Author has written 8 stories for Twilight.
Heyyo! I'm Brittany. ;D
So yeah.
I'm like, never on here. Unless I'm reading stories. I rarely post, because I'm just lame like that & can't think of what to write.
Believe it or not, I'm starting to want to write again. So you might see me around here. But more than likely, it will be after finals. Haha.
If you have an idea for me, tell me it? And I'll try to write it.
I'm always up for meeting new friends and talking.
MSN: woahxbrittany@
AIM: brittnaytron
Reading. Well, It's amazing. My favorite books are:
The Twilight Series, Harry Potter, Crank, Burned, The Night World Series, Wake, Just Listen, Fake ID, Amandine, My Sister's Keeper, The Tenth Circle, Devilish, Jeremy Fink and The Meaning of Life, and just many, many more.
I'm usually watching movies in my free time. My favorite movies are:
Charlie Bartlett, Its a Boy/Girl thing, Wristcutters: a love story, Jumper, Get Smart, RENT, The Dark Knight, Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist, Disturbia, RADIO, Premonition, Benny & Joon, Charlie & The Chocolate Factory, Dan In Real Life, Twilight, Seven Pounds, Baby Mama, and others that I can't think of. ;D
Music is a major part of my life, and without it, I'd probably never update. Haha. My favorite singers/bands are:
The Used, Breaking Benjamin, Gregory & The Hawk, Flogging Molly, All Time Low, Escape the Fate, We the Kings, , Blink-182, All-American Rejects, FM Static, Brokencyde, A Change Of Pace, Lifehouse, Boys like Girls, Mayday Parade, ,...I can't really think of any more right now. haha :D
So about my stories:
My AIM Story is officially done. I never want to have to write in AIM again. (: Well, maybe I'll write a sequel. Lol ;D
I'm probably going to be working on the Life is Easy...
Yah, that one. (: So look for it?
After I'm done with that, I'll finish writing.. A Girl Like Me.
Updated: November 24, 2010.
Hey guys. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm probably not gonna be writing much anymore. :/
Maybe if I can get some inspiration or something going, I'll try to atleast once every other month?
Sorry to you guys who actually liked me story. I just haven't found any time for this.
And I almost forgot my password and everything.
I'll try... but I can't promise.
Thank you guys for all of the reviews, support, and love.
Happy Holidays to you all!
May God bless you.