STORY TITLE: The Head of the Family Black

PART: 11 of 11 Epilogue
AUTHOR: Red Jacobson (redjacobsonfiction )
DISTRIBUTION: HP FanFiction Archive, Archive of Our Own, Hentai-Foundry, Questionable Questing,
DISCLAIMER: None of the Characters You Recognize belong to me, they all belong to JK Rowling and her publishers.
SUMMARY: The Death of Sirius Black has consequences that no-one could have foreseen, least of all the new head of the Black Family, Harry James Potter!

FEEDBACK: Of course! It Makes Me Write Faster
RELATIONSHIPS: Harry/Tonks/Narcissa/Andromeda/Bellatrix/Ginny/Luna
SPOILERS: None, if you don't know how the Harry Potter story goes by now, why are you reading this story? Starts at the End of Order of the Phoenix, the day of the Fight at the DoM.
WARNINGS: If You've ever read any of my stories, you know what to expect, Oral, anal, Femme-slash, dom/sub, multiple partners, and Femme-cest.

ON CHARACTER'S AGES: Hogwarts starts at 13 in this universe, so the youngest characters involved will be at least 16 at the start of the story.

SPECIAL THANKS FOR INSPIRATION TO NickP41 And I'd like to point you to his book, available on Amazon it's called The Misplaced Man the author name is Nick James.


12 Grimmauld Place

Tuesday, June 11th, 1996


Ginny gave a huge sigh of relief as she stepped through the floo, her hands pulling her robes open and handing them to Kreacher, who sent them to the laundry. She kicked off her shoes and picked them up, heading for her room. She had forgotten just how uncomfortable wearing clothes could be! Thank Merlin and Morganna that they were home at last, and she could get comfortable again.

Hearing the sighs from the others, Ginny grinned, glad she wasn't the only one who had gotten used to being naked all the time. Not only was it more comfortable, it made it easier if their husband, or even one of the other wives, wanted to play. Speaking of playing, she owed Luna a spanking after the comments she made when they ran into Dad in the Ministry.

Sure, he probably didn't realize what Luna was saying, but still! When a girl's father complimented her on her new robes is not the time to mention how all the wives enjoy Ginny's good taste! Fortunately Harry managed to steer the conversation in a safer direction, although she wasn't really looking forward to dinner at the Burrow, because she knew that mum was going to ask a lot of questions that weren't any of her business, not to mention Fred and George being arses!'


They managed to make it to the offices of the Daily Prophet without being gawked at, and the Editor promised that he would print the entire statement, exactly as written in the next edition of the paper. It was a straightforward account of what happened at the Ossuary, and gave credit to the others who were there fighting. The hard part was expressing his feelings about the death of Dumbledore, but with Cissy's help, they managed to honor the man, while making it clear that Harry was not going to follow in the old man's footsteps, that he had his own life to live, which currently meant preparing for his NEWT years at Hogwarts.

They left the Prophet and made their way to Madame Malkin's, and Harry tolerated the woman's excitement with relatively good grace, and they were soon wearing new robes that had the Black family crest on the breast, showing their membership in the family. Harry also had the Potter crest on the opposite breast, showing his Lordship of both houses, and ordered several additional robes for all of them.

Wearing their robes, they walked down the Alley, stopping in at the shop where Fred and George were getting set up, but the menaces hadn't arrived yet, so they were spared her brothers idea of humor.

At least the people in the Alley were relatively polite, and didn't try to crowd them. But then, with Andi, Bella and Cissy surrounding the rest of them like lionesses, it wasn't that big a surprise. They probably didn't want to risk getting turned into something interesting.

In fact, the only person who was actually brave enough to approach them was Cho Chang, and she and Luna had shared a glance at the obvious sparks between Cho and Harry. If they weren't all aware of the need to continue the Potter family, and now the Slytherin family, Ginny had no doubt that the girl would have been run off with her tail between her legs. As it was, she and the other wives were cautiously friendly, inviting the girl to spend time walking around the Alley with them.

Cho had, with obvious reluctance, begged off, she was needed to help her mum in their Apothecary, she'd actually only stepped out to pick up lunch for the two of them. Ginny, thinking quickly, suggested that the girl join them for dinner later in the week, which Cho accepted with a smile.

