Could it be? A new chapter?! XD
(A/R): First off I would like to apologize for our *ahem* year long delay. We are seriously, SERIOUSLY sorry! Better explanation in Toms note below.
(A/R): Second! I would like to announce that I have decided to make myself and Tommy (TheAlphaMale) co-authors of this story. The reason for this is because he is as much a part of this story as I am. In fact, he is responsible for ideas such as: most of the pairings, Harry's mutant powers, Clark's mutant powers, and the idea to bring more heroes in, and so on. So from now on this is a joint story and I my notes will go under "A/R" and Tommy's will be "A/T."
(A/R): Okay so chapter 11, I hope you guys like this one. You will finally get to see Clark again in this and it's the introduction to Emma Frost, who plays a vital role in chapters to come. Alpha, do you have anything to add.
(A/T): Yes, I have two things. Firstly, I speak for both of us when I say I'm sorry that we haven't updated in a while. We know it's been over a year and the only excuse we can give is that time and life has a way of taking up a lot of space. I have college and work and Raquel has high school. Just know that will be much faster in our next update. Also, I know you guys are getting really tired of us not having Harry go to Smallville, get his stuff back, and go get Hermione but there is a reason for the delay as we want the story to not lose it's lustier nor do we want to lose the glory of anticipation. Trust us, the wait will be worth it.
(A/R): Besides if I haven't told you before this story is going to have two other sequels because Alpha pushed me into it.
(A/T): Oh, and before I forget. We have decided that from now on when we have something to add, information-wise, to the chapter we will number it. For example, "(1.)." This is for the benefit of you, the readers, as it will explain why things are the way they are, as well as interesting tidbits of information here and there. I implore you to read them. They information will be listed at the end of the chapter. Also, it has become that the time differential overall is way off so we have come to a decision. From now on Clark was born in 1985 and Harry was born in 1989. The reason we did this is for the simple fact that it's easier to transfer the Harry Potter universe to the Smallville universe than the other way around because the modern non-wizarding world is rarely brought up in the Harry Potter universe. Not to mention it's easier on us. Please just go with it. We will be changing the time periods from the other chapters soon to have them all connect.
(A/R): Is that it? Jeez you talk too much! JKS!
(A/T): Yes, that's about it dotard!
(A/R): XP
Disclaimer: We don't own anything in this story; we only own Gaston and the plot.
Chapter 11
It was 11 o'clock in the morning as Harry sat in his room watching South Park Season 9 on DVD; he had become hooked to the show after watching it with Bobby, Peter, and Kurt a month ago and loved the show so much he bought all of the first ten seasons on DVD. It had been a month and three weeks after Sinisters death, of course he now despised Scott for his selfishness but his devotion for Jean and Logan only grew.
He was currently watching the episode, "Trapped in the Closet." He laughed at the show referencing that Tom Cruise is gay by him refusing to come out of the closet when he heard whispering voices down the hall; he blocked out the sound of the TV by pressing the mute button on the remote to hear two voices from the hall. He then used his x-ray vision to see Amara and Jamie whispering.
"We have to be very quite" whispered Jamie as Amara rolled her eyes.
"No duh" she whispered back. "Besides Harry is a very heavy sleeper; he could sleep through a nuclear explosion."
"Yeah but what if he is awake? Rogue says that Harry is an early bird" whispered Jamie as Amara slapped her forehead lightly.
"We are going to scare him Jamie" said Amara as Jamie nodded "even if he is sleeping or not!"
"OK" said Jamie as Amara nodded before they went on with their little prank; Harry smirked as he quickly turned off the TV and covered himself with his bed covers. He heard the door softly squeak open and then some silent whispering.
"I told you he was sleeping" whispered Amara; Harry could just tell that Jamie rolled his eyes.
"OK on the count of three" said Amara before Harry heard Jamie's heart pound in his chest; Harry tried to contain his laughter as he knew that Jamie had made multiple versions of himself.
'Oh this is going to be hilarious!' thought Harry as he heard them count.
"I…2…3!" he heard them say before they started to jump on his bed; Harry quickly jumped up making Jamie's replica's meld together in fright as Amara gave out a yelp. Harry grabbed on to their little waists and started to tickle torture them.
