Author has written 31 stories for Tin Man. First I would like to give a blanket disclaimer. My stories are written purely for entertainment and so any characters or music or movies you may recognize are not mine, I'm merely borrowing them for a temporary hiatus. I'm just your typical working girl that loves daydreaming about her TV shows and whatnot during her rapidly disappearing downtime. I've been getting a little braver with my stories and posting them, what with all of the wonderful reviews and support I've gotten. And on that note, THANK YOU. Your reviews and encouragement means the world. As it is painfully obvious that I ship Cain/DG for Tin Man, given my writing history down there, I should probably mention that I DO in fact, have other interests. They include, but are not limited to: Bones, Alice (2009), Warehouse 13, Eureka, Fringe, House, etc. You name it, I've probably seen at least one episode... As far as movies and such, let's just say that I have an extensive collection and am thus scared shitless of losing years of my life to being absorbed into those fandoms. Tin Man alone, has gotten me carried away...god love it, though... Anyway, thanks again for your interest in my stories and your support! -B |