Keyblade Warrior 64
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Joined 06-30-19, id: 12491261, Profile Updated: 09-07-20
Author has written 8 stories for Kingdom Hearts, My Little Pony, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Rio, Hotel Transylvania, and Hazbin Hotel.

Favorite Movies: Avengers, Avengers Age of Ultron, Avengers Infinity Wars, Avengers Endgame, My Little Pony Movie 2017, Hotel Transylvania, Hotel Transylvania 2, Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation, Dragon Ball Super Broly, Kung Fu Panda, Kung Fu Panda 2 and Kung Fu Panda 3

Favorite Games: Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon, Mario, Hyrule Warriors, Final Fantasy, Super Smash Bros Brawl, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Star Fox, Fire Emblem and Sonic

Favorite TV Shows: Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Super, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, TMNT 2012, Lion Guard and Power Rangers

Favorite Characters: Mario, Sora, Roxas, Geno, Riku, OCs, Luigi, Link, Robin, Lucina, Rosalina, Fusoya, Cloud, Squall, Zell, Irvine and Kiren (TMNT 2012 OCs).

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Planned Stories:

Kingdom Hearts - Birth by Sleep and Awaken by the Light (Prequel to Kingdom Hearts - Greatest Adventure of Multiverse): The story begins with Votus and Senris who were the master-trained Keyblade Rangers and it's up to their task to stop the Unversed from turning everyone into mindless beasts with negative emotions. The story based on each movies and TV series.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 - Season 3 (1st Half Series) - Zenrai Ninjas' Reefside Tales: During the events from the Kingdom Hearts 2: Mission to the Multiverse, Hiroshi and his ninja team are facing many challenges and missions including the Dr. Fawful and the Chitablin Army, Green Snake Demoness, the Rabbit Samurai from the alternate world of Feudal Japan, members of Organization XIII (Demyx and Luxord), White Snake and Celestial Dragon Hero and The Spiritual Trials of Ninja.

My Little Pony - 8.5 Season: Duty of the Justice Defenders

Kung Fu Panda - The Dark Reality

Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance - Test of the Keyblade Warrior: Taiyo must complete his test similar to Mark of Mastery by finding the three memories of the Keyblade Rangers including Votus, Makaque, and Amare

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 - Season 3 (Final Half Series): Judgement Day of New York.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 - Season 4: Space Arc and City at War

Kingdom Hearts 3 - The Second Keyblade War Has Just Begun.

J'Kopa of the Pride Lands

Hotel Transylvania 4 - The Ghostly Sorcery Detective

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Gravkor's Revenge

Stories in Progress:

Kingdom Hearts II: Mission to the Multiverse

Ripley and Arnold - Meet the Transylvanians and Hellish Demons

-Star Spirits' locations-

1. Eldstar - Hollow Bastion (Given by Merlin)

2. Kalmar - Leroy and Stitch (Based on the world of Lilo and Stitch).

3. Klevar - Hotel Transylvania (Taiyo and his friends were about to meet Isaac Holmes, sworn protector of both humans and monsters and still trained in the Mystic Arts)

4. Mamar - Sonic's world (Mobius, the place where Six-Eared Monkey has awoken from the stone)

5. Misstar - Pride Lands (After Sora and Simba defeated Scar as the evil lion got eaten by the hyenas, Taiyo and his companions met Simba as the rightful king of the Pride Lands and Timon told them that Hakuna Matata was the philosophic idea came from Rafiki before he met him. Rafiki tells the story about the Black Pantherians or the Black Panthers that came from another world called Wakanda. Having learned about the fifth Star Spirit, Taiyo and his friends seek out to find it in the Outlands only encountered Jasiri and Madoa as a young pups even Kamari, Azizi and Busara (lion).

6 & 7. Muskular and Skolar - They were taken by Dark Predator from the other worlds; he was left on the Keyblade Graveyard waiting for Taiyo so he and himself fighting alone. Taiyo and others retrieving from him after defeating him. The Star Spirits were reuniting once again and Taiyo granting a wish to free his childhood friend Dylan from Ganondorf's control.

Kingdom Hearts OCs


Name: Taiyo (OC)

Gender: Male

Age: 15 (much older than Sora and Kairi, and same as Riku)

Appearance: Taiyo is a teenage boy with short layer black hair, hazel brown eyes, tanned skin and mid-stocky build. He had consisted his open grey zipper vest over black t-shirt underneath, blue jeans, pairs of black fingerless glove with red stripes over its knuckles, and mainly grey and black sport shoes with shoelace. Taiyo’s vest has a silver Kingdom Hearts symbol on the back. He wears a signature silver armlet on his right arm with a clear white diamond crystal Kingdom Hearts Sigil and wears his navy scarf around his neck.

History: He was in the Destiny Island where he was born, and he live in his tree house. He is made his friends with Sora, Riku and Kairi. He had dreamed about the old man is his grandfather and didn’t know where he was from.

