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![]() Author has written 6 stories for Aliens/Predator, Halo, Godzilla, X-overs, Bleach, Digimon, Naruto, and Death Note. Name: Classified Known Aliases: Lord Kaiju, Kaiju-Lord, Kaiju, K-25, Kaiju 25, Subject 25, Kaiju T.I.M.M.Fe Hello, readers and watchers! My name is Kaiju the Insane Mercenary of many fetishes! Xbox LIVE GamerTag: KaijuLord GP:4165 UNSC Service Tag: K-25 Known Clans: None Spartan Appearence: A Silver and Blue Hayabusa Spartan who has been invisible on Live until now, Xbox Info: He has legendary campaign shield along with legendary edition of Halo as an Anonymous eye witness claimed. Spartan Insignia: Sapphire Sword with red flames. Kaiju's Couple Preferences Digimon Takato & Rika Tai & Sora T.K & Kari Takuya & Zoe Naruto Naruto\Sakura Kiba\Hinata Sai\Ino Sasuke\Karin(although he should die alone and miserable) Neji\Tenten Lee\Tenten Shickamaru\Temari Jiraiya\Tsunade Tobi\Konan Kakashi\Rin Iruka\Anko Asuma\Kurenai Hidan\Tayuya (Potty mouth love) Itachi/Konan Kisame/Isaribi Bleach Ichigo/Rukia Grimmjow/Nel Ulquiorra/Orihime Hellsing Seras/ Alucard Songs Kaiju Likes Too damn Many First Fic: Digimon Tamers: Alien Apocalypse Quotes and one liners: "Merry Christmas to all... now your all gonna die!- Santa when he realized he was getting the raw deal. "Dear humanity...we regret being alien bastards, we regret comin to earth and we most definetly regret the corps just blew up our ragity ass fleet!"-Sgt.Johnson Halo 2 "Radio VTOR, Heavy Left gear were not leaving Him"..."Yeah...your not." Halo 3 " A new arrival! let me introduce my self... I am sheogorath! Daedric prince of madness! and of other things i'm not talking about them... nice to make your aquaintance, shame about my gatekeeper lets not get into that but I'm so happy i could just rip out your intestines and strangle you with them. Ha Ha" -Sheogorath when he first meets the player in the shiviring isles. (Makes me laugh everytime) "I ain't got time to Bleed!" Blaine-Predator "If it bleeds...we can kill it." Dutch-predator "You are one ugly mother fu..." First said by Dutch-Predator "Get away from her you Bitch!" Ripley-Aliens "My mommy told me that there are no monsters...no real ones...but there are" Newt-Aliens "Whats with the bottlecap?"..."Oh!...uhh...Its a rare archeaological find."-Alien versus Predator "Dattebayo!"-Naruto "Were gonna need a bigger boat."-Jaws "Blarg." The Alien- RVB "I wonder why all those funny metal digmon keep on spitting up all these humans..they must be really good fighters..or its the worst case of indegestion i have ever seen in my life!- Calumon-When he first see's cars in the human world "you mean my parents actually make this stuff by hand?"-Takato "Its Guilmon alright, No one else would eat that stuff. AWWWW."-Takato "Takatomon,I need a new box."-Guilmon " How about twice the beating?" Rika "mometai" Terriermon "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE MORTAL?" " Your Blood is Forfeit! Your Flesh is MINE!" Dremora sigil keeper-oblivion "You sleep rather soundly for a murderer thats good..becuase you will need a very clear concious for what i am about to propose."-Lucien Lachance-Oblivion "Find him and close shut the jaws of...Oblivion." - Emperor Ureil Septim VIII -Oblivion "...I like this new culture any dude who trips gets made a hero that probably makes caboose... god."-Pvt. Tucker-RVB "I? I am a Monument to all your Sins." - Gravemind-Halo2 "Listen Kid, Theres two things you don't know about Earth: One is me, the other is..Godzilla!"-Captain Douglas Gordan-GFW "It wasent the Planes that got him, twas bueaty killed the Beast."-Carl Denham-King Kong "Tobi is a good Boy."-Tobi- Naruto "Whoah, its like a post card, Dear Sarge Kickin Ass in outer space, wish you were here..." _Random ODST(Halo2) "I heard that jackass!"-Johnson to above ODST(halo 2) " I would have been your daddy, but a dog beat me over the fence."-Johnson(Halo) "Brute Ships, Standard line, Ship master they out number us three to one." Elite Major to Rtas'vadum(Halo3) "Then it is an even fight, all Cruisers fire at will, burn thier mongrel hides!" Rtas'vadum(to elite major from above)(Halo3) "You said you wanted a DAY of Victory, At this speed they will win in exactly 24 hours." Lopez-RVB "LEEROY JENKINS!"-Leeroy Ninety-five percent of the kids out there are concerned with being popular and fitting in. If you're part of the five percent who aren't, copy this, put it in your profile, and add your name to the list. AnimeKittyCafe, Hyperactivley Bored, Gem W, Bara-Minamino, Yavie Aelinel, Crazy Billie Joe Loving Freak, Shadow929,SweetNCrazieSugarmuffin,The Komodo Dragon Phoenix,Bust_A_Groover, Tecna, Novemberscorpion110388, WriterGirl3000, tietum, misto-shadow, Kakashi500, Sasusakufaves,shadowriter318, Sakra-cham,U. Scheherazade,fears up side, Kaiju-Lord My Deviant art Page: http// My Bungie Page: KaijuLord@ |