Author has written 16 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Fruits Basket, Fullmetal Alchemist, D N Angel, Bleach, Kingdom Hearts, Naruto, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, and Harry Potter. Miss me? No? I should've known. Multiple times in my life have I looked back at this account and marveled at how much I grew. I am now seventeen, and I have realized how much I loved to read and how much I loved to write. This site has given me so many memories, and I don't think I'll be able to abandon it at this point. After all, there are still millions of stories that I want to read, and every so often, I'll drop a review, saying why I love it so much. The only story that I refuse to give up on is Turnabout Engagement. For my other incomplete ones, I apologize--there will be no updates or finishes. I am dropping them, and I am sorry. Onward to the future. Build bridges, not walls. I'll still be lurking. --tsurikato |