Harry had been surprised at her offer, but none of the wives were, and when they stopped at La Rochelle to have lunch in a private dining room, Harry said,

"What was that with Cho, Ginny? You've never been that friendly with her in the past."

Ginny couldn't believe he was asking such a question. "I invited her to come over for dinner to see how well she would fit with the rest of us, of course. You do need to find a Lady Potter, remember? And I can be friendly now that she isn't competition for your attention, the way she was last year."

Luna added, "I think I know Cho better than the rest of you, since we've been in the same house for the last four years, and, her problems over Cedric's death aside, is a likable girl, and she did her best to stop my roommates from stealing my things. I wouldn't have any objections if you chose her as Lady Potter, and since she is extremely close to Padma Patil, it's likely that she would suggest Padma and Parvati as other members of the family."

Harry nodded, "That's about what I thought, and I understand your reasoning. And since it's just a dinner to explore things, not a commitment, I'm not going to object, but," he looked at her directly, his eyes practically glowing with power, "I am not Arthur, and I will not put up with you, or any of you actually, making decisions for me that are mine to make. Is that understood?"

Ginny felt herself getting wet as she met his eyes, she couldn't help her reaction to feeling his power directed at her, and she could tell from the way Luna was squirming that she was feeling it as well. She managed to nod and say she understood, and Harry relaxed, his eyes returning to normal.

He looked at the other wives, "Do any of you have any thoughts on Cho? I'm not going to lie, I'm still attracted to her, and if she can cope with our family I wouldn't have a problem with considering her for Lady Potter. But, that's something that we can discuss with her, she may not be able to handle being one of many. That's why I'm not even going to consider Hermione. She has been my closest friend since Halloween of my first year, and she's a wonderful person, but she's far too conventional to be able to accept our lives."

Ginny could feel the relief from Cissy, and was sure that she and Luna had similar expressions. She loved Hermione like a sister, but the girl wasn't able to unbend enough to understand that the magical world had no problems with multiple marriages.

Tonks was actually the one to answer Harry's question, and she said, "I don't think any of us even know the girl, but she seems a decent sort from just meeting her. We'll see how she reacts at the dinner."

The others murmured agreement, and they went back to other topics for the rest of the meal.

Sadly, the peaceful morning had ended when they stepped out of the restaurant, as Rita Skeeter and the rest of the vultures descended on them, demanding a statement and shouting questions at Harry.

After he got them to quiet down, by the simple expedient of dropping a mass silencing charm on them, Harry told them that he had given a statement to the Daily Prophet already, and if they wanted to know what happened, they could read the statement, he had no intention of allowing the rest of them to waste his time!

When Rita tried to argue, he just stared at her, and told her to stop bugging him or he would have a conversation with Madame Bones. The bitch paled and shut up immediately, but the glare she gave him promised that he would not enjoy anything she wrote about him in the future.

Pushing their way through the stunned reporters, Harry led them to Gringotts, where they spend far too much time talking to the Black, and then the Potter and Slytherin Account Managers. Eventually they completed all the paperwork to establish them as members of the Black Family. It was simple enough for Cissy and Bella to be assigned the contents of the Malfoy and Lestrange vaults, after Harry showed them the slip of paper with the secret. The goblins really didn't care what names the women were using, or if the Ministry thought they were dead, as long as the gold kept moving.

Between meetings with the different account managers, Harry wrote a message and called for Kreacher, who was happy to take the message to Amelia Bones. When Ginny saw him writing, he looked over and smirked, "Rita is about to have all kinds of problems from the DMLE about how she gets her information. Now that Fudge isn't around to protect her anymore, the little bug is going to be begging to hide in a nice safe terrarium! She's made a ton of enemies over the years, and not all of them died with Tom."

Ginny snickered, "Perfect!"

They were all glad that the meeting was the Slytherin account manager was the last, and fairly short. Harry was eligible to claim the name, but the Goblins agreed to keep it quiet until after he had graduated from Hogwarts.

Finally they were able to head back home, the goblins actually allowed them to use the floo they reserved for their wealthiest clients, Ginny didn't really care, she was just glad to the day was over!