"No…..H-Harry…s-s-s-stop!" they yelled between their fits of giggles and squealing.
"Did Bobby put you up to this?" said Harry over the laughing as he continued to tickle their sides.
"NO!" they yelled in unison before Harry finally stopped.
"Ha ha! Now I have you captured little mutants!" said Harry faking a Dracula accent as he rubbed his hands. "I will torture you for non stop!"
"Your accent sucks!" said Jamie as he and Amara laughed; Harry faked a hurt expression.
"I bet Jay could do it better than you" said Amara smirking.
"Jay has already suffered the consequences if insulting me!" said Harry trying to stay serious but he busted out laughing with Jamie and Amara. "Ah yes, Jay could do it better than me."
"Definitely" said Jamie and Amara in unison "so you were only pretending to be sleeping?"
"Yup" said Harry stretching his back "and then I freaked you guys out, ah man you should of seen your faces!"
"Whatever" said Jamie as Harry smiled.
"You guys should try to talk softer, it would help a lot trust me" said Harry before smiling widely. "I remember Bobby and me trying to prank Logan by putting soap in Logan's beer but that didn't turn out well."
"What did Logan do?" asked Amara with hers and Jamie's eyes wide as Harry sighed.
"He made us do a scavenger hunt" said Harry scrunching up his nose "we had to search the entire city for specific things; we weren't allowed to use any of our powers."
"Bummer" said Amara patting Harry's arm as he smiled at them.
"So, do you two always hang out with each other?" asked Harry leaning back on the headboard as both Jamie and Amara nodded.
"Yup, we're best friends!" said Amara as Jamie smirked at her.
"I didn't know we were best friends" said Jamie as Amara rolled her eyes making Jamie laugh.
"Obviously you dimwit" said Amara as Jamie calmed down "we've been best friends since we were 9 years old."
"And how old are you guys now?" asked Harry smiling.
"We are both 12 but I'm older than her" said Jamie gesturing to Amara who scoffed.
"You are not older than me!" she said shrilly "I was born a month and a half before you."
"No I'm older!" said Jamie as Harry looked on smiling at the preteens argue before he whistled loudly to get their attention.
"You two shouldn't argue about something as trivial as who's older. You guys are young, enjoy life!" (1.)
"How can I enjoy life with this idiot always down my throat!" said Jamie making Harry laugh at Jamie's insult before Amara attempted to hit Jamie on the shoulder but Harry grabbed her arm.
"No fighting in my room" said Harry as he let go of Amara's arm. "Honestly though, you guys shouldn't fight. You are young still-"
"We are not young" said Amara cutting Harry off.
"Ok so you're not so young but really you guys, if you just constantly fight you will get nowhere in life together. No matter what people say, a friendship based mostly on arguing is doomed. But you see that is why your friendship is different; the good thing about you guys is that you never mean anything you guys say to each other, right?" (2.)
"Yeah" they said before he nodded. "Can we go now? We have to make plans for another prank."
"Sure go on ahead" said Harry as they jumped from his bed and on the floor. "Oh yeah, one more thing, if your going to prank somebody I wouldn't try me again unless you want a worse retaliation back." The two preteens gulped.
"We won't!" said Jamie as they walked out the door; Harry smiled. With a sigh he got up from his bed and headed towards the bathroom; he brushed his teeth and then took a quick shower. Within minutes he was out of the steamed bathroom; he quickly changed and headed down to the kitchen to see Hank sitting at the table reading the newspaper and drinking his coffee.
"Hey Doc!" said Harry as Hank looked up from his newspaper and gave Harry a toothy grin.
"Good morning Harry" said Hank as Harry opened a cupboard and took out his favourite cereal (Frosted Flakes), a spoon, and a bowl.
"So what's happening for my last day of school tomorrow?" asked Harry as he got milk. (3.)
"I'm not sure, although I do know that Scott is introducing a new teacher for both the Biology and Chemistry classes. She will start teaching next year" said Hank as Harry pored milk and cereal in his bowl.
"Oh joy" said Harry sarcastically after swallowing a spoon full of cereal; they both sat in silence for a while before blue smoke appeared with a small pop. Kurt appeared with a worried look on his face.
