday by Father Mackie, the local parish priest, while you're down in the bat cave sleeping through the better part of the day. Don't believe me?"
Cordelia: "And the Oscar goes to. . ." – Angel, Eternity
Some from NCIS
Ziva: This is not one of your stupid action movies, Tony.
Tony: No, it isn't. If it was you'd be dressed differently.
Ziva: And you'd be far better looking.
(McGee laughs)
Tony: (to McGee) You'd be dead by the opening credits!
Gibbs: Any chance of getting the call logs?
Abby: I'd have a better chance of getting McGee to wear a Speedo to church.
Gibbs: Give me some news, Abs.
Abby: I'm not pregnant.
Gibbs: Too much information.
Ziva: I do not understand. If you want someone dead you knock on their door, they answer, you shoot them. Easy.
Kate: I did work for the Secret Service. We tend to get all hot and bothered over large sums of $100 bills.
Tony: Is that what does it for you?
Kate: What does it for me, Tony, is a mystery that you will never solve.
Ziva: What do women try to achieve by cracking eggs on a man's car?
McGee: Most men love their cars, it's a way of saying "You broke my heart, I break yours."
Ziva: In Israel, we just shoot men who are untrue.