Author's Note: Konichiwa minna-san! It's me again! This is my third fanfic, and I wrote this because I got the idea one crazy day. As you can notice at first I wanted it to be Humor, then somehow I felt just saying. Enjoy!

Notes: This takes place AFTER the last DVD. And Kotori is um.. Kotori Monou! From X, I used her because she looks like an angel, specially when Kakyo and her were at the beach and she had wings. Gave me an idea so POOF! There ya go! Well uh..enough of that enjoy!

Disclaimer: Fruits Basket isn't mine. Kotori Monou isn't mine. Anything else..?!

-=-Chapter 1: The Impossible -=-

Yuki walked towards home with a spade in his right hand and some strawberries in his left hand. Of course we all know who that's for. Tohru of course. He couldn't believe how much the girl changed his life and how he felt. He smiled as he pictured her smiling at him for bringing some strawberries as a surprise.

He walked down the path until he reached the house, Yuki then saw Kyo on the roof. 'Ugh, baka neko! Always mopes around on the roof.' Yuki thought then, remembering how the roof always now squeeks, 'He better fix that roof..'

From inside he heard, "Tohru-kun? Tohru-kun? Where---?!"

Yuki rushed inside as fast as he could, there was this hint of panic in Shigure's voice, then suddenly he was swallowed by white light..


Kyo saw Yuki come home, and had eyed him sharply before he went in. 'What's with him? Keh, like I give a damn.' Kyo thought. He saw that Yuki had some strawberries, 'Probably to suck up to Tohru..'

Suddenly, this feeling welled up in him. It's like he wanted to punch Yuki's face harder than before. HE balled his fist and immediately jumped off from the roof, "Today's the day I beat him---NANI?!" He shouted as white light engulfed him..


Yuki felt like he was floating endlessly, he's head was felt like he was dead. Everything was

He walked a couple of steps, then he saw and orange head..

'Damn, if I were dead I'm probably in hell..' He thought as he recognized who the head belonged to.

Kyo walked some more, and saw Yuki stand before him all of a sudden, "Oi! K'so nezumi what in hell are you doing here?" He asked annoyed, yet secretly he was relieved that he wasn't alone in

"Apparently I don't know, baka-neko." Yuki replied.

Kyo's vein popped, he can control his anger for the rat but, when he answers like that or make him feel stupid-- that's when his temper just breaks!

"URASAI!! K'SO---"

--"..Where am I..? Yuki..? Kyo..? Shigure..?!"--

Yuki's eye widened, and Kyo turned around knowing the voice anywhere.

There she was..she was wearing a white silky dress that reached the floor. Tohur's hair was down adorned with lily peatals as a headband. Her eyes were searching frantically for the people she loved. She was panicking, she didn't know where she was... she was alone..again.

She ran towards Yuki.

Yuki had his arms out to hug her, although he knew it's impossible, he still did. "Honda-san.." He whispered, but when she came running to him she passed through him..

Kyo's eyes widened, 'It can't be happening...what's wrong with her?! Why did she..?!' He angrily thought and spoke out loud, "OI!! TOHRU! I'M RIGHT HERE!!" He screamed at her.

But, shed didn't hear them. She stopped running, "I don't want to be alone again...please..where are you guys..?"

Tohru fell down to her knees, and put her hands to cover her face and cried softly. Yuki walked towards her, reaching out and said, "Don't cry...we're right here..don't..cry..Tohru..?"

He used her first name, at first Tohru took her hand off her face as if she heard him, but then continued to cry..


Tohru swore she heard Yuki's voice, he called her. She knew she wasn't going insane or was she..? She found herself in this dark empty room, no one but her.

Her clothes had suddenly changed into a gleaming and elegant white dress. And it was the only thing bright that gives off light into the the room.

'I heard him...but maybe it was just my imagination..' SHe thought to herself as she cried. Cried out of being scared, alone, and the thought that she couldn't find the strength to get up and find a way out. She was weak and she knew it..


Kyo was panicking, 'Why is she ghostly..?!' He kept asking himself. Yuki was still kneeling beside her, frozen.

"Where are we..?" Yuki asked quietly, then getting angry, "Where the hell are we?!" He shouted surprising Kyo. He'd never seen Yuki lose control of his cool demeanor, never...


~"...Grant me this before I die... I want this curse lifted... " He chocked his words out, he was dying in bed. She looked down at him, it was his time..yet there was something holding him back.

"I know I've lived controlling them... living as if it was my last.." He coughed violently and she grew concerned.

"Lift us up from this curse... I don't want our next generation to live like me.." He quietly said calming down. He slowly closed his eyes, and his dark hair covered part of his face.

She looked down at him at pity, "It has been over a hundred years you all have lived with it. I shall see what I can do.. I am just an Angel..." She said quietly. She, too, closed her eyes waiting for God's answer.

" You shall be given this..." She quietly whispered and opened her eyes and placed both of her hands on top of his heart. A white flash engulfed all that surrounded them..


" I can answer your question, Sohma Yuki."

Yuki got up, and turned to where the voice cam from. Kyo looked back, too.

"..This can't be real.." Yuki said, it was a surprise after another..

"..An angel.." Kyo whispered.

Kotori smiled, "Yes, I'm an Angel. Let me try to explain what has happened. You are here for a reason, though I cannot say. Tohru Honda is held captive by Akito's destiny.."

Their reactions were shocked, as expected.

"...He made a wish. In place of his death, Tohru Honda has taken it without choice. For now all she will see is darkness, if she begins to accept her fate, then she will truly die.."

"WHAT?!" Kyo shouted, "What kind of an Angel are you?! Why are you playing with our lives?!" He asked.

Kotori didn't show herself wince, " I only do what is for the best.. You will forget everything about her once she passes. You will live forever without your memories of her, and will continue living it with your curse beside you, until a new Tohru comes to your lives.."

"So if we can get to Tohru--"

"Not to Tohru, Sohma Yuki... not to her." Kotori said.

"Then if we do what we must...she'll live and our curse will be broken?" Yuki asked. How were they suppose to do this? It's impossible...all this..impossible..

Kotori smiled sadly, " And now all you can think is that of the impossible. It isn't so. Think of what you thought was impossible before...being accepted for who you are by someone normal.." She said.

Yuki looked away, " What do we do?" He asked.

"How can we fight this? How can we stop this, when we're going against something over our heads..?" Kyo asked quietly.

" There is always hope Sohma Kyo. You will find your answer in time...for now do not let sorrow wash over you. Your dreams have not been shattered. YOur lives has not yet ended, but just begun.." She said disappearing into white light and everything else with it..

-=-End of Chapter 1-=-

Author's Note: Woah..I got carried away there. Anyway hope you liked it! Please review and tell me what you think so I can continue! Well next chapter is..

Chapter 2: The New Life