Author has written 98 stories for Super Sentai, Ginger Snaps, Soul Calibur, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Heroes, Halloween, Kingdom Hearts, Friday the 13th, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Death Note, Power Rangers, Serenity, Blood+, Doctor Who, Star Wars, Highlander, Robocop, X-overs, Misc. Movies, Exorcist, Ghost Whisperer, Battlestar Galactica, Arthur C. Clarke, War of the Worlds, Wallace & Gromit, 4400, Chronicles of Narnia, Artemis Fowl, 1Q84, Zorro, The Day The Earth Stood Still, Muppet Show, Bassie en Adriaan, and Dead by Daylight. First off, my pen name's based on a character I created a little while back. Thought you folks might wanna know that, in case you were thinking I'm some kind of a freak that would... well, maybe I shouldn't finish that sentence. Anyway, out of my stories, it will become quite clear which type of stories, or for that matter which franchises I'm into. And that's a whole lot! Been a fan of the horror genre for quite a while by now, I like to play games on my Playstation 2 and 3, I read a lot of novels, I really love comic books, I always liked superheroes, and always had a thing for mystery, monsters,... anything related. When it comes to writing, I always wanna try something nobody else would try, or give a little twist to ideas most of us authors seem to share. Anyway, even if my stories seem pretty much familiar to most of you, I will always manage to do something different. I can go on brag about myself a little longer (which I probably shouldn't be doin'), so I'll just say this: I hope you guys will be able to enjoy my stories just as much as I enjoyed writing them. And of course, I'm interested to read some of your works as well. Should you be interested, I'm also active on other sites on the net as well: |