Turning to Luna, Ginny said, "I'm going to take a shower, want to wash my back?"

Her sister wife grinned and nodded, and the two of them hurried up the stairs, unbuttoning their blouses as they headed for Ginny's bedroom.

Luna wasn't quiet as eager for the spanking she got before the shower, but after the Senior Wife got down on her knees to apologize, all was forgiven.

By the time the two of them finished their shower and were dried off, their stomachs were grumbling and they headed down for dinner.

When they got downstairs, Kreacher was just getting finished with cooking, and they all sat down, tucking in eagerly.


12 Grimmauld Place

Wednesday, July 31st, 1996

Early Afternoon

Harry grinned at Neville as he took a sip of his butterbeer, the sounds of women's laughter echoing around the warded area on top of the townhouse. He was still amazed that the goblins had been able to reinforce the roof of the house and put in a swimming pool so quickly. The wards prevented any of the neighbors, or low flying planes from noticing anything different, otherwise they would have more attention than they really wanted.

Neville and his ladies had been here before, several times in the last few weeks, and were completely comfortable with the lack of clothing Harry and his wives had adopted, to the point that he, Hannah and Susan left their clothing in the entryway when they arrived. It had been a surprise, to say the least, when Hermione arrived with him and stripped down as well.

When he asked Neville about it, he found that because his friend killed Snape, he was the head of the Prince family by conquest, and Hermione was interested in becoming the Prince wife. Harry couldn't believe he had misjudged his best friend like that, but seeing her snogging Susan and fondling her arse was proof that he had goofed. His own ladies had taken great delight in teasing him about it, but none of them were unhappy that Hermione was with Neville and not interested in joining the Potter family.

Harry's eyes scanned the loungers that surrounded the pool, smiling at the display of beauty stretched out in the sun. Cho and Luna were laying next to each other, chatting quietly about something, he wasn't sure what, while the newest member of the Potter family, Fleur Delacour Potter was discussing pregnancy with Andi and her sisters. Fleur had been a complete surprise, since he thought she had been dating Bill Weasley, but apparently Molly had been too much to deal with a potential mother-on-law, along with another issue that made it impossible for Fleur to truly commit to a relationship with Bill.


He and his wives had almost literally bumped into Fleur at Agent Provocateur when he took them shopping in Muggle London. He had been watching his ladies as they looked over the models, choosing the lingerie and other items they were interested in, when he felt somebody beside him. Moving to the side, he turned to see who it was, and his eyes locked with Fleur's. The next thing he knew was the Veela was clinging to him, her eyes glazed as she shuddered against him.

He had seen his ladies in the throes of climaxing often enough to instantly realize what was happening to the woman in his arms, and he managed to get her out of sight of any of the staff. His wives noticed, of course, and they stopped what they were doing to join them, keeping Fleur out of view until she recovered.

When the blonde beauty's eyes cleared, and she released her death grip on him, she flushed in embarrassment, stammering an apology.

He just smiled gently at her, "Hush Fleur, you have nothing to apologize for, but are you ready to talk about what just happened?"

He heard Ginny gasp in realization, and he turned to look at her questioningly.

"Harry, you saved Fleur's life during the Tournament, didn't you? And we all remember you rescuing Gabrielle during the second task."

He nodded, "Yeah, when Viktor was under the Imperious during the third task, why?"

Fleur spoke up, "Merde! Because that created a life debt between us, as did saving Gabrielle. My sister was only 7 years old, and too young to really comprehend the nature of the debt, so it came to me as well." She started swearing softly, "That's what I was feeling, making me so restless for the last several months, the pull of the unpaid debts."

He grinned wryly, "Well, this is going to make sure our lives are interesting. Are you going to be okay for now? Because this is something that we need to discuss, and in the middle of the shop isn't the best place." Looking around at his ladies, he saw that Luna had picked out her choices while the others were still deciding. "Luna, go pay for your choices, the rest of you can finish up and wait until we get back. There's a coffee shop next door that should be noisy enough for us to talk privately."

Luna smiled slightly as she nodded, heading for the cashier, and he saw his other wives looking at Fleur with interest, and not a little excitement on Tonks' and Ginny's faces. None of them would object to having Fleur as part of the family, even if it wasn't the Black family, that much was clear.

