A/N: Hey, everyone. As you all may or may not know, not only did I complete "Kingdom Hearts III", but just today, I also finally forged the Ultima Weapon. So, I bring to you, this story, the alternate version of the final battle, for 3 reasons only. First off, what happened that helped Xehanort forge the X-Blade was unfair, although I won't spoil what happened to those who haven't played it. Secondly, this is to help pay the Ultima Weapon the Ultimate Tribute, because that is how awesome it is. And thirdly, it's to help out, as Axel said, "A few plot points that needed ironing out". The final version of the story will have 4 chapters. Maybe even 5 or 6. Who knows? Maybe it would inspire some deviants who read this into making some art renders out of it. Although, I must warn you all: If no one knows what happened in "Kingdom Hearts III", DO NOT read this story until you've cleared the game, so that you may not be spoiled. Also, I finished new chapters for "Dragon Ball Super" and "Ben 10 (2005) Reboot", so feel free to read those if you want. Anyhoo, enjoy. :)

Kingdom Hearts III: Another Side

Chapter 1: The True 13th Vessel

It was long and arduous, but 12 seekers of darkness have at last been vanquished as the 12th No Name Keyblade appeared and joined in the circle of 11 others like it around Xehanort. The only downside is, Xemnas kidnapped Kairi and sent her to who-knows-where, much less who-knows-who. However, Sora did not have time to think about it as he panted in slight exhaustion for a moment before Xehanort spoke.

"Twelve keys we have now. Leaving just one more...", Xehanort spoke as he summoned his own No Name keyblade, causing the circle to open up, clearing some space as Riku and King Mickey panted before Xehanort raised his keyblade, which shot off a dark blast that quickly ascended into the sky and unveiled a bright yellow light as the clouds parted, revealing a heart-shaped moon in the sky before Xehanort spoke to Sora.

"Now, Sora... Darkness and light's final clash.", Xehanort spoke up before Sora stood ready and then saw, much to his horror, an unconscious Kairi as Xehanort chuckled before he then stood ready as well before the girl flew forward slightly.

"Kairi!", Sora shouted out of worry before he started running over to her as Xehanort spoke up next.

"You require motivation.", Xehanort noted before Sora then started climbing atop the pillar Xehanort stands on.

Then, Xehanort dissipated his keyblade before then creating a dark purple orb in its place with his right hand as he chuckled slightly before he did the one thing no one expected him to do: quickly force the orb inside Kairi, causing her body to give off a dark purple aura before dark mists quickly began surrounding Kairi and formed a dark barrier around her which eventually sent off two dark mists which were twice as thick as the ones forming the barrier as they travelled down and passed Sora, who saw what became of her, much to his despair.

"Kairi!", Sora shouted as he continued before Riku and King Mickey grew just as shocked before looking back down to notice the two mists landing on the ground in front of Riku and the King before then becoming two Floods as they twitched in anticipation with King Mickey growing worried.

"Oh, no. It's the Unversed!", Mickey exclaimed.

Meanwhile, as Sora finally reached the top of the pillar, he yelled angrily as he prepared to strike Xehanort down, only for Kairi to erupt from the dark barrier, completely blackened in appearance before she then summoned the Void Gear keyblade and clashed with Sora's keyblade, much to his shock and horror as the black lighting faded, revealing Kairi on a dark suit similar to Vanitas' with Kairi's once pure sapphire blue eyes, now a tainted amber yellow as she gave a dark smirk, confirming Sora's worst fears: Kairi has been turned over to the darkness. In response, Sora gave an angry glare at Xehanort, who returned the same dark smirk.

"Why her?!", Sora shouted before Kairi then pushed Sora back, causing him to fall off, catching Riku and Mickey's attention as they then had to defeat the flood unversed before Sora landed on the same place as the two fellow keyblade wielders and then tried to stand up as he shed angry and sorrowful tears.

"Why?! How could you do this?!", Sora exclaimed.

"As I've told you, Sora. You require motivation. Alas, I've neglected to tell you who would promote that opportunity.", Xehanort responded.

"Xehanort!", Riku shouted angrily before he then tried to go up the pillar and attack only for Kairi to freeze Riku in place with her right hand before flicking her fingers up a little, propelling Riku away from her and Xehanort before King Mickey went up next.

