Author has written 9 stories for Wrestling, X-Men, and Harry Potter. To the Enigma, the Sensei, the Smurf Goddess, and the AntiMonkey. I wouldn't be me if you weren't you. And Junpei, I completely understand. I am free-vibe hear me roar! Yeah, I know, I'm weird. The basic info on me is that I write what I know (pro wrestling, comics, manga, stuff like that). One thing you should know about me is that I am the biggest nerd of all time. The kind of nerd that can draw you a Summers' family tree. With a lot push from people I have started writing an actual book. I believe it will be the biggest disaster of all time, but time will only tell. I don't think I'm a good writer, I just think I'm screwed up. BUT, many other people seem to be reading what I write like it is a drug... Maybe they're the ones screwed up... Eh, in the end, we are all just screwed. Thanks for everything and HAPPY FICIN'! |