Keyblade: Warrior's Key – Its blade sabre was medium and extravagant made of steel-like crystal lined with various silver runic symbols which look like a sword blade. Its color was a bright light red and silver. The Keyblade’s guard was made of light silver crystal, comprised of cross-guard and sword guard. On the top through bottom blade was lined and stuck with a glowing light blue crystal orbs in circle size on it. The grip’s colour was black. The Keyblade’s head was attached with the sun shape-like red and orange with the shining orb on the middle of it. The Keychain was a metal Kingdom Heart sigil and on the middle of it was red orb. This Warrior Key can also give him enhanced skills that he could train harder.

Combat Skills: He had shown concentrated his skills and determined in training. His fighting style is compact, strong and quick combat attacks.

- Slashing Fury: Deal medium damage with fast slashing attacks.

- Striking Assault: Upgraded version of Slashing Fury, it deals more physical damage with rapidly striking attacks. It can be only used for Limit Break, but it also at one time.

- Strike Raid

- Faith of Courage - Increased magic resistance, agility and attack speed. Finisher attack is Farore’s Wind, which Taiyo blasted the razor-like air slashes from his Keyblade.

- Focus Raid - Launching the crescent blade of light at the opponent and deals a huge amount of damage.

- Focus Blow: Finished the opponent when he/she has critically injured in the battle. It deals high Light element damage.

- Warp Strike: The user can disappear until three seconds has passed and reappeared to strike opponent’s back.

- Magic: He can have mastered all magic abilities like Fire, Blizzard, and Thunder etc. He also has telekinesis ability which his Keyblade granted his new power.

Hyrule Goddesses Powers:

Din's Power: Increasing the user's strength and durability, gaining faster combos, but is unable to cast spells. In this mode, he utilized with red electricity flowing around himself.

- The Finisher Attack is Blazing Impact.

Naryu's Wisdom: Advancing the user's magic, powering up the spells combo and faster rate. In this mode, the swirling water formed around him like a barrier.

- The Finisher Attack is Meteor.

Farore's Courage: Summoning the Hero of Time in his image form and aiding Taiyo in the epic battle, increasing further attack speed. In this mode, the green spiritual image of Link with white and golden aura.

- The Finisher Attack is Incarnation of Time (Blade of Link's Incarnations).


His name after Taiyō which translated as solar.


“Keyblade Sun Ranger, ready! Multiverse’s protector! Never surrender to the darkness!”

Name: Tsuki (OC)

Gender: Female

Age 14 and 15

Appearance: Tsuki was young teenage girl with light blue hair-ponytail, violet eyes, blue eye-shadow, slightly tanned skin and wearing pink lipstick. She was slightly taller than Sora and Kairi despite her age. She wears her light blue shirt covered by dark blue vest and blue legging.

Backstory: She was Riku’s adoptive little sister when she was lived with Riku, she was hanged out with her friends on Destiny Islands; Sora, Kairi and Taiyo but she had developed affectionate with Taiyo when they first met as kids.

Keyblade: Moonlight Star - It has a fading blue to gold guard embedded with the light violet gem on its bottom. Its handlebar is turquoise blue and had small sparkling stars, a five-pointed silver star based on the blade centered in a gold heart symbol with filigree wings and the spiral filigree patterned all over the blade from bottom to the top. The gold long bar is aligned by two steel blades. Its teeth were the gold crescent moon shaped patterned in filigree threads with the purple crystal orb on its center.

Her fighting style focus on light athletic and acrobatic which she used her techniques to attack the enemies.

Skills and Magic

Moon Shine - Tsuki's choice of magic attack which she summoned the moonlight ray-like beam from her Keyblade.


· Tsuki (月) means 'moon'.

Name: Mario

Gender: Male

Age: 36 years old

Appearance: Mario wears his overalls that looks like more realistic, resembling denim, and have additional details such as back pockets with gold buttons, red shirt sleeve, pairs of white glove, red cap with yellow marking, wearing a dark blue vest outfit with gold buttons and silvery zipper hand-pockets and pairs of work brown shoe with black leather strap on high top.

History: He once lived his home world called the Mushroom Kingdom and his younger brother Luigi. His teacher is Rosalina, the second powerful Keyblade Master in the Universe and known as the All-Mother of Galaxy. Rosalina given Mario a task for studies about only four objectives Keyblade, White Magic, Black Magic and Limit Trances and Breaks during his sojourn in the Observatory. Mario is shown to have well-aware and astute as completed each objective (Unlike King Mickey’s mischievous behavior as using Yen Sid’s magical hat that leads to misfortune). Mario discovered his pyrokinesis powered his first signature; Fireballs and combining into his first Limit Trance ultimate called ‘Pyro Meteors.’ At some time after his task, Mario can now fully have mastered of Keyblade’s power and wield his own Ignition Flower, even mastered his first technique Firebrand. When it’s all over, the dark evil presence in dusky mist form appeared before Mario and went directly into him in order to gain power.

Keyblade: Ignition Flower - The guard made up the green warp pipe-hole and the hilt held mushroom with a red cap, white spots and eyes. A searing flame’s artwork runs up the length of the silver blade. The teeth are the shape of Fire Flower. The Keychain’s token is the fireball with red orb on it.

Magic and Skills -

Fiery Arts:

- Pyro Meteors: Destroy all enemies target with descending powerful fire meteors.