Fleur was looking relaxed, and returning the looks of interest, apparently trying to figure out who some of the women were. She knew Ginny and Tonks of course, but there would be time for her to meet the sisters later. He took Fleur's hand, and the two of them walked up to the front of the shop, reaching Luna as she was taking her purchases.

The coffee shop was just as noisy as he expected, but there were several private nooks that would be perfect for the conversation. When they had given their orders and had their drinks, the three of them sat down and Harry said,

"Okay Fleur, first of all, it's great to see you again, even if things were a bit strange. Are you feeling better now?"

She nodded, "Much better, thank you Harry. But, I'm also still feeling the pull toward you, and it's already getting stronger, although I'm able to think clearly again. The debt I owe has been unrecognized for so long that there's only one way to pay it." She paused, her hands fidgeting with her cup, before she took a deep breath. "Will you accept me as your slave, Master? I need to pay this debt, not only for myself, but for my sister, she's too young to understand what the bond would have her doing, and I would spare her that! I just ask that if let other men have me, you ensure it's kept quiet, my reputation would suffer, and it could keep me from working at Gringotts." She was pleading, her eyes filling with tears as she finished, looking down at the table.

He and Luna had already started moving, sliding closer so they could put their arms around the frightened girl, and he pulled her close, his hand stroking her hair as she cried on his shoulder. "Don't worry, Fleur, there's another option, and I will never allow another man to touch you, let alone have sex with you, I promise you!"

Hearing that calmed her almost instantly, and she looked up at him, the tears replaced by hope, and he continued,

"I'm not sure if you have heard the news yet, because it's been fairly crazy the last few days, but I'm the head of three different families, and Luna is my Senior Wife for the Black family. The others are also members of the Black family, but I need to continue the Potter family and one other. I already know who I will be approaching to be the Senior Wife for the Potters, but there are other positions, including Family concubine. It's a recognized way of paying a life debt, and you are considered a member of the Potter family, which would actually improve your reputation with Gringotts, since they are rather fond of the gold the Potters and Blacks have in their vaults."

Fleur snorted a laugh and nodded, wiping her eyes, "That's very true, they do practice their own version of the Golden Rule, don't they?" Picking up her cup, she took another sip and said, "So, when shall we do this? I'm well aware of what is required to bond a concubine, and this isn't really a good location, is it?"

Luna giggled, "Not really, but our husband does enjoy having us bent over the furniture quite often. There are several very comfortable beds at home, and I'm sure you will enjoy all of them, we certainly do!"

Fleur looked at him curiously, and he nodded, "That's a little more blunt than I would have preferred, but yes, all of my ladies find themselves sharing a bed almost nightly. This is something they choose to do, and they all enjoy themselves. As the family concubine, you will be pleasuring Lady Potter when she joins the family, and the other ladies of the household. But you won't be given to women who are not part of the family. Is that going to make you uncomfortable?"

She shook her head, "Not at all, I've enjoyed a woman's touch and taste quite often since I matured, and I had considered inviting Nymphadora to share my bed several times over the last several months."

Luna grinned, "You're in for a treat, Tonks is almost as imaginative as Bella, but all of us will make sure you enjoy yourself! And that's not even mentioning our husband's special trick, where he can make multiple duplicates of himself. I haven't had the nerve to experience it yet, but Bella and Tonks have taken three of him at once and could barely walk the next morning!"

Fleur looked intrigued at what Luna was saying, and picked up her cup, draining it. "Now that, that sounds interesting. Can we go now?"

Harry laughed and finished his drink, as did Luna, and the three of them gathered up the rest of his wives and were soon in a taxi back home.

It was several hours later that Fleur was begging for a rest, they had managed to exhaust a mature Veela, which they were all rather proud of.


Neville grinned as he shook his head, "Damn Harry, I thought having 3 wives to deal with was going to be crazy, but how in the hell are you going to manage with eight, plus the other girls you'll need to comply with the law?"

Harry shrugged, taking another swallow of his drink. "I've been lucky, the Black family's magic ensures harmony within the marriage, I guess the family did enough scheming against the rest of the world they needed a place to relax. And so far Cho and Fleur are getting along really well, hopefully it lasts."

