Tifa finally began to feel the nervousness that Vincent was. It started with being assaulted by thousands of butterflies in the stomach followed swiftly with being doused in ice water. She inched closer to Vincent as if seeking some of that stoic calm he possessed when she wasn't alone with him. Vincent tightened his grip around her waist but otherwise remained like a red and black wall.

At Cid's abrupt silence everyone turned around to see what could have possibly shut the pilot up. The moment they saw Tifa and Vincent their movements ceased. Barret's jaw was hanging open so far Tifa could count the number of gold fillings he had acquired over the years, Yuffie had stopped whining about a stomach ache and had her mouth slightly open, Reeve was just standing there with a look of shock on his face, and Nanaki didn't really have the ability to look shocked but his tail had stopped moving. Finally Tifa looked at Cloud and was surprised to see a mixture of relief and anger on his normally serious face. Nervously Tifa cleared her throat and said in what she hoped was a normal voice,

"Hiya guys!"

Almost like hitting the play button the whole gang jumped to life. Cid let out a hoot before pulling Tifa into a hug and patting Vincent on the shoulder, Barret clamped his mouth shut and let out a stream of cuss words about how worried he was, Reeve awkwardly patted Tifa on the head and shook Vincent's hand, Yuffie started jumping up and down and running around, Nanaki sat next to Vincent and rested his head against the tall man's leg, but Cloud just stood there staring at Tifa. Once everyone was done hugging and patting and shaking Tifa realized that Cloud hadn't come to see her and Vincent yet. Giving Vincent a squeeze of reassurance Tifa walked over to Cloud and waved her hand in front of his face.

"Hello!? Earth to Cloud! Doesn't your best friend get a better greeting than an angry stare?"

Cloud didn't move. Tifa nibbled her lower lip worriedly and laid a hand on his shoulder. At the mere touch of hand Cloud had pulled her into a fierce hug. It took Tifa a second to recover but slowly her arms hugged him back. After a moment Tifa realized he was shaking. Softly, as if to a hurt child, Tifa said,

"Hush, Vincent and I are back now, no need to cry."

She felt Cloud nod before breaking his embrace. Tifa smiled warmly at him before leading him back to the group. They were together again, just like they should be.


AN: I am doing a sequel! I have decided to end this story here because last night I received a burst of ideas! Writers block for this story has officially left, but I want to make it a sequel. It will be coming out within two days, I promise. Now I shall give you a lovely summary for reading this note.

Summary: Tifa and Vincent have found happiness in each others arms and with a baby on its way that happiness is only going to double, but what of the others? This is a tale of how our heroes find the joy each of them so greatly deserves. The saviors have all moved to the City of the Cetra, renamed Hope in honor of the hope Aeris held right up to her death, where they may live in peace. Others have flocked to the old city but the heroes all live in the forgotten capitol where Aeris died. It is here in this beautiful city that our remaining heroes discover what it means to live happily ever after...Yes cloud will be with an OC but never fear; she won't be the normal type you see him with. You'll see, oh and should I pair Barret with Elmira? Send me an email and let me know. Thank you faithful readers!!!!