![]() Author has written 13 stories for Smallville, Superman, Scooby Doo, Supernatural, Star Trek: 2009, and Cassandra Palmer Series. Hmmmm…what to say about myself? If you ask my husband, he’d probably tell you that I was nuts - but DON’T LISTEN TO HIM! I’m not nuts...well. Maybe I'm nuts. A little nuts. I like to think of myself as a passionate person – without passion, life would be SOOOOOOO very boring. I mean, come on, what is life without passion? I am passionate about my God, my family, my friends ... and my incredible and (not to mention, for-sure) CRAZY husband who makes me laugh everyday and keeps life interesting! My passions are my life and if I could go without eating and sleeping to make more time for them, I would do so (although I am quite partial to sleeping). I have a passion for art and abstract painting. I absolutely adore reading and I try to whenever I can get a free moment. Other passions of mine include acting, singing in the shower, and snuggling on my sofa late at night with my laptop on my knee, my kitty on my lap, and a cup of steaming hot chocolate on the end-table. But my favorite passion is writing. It is my stress-reliever and thank goodness for Fanfiction. I enjoy surfing Fanfic as much as I do posting to it and I also love reviewing as much as I love receiving a review, although I have very little time to do either nowadays. Life happened and unfortunately, really the only time I'm able to get online is via my phone. Sigh. My likes? Children. I'm a Preschool teacher, hence the fact I'm a little nuts. I have also discovered I have a passion for Supernatural (I thank sUnKiSsT for that! It's all her fault!). Passion might not be the right word for it. Obsession, maybe? I love Sam and Dean and their relationship with each other as brothers. It is inspiring to me and the two of them remind me so much of my husband and his younger brother that it's just not funny. My morbid mind has fallen in love with Hurt!Sam/Protective!Dean stories, so most of my writing involves Sam either being bloodied, beat up, or kidnapped. And ALL HAIL the ANGST!! Just gotta love that on-the-edge-of-your-seat, oh-my-gosh-what's-gonna happen? feeling! I read a lot of Fanfiction before I actually posted anything, and I worry a lot that my writing is just awful in comparison to some of the major talent I've read out there, but hey - I enjoy writing it! And if I'm able to write something that at least a few people out there enjoy, then the wonderful circle is complete. And if you're looking for some fabulous stories and exceptional writers - check out my Faves. You won't be disappointed! I’ve made some awesome friends here on FanFic (waves to sUnKiSsT, supernatfem72 and bhoney!) and even acquired a little sis along the way (smiles to alwaysloving! Miss you girl!). To all my friends out there - HUGS!! Wanna know more about me? Here's 25 random breadcrumbs: 1. I can pop my nose. 2. My utmost favorite possessions are my books and I am totally OCD when it comes to them. I take immaculate care of all my books: I won’t bend the pages - even to keep my place, the spine CANNOT be creased, and I will not lone them out to anyone. 3. I like Goldfish crackers and Kool-aid in the middle of the night. 4. I LOVE Chuck Taylors and my goal is to own a pair in every color. 5. My husband and I are exact opposites in everything. He’s very outgoing/I’m not, he likes to watch TV/I like to read, he likes R&B and slow music/I like loud rock, I like silence/he can’t stand it, he likes going out/I like staying home, you get the picture? I guess opposites really do attract! 6. I had my dad AND my brother walk me down the aisle when I got married. 7. I wrote a full-length novel my Junior year in high school, then tore it up because my boyfriend at the time thought I was “living too much in my fantasies”. I shoulda just decked him and kept it. It would be amusing to read now that I'm an adult. 8. I have designed the artwork for the cover of a book that is in print. 9. Tommy, the green Power Ranger was my first real TV crush. Sad. 10. I absolutely despise talking on the phone. The only purpose for my owning a cell phone is for texting and internet. 11. The longest I have been awake at one time is 72 hours. To make a long story short, I was a mess and ready to deck the smiling JFK airport staff. (Hmmmm...again with decking. Do we detect a hint of violence?) 12. I had a pet squirrel growing up named "Furrytail". 13. I’m more comfortable around guys and definitely have more fun with them, but I wouldn't call myself a tomboy. I enjoy getting my nails done too much! 14. I can’t stand drinking water. 15. I have a REALLY hard time with rejection. For this reason, if I don't like somebody's story, I just won't comment on it. Bad reviews can and have killed me, so I WILL NOT do that to someone else. 16. Every emotion possible is connected to my water ducts. I cry when angry, sad, frustrated, happy – you name it, I’ve cried about it. 17. I don't have any children yet, just pets. My pride-and-joy kitty, named Gemima after one of the first stories I ever wrote when I was like, 12; an English Bulldog named Bela, who is more brawn than brains and often runs into walls; and two ferrets - fat, lazy Hampton and obnoxious Chloe. Supposedly, Chloe's albino, but I really think she's a demon ferret! Should'a named her Ruby b/c I can't stand her. 18. I LOVE the small of gasoline. 19. My wedding ring was soldered together lopsided. 20. I believe that God answers prayers, and not just because it's the "Christian" thing to do. Nine years ago I gave up on trying to find a decent man and told God that if He wanted me to give my heart away again, He was gonna have to give me a sign. I asked for something particular: that guy was gonna have to give me a single pink rose. Not a dozen, like guys are tempted to do when they're trying to impress a girl, and not the standard red. It had to be single and it had to be pink. About a month later my would-be husband showed up at my work to bring me lunch - a Happy Meal from McDonalds and a single pink rose. Mind you, I hadn't told anyone about that little detail!! 21. I don’t like going to the doctor, even if I feel like I’m on my deathbed, because I’m afraid they’ll tell me there’s nothing wrong with me. 22. Some of my childhood fears consist of some of the most ridiculous things – like Dave Thomas, the Wendy’s man. Don’t ask. 23. I quote movies ALOT - especially The Emperor's New Groove ("Now I feel really bad. Bad llama!") and Night at the Roxbury ("Sup, from outta town? Sup, from outta town? Supfromouttatown?!") and I hate it when people misquote. 24. Does anybody remember Bloody Mary? To this day I still won’t look in a mirror at midnight. 25. I scored higher on my SATs than the Salutatorian of our class. Pity I didn’t put much effort into my studies. I really regret that now. Well, I told you I was a little nuts! Peace, Love, and Sweet Chin Music, sayrae3times |