His friend nodded, "Did you get a message from McGonagall about the South Wing? Since my ladies are from a different house she assigned us a set of rooms outside Gryffindor, otherwise she would have had us use the Gryff Head Boy and Girl rooms."

Harry laughed, "She didn't send a message, she actually came in person, but that was mostly so she could convince Andi to take over teaching Potions to the first four years, she's got somebody named Slughorn to teach OWLs and NEWTs. Apparently he was the Potions Professor before Snape, and from what Remus said he's really good."

"I can't believe that she was able to get Professor Lupin back, he was the best DADA Professor we'd ever had. And with Voldemort dead, the curse should be broken so he can stay longer than a year."

Harry nodded, and he said, "You didn't even stumble over his name this time, another sign that the bastard is really gone for good this time!"

Neville looked surprised, "That's why people had a hard time saying it before? Because he was still around in some form?"

"Yeah, Luna got curious when she noticed that Cho and the others didn't have a problem saying his name after we killed him and she and Cho started digging into some really obscure book in the family library. The magic is way beyond me right now, but I'm not going to argue magical theory with a couple of Ravenclaws, especially since I'm sleeping with both of them!"

Ginny had walked up as they were talking and paused to let Neville admire her naked body, before she lifted her face to Harry for a kiss, so naturally he obliged her, and when they finished, she grinned at Neville, "Don't let him fool you Neville, he argues with us all the time, usually so we can get to the make up sex! I'm still surprised that we haven't overloaded the contraceptive charms by now."

Harry gave her a smack on the arse, sending her away giggling, while he shook his head. "I never realized just how much of an exhibitionist Ginny is, that girl just loves showing off. Hell, she'd probably be happy to go to class naked, and while watching McGonagall and Flitwick have a fit would be fun, the howler we would get from Molly wouldn't be worth it."

Neville smirked, "Better you than me, Harry! My girls have their moments, but they aren't quite that adventurous. Being naked with you and your ladies is about as far as they're willing to go. And that's only because of what happened that night, otherwise they wouldn't trust you enough to be this open. Well, except for Hermione, she just likes being naked."

Hearing a shriek of laughter and a loud splash, the two of them turned to look at the pool and saw Tonks just coming to the surface of the water, while all the other women were on their feet, covered in water with furious expressions on their faces.

Harry groaned, "Come on, I need to keep them from murdering Tonks, I swear she's as bad as Sirius was in causing trouble!"


Tonks was still smirking as they sat on the benches eating the dinner that Kreacher had prepared. The spanking that Harry had given her was rough, but it was worth it to see the looks on the girl's faces. The only bad part was having to get dressed after the spanking, but everybody did as well, the rest of the guests were starting to arrive, and they wouldn't understand the attitude about nudity in the family.

Her mum and aunts had been having far too serious a conversation with Fleur, and Cho and Luna were talking to Hermione about stuff that made her brain bleed, they needed to lighten up a bit, and that was her job!

Besides, she spent her days dealing with enough ugly crap to want to be serious when she was naked. They were still tracking down all the people that Rita had dirt on, and not all of them were Death Eaters. The little bug was spilling everything she knew to keep from going to Azkaban and some of the stuff she knew had to be followed up, those people shouldn't be walking around! It was a good thing that Umbridge was already dead, she was disgusting, and the things she did that weren't illegal were certainly vile. Those poor house-elves! Tonks almost asked to be obliviated of the mental images!

Pushing those memories aside, she turned to watch Amelia, who had just been elected as the Minister for Magic, as she tried to recruit Narcissa to be her Under-Secretary. Cissy wasn't having it, though. She would play the political games for the family, but otherwise wanted to stay home and raise her babies, because she wasn't going to stop at just one.

Amelia wasn't giving up, and Tonks wondered if Harry was going to have to go 'Lord Black' on her to make her back down? She hoped he did, because when Harry showed his power like that, all the wives got wetter than the pool. It was a good thing that he found that spell to create duplicates, otherwise he'd die of exhaustion keeping up with all eight of them, especially with Fleur's appetites.