"What's wrong Kurt?" asked Harry evenly, noticing Kurt's expression.
"It's Logan and Scott! They're at it again and Logan looks really pissed off!" he said as Harry rolled his eyes.
"Will they ever learn?" said Hank speaking to Harry.
"I doubt it Doc" said Harry finishing his last spoon of cereal. "Where are they Kurt?"
"Danger room" said Kurt as Harry nodded putting his dishes in the sink.
"Alright, we'll meet you there Kurt" said Harry. Kurt nodded and with another small pop and more smoke he disappeared; both Hank and Harry got from there seats. Harry super sped out of the kitchen to the danger room as Hank hurried to follow Harry. Once Harry made it to the danger room there was still a little bit of smoke around Kurt; yelling busted through his ears right away. Many of the students were there in exercising clothes; Harry looked at the fighting pair with poor Ororo in the middle of them trying to pry them away from each other. Logan had his claws out while Scott was ready to hit Logan with his red laser beams; Harry rolled his eyes again.
"-you have no right to tell me what I should do Logan! I am an adult and I can do whatever the hell I want!" yelled Scott as Logan laughed at him.
"An adult?! You haven't been an adult ever since the day I arrived here one eye!" yelled Logan as Scott's face turned as red as his visors.
"Well what does that tell you asshole?!" yelled Scott. (4.)
"Boys! That is not the proper way to speak to each other in front of the students!" yelled Ororo trying to speak over their yelling; her hands were spread out as far as they could go trying desperately to keep the two away from each other. Even from behind Ororo's calm face Harry could read the anger and frustration on it. The students who were in the room watched from a close distance away so they wouldn't get hurt.
"Oh I know, how about I tell you?! You have been following my girl around like a fucking love sick puppy just wanting her to-"
"I DO NOT follow Jean around like a puppy jackass! I have more important things to be doing than following girls around!" yelled Logan threatening Scott with his claws.
"Oh really? What do you do then? Hmm?" said Scott as Logan cocked an eye brow. "Drink beer! Lounge around the place like you fucking own it!"
Logan just growled at Scott, "You know I think you are getting off the damn point one eye!" said Logan.
"What the hell is the damn point!" yelled Ororo finally letting go of the steam building up inside her.
"This ass hole is bringing back that White Queen woman!" yelled Logan pointing his finger at Scott. "Knowing the shit she had made Jean go through the last time she was here!"
"White Queen?" asked Harry to Kurt who was standing right beside him.
"Emma Frost" whispered Kurt as Harry nodded "Professor Grey had thought that Emma Frost and Professor Summers were having an affair the last time she was here."
Harry's eyes went wide with the newfound information, "Affair huh?" said Harry as Kurt nodded.
"Yup" said Kurt as Harry nodded again then turned back to the event at hand while narrowing his eyes on Scott.
"You don't know anything about that! Emma and I did not have an affair!" yelled Scott, his back tense as Logan rolled his eyes.
"Of course I know! Jean tells me everything!" said Logan as Scott sneered. "She told me that you and Frost were in bed together! That seems pretty clear-cut to me one eye!" (5.)
"Oh but did she tell you that Emma was helping me with all the stress I went through!" said Scott as Logan growled.
"WHAT STRESS?!" yelled Logan at the top of his lungs. Ororo had already given up trying to stop Logan and Scott from killing each other at this point; she threw her hands up in the air with frustration before walking away from them.
"Damn it one-eye! The only time I've seen you stressed was when Harry arrived but since before he came you were the regular Boy Scout that we all knew was having an affair with Frost, but now you're just a plain ass hole!"
"I did not have an affair with Emma!" yelled Scott now getting agitated. "You don't know anything about me nor Emma so back off!"
"Ha! Sorry one eye but I'm going to be bothering you until you come clean about you and Emma. Unless you need intervention?" said Logan as Scott's hands rolled up into fists before Logan whispered. "But if that White Bitch does anything to hurt Jean I swear I'll throw her out of the mansion."
"Call her a bitch again and I swear I'm going to burn a hole right through you" hissed Scott as Logan smirked.
"Emma Frost is a bitch" said Logan before Scott raised his fist and punched Logan right in the jaw; the impact was so strong that Logan fell back and Scott looked to have broken his hand.