- Fire Raid: User cloaking him/herself in fire, then punish faraway enemies with a charging attack.

- Fire Strike: Ignite the Keyblade in fire and performed spinning attack at the enemy.

- Firaga: Launch a stronger ball of fire toward enemies

- Crawling Fire: It allows the user to launch a slow-moving ball of fire that deals multiple hits to a single enemy as it passes through, dealing Fire-type damage.

- Fission Firaga: Launch a ball of fire that explodes when it hits an enemy, catching nearby foes in the blast.

- Firebrand: Enhanced version of normal fireballs and exploded in big range attack.

- Fire Missiles: Firing the multiple fireballs at the target.

- Unison Fire Beam: Mario blasted a powerful beam of blazing fire at the enemy target.

His fighting style are firm, rough and competitive that he was going in any challenge against the strongest opponents like Bowser.

Trivia: His element is Fire, symbolized his fireballs, fire flower and fire magic.

Name: Geno

Gender: Male

Species: Living Doll like android

Appearance: He looked like a humanoid 18 years old teenager. His skin colour is light-brown, and eyes were red. Geno wears his blue cloak with yellow collar, glittery stars and golden symbol of shooting comet on its back, blue cap with gold runic marks, brown boots with straps, star belt and pair of brown fingerless gauntlet gloves.

History: Geno was created by Rosalina and given crystal power source known as Star Soul Emotive which given him a life and personality feelings. Geno sacrificed his powers with Link the Hero of Time to sealed Ganondorf the Gerudo King from Hyrule away in Realm of Darkness but due using his powers, Geno was scattered into 8 parts: a head, a body chest, two legs, two arms, cloak and Star Soul (which Rosalina kept it).

Power and Abilities:

· Weapon-Inanimate Transfiguration: Geno allowed to transform any futuristic light element artificial-based weapons like gun fingers, rocket punches, photon blades, hand cannons, etc.

· Comet: Summoning the stars-like energy and attacked on a wide range.

· Faith: A light magic attack that took a form of ball or blasting white laser from his hand cannons.

· Radiance Beam: Firing the light energy-based attack from his hand cannon or using both of his hands.

· Borealis Blast: Firing rapidly with multi-coloured borealis balls with his fingers.

· Holy Flare: Geno changed his hands into cannon and blasted with massive stream of light.

· Light Vision: He can shoot the yellow and white beams from his eyes.

· Drill Cosmic Kick: Geno drilled himself with the kick of the sparkling stars.

Name: Luigi

Age: 34 years old

Gender: Male

Appearance: Luigi wears a same with Mario’s denim overall but doesn’t have additional specifics, green long sleeve shirt, brown work boots with metal strapped on it, pair of white gloves and his accessory is green neck-scarf.

History: Ever since Mario wields his Keyblade, Luigi studies his only black magic as starting obsessed with Galvanism Arts, one of Five Black Elements but didn’t mastered his Thunder Hammer Fist technique. After reading his brother Mario from the letter, he and Yoshi went out to find Mario.

Weapons, Skills and Magic:

· Fireballs – Launching the balls of fire and some time in battles.

Galvanism Arts:

- Thunder Blast: Fires with green ball of electricity and stuns enemy target.

- Green Lightning Wave (Lightning Wave): Summoning wave of lightning to zap all enemies target.

- Electro Blade: Luigi creates electrifying blade from his hand by manipulating electricity.

- Spark Barrage: A rapid version of Thunder Blast and deal tons of damage.

- Shock Slam: Creating shockwave of lightning and stunned target enemies.

- Thunder Shield: Creating the shield of electricity and reflected against any attacks that right back to the enemies.

- Thunder Super Shot: Fires with fully charged powerful ball of electricity.


Trivia: His element is electricity; Luigi mastered the Thunderhand in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga as associated with lightning powers.

Name: Yoshi

Gender: Male

Appearance: He has a large, round nose, a row of orange spines along back of his head, orange shoes and a shell-shaped saddle on his back.

History: He was once Mario’s best friend and loyal guardian. Thirty Years ago, Yoshi found a Mario as a baby and the map. Yoshi begins his journey with Baby Mario to rescue Baby Luigi from Baby Bowser’s castle. Yoshi was interested his earth-magic powers like Ground Pound, but the Geo-Gaia Arts was lost instead of the Black Elements has four.

Fighting Skills:

Ground Pound: Attacks the enemies in range target with creating shockwaves.

Rocker Punch: Yoshi can materialize his hands into a rocky substance

Ground Geo: Yoshi can summon the stone precipices to attack every opponent.

Earth Rush: Yoshi glowed in brown aura with surrounding pebbles or stone shards attaching on his body and speeding through the enemies.

Stone Wave: Yoshi stomped on the ground as the sharp-edge stones appeared and firing at the single target and even multiple targets.

Geo-Smasher: When Yoshi’s eyes glowed in light brown, the giant boulders appeared around him and toss them at the targets.

Dynamic Stone Punch: Yoshi transformed his hands into big statue's hand made of stone and thrust his big fists.

Sandstone Twister: Yoshi lunged into mid-air before spun around himself into the twister with the sandstones to suck the enemies and dealing the damage to them.