Thinking of Fleur, she was tolerating with passably good humor the questioning she was getting from Molly Weasley. From what she could hear, Molly was actually concerned that Fleur had taken the concubine bond, and wanted to make sure that Harry was treating her properly. That was actually a decent thing for the woman to do, although she should know Harry better than that, considering that he was married to her daughter.

It was interesting that Ron had brought a girlfriend to the party, when she knew the boy last summer he didn't seem mature enough to attract a girl, even though Lavender didn't really impress her as having more than a couple of brain cells to rub together. But then, Tonks doubted that it was the girl's brain that Ron was interested in, and the blonde did have some nice sized quaffles under that blouse she was wearing. At least she wasn't a giggler, Tonks hated giggling girls with a passion!

Luna was talking to her father, and the poor man seemed totally out of his depth, but then, after reading a few issues of the Quibbler, that might just be his normal appearance. Oh well, Luna loved him, and that's all that matters.

Cho's mum was there as well, and she seemed to know Xeno, she was listening to the man's rambling with a tolerant smile, which was impressive, considering the nonsense he was spouting, about these different creatures he was planning on searching for.

Although, from what Harry and Ginny said, Luna used to be the same way, constantly talking about these creatures, until Harry shagged her cross-eyed the morning after Sirius died. It might be interesting to see if the same thing happened with Xeno if he and Cho's mum got closer?

Of course, the way Mei was eyeing Harry, and the conversation she heard between Mei and Cho, the woman may be more interested in a different position, bent over a convenient piece of furniture for Harry to shag her stupid. Tonks wondered if the woman squealed as nicely as her daughter when getting buggered? Well, if it happened, it happened. That was a Potter family decision, and she had nothing to say about it, but she would welcome Mei with open arms (and open legs) if things went that way.

She looked up, because the conversation stopped suddenly, and saw that Harry was standing, a smile on his face, and he started talking,

"First of all, I want to thank you all for coming, it's been a wonderful day and having all of you here to help my families celebrate my Birthday just made it even better. I also want to congratulate Amelia on her new position, and ask her nicely to quit trying to poach any of my wives to work in the Ministry. You've already got Tonks, do you really want to risk any more of them?"

There was laughter at that, and Tonks pulled a face at him, before laughing as well.

"I also want to congratulate Headmistress McGonagall on being confirmed by the Board of Governors in her new position, and look forward to making sure that the Quidditch Shield stays in Remus' office for the foreseeable future. And no, Moony, now that you are all respectable, I'm not giving you the map back! Bella and Cissy told me about the Hogwarts Circuit, and if we're going to complete it before I graduate I'm going to need it."

Several people laughed, although Minnie groaned and shook her head. Tonks was surprised to see that a couple of the younger ones looked confused, she thought everybody knew about the Hogwarts Circuit. Granted, nobody had been able to even get close to completing it since James and Lily, but she was sure that Harry and the others could manage it. Although how they were going to get into Minnie's office to have sex on her desk she really wasn't sure.

Minerva glared at him, "Just because school isn't in session right now, don't think I can't take points away for even considering the idea, Mister Potter. Your parents were bad enough, I don't want to to deal with the complaints from the ghosts and the portraits again this year!" She shook her head, "How Albus managed to avoid a drinking problem I'll never know."

Harry grinned at her, "I suspect he kept calming potions in those lemon drops, personally. But, on a more serious note, things should be calmer now, without Snape encouraging the worst elements of his house, and no more threat of Voldemort hanging over our heads. Personally I'm looking forward to enjoying a year with no more than the average number of near death experiences!"

Luna looked at him innocently, "Are you sure about that, husband? After all, with four of your wives pregnant at the same time, I would expect you would welcome something as minor as a threat of death."

The other wives laughed, and Harry looked worried for a second, before laughing as well. He just said,
"Well, it's going to be different anyway. But that's enough out of me, let's get this party started!"


And we finally reach the end of The Head of the Family Black! Hope you've enjoyed the journey. There are still more stories to tell, including Fleur and Cho's joining the family, and whether or not Harry and his ladies manage to complete the Circuit, but for now, this is the end.

I'll admit, this chapter fought me more than the rest of the chapters combined, and I'm not completely happy with it, but then, finishing stories isn't something I have a lot of experience with, hopefully I'll get better with practice GRIN

See you next time
