Author has written 8 stories for Utena, Final Fantasy VII, Simpsons, Full House, and Dragon Ball Z. U p d a t e : S e p t e m b e r 1 4, 2 0 0 5 -- "Crimson Temptations" ...Tifa and Sephiroth are both in search for a mate, but there's a catch, Sephiroth's a vampire. -- "Hit A Homer, Homer." ...Homer and his family go to Boston to declare their anger towards Pedro, but what happens? Kristy ...T h e G r e e t i n g... I sincerely apologize for my delay in my writings, I promise to revive them all. Also, take note - my name has been changed. I'm now Illegally Tifa. 3 Also! Take the opportunity to visit Anime Suga linked in website link. visit the forums, and vote on which story I should update next! ...T h e S t o r i e s... I write multi-chapter stories. They're usually 10 or more chapters long. Currently, all of my stories though on the site are less then 10 chapters, but soon they will be longer. Stories that will exceed 10 chapters is Crimson Temptations and I Can't Stop Loving You ...T h e P l u g s... T h e P r o j e c t s... .In The Making. • Crimson Temptations Final Fantasy VII Multi-chapter: ( Chapter VI ) 7 Months. .On Halt. • I can't stop loving you Final Fantasy VII Multi-chapter: ( Chapter III ) Au Revoir, Ma Cheri. • Obey or Die: The Remake Multi-chapter: ( Chapter I ) How it all began. .Recently Completed Works. -=N- .Possible Fics Coming Soon. • A Queer Triangle Multi-chapter maybe:Inspiration/Story: On a lj survey I was asked me to answer a question with characters I had to number early on, it ended like this: "Tifa Lockhart and Faye Valentine are in a happy relationship until Faye suddenly runs off with Princess Peach. Tifa, broken-hearted, has a one-night stand with Vicious and a brief, unhappy affair with Meatwad, then follows the wise advice of Yuki Sohma and finds true love with Jack Sparrow." Demented? Very. Will I do it? Definately. Time to make the world of fantasy not make any sense. • She was special Multi-chapter: Inspiration/Story: I tend to discuss random ideas with my friend Mala, and well, sometimes my ideas are too, well, crazy for her to write, or sometimes she's just more into her original idea. Anyways, this story will be a Dragon Ball Z fanfiction. All I'm saying is: Abuse, Mr. Vegeta Vegeta, gym teacher, student, Bulma Briefs, rape. I've already said too much. You'll have to wait and see. |
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