Ground Roll: Yoshi conjured with the stones and turning himself into the giant ball.

Rocking Head: Yoshi propelling himself and charged at the enemy with his head as he cloaked into brown stream of aura or slammed with his head.

Soundwave Hearing: Allowing to hear on the ground to hear something disturbing or shaking.

Ground Roll: Yoshi conjured with the stones and turning himself into the giant ball.

Name: Venus De Milo (OC)

Real Name: Amare

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Species: Human and Sea Turtle (temporarily)

Appearance: Her hair had two curved-front bangs, long ponytail on a back of her head and brown colour, her eyes were icy blue, and her skin was fair. She wore cyan and white stripe long-sleeved shirt, black jeans with glittery patterns and brown leather boot. Her eye makeup is light cyan, pink lipsticks and she wears her cyan diamond necklace which resemblance to turtle shell.

In her mutant form, her skin is cyan, shell is eyes were the same color as her human form. She wore her cyan bandanna mask with braided in the back, similarity to a ponytail, still wears her same diamond necklace from her human form.

History: Venus is once from her world Land of Departure when she is 7 years old with childhood friends of Tsuki and Taiyo along teenage boys with Votus and Senris. She and her friends were having fun around until they saw enraged Master Eraqus attacked Ventus, but Terra intervened him which let Ventus escaped. They shocked to see Master Eraqus’ terrible actions as Master Xehanort murdered behind his of old friend’s back. Votus and Senris were attempted to stop him but stopped by his new comrade-in-arms, Ganondorf who cursed them into two humanoid monkeys and trapped both into stones as they vanished. Master Xehanort and Ganondorf had combined their powers to turn the Land of Departure into the darkness and they left. Venus was cast herself into the Angel Grove where she met Jason Lee Scott the original Mighty Red Ranger and trained her for years until she travel to the Reefside to meet Tommy Oliver along with Tsuki, Zenrai Ninjas, Raccoonus, Dr. Fuji, and Master Kami.

Episode Appearance: Annihilation: Earth! Part 2 (TMNT 2012 – Season 3)

Voiced by Kimiko Glenn

Keyblade: Natural Healer

Power and Abilities:

• Sea Diamond-Shell

- Empathy: Manipulating any emotions when touching the living beings.

- Shape-shifting into Human

Name: Dylan aka. The Dark Predator (OC)

Age: 20

Appearance: His hair was casual all back blonde; his eyes were brown, and skin is tanned. In his childhood age, he was wearing his black t-shirt, jean with golden chain that attached on the belt loops and pair of boots. He lost his right arm in the process when he sucked into the dark vortex that Ganondorf summoned and equipped a prosthetic metal arm with the symbol of Heartless.

History: Dylan and his childhood friends; Taiyo, Tsuki and Venus were growing up in the Land of Departure. After Votus and Senris were returning back home, he told them about Master Eraqus is going to kill Ventus in order to prevent Master Xehanort by completing the x-blade.

Weapons and Skills:

His Keyblade was the Prey Upon the World.

· Retaliate Berserk – Dylan turned his eyes into dark red before charging forward to his enemy and gave a slice to his/her body as he disappeared in the dark mist. Dark Predator rematerialized himself at opponents back as he did the same attack for each time and then he gave a final blow by kicking his opponent’s chest.

· Dark Raid

· Death Beam

· Death Slash


Dylan has shared the similar to Bucky the Winter Soldier from the Marvel Cinematic Movies (Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Captain America: Civil War and Avengers: Infinity War).

Name: Votus

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Species: Monkey

Appearance: His fur is light golden yellow, his hands, feet and face were slightly tan, and eyes were pale blue. He wears Chinese yellow shirt clothing, pair of red armour shoulder pads, phoenix-feather crown, long black wristbands, Chinese red tasset with yellow patterns and black boots.

- Human form: He has lighter tan skin, eyes were pale blue, and his hair was brown with two sides that are faded and the texturized top part.

History: He is one of Three Equestrian Spiritual Primates as three mystical stones, two others are Storm King and Primus Albert as two yeti-satyrs and lived in the Sanctuary Blossom Mountain. Votus’ memory revealed as he’s from Land of Departure with Senris as childhood friends with Venus.

Keyblade: Revontheus - Revontheus was similar to Master’s Defender. Its teeth have E-shaped comprised white fades to dark grey with light to dark colourful outlines and metal spikes. The shaft was long and thin, it has conjoined with two narrow shafts that shaped like an arrow, six small poles which connected the twin small downward curved blades and on top of the blade is a golden ring. The guard was consisted of greyish-silver and gold barbed patterns-like wings and silver handlebar. Its pommel was resemblance to the golden sword hilt with silver squared ring and the Keychain has a golden symbol shén (神) and means ‘god’ and ‘celestial being’.

Trivia: Votus is two words combined of latin with motus (emotion) and positive (verus).

Name: Senris (aka. Makaque)

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Species: Monkey with six ears and human (temporarily)

Appearance: His fur is light-greyish silver; his face, foots and hands were exotic tan colour, his hair is four spiked-like light-greyish silver mohawk with angled golden-dip dyed, his six ears in each three is red, blue and green with golden outlines and eyes were brown. He wore his one sleeve dark yellow shaolin uniform with Yin and Yang, two symbols were Terra’s Marks as reminiscent, dark green obi on his waist and green and yellow wristband.

