![]() Author has written 2 stories for Air Gear. Hi peoples! I already have other places to write stories, but I figured, Why not? So, here it is! By the way, a quick warning: I'll accept constructive criticism, but I can tell the difference when your flaming me. And I can have a temper. So remember: Instead of you suck try maybe this will improve your story. Kay? I might be okay with it if you tell me why my story sucks and use a better vocabulary than you suck. Be creative at least. Like, this story made my eyes bleed and now I'm blind for life. At least it's interesting. Maybe if someone writes something that I need a dictionary to understand I'll give them something. Even if it is a burn. Also, for anyone who wonders, I'm not around that often so I can't update usually and my first priority will be my quizilla account. Even then I'm not on too often. Right now it's up in the air between that and Lunaescence. Check me out on DeviantART, my name is the same: Nadeshima. Random Quotes: Don't follow in my footsteps, I walk into walls. If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried. You know you need a boyfriend when anime guys start looking hot. When life gives you lemons, make grape juice then sit back and let them wonder how you did it. He who dies with the most toys is still, nonetheless, dead. Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. Inside Jokes You Will Never Figure Out: SPANDEX STRIPPER! Well, It's nice... but I can't really see your skin... It's the migrant herd of daffodils! Books I Like: Pendragon Harry Potter Redwall Maximum Ride Discworld Good Omens A Dirty Job House of Night Magyk Bartimaeus Trilogy Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar Daniel X: Alien Hunter Favorite Bands: Bowling for Soup My Chemical Romance Fall Out Boy Motion City Soundtrack Linkin Park Good Charlotte 3 Days Grace More Quotes: "As your commanding officer, I'd say we're officially screwed, men." -- s-CRY-ed "No matter how rich you become, how famous or powerful, when you die, the size of your funeral will still pretty much depend on the weather." -- Micheal Pritchard "A SCRATCH?! Your arm's off!" -- Monty Python and the Holy Grail "Evil's true form?" "Exactly. The losers." "Not the dentists?!" -- Shaman King Kang Zeng Bang: Marco, Luchist, and Chocolove Rating successful. You have expressed yourself in a meaningful fashion. Go you! Note that in an imperfect world the effect of your expression will take a few minutes to filter down to the unwashed masses. --Ficwad rating system Adorable Couples: Most aren't canon Spitfire/Nue Ikki/Kazu Agito/Yayoi Alllen/Kanda Lavi/Miranda Bak/Fou Shuu/Ayaka Lelouch/Suzaku Haru/Elie Copy Paste: Italics apply to me 98.800 percent of teens would die if Abercombie and Fitch said it wasn't too cool to breathe. If you're part of the 1.180 percent who would be still alive and laughing their heads off, or part of the 0.020 percent who doesn't know who the hell they are, copy and paste this onto your profile. Thousand Foot Krutch, DragonForce, Voltaire, Sum 41, System of a Down, Papa Roach, Paul Stanley. If you know any these bands/ singers and love their songs, copy and paste this onto your profile. 92.20 percent of teens today are concerned with being popular or fitting in. If you are part of the 7.70 percent who don't care, or the .10 percent who've given up trying, copy and paste this onto your profile. (I didn't care enough, so I stopped trying.) If you're the kind of person who can immediately spot a grammar error in the midst of a well written story, you're a Grammar Nazi. If you are a Grammar Nazi, salute the book of good Grammar and copy and paste this onto your profile. I do NOT meticulously watch American Idol and I AM PROUD TO ADMIT IT! If you're like me, copy and paste this onto your profile. If you feel religion needs to be on a different planet as far away from here as possible, copy and paste this into your profile. |