Author has written 3 stories for Anime X-overs, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Kingdom Hearts. Welcome to my new and improved profile! About Me I stopped writing fanfiction in 2008 to focus on original fiction. But, now that 3 years have passed and I think I've grown both as a writer and a person since then, I think I'm ready to make my foray back into fanfiction, or at least update my profile. Just a warning, with any of my stories my updates will be slow and sporadic (if at all in some cases) because once I get an idea, I'll need to nurse it awhile before I write it, then I'll write and re-write it several times before going back and editing it. If real life stuff gets in the way, expect even slower updates Story Status Wings of a Butterfly and Samurai Alchemist are both abandoned at this point, as I've long since gotten out of those fandoms and don't see myself getting back into them any time soon. Plus, they were written awhile ago, and I feel my writing has improved since then. I'm sorry to anyone who's alerted and liked those stories, but that's just how things go sometimes. If you really want to know the ending I had in mind for them, PM me and we'll talk. Active Fandoms (In descending order of activity) BBC Sherlock Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes Canon!Sherlock Holmes House MD Pirates of the Caribbean Contacting Me I love getting reviews and PMs, so feel free to drop me a line. I also have a livejournal (see homepage). |
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