Goby the Dragon
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Joined 01-22-08, id: 1481825, Profile Updated: 07-10-08
Author has written 3 stories for Sonic the Hedgehog.

Hi, uh I really like Shadow the hedgehog...Thats all I can think of for now...Oh, yeah! I forgot! I like the Distillers,pantora,slipknot,System of a Down, so you can tell I'm dark and punky with really good verbal and liteate skills. I also lke dragons and fantasy things is some characters I made for my stories, which are all comedy.

Name: Goby the Dragon

Powers: Flying capabilitys, fire, ice, lightning, energy, and water breath.Wind gust and slashes. Can attack with sharp teeth and claws. Rock hard scale armour. Goby is also a pro swimmer.! Most of His Gameplay would be just like Knux and Rouges, treasure hunting. He can scale walls, fly, swim, all that stuff. But instead of kicking or punching, he slashes with his claws.

Talents: He is an ultimate prankster and trouble-maker. His brother and sister Gobo and Gobita and his best friend Frootloops usually helps him. He's allways causing chaos and havock around their home. Besides that, Goby is also a treasure hunter, since he has a lust for gems, 'cause he's a dragon.

Attitude: He likes to tease, because he's 10. He is a little brother at heart, and always will be. Most of the time he's really smug and sneeky, bothering people with Frootloops the Tigerbat. He can get pretty obnoxios.

Just to let you know, Goby is my main made up character. And If you got absolutly know idea what he looks like, he's my icon!

Name: Spike the Porcupine

Powers:power,speed,can roll into a ball, fire needles, and jumps really high. Wonderfull singing voice from his mother.

Talents:He is the leader of the punk rock band the Bleeding Needles, and sings kinda like brody armstrong.With sonic,shadow,knuckles,and silver, his punk rock band out does all!

Attitude: easy going and lax, like sonic, but always gets mad when shadow uses all the hot water for his shower

Name: Midnight the Tazmanian Devil

Powers:Voodo and Black Magic from her cross necklass. Good at close combat and karate

Talents: She's shadows girlfreind, and can sing and play guitar.Leader of the band Fallen Angels.Rouges best freind

Attitude: she is emo, so she dosn't care about much. She's allways on th quiet side.

Name: Frootloops the Tigerbat

Powers: Flight and pouncing. Can use ecolocation. Slashes with claws. He's allways hyperactive, so he can use it for good uses.

Talents: He's allways getting bribed into helping his BFF, Goby, with candy, his personal weakness. But he is good for other things to. He helps Vanilla and Cream, around the house.

Attitude: He is a mellow, quiet, sheepish kid. Easily talked into and gulible, the little guy is what you can call a naive nit-wit, so called by everyone around. He has an unatural obsession with candy.

Name: Kingsha the Hedgekidna

Powers: Kicking and punching, gliding and scaleing walls, super speed, good wresteler and can use a screech wave.

Talents: She's a really good kick boxer, and knows how to cease Sonic and Knux fighting, by kicking them! Her attitude makes her quite fearfull.

Attitude: Very finicky and short tempered, but softens up when she's around her crush, spike...

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