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![]() Author has written 17 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh GX, Fate/stay night, X-overs, Kingdom Hearts, Star Wars, Resistance: Fall of Man, Lilo & Stitch, Prototype, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, Naruto, Pokémon, Demon's Souls, Metal Gear, and inFAMOUS. I AM ALIVE! Last update of my profile was the sixth of May, 2011. It's the thirteenth of July 2012 now. I'm pretty sure i had updated a story since i last updated my profile, but you get the idea, it has been a while. I have been working on some of my stories! Not much considering the time it has been, but hey. I nearly have a new chapter for Weakness of Fruition, nearly got the first chapter of my sequel to Beast and Pariah (which has been the most popular story of mine thus far) done, and the second chapter of my Fictionpress story is just about ready. Oh, almost forgot! I did a little bit more on my next Resistance: Breaking Point chapter too. I've also started a one-shot based on Jacob Taylor from Mass Effect, and yet another Yu-Gi-Oh fanfiction story. Hopefully it will be a lot better then that silly stream of consciousness that was... that previous one I made and finished. Although i might go back to that one, I remember having ideas for it that would probably make it a lot better, no idea what I was thinking when I made it go the direction I did, it was originally going to be veeeeeeerry different. Yet I still haven't started any of the fanfic ideas I have at the bottom... Silly me. Anyway, not sure why i'm updating this on my profile, it doesn't exactly tell anyone with author alerts, but oh well. Message me if you see this! Should totally tell me what brought you to my profile page! So many fanfics on this site, hey? Too many. If you are reading this, you can PM me for a definite review of your fanfic. Probably just one for praise, but if you're desperate... Well, it would be nice to have the choice of fanfic made for me. my world is not reality, of that I hope to change. i dream of a world that is strange, of constant discoveries, of randomness. Of me as a person who silently manipulates it all, like a puppeteer. My likes are numerous, I'm happy to read any fandom, although i do have some in which i prefer. Any Yu-Gi-Oh!, Fate/stay Night, Resistance, Prototype, inFAMOUS Pokemon, Trigun, Dynasty Warriors, Naruto, Kingdom Hearts, Demon's Souls, and perhaps some that escape me. I'm always interested in something original, but if i wanted that so much i'd go to Fictionpress (actually, as of early to mid 2012, I have. Heh)! Also, if you have a story that involves the main character being: Lancer, Vexen, Deadpool, Amnael/Banner, Solaire, Jacob (Mass Effect), Joruus C'Baoth, Zhange He or Kabuto Yakushi, i'd be happy to review it. I'm a sucker for those characters. In the end I don't 'hate' anything really, I try to keep an open mind. I may somewhat dislike things that happen in the story (a particular OOC character that is OOC for no good reason, perhaps.). But if i'm not willing to review and ask if they could alter it, it can't bother me that much. Currently I am writing a few stories. Too many really, and only a one-shot finished. Rather silly, aren't I? So many people dislike people like me as well, writing so many stories i can't possibly update regularly. Sadly I usually have large writers blocks that make me want to start another story while i wait. oh, and join my forum for custom cards/duels if you enjoy doing that. Or an RPG. http://www.fanfiction.ws/forum/True_Custom_Power/42840/ My profile is a tad dull, wonder what i should add... Possible Future Stories Note: If you like the idea, ask and I may allow you to do that story. Course, you probably don't need my permission, but hey, i'd like to know so at the very least i can check it out! Riddlemaster (Name possibly subject to change) Fanfic of: ?? (yet to determine) An attempt to write a horror while keeping to my interest in riddles and puzzles. a very saw-esque theme. Trapped, and the only way out is through a series of puzzles. Failure can lead to dire consequences. Will be rated either T or M due to gore and violence, though probably not swearing. Secret Soul (Name possibly subject to change) Fanfic of: Yu-Gi-Oh GX Sequel to "Remnants of Power", in an effort to get more people to join "Duel Academy" after what happened in last years fiasco. The whole year is going to be one big tournament. Unfortunately, evil is stirring once again, and this tournament may just be turning into one big trap... Hidden Utopia (Name possibly Subject to change) Fanfic of: Kingdom Hearts Possibly a sequel to "Hearts of Fear", though still to decide. Pretty much my idea of being more members of Organization XIII, why was it called "Organization XIII" with more then 13 members? Because 13 was an unlucky number, and they all considered themselves that. The surviving members are trying to obtain enough hearts to call Kingdom Hearts back. Sora Riku and Kairi are out to stop them, but can they stop these Nobodies, when they have something the last ones did not? Cinderator Fanfic of: ?? (possibly X-Over) A joke-fic. It is like Cinderella mixed with Terminator. Watch as Cinderator takes on the OUS (Organization of Ugly Stepsisters), with help from the weapons expert (codenames "Fairy Godmother"). When he finds out that The leader of the OUS (The Ugly Stepmother) is going to try and capture the musical sensation Prince, it becomes a race against time to enter the mobile fortress (Nicknamed "The Ball" due to it's shape) and save Prince from a fate worse then death... The story is subject to many possible changes, but you get the idea hopefully. Black and Red Fanfic of: Either Marvel or mixed I like Deadpool, just so you know. In this fic, it is a "what if?" that many would not want to think about. What if Deadpool obtained godlike powers. What would he do? Will anything ever be the same again? Deadpool: Mythsaver Fanfic of: Marvel A random idea stemming from Mythbusters. This fic is about Deadpool proving any myth, no matter how impossible, could happen. Watch as he explains using aliens to time machines in this wacky adventure. I'd probably use myths from reviewers. Humanity's Stand Fanfic of: Dragon Ball Z Humans, after all the years of being in other species's shadow, have evolved far greater power then any creature in the universe due to nearly being extinct from extraterrestrial attacks. But is there more to this sudden 'evolution' then their seems? Watch as many species band together to find out what has happened to humans, and what they will do when they have the power... Extra Consideration, pm if you think I should do one of these: Chance of Destruction Fanfic of: Star Wars People were cheering when they heard something had actually come out of a Black Hole intact. Imagine the experiments they can do! Now what was it that made it out, I believe it is called the "Sun Crusher"... Cellular Killer Fanfic of: Dragon Ball Z An AU with the main cast of DBZ ordinary, if pretty skilled, humans. A horror stories of two teenagers being hunted down by an inhuman monster, Cell. Stubborn Souls Fanfic of: Demon's Souls The Stonefang Tunnels, many resisted the demons and were slain or lost their soul. But some survived. This is the story of one who survived, and is trying his best to keep it that way. Limitless Zanpakutō Fanfic of: Crossover Bleach / Fate/Stay Night Emiya Shirou died, the afterlife is not quite as peaceful as he had imagined however. In Soul Society with a spiritual energy that leaves many interested in recruiting him, or preventing others from doing so. All Shirou can do to survive is create the weapons he sees. Unfortunately, copying a weapon which is an extention of a person's soul is having effects that could well kill him. Fallen from Grace Fanfic of: Demon's Souls None of the demon's were always like this. This is the story of how the boss demons (and possibly some NPC Black Phantoms) came to be. Sanity Eclipse Fanfic of: Demon's Souls The Maiden in Black had summoned many to try and help her cause, many were sacrificed until one was called that succeeded. This is one of the sacrificed, a soul who despite his skill, was lost forever. anyway, hope you have a pleasant day. I'd rule the world if it wasn't for one thing, reality It was times like this i questioned the existence of my friends sanity, usually I gave it up for lost. The Aelsthla shall never ascend, you should know that by now. |