"You'll pay!", Mickey exclaimed before Xehanort summoned his keyblade and stopped Kairi, insisting that he does it this time as King Mickey prepares an Ultimate move while Xehanort stood ready for a move of his own.

"Ultima!", Mickey shouted.

"Stopza!", Xehanort countered before the clash of Magic's began before Xehanort eventually won the clash with both Riku and King Mickey frozen, much to Sora's worry.

"Your Majesty! Riku!", Sora shouted before Xehanort gave another grin as thunder began to erupt from the clouds before Kairi suddenly appeared behind Sora, catching him off-guard before Kairi quickly summoned a Void Gear keyblade and then prepared to strike him down only for Sora to clash against it with his Kingdom Key keyblade before Sora shouted to her.

"How could you do this, Kairi?! How could you let yourself fall to the darkness?!", Sora shouted with sorrow.

"What's the matter, Sora? Don't like the new me?", Kairi mocked darkly before they looked up and noticed a lightning bolt headed for them before they then moved away from each other as lightning struck the spot in-between them before Sora came to a horrifying realization as he gasped.

"That's it. That's what Xemnas meant.", Sora realized before flashing back to the time when he abducted her just hours ago.

"What difference does one little light make? You have others, just as we have enough darknesses to replenish our ranks."

Then, just as Sora began to grow weary and adopt a heavy heart as he shed tears, rain started to fall heavily before Sora only lifted his head up and then open his fierce, angry, and determined eyes as lightning striking and thunder sounding behind him before he spoke.

Play KH III Music: "Anti-Aqua"

"No. It's not too late. If I saved Aqua like that... then I can save Kairi like that, too.", Sora said with determination as he then saw Kairi in her current dark state as Anti-Aqua for a few moments before drawing his keyblade forth and preparing for battle, astounding Xehanort as he grew surprised.

"Still refusing to break, are you? An admirable quality. I would expect nothing less.", Xehanort commended before Sora responded with a growl before turning to Kairi as he braved himself for the battle ahead.

"Come forth!", Kairi shouted in a dark tone as she floated up in the air before shouting as she summoned Gothel's Heartless, otherwise known as the Grim Guardianess, which roared before it then launched cherry bombs at Sora, who quickly deflected them away with a swipe before vines appeared in front of Sora to keep him trapped as Kairi closed in and repeatedly slashed at Sora, knocking him back with the last strike before Sora recovered and then quickly dispatched the Heartless, destroying the vines as well while Kairi taunted him.

"It's pointless trying to resist the darkness, Sora.", Kairi discouraged before Sora only growled before healing himself.

"Heal!", Sora shouted before he then healed himself as a bell with flowers on top appeared above Sora, healing him instantly before Sora moved in to strike back in retaliation.

For a while, it worked, but after a few moments, Kairi then created a dark barrier.

"Disappear!", Kairi shouted as she caused it to explode, knocking Sora back before Kairi called forth another boss.

"Come forth!", Kairi shouted as the King of Toys appeared before her this time and then went around in a circle, firing lasers at Sora, who deflected them away.

Then, the deflected lasers dealt considerable damage to the King of Toys before the Heartless then responded by preparing a mega-laser on the main turret as it charged and then fired at Sora, who quickly rolled out of the way before striking down the King of Toys with a swift strike, causing it to disappear. Afterwards, Kairi then exerted a dark power-up before she then spoke as she floated in the air and slowly lifted her blade.

"Sink into the darkness!", Kairi shouted before she readied her blade and then dashed toward Sora, who struggled to block the strikes as Kairi surged and tore through 8 more portals with each strike before Kairi went up into the air and shouted.

"You're finished!", Kairi shouted before embedding her blade to the ground and causing dark electric spires to rise up at random spots, nearly threatening to hurt Sora, who only got shocked by one of them before Kairi then prepared to fire a dark purple blast from her right hand and then fired it, only for Sora to counter with a spell of his own.

"Blaze!", Sora shouted as he countered Kairi's Dark Firaga with a Firaga spell, distracting Kairi just enough for Sora to get behind her and knock her back, forcing the former guardian of light to take action as Xehanort shouted to her.

