Author has written 24 stories for Stargate: SG-1. I've been writing fanfiction for more than a year and a half now, and thanks to all the fantastic constructive criticism I've received, I think I've really improved during that time. There's still plenty for me to learn though. I'm still working on it! Thraesja is my beta extraordinaire, and I owe her great thanks. Despite her very busy life, she still manages to find time to tolerate me and my stories. She has been an unending source of sarcasm-laden but brilliant writing advice. Go read her stories. You won't regret it. Finally, in case anyone is interested, here is the link to the StargateFic100 LiveJournal Community that my StargateFic100 collection is based upon. My participation in the challenge is unofficial, since I don't have a LJ account. Update (August 15, 2008): I know it's been a while since I've posted anything, but that doesn't mean I haven't been busy. In fact, I'm happy to announce that Thraesja and I now have our very own website. It currently houses our fanfiction and fanart, as well as a Planet Designation Generator (for the Stargate 'verse) that we programmed ourselves. Yay us! More functionality will be added as we find time. We also have our very own forum if you want to poke us into getting something new written. |
aislara (8) Chris4Short (29) | Jess13 (47) Meriem Clayton (49) | stalltherain (17) Thraesja (8) |