"That's my cue" said Harry before he hurried over between Scott and Logan. "Do you think it's wise for you two to be doing this, especially in front of everyone?"
"Why should I listen to you? You're just a kid!" said Scott his hands on his visor ready to attack.
"Teenager" Harry corrected him "but that isn't the point. Do either of you want Jean to come in here to see two of the most important people in her life fighting? We all know her temper is only matched by Professor Monroe."
Storm looked at the students who were avoiding her gaze. "I'm not that bad am I?" Nobody dared answered. "Hello?" Before Storm could receive an answer Scott spoke.
"Why should I care if she comes and sees me attack Logan" said Scott gritting his teeth. "Now get out of the way!"
"Not going to happen, one-eye. Honestly, why do I always have to be the one to stop you two from fighting?"
"Because you're the only one who could literally knock some sense into both of them!" yelled someone in the room; Harry looked around to see that it was Jubilee who had yelled that.
"Thanks Jubilee" said Harry before turning back towards Logan and Scott. "She's not wrong. Logan, you were the one that told me never to purposely pursue a fight. And Scott, how do you think Aunt Jean is going to react if I have to step into the fight and she has to see two of her family members fighting?"
"How are you family?" asked Scott as Harry sighed.
"Do you lose your common sense when you're angry one-eye?" Instead of waiting for a response Harry continued. "Your wife is my aunt and godmother which makes you regrettably, my uncle."
"Perfect I have annoying teenager as my nephew" muttered Scott sighing before he headed out of the danger room rubbing his forehead.
"I love you two Uncle Scotty!" yelled Harry mimicking a little boy's voice while chuckling making the other students laugh. Before Scott could leave the room Harry called him back in a serious tone, "Oh and Scott, if I hear that you actually cheated on Aunt Jean and you make her cry you better hope Logan gets to you before I do." Harry thought he could see beads of sweat fall from Scott's face before Scott left in a huff.
"You do know I had everything under control" said Logan once Scott left.
"I know but I don't think Professor Xavier would have enjoyed paying for a new wall for the danger room" said Harry as Logan shook his head.
"But you handled it very well yourself Harry" said Ororo smiling at him.
"Good job" said Hank patting Harry's back. The other students left the danger room.
"Thanks guys. So how long do you think it will be until word of this incident gets out?" said Harry with a grin.
Logan laughed. "Knowing this school, it will only be one to three hours tops before everyone knows. What we have to do is make sure Jean doesn't hear about it." Everyone nodded.
Later in the day, in fact only an hour and a half later (as Logan predicted) the whole school erupted in excitement about the incident in the danger room. Students kept coming up to the students in the danger room asking them if it was all true; Ororo just told the ones in the danger room to tell the others nothing. Unfortunately Jubilee, being the gossip that she is, couldn't contain herself. She told as many people as she could and soon enough the whole school found out about the whole thing. Fortunately, Jean never found out thanks to many threats by Logan.
Harry was currently in the entertainment room with Bobby, Rogue, Kitty, Peter, Rahne, Jay, Sam, Kurt, Warren, and a few others. Peter and Sam were playing air hockey, Jay and Warren were playing pool, and the rest were watching Harry and Bobby take turns playing God of War. Bobby was currently playing.
"Does anyone have any music, I'm getting tired of the music from this game" said Bobby. Harry just chuckled before looking at Warren.
"Hey Warren, will you do me favour? Look in my backpack over there and hand me my iPod."
Warren was right next to it so he just shrugged his shoulders before replying, "No problem." As Warred reached into Harry's backpack and searched through it Bobby was once again losing badly at the game. Wait…yep Bobby killed Kratos again in the game.
"Damn it! This game is rigged!" said Bobby throwing the controller down.
"Is it rigged or do you just suck at the game?" said Harry, ducking a random object thrown by Bobby. "Seriously dude, you haven't even gotten past the Hydras on level one."
"Shut up! Don't get cocky Harry; I am still better at you at Mortal Kombat!" said Bobby confidently. "Besides, those Hydras are really tough to beat."
"Aw poor Bobby" said Rahne sarcastically as Warren finally found Harry's iPod. But something caught his eye; it was round and had a slight red glow to it. He threw the iPod on the coffee table and reached down and grabbed the round object; he turned around to face the group.