"Show him the meaning of despair!", Xehanort shouted to her.

"Awaken!", Kairi shouted darkly before a dark corridor opened up on the ground before out came not only a Catastrachorus, but also a wolf-like Heartless known as the Sköll, which then howled while the Catastrachorus roared upon arrival before the Sköll Heartless released its phantomheads as they all swarm around Sora and attack him as Kairi summoned a swarm of keyblades and then hopped aboard before she moved in to fight him as well as the Sköll and Catastrachorus Heartless stomped around the area where lightning bolts would strike and even helped Kairi attack him as Sora barely guarded against the attacks.

Afterwards, Catastrachorus lowered his back, preparing his Volcano-like appendage on top to explode before it eventually did, prompting Sora to avoid the erupting lava flow and then strike it down, eventually causing the Catastrachorus to raise its tail, which resembled a head, which then fired all sorts of fire blasts at Sora, who then deflected the fire blasts straight at the tail, dealing decent damage to it only for Kairi to try and attack, but wound up getting struck by a counterattack after Sora had finished defending, allowing him to get back to the task at hand: defeating the tail and then defeating the Sköll Heartless and rescuing Kairi before Sora quickly defeated the Catastrachorus Heartless as the heart popped out from it before it vanished with Sora then focusing on the Sköll Heartless and Kairi before Sora then fought Kairi as best he could to at least knock her out before doing the same thing to the Sköll Heartless, leaving it dizzy before Sora then attempted to fire a small ray of light from his keyblade at Kairi, who only showed a dark smirk in response, shocking Sora before the Sköll Heartless' eyes glowed before it recovered with a snarl before Kairi spoke to Sora.

"Still think there's any hope left for me, Sora?", Kairi asked sarcastically as she went higher into the air before the Sköll Heartless went up into the air with a howl before spinning around Kairi in a somersault, creating a vast meteor of darkness aimed toward Sora, who quickly spun his keyblade around at the bottom of it as it neared him, stopping it before it could hit him, although it was quite a struggle as Xehanort grew surprisingly puzzled.

"Come on!", Sora grunted before the dark barrier started to come apart as cracks began to form, causing it to glow bright blue before the meteor then exploded, not only causing both Kairi and the Sköll Heartless to fall onto the ground before the Heartless, along with the Void Gear Keyblade, disappeared as Kairi struggled to get up.

End KH III Music: "Anti-Aqua"

Then, Sora walked to her amidst the heavy rain and spoke to her.

"Take it easy, Kairi. Try to remember what we've been through. Try to remember all the things we used to do together back at the islands.", Sora encouraged to her.

"I have no use for such foolish memories.", Kairi grunted.

"You don't believe that. I know you don't.", Sora retorted.

"And how do you know that?", Kairi puzzled.

"For some reason, I can just tell.", Sora responded, puzzling Kairi whilst intriguing Xehanort.

"Besides, I still have your good luck charm. Remember?", Sora asked as he held it out for Kairi to see, earning her gasp before she suddenly started to double back gradually as she clutched her head, worrying Sora.

"Kairi? What's the matter?", Sora asked.

Little did he know that by showing Kairi her good luck charm, he actually started helping Kairi fight the darkness taking over as she also started getting an overwhelming rush of memories from the destiny islands the time when Sora freed her heart, the time when Riku, in the form of Ansem, gave Kairi her own keyblade and fought the Heartless, the time when she hugged Sora before showing him that it was actually Riku, and finally, the memory of the time she and Sora had together a day before the final battle, which proved to be the most effective as she started to eminate a bright aura before Kairi shouted in agony as her bright and dark aura erupted like a pillar, slightly stunting Xehanort before he then eventually gave a grin as the aura died out before speaking.

"I have done it.", Xehanort spoke solemnly and equally proudly before Sora ran over to Kairi, who just got on her knees.

"Kairi!", Sora shouted as he ran over to her and stopped near her.

"Are you okay?! Say something!", Sora shouted in worry.

Play KH: Re:CoM Music: "Memories in Pieces"

Then, after a moment, Kairi have slight groan before looking up and opening her once-tainted amber yellow eyes, revealing them to now be pure Sapphire blue once again, giving Sora some profound relief as he chuckled with tears being shed before he pounced on her and hugged her tightly.

