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![]() Author has written 7 stories for Harry Potter, Avatar: Last Airbender, Wicked, and RENT. Just wondering if anyone else has seriously wondered what Glinda's saying to Elphie on the Wicked musical logo... I mean look at Elphie's face! It must be some scandalacious gossip... A CURE FOR HIV HAS BEEN FOUND! http:///releases/2007/10/071020103343.htmthanks to MovieBuffStarlet's profile!! I have changed my penname! At first I was Most Faithful Death Snacker, then I was La Tango de Maureen, and now I am ravioli-ism. Random Quotes: "Did I seriously just say that out loud?!" -me, when I accidentally said what a jerk my algebra professor is, very loudly, in front of the whole class. Ah well, last year of university and I'm through with it so... Glinda: "Don't be afraid, Elphie." Elphaba: "I'm not. It's the Wizard who should be afraid- of me!" Wicked (musical) Elphaba: "Feel better?" Elphaba: "Hush, you useless boy, before I remove your testicles with my foot." Wicked (novel) "Let us run from anger- and catch us when we fall. And in our prayers and dreams, we ask you: Bless us all" -Tiny Tim, Muppet Christmas Carol (very random, I know, but my fiance and I were watching it last night and I had to put it up here.) My Faves:Ship: RENT:Benny/Maureen (only cause of the Tidina tho...) Wicked: Elphaba/Fiyero. awwww! Harry Potter: Voldemort/Bellatrix Actress: Idina Menzel, Helena Bonham Carter Actor: Taye Diggs Food: Little mini twist pretzels and hot cocoa and milk and Spongebob shaped mac and cheese Book: Wicked! Harry Potter, Golden Compass and following series (His Dark Materials) Movie: Rent, the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, the Harry Potter movies People: Bex, Megan and Sarah. Songs:La Vie Boheme, As Long As You're Mine, Defying Gravity, No Good Deed, For Good, Take Me or Leave Me, No One Mourns the Wicked, Today 4 U, Rent, Finale B (from Rent), Seasons of Love, any and all songs from rent, most of the songs from Wicked Musical:RENT, Wicked, Phantom of the Opera, Cats, and Les Miserables, Hairspray Not-Faves: Food: Meat (I'm a vegitarian, laugh if you like) and mac and cheese w/ ketchup. Everything Else: Well that's me. I love playing piano and I'm pretty good. I love to sing. I love my kitty cat Casper. I love cookies and cream ice cream with a little bit of chocolate drizzle and sometimes rainbow sprinkles. I love really good, crunchy on the outside warm & gooey on the inside homeade brownies. I love my boyfriend now fiance! I love writing. I love life! ( /) (")_(") (We have cookies!) OZheads are just trying to make their way in a green world. If you are an OZhead then copy this to your profile!I If your body provides a comfortable home for the Acquired Immune RENThead Syndrome, copy this into your profile. If you think that green skin is awesome, copy this into your profile. If you're Defying Gravity, and no one can pull you down, copy this into your profile. The people in the world are black and white. If you would be the only green person in the world copy this into your profile. If you think Elphie's hat is SCANDALICIOUS copy this to your page and spread the WICKED cheer! If you have music in your soul, post this in your profile! If you think that Angel is the nicest, most awesome person ever, copy this into your profile. If you have ever felt guilty about not crying at Angel's funeral one out of the thousand times you've watched it, copy this into your profile. If you don't have a problem with homosexuality, copy this into your profile. If you consider any of the RENT actors and Jonathan Larson to be your heroes, copy and paste this into your profile. If when people call you a bitch you think 'a bitch is a dog, a dog is an animal, animals are natural, natural things are from nature, nature is like trees, trees are like flowers, flowers are pretty so you just called me pretty, thanks!' copy this into your profile. If you've ever read started to read a chapter in a fanfiction, got side-tracked, and forgot to review and realized it after the author posted another chapter, copy and paste this on your profile. The Roles In The RENT Faith: Jonathan Larson = God (duh) Nederlander = the Temple of Jerusalem a.k.a. Holiest Place of Worship New York City = Holy Land RENTheads = worshippers and/or The Enlightened Actors (past