![]() Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter. Ok, first off...all about me!! Name: Kiera Lhys, feel free to call me oceansong though... Gender: Female Birthday: January 18, 1989 Nationality: Chinese Canadian Religion: Evangelical Christian Activities I enjoy: I adore watching anime. I learn lots of Japanese from it, so I occasionally burst out in Japanese. I also like to read, daydream, listen to all kinds of music, stargaze, watch cool movies with lots of action, magic and romance, play piano, and sing. Extra info: I have a pretty crazy personality, wait, never mind, I have a VERY crazy personality. This won't be reflected in my stories, though it just might be reflected in any reviews or author replies or private messages that I might send. My stories may take some time to be completed since I get writer's block pretty often and I lose my inspiration easily. SO if you have any ideas or suggestions for me, please feel free to message me! I sure hope you will enjoy whatever happens to the small rays of inspiration that I find worthy enough to write about! And I really, really hope that you will leave an honest review if you do happen to read! That would be much appreciated for a poor little author who needs constant encouragement. :D Please visit my homepage: www. xanga. com /oceanmelody (delete the spaces) for all updates and other news about my fics! Happy reading :) |