Human form: He has the same exotic skin tone from his monkey form but has black mohawk dyed with silvertip. He wore his orange one sleeved uniform; hides the red shirt and yellow Chinese right shoulder armoured plate; over his left breast area, pair of resembling armoured version of Shaolin monk shoes and wore necklace emblem of Mark of Mastery.

History: He and his best friend Votus trained together as cadets. Senris and Votus were about to off to the multiverse adventures, taking order from Master Eraqus for completing five tasks in each world (A Bug’s Life, Legendary Battle of Power Rangers, Pokemon the First Movie, Hotel Transylvania and Lilo and Stitch).

Keyblade: Sixth Sense - Its blade is greyish-silver, engraved with the symbol of the Sixth Sense's eye on top of the guard and three colors outlining by green, blue and purple stretching from the eye. Its teeth were three right ears with the same colorful gems as the blade's outlines. Its handlebar is light green with yellow wrappings and the guard has a silver triangle. The Keychain has two links that resemble two of gold and silver rings while the token resembles the silver Yin Yang with Divine Dragon King widen its jaw on it.

His fighting style are swift, steadfast and little relish as Senris can overcome the enemies with his trickery skills.


- His other names were Multi-Sense Silver Champion and in Sonic’s homeworld; he called himself as Monkey of Sixth Sense.

- He and Hou Wang were adapted from The Monkey King 2010 Chinese TV series.

- Senris was mixed of two latin words of auris (six) and sensum (sense).

- Makaque is derived from the word ‘Macaque’.

Name: Rosalina

Gender: Female

Age: 45

Appearance: Her skin is paler; eyes were a lighter shade of blue with six eyelashes and her hair is platinum blonde. She wears purple nail polish and has a large bang which obscures her right eye. She carried a thin, silver wand with a golden star at the top. Her brooch and crown are silver, as are her high heels, while her earrings are golden. Rosalina also wears a few jewels, including a gold jewel inside the brooch and crown jewels that are pink and turquoise. Her gown cuts off at the top of her chest, where a powder-blue flap loops around, and has long sleeves with wide openings at the bottom, which are topped with powder-blue frills. At the bottom is another power-blue frill that loops around until turning up to a point at the middle and sports glittery star shapes similar; under this a layer of a petticoat is visible.

History: She is the Keyblade Master, Taiyo’s mother and Fusoya’s daughter. Rosalina is highly skilled in Black Magic and White Magic just like Fusoya.

Keyblade: Falling Comet - Its guard was contrasted with five golden stars and a big white tiara resembling Rosalina’s crown on the top of the handle. Its handlebar and blade consist of the light blue comet tail with small sparkling diamonds and its head was on the tip of the blade with shimmer background. Its blade surrounded by two yellow shooting stars in the double-helix style. The teeth are contrasted with three blue stars.

Name: Snide

Gender: Male

Appearance: Snide is an ammonite-themed outlaw alien. His body colour was dark grey and metallic. He has one yellow eye, top of his spiral prong-head embedded with dark blue jewel, given resemblance to Zeltrax and his mask mouthpiece was imprinted with dark blue runic patterns similar like his transform tattoo.

History: Snide was destroyed by Dino Charge Rangers; therefore, his sword is thrown off and Bowser Jr. retrieved it. He was then revived by Kamek, serving Bowser as his general.


Ultimate Snide: Snide transformed into his stronger form, surpassing from his normal form and gained the power of darkness. He has a metal jaw with spikes, hands and wristbands turned into tri-blade gauntlets, heavily steel armored with muscular appearance, dark blue trimmings and Heartless symbol but colored in grey and his head has pair of blade horns.

Skills and Powers -

Scorn Waves: Snide can fire yellow colored energy waves from his sword.

Chest Tentacle: Snide can create a tendril out of his chest.

Communication: Snide was able to speak to Bowser directly via the guard of his katana same with Heckyl.

Devastating Wave: Snide blasted with a powerful dark red energy wave at every opponent.

Whirlwind: Snide can summoned powerful vortex of air to blow the enemies away.

Scorching Slash: Snide’s body glowed in black and red flame shadow-like dark aura, charging his katana sword into dark orange and strike at the opponent.

Dark Fireballs: Snide launching the fireballs of darkness at the rate of speed.

Sword of Vengeful: Snide raised his sword, forming a large dark purple energized blade with sparks emitting and launched at the opponent in tremendous damage.

Disdain Blast: Snide charged his katana into full power, glowing in dark yellow and blasted a massive energy beam of dark yellow and black.

Items OCs

Destiny Orbs

After the First Keyblade War ended, its conflict caused the small pieces from Kingdoms Heart’s moon shattered and transformed into six powerful orbs that is representing aspects of Multiverse’s existence. The only object is channelling all the power of six Destiny Orbs was Key of Destiny and its abilities to erase every life in the Multiverse in division. But all seven orbs reunited together once they are all placed in the Warrior Emblem (God Emblem) to summon forth the Divine Dragon King, Bahamut and grant only a single wish without limitations like can able to bring everyone back to life.

