This is the sequel to "A Thousand Pains." Please read that first before reading this one. There will be things you will not understand unless you read that one first.
Chapter 1: The Remembered Past
The wind whistling through my hair was my only indication that we were moving. The coolness that I wrapped myself around was the sole thing that held me together. Nothing else mattered but the knowledge that the one I held loved me above all else.
It was incredibly unbelievable how we found each other once more after so many years. I knew that his heart had recognized me before his mind had even been able to fathom the idea that I might have been reborn. My heart had recognized him, as well. I had known deep inside of my soul that I knew him from before.
The day that I had first seen him in my English class, he had seemed so familiar to me. His presence had made my heart beat and I felt that it was the first time that my heart had felt alive. Guilt at my reaction had washed over me that I had had any kind of emotion for a stranger and I had frantically looked for an excuse. I had told myself that my emotions must have reason. It was obvious that he would be Edward Cullen for he had been the only one that I had not met yet. The reason for the gut-wrenching familiarity was because he had been the one who I had bumped into in the parking lot.
I had not understood the animosity that he had shown me yet I had been relieved because I knew he would be the one to take me away from my best friend if he had wanted to. There had been nothing to worry about because he would barely glance my way and when he did his eyes would burn with hatred. I had felt flickers of hurt and anger that he would feel that way without knowing me yet I knew that it was for the best. I did not wish to betray my best friend and boyfriend.
He had not spoken one worked to me until fate had brought us together in English class. I had been completely surprised in the way in which he had opened up to me. I knew how much that day had surprised him. He had told me our Romeo & Juliet story. The story had touched me beyond all imagination. When he told me our story I had seen deep sadness in his eyes and he had been so far away. I don't really think he realized what he had been saying until too late. I knew that he had regretted telling me our story yet I felt an intense feeling to push him to finish revealing it to me.
Alice had encouraged me to go to their house when I had asked about Edward after school that day. I chuckled softly as I remembered Esme's surprise that I had looked the same after so many centuries, even though she did not know I was the same person. The events of that night had seemed to be the pinnacle point of my suppressed memories of my life as Bella.
Playing my lullaby that night seemed to bring my nightmare more and more often to my dreams. I did not understand anything at all. Not only my lullaby but the vague ending that Edward had given me of our story had been behind my continued nightmare. I had not wanted to push Edward to tell me because in his gaze I had seen complete and utter sadness. I think that subconsciously I had known the ending was completely different. I thought that my nightmare might have had something to do with my growing feelings for Edward and my anger that Quinn, my best friend and boyfriend, had seemed to have disappeared.
It wasn't until my last class when I had falling asleep after talking to Quinn that I had dreamt everything. In my dream I remembered who I used to be and who I loved. I remembered being Isabella Swan. I did not remember every single detail but I remembered the most important thing; I loved a vampire who desired my blood above all else named Edward Cullen.
"We're here, love," a voice cut into my thoughts. He gently slipped me down his back until my feet touched the ground.
"Where?" I asked trying to keep the world from spinning. I knew that I had never really liked running on his back.
"Open your eyes," he chuckled. I opened my eyes to find two beautiful topaz eyes staring at me with a wide grin on his face.
"Stop laughing," I scolded. He grinned wider.
"Come, Bella," he pulled me forward as I looked around him to see his house. I always thought his house looked familiar and now I knew why. "We must tell everyone that you're back!"
I glanced around to find his car and his sister Rosalie's car on the driveway in the front. I grinned as I remembered how I had just slipped inside her car without any explanation to the vampires. Rosalie had glared and shouted at me to get out but Alice, Jasper and Emmet had defended me. I knew I could always count on them.
"Wait," I said softly knowing that he would hear me anyways.
"What is it?" he turned back around trying to read my expression.
"I want to tell you something before we go in there."
"What?" he visibly swallowed. I couldn't remember if I had ever seen him look nervous before.
I didn't let myself think as I threw myself into his arms.
"What is it, Bella?" he wrapped his arms tighter. I pulled back a little so that I could be able to see him.
"I love you, Edward," I whispered. "More than you can imagine."
"Oh, Bella, I love you so much. I do not know what I did to deserve you. After you… left I knew that I was being punished for trying to keep such a beauty as you. I am a monst…"
I caught him off by crashing lips to his. I kissed him with everything in me. I felt his response yet I knew that he held himself back. After a second he pushed me away.
"You're not a monster; otherwise, I would not have come back, right?" I brushed my lips once again over his. I could not believe how brazen I was being. Once I realized it I pulled myself out of his arms and blushed furiously.
"I had wondered where my shy angel had gone," Edward grinned his crooked-smile at me and pulled me into his arms again.
"Maybe you're right, Bella. Why would the fates give you back to me unless I had done at least something right in my miserable life?"
"I am right."
"Maybe," Edward kissed my cheeks.
"No, maybe. I am here."
"What if the fates decide to take you back?" Edward asked panic weaving through his voice like a purple-spider web staining the joy that we felt just a few seconds before. He hugged me tightly to him once again but this time out of fear rather than desire.
"I love you," I told him shivering. I had not wanted him to think about that so soon. I did not want fear to contaminate our happiness. "That won't happen."
"No," he said firmly shoving away the panic, "I won't let it. You will be with me forever."
"Yes, Edward Cullen," I grinned ignoring the dread I had felt at his words. "Forever."
Edward kissed me once again on the lips. I squeaked in surprise when he swung me up in his arms.
"Come, my angel, we must tell our family of our reunion. I can't wait to see their faces," Edward chuckled as he walked up to the door.
REVIEW!!!!!!!!!! You must review!! I'm feeling really lazy writing down this sequel!! You guys must motivate me… I know what's going to happen and everything but… I have no real aspiration to write it all down… so REVIEW!!!!