Author has written 1 story for Pokémon. Name: Just call me BadBoy1992; Age: 27; Gender: Male; My Looks: Tall, Dark and Handsome; Location: Somewhere in Serbia; Likes: Woman (Especially those who have naturally beautiful face. I think that any woman can have great body if she trains, but not many women can be naturally beautiful.), Movies, Anime, Music, Basketball, doing nothing (yeah, I'm lazy); Dislikes: Woman who ruin themselves trying to look better, Pedophiles, many, many other things. Favorite Movies: Most of James Bond movies, All Harry Potter Movies, all Transformers, All Pirates of the Caribbean, Percy Jackson Movies, Superman and Justice League Movies... Favorite Music: Nothing in particular. Favorite Games: I Don't play games. Favorite Anime: Dragon Ball, One Piece, Fairy Tail, Naruto, Bleach, High School DxD, Pokemon, Yu Yu Hakusho, High School of the Dead... Favorite Anime characters: Gohan, Goku, Luffy, Sanji, Nami, Natsu, Erza, Juvia, Itachi, Naruto, Hinata, Ichigo, Issei, Akeno, Yusuke Urameshi... Favorite Anime Villains: Zeref, Sosuke Aizen, Shinobu Sensui. Current stories in progress: Journey To Be The Best Pokemon Master - Rewrite Kanto Arc; Completed. Orange Island Arc; Completed. Johto Arc; Finished and uploading. Hoenn Arc; In writing. Alola Arc; It will happen after Hoenn but I'm not sure if I want to write it or skip it and just mention what happened when I get to Sinnoh. Sinnoh Arc; Prepared Story-line. Unova Arc; Prepared Story-line. Kalos Arc; Prepared Story-line. Galar Arc; Not planed yet. Abandoned stories: Rise of the God's; Maybe I'll return one day to this story and rewrite it, but even if I do, it won't be soon. Future stories: Naruto: 2 stories planed. One ties up with High school DxD story. One Piece: Three stories planed. Fairy Tail: One story. Bleach: One story. Harry Potter: One Story. High school DxD: One story. Ties up with Naruto story. Ash's current team: Mega Lucario (M); Alakazam (M); Pikachu (M); Charizard (Amaterasu) (F); Butterfree (M); Mega Pidgeot (F); Crobat (M); Venusaur (M); Charizard (Ra) (M); Pink Butterfree (Magenta) (F); Vaporeon (F); Jolteon (M); Flareon (M); Blastoise (M); Volcarona (F); Gengar (M); Primeape (M); Mewtwo (M); Muk (M); Tauros (M); Kingdra (M); Rapidash (M); Rhyperior (M); Dragonite (M); Dragonair (F); Electivire (M); Eevee (M); Eevee (F); Leafeon (F); Glaceon (M); Sylveon (F); Aerodactyl (M); Kabutops (M); Tyrunt (M); Aurorus (M); Giant Steelix (M); Lapras (F); Snorlax (M); Mother Lapras (F); |