"KAIRI! You're okay! I thought I'd lost you!", Sora shouted with a sob as he hugged the recently recovering Kairi, who was touched and equally surprised, as well as in the middle of being crushed figuratively.

"Hey! Take it easy, Sora. I'm still recovering, remember?", Kairi warned.

"I don't care. I'm just glad you're all right.", Sora responded with a smile as he began to calm down with tears still being shed out of joy.

Then, Kairi returned the same gesture with a smile before hugging him back, much to Xehanort's slight puzzlement and distaste before Sora then helped Kairi back up.

"But, how'd you know that would work?", Kairi asked.

"I didn't. I just hoped it would with all my heart. And I believed that you wouldn't let yourself be consumed by darkness, the same way you believed that I wouldn't give up.", Sora responded, earning a grateful nod from her before Sora then realized something.

"Oh. But what about Riku and the King?", asked Sora as he pointed to them before Kairi looked up and saw them still frozen.

"Oh, don't worry. I think I've got a fix for that.", Kairi assured before she then took a few steps forward toward them before raising her right hand at the target radius for the Stopza spell and then stretched her fingers outward, suddenly causing the radius to come apart, resuming Riku and King Mickey's descent before Kairi flew up and caught them, puzzling the two fellow keyblade wielders.

"Huh?", Mickey puzzled.

"Kairi? Is that really you?", Riku asked.

"I guess now I know how it feels to be in your shoes.", Kairi replied with a slight giggle, knowing full well of what Riku went through about a year ago and surprising Riku as she descended before setting them back down to the ground.

"Your Majesty, Riku, are you okay?", Sora asked.

"We're fine.", Mickey assured.

"Yeah.", Riku agreed, earning Sora's grin as Kairi returned the grin to Sora before Xehanort spoke up.

"How touching...", Xehanort began, prompting Kairi to turn to him with a glare, fierce with a calm anger over being used as a vessel.

"But then, final unions usually are.", Xehanort replied, puzzling her, just as much as Sora.

"Final...unions..?", Kairi puzzled.

"What do you mean?", Sora puzzled before another No Name Keyblade suddenly appeared behind Sora, as Kairi turned around and saw it behind him with a gasp.

"Sora! Look out behind you!", Kairi warned before she had to push Sora away from it before it could strike him, causing it to kiss, although it then flew up to join the other 12 keys in a circle as it began to expand with it and Xehanort ascending up towards Kingdom Hearts.

"Because now..., the Keyblade War will finally reach its conclusion.", Xehanort stated.

Then, Xehanort raised his No Name Keyblade upward before a bright blue light overcame it and then transformed into the legendary χ-Blade forged only through 7 Lights and 13 Darknesses, much to Xehanort's joy.

"Ah. The χ-Blade is complete. Kingdom Hearts, I call upon your true form. Open now and show me the world to come.", Xehanort spoke as he fired a blast from the χ-Blade straight at the center of Kingdom Hearts, causing it to turn dark from the outside straight towards the center before it began firing dark meteors across the stormy sky in the Keyblade Graveyard, much to the group's shock before Donald and Goody turned up behind them.

End KH: Re:CoM Music: "Memories in Pieces"

"Hey, don't give up.", Donald spoke as he placed his hand on Sora's shoulder, puzzling him, as well as Kairi, King Mickey, and Riku.

"We thought ya might be able to use a couple more half-pints.", Goofy added.

"Donald... Goofy...", Sora spoke as he turned to see Donald and Goofy as the latter "a-hyucked" before Donald joked around.

"Typical. You can't do anything without us, Sora.", Donald stated before Kairi spoke up.

"That's nothing like that. He managed to save me, didn't he?", Kairi retorted with a smile as she turned to Sora before he shedded some more tears out of joy and relief, knowing he saved Kairi before it was too late.

"Now, wipe those tears, and let's go stop Master Xehanort.", Goofy urged, suddenly giving Kairi a sort of idea as she gasped in slight surprise while Sora's confidence was all but whittled away by this one failure to stop him from opening Kingdom Hearts.

"Yeah, but... he controls Kingdom Hearts now.", Sora spoke solemnly before Roxas spoke up as he, Axel, and Xion, along with Ventus, Aqua, and Terra walked up to the group.