and present) in RENT = priests/rabbis/etc. OBC and all involved with the original broadway production = Angels Big black RENT book = Bible OBC CDs = little mini Bibles (like the kinds that people say saved their lives Holy Grail(s) = original Marky Scarfy, original cowbell, original blue hologram RENT shirts and other memorabilia = crosses on necklaces, "God" tattoos and so Theaters where RENT is being performed = churches Tickets and/or ticket stubs to RENT = little passages of the Bible RENT libretto = Holy Text, Ten Commandments Heaven = RENT performers of choice at disposal (includes kinky usage, for those Hell = an everlasting performance of OKLAHOMA Prayers = songs from RENT Hymns/psalms = Jonathan Larson quotes Blasphemers = those who dislike RENT or are just annoying to all members of the And last but not least, instructions... Treat all items described above as though they are their assigned counterparts. Please be intensly religious if possible. Those who subscribe to more than one Faith (Phantom of the Opera, CATS, Wicked, Avenue Q, Spamalot, etc) must submit application of their specific secondary church to the Holy Preserver of the RENT Faith in locality (reference: see PandaFire McMango). Those who view the Holy Preserver as crazy and/or insane, mentally deranged, depraved, phsycotic, weird, or just plain freaky must make their beliefs public and be severely spanked for their blasphemy. The Faith has arrived. Do not attempt to resist. May You All Be Blessed By The Holy Larson, Esther, Holy Preserver of the RENT Faith for Massachusetts p.s.The Holy Preserver wishes it known that all Enlightened Members of the Faith who are able and well-equipped must travel to New York City and purchase tickets to view Adam Pascal and Anthony Rapp, Holy and Most Gracious Angels of RENT Worship, as they perform in the Most Sacred RENT on Broadway. Those who cannot go to view this sacred event must hitchhike/stowaway/squish themselves into duffel bags to attend. If they still cannot accomplish this, the Holy Larson shall appease them for their sacrifice with a Blessing of Holy Larsonic Love. May we all pray for the joy and celebration of the Most Holy Adam and Anthony's Work in the Name of Larson. That is all from your Local Holy Preserver. LARSON BLESS YOU ALL. p.p.s. The Holy Preserver wishes it known that she traveled to see the Most Sacred RENT in the Holy Land of Broadway and did in fact witness Adam Pascal and Anthony Rapp, Holy and Most Gracious Angels of RENT Worship, perform in the Blessed Masterpiece. Let it be known, far and wide, that The Holy Angels were beyond incredible and the Holy Preserver wept throughout BOTH Blessed Acts. Let it be known that Adam (Larson Bless Him) messed up the La Vie Boheme choreography in a suitably adorable manner and both Holy Angels wept throughout Goodbye Love. Let it also be known that the Holy Preserver procurred Sacred and Most Precious Autographs and SQUEEed until the dawn of the folloiwng day. The Holy Preserver wishes to spread her joy and blessing far and wide by encouraging all of the Enlightened to increase their Worship now and after Adam and Anthony (Bless Them) leave.That is all. LARSON BLESS ALL. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt! tahts so cool! If you could read that put it in your profile Alright, everyone else does it, so I am too: Story update lists or whatever they're called. Pretty pointless, but there are some coming attractions I want you all to know about. Because I want friends. Current FFs: His Most Faithful: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are up. October 17th Again: A Bellamort FF that developed on a train ride home from visiting my grandparents in Bristol for the weekend. UPDATE 12/19: sorry but this is officially over, no more chapters. Rigel: Bellatrix's daughter...not as stupid as it sounds. Across the Ocean in an Autumn Sunset: An Avatar: The Legend of Aang fic about my favorite villain... Azula! The Pearl Ocean: A Fiyeraba fic about what should have happened on the night of Horrible Morrible's assassination. Under the Rain: A fanfic of the beautiful deviantART picture of the same name by DryEyez Rear Window: A Benny/Maureen fic that involves pizza, wine, arctic temperatures, and Alfred Hitchcock movies. What's not to love:D My DeviantArt: http:// I haven't done anything on it yet... |