![]() Author has written 31 stories for Skulduggery Pleasant series, Misc. Movies, Misc. Games, Teen Titans, Fullmetal Alchemist, Batman Begins/Dark Knight, Parodies and Spoofs, Ninja Turtles, Twilight, Stargate: Atlantis, Tin Man, Misc. Books, Justice League, and Ferngully. Well I really am a person that has only finished one story so far. (Well, before I got to FFnet) And that was a Wesley-Crusher-fanstory, requested by a friend. God I'm so pathetic. I'm realiably unrealiable. I also like making up things. Weird names (Wünzelhausen), weird reasons (he was abducted by smurfs) and weird songs (Can't You See My Strife) I like (and have started stories about): Harry Potter (it involves a werewolf that I'm tempted to rename Oz), Lord of the Rings (embarrassing Legolas stories, I was so naive back then), Star Wars (Clone Wars, too), Star Trek (Mary-Sue included), Stargate (all except Infinity... and Universe I'm still figuring out), Eragon (that story is actually still on my active list and pretty good (I think)), Twilight (seriously, who HASN'T?), Naruto (REALLY old), Bleach (OLD as well), Skulduggery Pleasant (my first story ever published), Batman (the Nolan-verse, geez, I LOVE this one), Avatar (no, not Airbender, the James Cameron movie), Teen Titans (it all started with my friend saying I am "so Starfire"), Hellboy (he has a tail, before that movie I didn't know I was a sucker for tails), X-Men (I first watched X2 and only because Nightcrawler has a tail, I'm so weird), TMNT (never saw it as a kid though...), Desperate Housewives (Yes, I know... but it's so absurd, the whole series is absurd enough to make it watchable), Tin Man (Don't mess with the Cain!), Yu Gi Oh (one of the franchises where it's hard to find a pairing that's NOT named) and last but not least:Buffy the Vampire Slayer (because you keep noticing references to it all around you and they just make you curious) I am always obsessed with one thing at a time. Current obsession: Harry Potter (after the movie made me cry more than all the Bollywood movies I've seen so far combined... all the ideas started sparking up again) Screw the canon, I have fanfiction.net! Just one quick thing: I know what it's like to watch a show/read a book(-series)/watch a movie(-series) and have your favourite character die. It's happened much too often for me. That is why I have become an expert at Resurrection/He was never really dead - Stories. They often make sense and are always above "It wasn't really him, it was his twin" or "he just magically survived having a bridge dropped on him" or even "magical all-powerful beings rescued him... you know... 'cause they sometimes do that"*caugh*Daniel Jackson*caugh*. So if you are ever dissatisfied with a characters death, just ask me and I will give you a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why that character was never really dead to begin with/resurrected. Then you can hit your forehead, laugh and shake your head while asking yourself how you could have missed that because it was so obvious and you defenitely expect the character to reappear in a sequel with exactly that explanation. The more familiar I am with the franchise the better (though if I don't know it at all I will inform myself as well as possible, maybe ask a few questions). |