Author has written 9 stories for Hannah Montana. Hello. Hola. Bonjour. Hallo. Konichiwa.Ciao. Shalom. Aloha. Ellohay. I'm Valerie. That was for those of you who are having off days, and just couldn't seem to decipher my penname. To me, writing is the eighth wonder of the world. It's my escape. It's my passion. It's my life. End of story. My other loves are music and movies, and of course, my family and friends. I laugh all of the time. Only on a rare occasion do you actually see me with a straight face, and I mean very rare. I can be a weirdo at times, but after a while you hardly notice it. I also absolutely love seeing Broadway musicals.I only read and write Hannah Montana fanfictions. If you actually spend time reading my works, thank you kindly. I really appreciate it. As far as pairings go; Loliver is love, always has been, always will be. If Disney makes Moliver, I might just puke. Yeah, Moliver isn't even worthy enough to be in bold. o.O. Jiley is also adorable. If the story is amazing, I will read Lackson; not saying I think that only the Lackson stories I read are the amazing ones, just if I happen to click on it and find it really great, I'll continue. My youtube acount (I suck at making videos, but they're a lot of fun so I do it anyway XP): Comments are appreciated as are friend requests =D |
AHBigHurt (1) AlwaysxAddicted (40) BeMySpiderman (11) BRSGurl (7) Corey Potter (2) cutehunnie (2) | lile90 (17) Mr. Fishy (40) Romin (1) Roosie (3) Sidhe-Anomaly (0) | snowstargirl (13) softballchick03 (11) Victoria Lilly (8) x-HotMess (60) YoungWriter2005 (24) Zovid (36) |