Spring Break

Chapter 1

Spring Goals

Its spring break and Oliver and Lilly were sitting back, relaxing at Oliver's house. They were both bored out of their mind and they really needed something to do. They were both lying sprawled on the couches flipping through the channels finding nothing to watch. Soon, a commercial started to play, which was one for promoting the movie that Miley and Jake's in.

"Hey Oliver, we should seriously hit the beach. There is no way am I spending my spring break stuck here on your couch doing nothing while our best friend is having the time of her life with her oh so famous boyfriend on the set of their new movie." Lilly sighed as she pulled her legs up on the couch.

She looked at Oliver, who was lying on the couch, and threw a pillow that was next to her at him.

"Oliver, are you listening to me?" She shouted, causing him to sit up and glare at her.

"Yeah, it's just that, today I want to lie down and do nothing. Is that okay with you?" He asked and Lilly shook her head.

"Come on lazy butt, get off the couch and let's go out!" Lilly exclaimed and started to pull at Oliver's foot. "We have a week and three days left of spring break with nothing to do, we have to get out of the house! For the past four days, all we've done was do nothing and if we don't go out tonight, this is going to be our 5th day of doing nothing!"

He started to get irritated and pulled his foot away from her grasp.

"No Lilly, I just want to lay down, is that too much for me to ask?" He said and she laughed.

"Yes, it is." She rolled her eyes and stood up. "Fine, if you want to lie down, can we go somewhere else to relax other than here? It's boring here!" Lilly exclaimed and thought for a second.

"I don't know, where ever you want, just as long as I get to lie down." Oliver dropped the remote and sat up on his seat. He looked at Lilly for a minute and smiled at her. She was in deep thought thinking of what to do next and Oliver never really thought of it, but she really looked cute thinking like that.

"I don't know. I guess we could just sit here and do nothing." She sighed and looked at her nails.

"Lilly, what do you want to do before spring break ends?" Oliver asked and slouched on the couch, raising his feet to the coffee table. He brushed a few strands of his brown hair away from his face and scratched his head. His hair was growing really long and soon needed a hair cut, but he really wanted to keep his hair long.

Lilly slightly tilted her head and had a dazed look in her eyes. She furrowed her brows and laid her head against the couch.

"Well… we're turning 15 this year… so… hmm." She shrugged as she thought. She really didn't know what she wanted to do.

"Yeah… well, at least you won't be the first to turn 15. My birthday is right after spring break! I have so little time to do what I want to do." Oliver said and Lilly giggled.

"What do you want to do before you turn 15 or before spring break ends?" Lilly asks, suddenly curious to find out what Oliver wanted to do this spring break.

"I'll only tell you on one condition." Oliver said and started to grin.

"Okay, what?" Lilly asked and moved on the couch, getting closer to Oliver.

"You can't laugh and you have to tell me what you want to do right after." Oliver showed one of his adorable boyish grins and Lilly couldn't resist but smile. She always loved Oliver's smile and seeing him smile just made her feel all giddy inside.

"Fine, I won't laugh." Lilly raised her hands, looking as if she was defeated. Lilly stared at Oliver intently, waiting for him to say what he had to say.

"Well, this spring break, I want one of those spring flings people are always hearing about. I want to go on a date with a girl, I want to have my first kiss, I want to-" Oliver was going to continue on, but soon was interrupted by Lilly's voice.

"You haven't had your first kiss yet?" She nearly shouted and Oliver covered his ears.

"Say that louder, geez, I don't think everyone in the whole world heard you." he removed his hands from his ears and shook his head.

"But I thought you kissed Becca, you know the whole kiss and tell part?" Lilly said and he shrugged.

"Well, that was more of a kiss on the cheek thing." He started to blush, feeling slightly embarrassed. He did make it sound like he and Becca had a real big kiss that one time the year before when in reality Becca just kissed him on the cheek.

"You idiot." Lilly said and threw a pillow at Oliver. He laughed as he caught the pillow and swung it back at Lilly.

"Sorry okay! And Becca was the one that played around telling everyone it was a big smack on the lips." Oliver shook his head and sighed deeply.

"Well, sorry Mr. Whacko." She rolled her eyes. "I always knew Becca was a fake."

"Hey, be nice! She's a really sweet girl!" Oliver said and sat up. He moved closer to Lilly and poked her shoulder.

"Whatever." She giggled and smiled dreamily. "What I want to for this spring break or before I turn 15 is, well, of course it's to have my first boyfriend and kiss, but I also want to be treated like any normal girl. I mean, I've been treated like a guy for all my life, maybe it'd actually make me feel pretty if some guy treats me like a regular girl." Lilly laughed. "Stupid, I know, but I'd lose my tomboy act like that." Lilly snapped her finger and smiled at Oliver.

He looked more shocked then weird. He didn't know that it bothered Lilly that everyone treats her like one of the guys.

"If it makes you feel better, I think you're already pretty." Oliver said and smiled. It was true, Oliver always thought Lilly was one of the most prettiest girls in school which is one of the main reasons he hung out with her in the first place.

Lilly laughed. "Sorry Oliver, but I really don't need your sympathy." She rolled her eyes and got off the couch. "I'm heading off, I'll see you tonight okay?" Lilly said and Oliver nodded.

"Bye friend." She patted his head and walked out the door, just before picking up her skateboard from the side of the door.

Oliver watched Lilly leave and sighed, shaking his head. She really thinks that poorly of herself? She is pretty, but I never realized she felt that way about herself. Oliver thought to himself and grinned. He now had an idea on what to do this spring break.

A/N Do you like it? Shall I continue? Oh boy, I have so many things to finish writing XP.

Just decided to write this during my spring break. I really wanted to experiment with 3rd person.

Well, here I am in the boarding area of my trip.. Stupid plane is delayed. Grr… I wasn't on planning to upload this until tomorrow, but I got bored and I hate that my flight is delayed. I wanna go home :'( XP jk. But chyeah... Ohh well. at least I have my laptop :) LOL. Okay... time to work on my other fics while waiting for my stupid flight.