"You, worried?", Roxas asked.

"Huh?", puzzled Sora before he, Kairi, Donald, Goofy, Riku, and King Mickey turned to notice them.

"Axel.", Kairi grinned.

"Guys.", Sora spoke up before Axel then explained.

"Sorry we took so long. Had a couple of plot points that needed ironing out.", Axel explained before Ventus and Roxas looked at each other before he, Aqua, and Terra saw Xehanort's goal close to completion.

"Master Xehanort.", Terra spoke up.

"He did it. He opened Kingdom Hearts.", Aqua spoke in slight disbelief.

"So, what now?", Ventus asked, only earning Aqua's despaired sigh before Kairi then spoke up.

"Well... it took me a while to realize that, but... there's still one hope, guys.", Kairi spoke up, puzzling Ventus while King Mickey and Riku understood what she meant with each nod.

"What hope?", Ventus puzzled.

"It's Xehanort. During the Mark of Mastery exam, we learned that he can transcend space and time. He's a portal, and we can use that to trap him.", Riku spoke up before King Mickey turned to Kairi and wanted to know something.

"But how did you know about that?", Mickey asked.

"Well, when Xehanort put his darkness inside me, I changed, but not before getting his memories from his younger self and from his last attempt to open Kingdom Hearts. I even had his younger self's memories from the Mark of Mastery Exam that Riku mentioned.", Kairi replied, surprising, and worrying, Terra, considering his experience.

"What? He put his darkness inside you?", Terra puzzled.

"Yes. And because of that, I was no longer myself. That is, until Sora saved me. He still had the good luck charm I gave him.", Kairi replied as she turned to Sora, who then gave a smile to Kairi, who returned the same gesture, putting Terra's worries to rest as he, too went through a similar, yet different case as he gave a slight gasp before he grinned.

Then, Mickey spoke up.

"Aqua, Riku, I'll need both your help if we're gonna push Xehanort out of this world.", Mickey spoke up to Aqua.

"Understood.", Aqua nodded before Sora then spoke up.

"Wait. I'll do it.", Sora intervened, surprising the others.

"What?", Riku puzzled.

"Sora...", Kairi began before Sora explained the reason.

"Kingdom Hearts is a much bigger threat. Let me handle Xehanort while you guys keep put shut.", Sora suggested, not knowing that Kairi tensed her knuckles as King Mickey sighed before Sora turned to him and nodded before Ventus, Aqua, Terra, Roxas, Xion and Axel nodded.

"Right.", Axel spoke before Riku nodded as did King Mickey.

"Okay, Sora.", Mickey agreed.

"I got this.", Sora assured before he began walking only for Kairi to speak different.

"No, Sora.", Kairi refused, puzzling Sora.

"Huh? What do you mean, 'no'?", Sora asked.

"If you plan on fighting him in there, I won't stop you, but I want to go with you. You made me a promise, remember, Sora? To let me fight for you?", Kairi reminded, surprising Sora, due to the fact that he, himself, forgot about it.

"Oh! It was back at the islands yesterday, right?", Sora asked, earning Kairi's nod before she explained further.

"Ever since you saved me by sacrificing your heart, I wanted to do everything I can to repay my debt and this is it. Besides, I kinda wanted to give that old coot some payback for kidnapping me and turning me into... well, this.", Kairi explained with a grin before Sora and Riku chuckled slightly at this.

"All right. If Kairi goes, I'm going, too.", Riku grinned before Donald and Goofy piped up as well.

"You can't forget about us.", Donald stated.

"Without keyblades, it's not like we'll be much help here.", Goofy added, prompting Donald to shush him, earning Goofy's usual laugh, even making Kairi giggle while Sora and Riku chuckled before Donald and Goofy laid hands on top of theirs before Sora spoke up as he put his hand on top of theirs.

"Three half-pints together again.", Sora spoke.

"Actually, Sora... better make that five.", Kairi spoke up before she placed her dark hand on top of Sora's before Riku put his hand on top of hers.

Then, Terra walked up and stated the urgency of the situation.

