![]() Author has written 4 stories for Naruto, Marching Band, and Nobuta wo Produce. You should all read Reflecting the Light. She's an awesome author and one of my best friends! She has this really funny story about Itachi, it's called The Roots of a Genus. I couldn't stop laughing. And guess what, she reviewed my poem, unlike all you unappreaciative meanyheads! I just realized that this had still said something about Gerard Way, when I had changed my avitar to something a little more, well, me! I thought of the idea to use a marching band Ipod sort of thing. The silluette idea wasn't mine. Isn't it cool! Favorite Anime/Manga/Books: Naruto, Fruits Basket, FullMetal Alchemist, Imadoki Nowadays, Eragon, Harry Potter, DragonLance, and my newest obsession: BLEACH!!!. My newest NEWEST obsession: Prince of Tennis! I heart you Kikumaru!!! Favorite Video Games: Jak and Daxter 1, 2, 3, X; Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, DDR, Diddy Kong Raceing, Eleat Beat Agents, Nintendogs, The legend of Zelda, SSBM. OMGosh, I almost forgot to put in Sims2! Favorite Passtimes: Reading, drawing, singing, playing my flute, listening to music, writing, marching band practice, band trips, anything band, yeah... Favorite Bands: My Chemical Romance, Boys Like Girls, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, The used, Good Charlet, 30 Seconds to Mars, The Fray, just about anything rock floats my boat. Oh, and now I really like Nagayama Takashi. I usually don't like Japanese music, but I can make an exception... 2rabbidfangirlsShrine2rabbidfangirlsShrine2rabbidfangirlsShrine2rabbidfangirlsShrine2rabbidfangirlsShrine2rabbidfangirlsShrine And now I shall inform you all of the two(and sometimes three) coolest writers in the entire world!!! 2rabbidfangirls They write really awesome OC's for Prince of Tennis, Naruto, and Alta( I think, I've never heard of it). They pritty much rock and are really nice, if you don't belive me, just drop them a PM to tell them how cool they are! And they have a cat! How cool is that? I like cat's! Anyway, heres a link to their bio: http://www.fanfiction.ws/u/1227039/ I'll also add my favorite story here for you: Confusion, Conflict and Cake! http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/3516453/1/Confusion_Conflict_and_Cake Leave them lot's of reviews!!! Now, if you haven't figured it out yet, I'm am the current President of their fanclub. Current membership, one. Though, I would like to change that. So if you like their stuff as much as I do, copy and paste this to your profile and add your name to the list: I'm am a proud member of the 2rabbidfangirls fanclub and will give them all my cookies! fluteloop 2rabbidfangirlsShrine2rabbidfangirlsShrine2rabbidfangirlsShrine2rabbidfangirlsShrine2rabbidfangirlsShrine2rabbidfangirlsShrine Heres a link to my deviantart acount:http:/// Leave lots of comments!!! Story updates The Price of Freedom: OMGosh!!! I'm all done! This is the first fic I've ever finished... I can't wait to start another one! Stay tuned for the sequel! Two Way Street: Hey, this is a great poem if I do say so myself. I know it's under marching band and has nothing to do with marching band; but I didn't know what else to put it under. So if you read The Price of Freedom, you should read this too!!!! Learning to Sit: Another great poem you should all read. Is there any sort of poetry communtiy here? I know I've seen a little bit of here and there. Well, tell me what you think! |