1. Space Orb

Can travel through the multiverse with inter-dimensional portals. Its drawing power is so great that many consider its volumes of energy to be limitless. The Astro Orb is capable of powering or mending objects and artifacts of incredible power. It’s location in TMNT 2012 universal world. Its containment is Tetrahedron. Its colour is blue.

2. Ruin Orb

It will destroy of any life forms from every universe that any person can use for selfish desires and absorbing life force energies. Its power can also grant the user’s strength and resilience. If any living beings touches the Ruin Orb, they are disintegrated themselves into nothing but ashes. Its location is in Black Skull Island at Equestria. Its colour is purple.

3. Void Orb

The Void Orb can make any illusions, alternating the realities and made copies of deceased evil warriors including Tai Lung and Lord Shen. It will enhance the user’s stamina, speed and agility. It is kept by the Sacred Lynx Monks until stolen by Ganondorf and he destroyed the half of Lynxs which only spared younger Fei Hong’s life. Zant gave the Void Orb to Xiong Dongwu, former member of the Society of Amalgamations. Its colour is red.

4. Truth Orb (Sphere of Righteousness)

It will have healed from any injuries, sickness and diseases and brings any living beings back from the dead. It will give a user near immortality. Its location is in Keyblade Graveyard where it fallen from the Kingdom Hearts. It was secretly taken by Snide who wanted to become invisible, but he must make sure no one would take it from him and devised a way to put an orb into his own body. To make orb bind to his soul, he stole the ancient scroll at the Secret Cove from Destiny Islands, and it is called Tenebrae Factae de Nominis Umbra (The Darkness of the Shadows). He used to create the evil matter being from Snide’s energy surged from Dark Energem that allowed to attach into the orb and bind it into his soul. Its colour is light orange.

5. Fear and Time Fragments (Fear Orb and Time Orb) known as Chrono-Bia Orb

This orb have two halves of each of the element was Fear and Time before it split into two shards into the two universes. Fear Semi-Orb will allow to summon many monsters like the Japanese army of Onis from Jigoku, the Oni Realm, Heartless from the Realm of Darkness, Chitablins from Gerudo Deserts and also brought back the non-existence creatures like Nobodies and Unversed.Time Semi-Orb was manipulating time, can reverse or forward on time, creating the time loop and capable of time traveling. Once two of them reunited together, their capabilities constantly increased and even transformed into monstrous beasts which the users can stayed in their powered up forms or revert back into their normal forms, even Ganondorf can accessed to his final form as a boar-like demon. It’s located in New York Museum and Sanctuary. Its colors is grey and green

6. Observance Orb (Star Soul Emotive)

It can give the power of mind, animate the weapons and pure energy blasts. Its owner was Geno. Its colour is yellow.

7. Soul Orb

Its capabilities to allow the user to awaken his/her lament potential, learned any magic spells, seeing the future within the Gazing Eye and can also cancel the abilities of all six Destiny Orbs. It allowed to transform the Keyblade wielder into the Keyblade Warrior. Its containment is the Warrior Emblem and colour is gold.