"Let's move. The darkness is spreading.", Terra urged as Sora and the others looked up and saw Xehanort floating in the air before Sora, Riku, Kairi, Donald, and Goofy got ready for battle as Sora, Riku, and King Mickey summoned their keyblades before Sora turned to her.

"Do you think you can get your keyblade out now, Kairi?", Sora asked, surprising Kairi as she grew hesitant, considering her current dark state.

"But..., Sora... I'm not sure if I can get it back now.", Kairi doubter before Xion walked over to her and then spoke to her to put her doubts to rest, based upon how she feels.

"Kairi.", Xion spoke up, catching her attention.

"Huh? Oh. Xion, right?", Kairi asked.

"Your heart is only safeguarded by the darkness inside you now. I can feel it.", Xion assured as she put her hands on her chest, helping Kairi to realize what she meant and smiled.

"Thank you.", Kairi thanked, earning Xion's nod as Kairi returned the gesture before she turned back around to face the same direction that Sora and the others are facing.

"I don't know if I can summon my keyblade anymore... but I can at least try.", Kairi spoke before she raised her right hand before suddenly, a bright glimmering light appeared in its place as it shone brightly, blinding Sora and the others before the light eventually faded, revealing not the Destiny's Embrace keyblade, but in its stead, a legendary blade that resembles the Roman numeral of 3 with the crown being the teeth of the blade and with the heart being the center not only for the blade, but also for the hilt that holds the blade as well as the keychain and silver and red shiny metal with white sparkles, surprising all.

"Wh-What? What keyblade is this?", Kairi puzzled as she held the blade up to the sky in wonder before the blade glowed as the sane light glowed on Sora and Riku's keyblades before they became the same blade that Kairi holds now, surprising them as well.

"I don't know, Kairi. But whatever it is..., now we both have it, too.", Sora replied, earning Kairi's grin before Riku spoke up.

"All right. It's time to finish this. Once and for all.", Riku spoke up before Sora, Kairi, Donald, and Goofy nodded before Sora, Riku, and Kairi held out their legendary blades, pointing them forward, before Ven, Aqua, Terra, King Mickey, Roxas, Xion, and Axel held out their keyblades before Kairi turned to Axel with a surprised smile.

"Look at that, Axel. You've got your keyblade back.", Kairi smiled, earning Axel's usual proud chuckle before Kairi grinned and then turned around before she, Sora, and Riku both spun their keyblades around before thrusting them our forward and then turning it the other way, causing the three blades to glow at the tip of the blades before they raised their blades up.

"Do it!", Sora urged before he, Kairi, and Riku, let the blades touch each other by the tips, causing the symbol of Kingdom Hearts to appear before them before glimmers of light were fired from the keyblades straight toward the symbol, which then gathered the glimmers before it then turned it all into a blue, concentrated beam of light and then fired it straight toward Xehanort, who turned around and saw it hurtling toward him before it not only struck him, but also, apparently, fractured the χ-Blade into its incomplete state as the portal now appeared from within Xehanort, much to his shock.

"What?!", Xehanort spoke in shock before Sora, Kairi, Riki, Donald, and Goofy eventually glowed bright and turned into a ball of light before going up to Kingdom Hearts and struck the center, eventually causing it to turn from dark purple to light blue as the other spots that hit it started growing to help more of the blue light on Kingdom Hearts to show through as the main light at the center disappeared.

A/N: So, what did you all think so far? Pretty good, right, if not, awesome? If you're still confused, allow me to explain. Since, Kairi was the 7th Princess of heart, naturally, she had no inkling of darkness whatsover, but when Xehanort attempted to turn her to the dark, what he didn't know was that that the moment he put his darkness inside her, it was quickly repelled by Kairi's pure heart, which kept it at bay, and forced it to safeguard her pure heart, eventually allowing Sora to get through to her with a key trigger: her good luck charm. As a result, Kairi unknowingly unlocked new powers that were normally beyond her reach, ones that even rival the Power of Waking, which is what I like to call, "The Power of the Ancients". I also wanted to see how Dark Kairi would look in a dark cloth similar to Vanitas' suit with her normal blue eyes and see that via DeviantArt, assuming the deviants wanted to draw this, that is. Anyway, the next 3-5 chapters are coming soon later this month and even in March as well. Until next time.