Author has written 5 stories for Naruto, and Harry Potter.
The nerd in me is about to explode... I've never realised, but when I looked at the calendar today it said that 1) it's the tenth of October, which means it's Naruto's birthday, and 2) it's Harry's name day where I live. My two favourite series are connected. I can now die happy. And yes, I've changed my username from MrsHellman to Dusty Miller.
Nearly a year later and I have yet to post a new chapter for Loud Legends. I'm truly sorry, but I've had no motivation whatsoever regarding anything. I've stepped into a pond and I'm not certain if I'd rather sink to the bottom or try and get back up on land.
Recently I've started having these ideas though. I don't know how to apply them to Loud Legends, but I shall try my best. If you're still interested in that story, feel free to contact me and chat some. It's always nice to talk to people to get your inspiration going.
I am alive. I swear. It just takes it toll being an adult all of a sudden.
Jesus, Maria and seven dwarfs, I never thought I'd be able to get as much attention as I have been shown these past months. I appreciate it so very much and hope I'll be able to get back to writing as soon as possible. I never thought I'd be inactive for such a long time.
Also, for those of you interested, my old SasuNaru story "Plain Crazy" can be found under the user 6th Street here on FFN. It hasn't been posted - as of yet.
I haven't forgotten about you guys, I swear. And I haven't forgotten about Loud Legends. I've just got a lot to do right now. I'm starting university in less than two weeks and all my time has gone to work. This, so I'll be able to save up some money. Depending on how hard it will be and how many assignments I'll get, we'll see from there whether or not I'll be able to update regularly. Thank you for your concern though.
Shit hit the fan. I'm currently studying for some exams that will be held in March, so don't be surprised if I don't upload a chapter within a certain timeframe. I am aiming for an upload twice or three times a month, but that might take a hit if I'm to study as well.
* * * FANART * * *
Exchanging a Dream for Reality:
CaffineFreekar (Minato and Naruto ch 21)
X-Dark-Veils-x-Hidden-Sorrow-X (Minato, Kaikou and Kyuubi ch 24)
MrsHellman (Minato, Naruto)
Kisses & Suicide:
No More Masquerade (No Woman No Cry)
Loud Legends:
MrsHellman (Naruto)
The cover image for my Naruto stories are by a deviantart member known as i-azu and I highly recommend checking out her art if you're into the Naruto fandom. She'd got thirteen aces up her sleeves.
And Naruto is officially ending 10th November 2014?! What the hell is this?!
The cover image for my Harry Potter stories is by another deviantart member (I love that damn site) chronokhali. I've had that picture saved on my computer for ages and then once day I found it on dA again.
Tumblr: I have a tumblr where I'll give you updates as well as answer your questions. I also post random things from my fav fandoms.