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Rick out of Hell by WeirdSweetNerd97 reviews
Rick along with Morty travel to hell, so they can retrieve a Demonic artifact. As they explore Hell, they meet the the princess of hell and her plan to rehabilitate the sinners of this burning cesspool. They also meet the radio demon and many more. What could possibly go wrong?
Crossover - Rick and Morty & Hazbin Hotel - Rated: T - English - Supernatural/Adventure - Chapters: 6 - Words: 7,328 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 26 - Follows: 32 - Updated: 8/23 - Published: 7/5 - Morty S., Rick S., Alastor, Charlie
Kingdom Hearts: World Conquest by xKeybladeWielderx reviews
Throughout the Kingdom Hearts Saga, there was another Keyblade Wielder. One with a far greater destiny. A young boy named Devon who is destined to become the Legendary Keyblade Master to save the Universe and all life from an ancient powerful evil. Together with his friends, Devon embarks on a grand, epic adventure of a lifetime to save countless worlds from a doomed existence.
Kingdom Hearts - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 215 - Words: 955,446 - Reviews: 540 - Favs: 174 - Follows: 125 - Updated: 7/21 - Published: 9/5/2013 - Sora, Kairi, Riku, OC
Kingdom Hearts: Days of Memories by xKeybladeWielderx reviews
During their journey in the fight against the darkness, Sora and Devon both turned their Keyblades on themselves to free Kairi's heart. From that event, two Nobodies, Roxas and Draxon were born with no memories of their past. Dive into their story as they join Organization XIII, meet Xion, and discover the truth to their existence. What mattered the most was remembered the least.
Kingdom Hearts - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 41 - Words: 337,131 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 31 - Follows: 18 - Updated: 6/17 - Published: 8/25/2017 - Axel, Roxas, Xion, OC - Complete
Kingdom Hearts III: Final Mix by Dr.Roxas4dawin reviews
The game we've all been waiting for is finally here; but there's a bit more to the story than what we've seen. The definitive version of Sora's last journey to save the hearts connected to him has begun. Rated T for fantasy violence, dark/depressing moments and minor instances of profanity. Currently at Kingdom of Corona (Sora)/Radiant Garden (Riku).
Kingdom Hearts - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 33 - Words: 49,142 - Reviews: 37 - Favs: 43 - Follows: 50 - Updated: 5/4 - Published: 2/1/2019 - Sora, Kairi, Riku, Organization XIII
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) by Mastered Ultra Instinct reviews
After 15 years, Leo, Donnie, Raph, and Mikey, along with their new sisters Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo finally go up to the surface. Little did they know that their adventure has just begun the moment they left the lair in the sewers and are set to confront the most formidable enemies...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 3 - Words: 30,576 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 16 - Updated: 11/22/2019 - Published: 11/15/2019 - [Raphael, Mona Lisa] Leonardo, Donatello
A New Place, New Adventure by The Atlas Guardian reviews
This is my first installment in the Lion Guard fanfiction. This does come off of the third season which I think was great but needs more. With Kion and Rani as King and Queen of the Tree of Life, new things will happen. New villains, new adventures, new places. Join Kion, Rani, and all their family and friends as they meet the new challenge in life. (KionxRani) etc.
Lion Guard - Rated: K+ - English - Family/Adventure - Chapters: 3 - Words: 5,801 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 23 - Follows: 23 - Updated: 10/22/2019 - Published: 9/13/2019 - Kion, Bunga, Fuli
Little Star and the Lion Guard Adventures by CyberChick135 reviews
Kion leads the new Lion Guard, made up of his closest friends of different species. By his side, the Wisest of the Guard, is his best friend Nyota. Together, the Guard will go on wild adventures in order to defend the Pride Lands and preserve the Circle of Life. {Season 1 of The Lion Guard Adventures series)
Lion Guard - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 27 - Words: 172,601 - Reviews: 974 - Favs: 79 - Follows: 62 - Updated: 10/11/2019 - Published: 7/4/2019 - Kion, OC - Complete
Kingdom Hearts: Kung Fu Light Defenders Part 2 by J. Tom reviews
Sora, Riku, Kairi, Mickey, Donald, and Goofy travel back to the Valley of Peace to help Po and the Furious Five defeat Shen and members of Xehanort's new Organization from casting the world into darkness. But what secrets of both parties will be revealed? NOTE: Takes place BEFORE Kingdom Hearts: Hill Valley and after Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance. Covers some blank points.
Crossover - Kingdom Hearts & Kung Fu Panda - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Family - Chapters: 11 - Words: 73,038 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 40 - Follows: 23 - Updated: 4/13/2019 - Published: 3/16/2019 - [Sora, Kairi] [Po, Tigress] - Complete
Kingdom Hearts III: Another Side by Mastered Ultra Instinct reviews
The Final Battle draws near, and this one unveils all kinds of surprises for Sora, one after another. Will light win the day? Or will Darkness consume all and prevail as light expires?
Kingdom Hearts - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Supernatural - Chapters: 5 - Words: 13,393 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 12 - Follows: 12 - Updated: 3/1/2019 - Published: 2/21/2019
Dragon Ball Super: The Saiyan Warrior of Hope Saga by Mastered Ultra Instinct reviews
The future is in ruins thanks to Goku Black and Zamasu, but Future Trunks is not fighting the battle alone. Android 21, Majin Buu, and a mysterious new warrior join the fray as new powers arise from within the defenders of the future to defeat the treacherous Zero Mortal Duo once and for all. Will these powers vanquish Black and Zamasu, or will the future be doomed to destruction?
Dragon Ball Super - Rated: T - English - Supernatural/Adventure - Chapters: 21 - Words: 233,446 - Reviews: 112 - Favs: 68 - Follows: 63 - Updated: 6/16/2018 - Published: 1/22/2018
Kingdom Hearts: Lost Legends by xKeybladeWielderx reviews
Long before Devon or Sora became the chosen wielders of the Keyblade, the Universe relied on the protection of true Keyblade Wielders: Ventus, Terra, Aqua, Shara, and Ducar. Together, they shall travel to many worlds to fight the Forces of Darkness and discover their destinies. Five friends, five destines, one grand epic adventure. Everything shall link back to the beginning.
