
Link's dream

"Where am I?"I questioned myself.I found myself in a dark forest that was only lighted by the full moon.I walked deeper and deeper in the forset,hoping to find a way out,but the forest didn't show any signs of ending.I finally got out of the forest,but the field was as dark as the forest,perhaps even darker.The field had tall,dark grass that reached to my knees.It swayed freely when the soft, cool wind blew on it.I felt relaxed as the wind blew my hair and the grass touched my boots.

I suddenly heard a harp playing a soft tune.It sounded strangly familiar though!I turned around and saw a sillohute of someone.As I got closer,I saw the stranger completly.He was dressed in a blue suit and had bandages covering his head,but some of his blond hair still showed.His mouth was covered with a cloth,but I could still see his sad,red eyes.Like the field,he looked oddly familiar,it was like if I knew him for a long time.When he noticed me coming towards him,he stopped playing his harp, stared at me with his sad eyes,and then,out of nowhere,pulled out an object.

The object was colored blue and had a shape of a oval.It had a tube on one end that looked like something you could blow into.I figured it was a somesort of insrtument since everytime the wind blew in it it made a quiet,soothing sound.I tried to remember where I had seen it.

"Is that..."I began."..mine?"

The stranger stared at me,as if saying,"If only you'd remembered,",but said nothing.He took one last look at the instrument and then threw it in the icy blue river that was next to him.

I suddenly felt scared.When he threw the object in the river,it felt like if he threw a piece of me.I ran off in fear of the stranger.I ran so swiftly that I almost ran over a cliff!I stopped adruptly and stared straight ahead.A black forcefield covered the land beyond.I squinted to take a closer look.I saw a black castle first.Beyond that,I saw a quiet village.I wanted to walk towards it,but before I even took one,single step, the village bursted into flames.The villagers ran out of their homes,screaming and filled with fear.I felt something inside me.It was if my instints were telling me to protect the people.

"Hero of Time!"I heard a villager yell."Where is he?"

"He's supposed to protect us!"Another person yelled.

"The Princess!"A third person yelled."He took the Princess!''

"Where is he?!"

"Hero of Time!"

"Triforce of Courage!''

"He has abandoned us!"

I was getting really mad."Where is he?!"I thought."He has to help the villagers!"

"Look!"The first villager yelled and pointed."It's the young Hero of Time!''

I looked at the direction he was pointing at a saw the sillohuete of the young boy.He unsheathed his sword when he saw the person who was causing all the mischef.The man was tall and was covered in jewlry.He looked evily at the young hero.

"You can't fight without your older self's guidance!"The villian roared with laughter.

"Yes,I can!"The child said in a brave voice.He leaped towards the villian with his sword pointing at him,but the villian caught him in mid-air,catching the hero by the neck.

"This time!"The villian yelled."I will take over Hyrule!"He flunged the nearly unconsius young hero over his shoulder.

"Older me..."The boy managed to say."...where...are...you?"

After another evil laugh,the villian dissappeared.

I stared at where the villian and the young hero were seen last."I have to help him!"I thought.I started to walk through the forcefield.Surprisingly,I never got to the other side of the forcefield. I felt trapped in the middle of the shield.The darkness started consuming me,little by little,as if it didn't want me to save the villagers.I fell through the darkness and landed on a hard floor.I stood up and looked around.I was on the roof of the dark castle.I looked straight ahead. The black ocean moved slowly on one side of the castle and the village on the other.On the ocean,I saw a small island that had a little house on it.Right next to it,there was a huge turtle that had a palm tree on it.

"Termina,"An evil voice said."Too bad you can't you can't remember!"

I turned around,it was the villian and he had the young hero tightly held in his arms!

"Older me!"The kid said happily.

I stared at him.He looked just like me!Blond hair.Blue eyes.Green tunic and cap!He was me,but younger!"

"Older...me?"I whispered."What do yo mean?"

The child looked at me with sad eyes,then,turned away so I wouldn't see him crying.

"Let him go!"I ordered the villian.

The villian laughed."What if I refuse?"

"You better,"I said."or else!"

"Or else?!"He said."What are you going to do?Stare at me to death?You don't even remember how to swordfight!"

"Swordfight?"I said in a confused voice.

The villian laughed again."It is so amusing that you don't know anything about your past.You know even more little than you did when you first lost your memory a year ago!"

"You know,"I questioned."something about my past?"

He remained quiet.He pushed the young hero away and charged towards me.

I didn't know what to do.I tried to move but I couldn't.I was frozen in place.

I forgot about the villian for a nanosecond until he grabbed me by the neck.

"I should've done this right after I brainwashed you!"He yelled.He tightened his grasp,walked towards the edge of the castle,and threw me towards the water.

I saw the hero run up to the edge of the roof and extended his hand towards me."LINK!!!"He yelled.

I stared at him.He was getting farther and farther away from me.My eyes were slowly closing.

"NO!"He yelled.But before he couldn't say anything more because the villian grabbed him again.

My eyes closed.I heard voices calling at me.

"Save us!"

"Hero of Time!"

"Holder of the Triforce of Courage!"

"Remember who you are!"

"You are...you are-aaaaaaaaaah!"


I suddenly saw another object.The golden figure was shaped like a triangle with an upside-down triangle in it.

"Triforce..."It seemed to say."Remember your part in the Triforce..."

"Part?"I asked.I suddenly felt really dizzy.

Then,I plunged into the ice,cold water.