Kingdom Hearts - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 53 - Words: 300,884 - Reviews: 78 - Favs: 34 - Follows: 25 - Updated: 8/16/2017 - Published: 11/11/2015 - Aqua, Terra, Ventus/Ven, OC - Complete
Cherry and Atticus's Adventures of Leroy and Stitch by PerkyGoth14 reviews
After three years of capturing and reforming Jumba's experiments, the others are rewarded for their job well done. However, there is one more experiment on the loose that Hamsterviel has created to destroy the other experiments and names him Leroy after the others are rewarded and living their lives after their adventures come to an end.
Lilo & Stitch - Rated: K+ - English - Drama/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 10 - Words: 17,481 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 17 - Follows: 9 - Updated: 1/27/2017 - Published: 1/26/2017 - Complete
The World of the Bionicle by xKeybladeWielderx reviews
The Legendary Keyblade Master, Devon and his best friends travel into a time before time into the Bionicle Universe. From Mask of Light, to Legends of Metru Nui, into Web of Shadows and finally the Legend Reborn. Devon and his friends shall fight side by side with the heroic Toa and discover the origins of the Dark Lord of the Shadows, Makuta Teridax.
Crossover - Kingdom Hearts & Bionicle - Rated: K - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 29 - Words: 87,324 - Reviews: 21 - Favs: 32 - Follows: 13 - Updated: 10/22/2014 - Published: 9/11/2014 - OC, Mata Nui, Teridax/Makuta - Complete
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Rio 3: Iguaçu Quest of Leadership reviews
A new year has passed, Blu was struggling to be the better leader of his tribe that Eduardo will be retired and takes the shy blue macaw a lot of time to prove himself worthy to the jungle. He was then met Afonso Santos who had the ability to talk the birds and other animals along with the team of birds called Sky Crew. And he had the connection with long lost parents and secrets.
Rio - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Family - Chapters: 6 - Words: 23,793 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 5 - Updated: 9/15 - Published: 5/13 - Blu, Jewel, OC
Ripley and Arnold – Meet the Transylvanians and Hellish Demons reviews
In the world of humans and monsters, the Hellish Demons came to help as Charlie, Princess of Hell will meet her best friend, Mavis to accomplish a dangerous mission to find the Excalibur not before the two strangers arrived at the same time and saved the world from wicked forces. (Based on Hotel Transylvania and characters from Vivienne Medrano like Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss).
Crossover - Hotel Transylvania & Hazbin Hotel - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 4 - Words: 24,152 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 1 - Follows: 1 - Updated: 9/5 - Published: 8/16 - Dracula, Mavis, Charlie
Kingdom Hearts II: Mission to the Multiverse reviews
Mario, Votus, and Utopia Magus were now on the quest with Taiyo, Luigi, Yoshi and Geno were on the mission to search the Star Spirits that scattered across into the many worlds from Star Haven, even reuniting with Sora and his two friends; Donald and Goofy!
Kingdom Hearts - Rated: K+ - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 23 - Words: 118,691 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 6 - Follows: 4 - Updated: 7/5 - Published: 11/16/2019 - [Sora, Kairi] Riku, OC
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 – Season 2: New York Chronicles
The Turtles, Hiroshi and Raccoonus had gathered all of the ooze canisters that dropped from Kraang's ship to make sure anyone don't get mutated. During the story, Karai begins to question herself, whether or not Shredder is telling the truth about his real father, Hamato Yoshi killed Tang Shen.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Rated: K+ - English - Sci-Fi/Adventure - Chapters: 27 - Words: 104,270 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 1 - Updated: 11/2/2019 - Published: 10/29/2019 - Leonardo, Master Splinter, OC - Complete
Kingdom Hearts - Clash into the Magical Equestria's Destruction
Taiyo, Luigi, Yoshi and Geno were somehow crash landed in the world of Equestria and meeting the couple of friends like Twilight Sparkle, Utopia Magus, Justice Defenders and others. The Keyblade wielder and his friends were shocked to find out that Mario was in deep coma so they find the way to wake him up. The old enemies will annihilated the world for Ganon's ultimate goal.
Crossover - My Little Pony & Kingdom Hearts - Rated: K+ - English - Friendship/Adventure - Chapters: 14 - Words: 64,211 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 3 - Updated: 10/29/2019 - Published: 9/18/2019 - Twilight Sparkle, OC, Tempest Shadow, OC - Complete
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 – Season 1: Secrets in New York
Hiroshi and Raccoonus were passed through the Kraang Portal and somehow ended up in the New York City. They are aiding by four ninja turtles who were adopted by Master Splinter or better known as Hamato Yoshi, leader of the Hamato Clan. As Hiroshi and Raccoonus stick with ninja teammates together to fight the Kraang, Mutants and Foot Clan.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 26 - Words: 135,437 - Favs: 3 - Follows: 2 - Updated: 8/27/2019 - Published: 8/26/2019 - Leonardo, Raphael, OC - Complete
My Little Pony The Movie: Calm before the Storm Guard reviews
Twilight Sparkle and her friends are making perfect ideas for the Festival of Friendship. Also, Utopia Magus was the lone unicorn who doesn't have friends, then something happened when the Storm King's army invaded Canterlot. Utopia soon joined by two team members of the Justice Defenders and helped him to find the other warriors to fight against the evil armada.
My Little Pony - Rated: K - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 15 - Words: 49,582 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 6 - Follows: 4 - Published: 8/4/2019 - [Twilight Sparkle, OC] Tempest Shadow - Complete
Kingdom Hearts Greatest Adventure of Multiverse reviews
A bravery and will-spirited boy named Taiyo who traversed all across the worlds, met the newest allies he ever had and fought the enemies for spreading the Darkness into the Realm of Light. Taiyo must save all the countless worlds from Darkness and stop the evil forces from taking over the Multiverse.
Kingdom Hearts - Rated: K - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 56 - Words: 180,479 - Reviews: 53 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 7 - Updated: 8/4/2019 - Published: 7/1/2019 - Sora, Kairi, Riku, OC - Complete