"Hey Harry what's this?" asked Warren as everyone looked up; Harry's eyes went wide as he shot up from the ground and grabbed the globe out of Warren's hands.
"Oh….It's, erm....n-nothing!" he said as he tried to put the globe away but it slipped from his fingers and fell on the carpet with a soft thud. Suddenly the dim red glow glowed to a bright blinding red; he put his hands up to his eyes to block the light. When the light dimmed down he moved his hand to see the room entirely dark except for little million specks of light and the TV screen.
"What's happening?" asked Kurt as Harry backed away from the now levitating globe.
"How did the lights get turned off?" asked Rogue.
"What the hell is that?" asked Jay; they all stared at the globe in awe except Harry who knew what was about to happen. Suddenly light flew out of the levitating globe as a face appeared from the light. He was old, had silver hair, had a lot of similar facial features to Harry, and had the most brilliant deep blue eyes the students had ever seen. The Face looked at Harry and smiled warmly.
"My son Zor-El"said the Kryptonian named Jor-El; everyone in the room gasped.
"Whoa!" they all chorused except Harry who just stood there staring at his biological father.
"Harry is that your father?" asked Bobby as Harry nodded.
"My grown up son"Jor-El said proudly. "Your mother is right; Clark and you look so much like my father. I am elated that you've accepted who you truly are son. You will learn more of your heritage in time son. For now, you must be patient."
"I will father" said Harry respectively. Harry wasn't sure if he would ever see his birth fathers face to face so naturally he was overjoyed to be able to not only see him but talk to him. (6.)
"I am glad to see you were able to get out of that prison" said Jor-El as Harry nodded.
"Yes I have thanks to my friends and family" said Harry as Jor-El smiled.
"Good. No son of mine will be wrongfully imprisoned." Harry smiled at his father's concern; suddenly there was a knock on the door.
"Harry?" said the voice of Jean; she opened the door and gasped at the sight. Everyone was looking at the holographic form of Jor-El.
"What is it, Jean?" said the voice of Logan who was behind her; he appeared beside her and gasped as well. "What the hell is going on?"
"Ah, so this is Jean Grey Summers. Your sister and brother-in-law have told me a lot about you"said Jor-El. Jean and Harry's eyes opened wide before they both responded at the same time.
Jean yelled out, "James and Lily are with you!" while Harry yelled, "Mum and Dad are with you!" Jor-El couldn't help but chuckle a little. (7.)
"Yes, they are here. We all end up in the same place, every being in every galaxy. Let me tell you, it comes to a culture shock when you get here though" Jor-El laughed before he continued. "Jean, your sister says that she couldn't be happier that you are taking care of Harry and to tell you that you'll be a great mother someday." Jean gave a watery smile. "And Zor-El, Lily and your mother have both told me to tell you that if you care for this brown-haired witch than you must see her and tell her how you feel as soon as you can." For Harry's part he couldn't think of a time he was more embarrassed than right now.
"Great, most kids have to worry about there mother embarrassing them but apparently I have to worry about two." Everybody laughed.
"That reminds me son, how are you going to make it so people know which of your parents you're talking about in order to avoid confusion?" Harry thought about it for a moment before answering.
"How about I call you guys Mother and Father and call Lily and James Mum and Dad?" Jor-El smiled.
"That's fine with me son." Jor-El then looked at his youngest son and noticed he had a hopeful expression on his face. "What is it Zor-El?"
"Is there any way I can see them?" Jor-El gave a sad smile before responding.
"I'm sorry son but now isn't the time. Don't worry though; you will see them soon when the time comes." Harry nodded sadly in understanding. Just then Professor Xavier rolled in followed by Ororo and Hank. Jor-El looked over at Professor Xavier and smiled.
"Ah Professor Xavier, it's a pleasure to meet you. I am Jor-El, Zor-El's birth father. I just want to say thank you for taking my son in and mentoring him. I can't think of anyone better to mentor my son than you for if you were born in Krypton you would have been considered a great man and celebrated worldwide." Xavier was embarrassed by the kind words given to him by Jor-El but he responded anyway.
"Thank you for those kind words Mr. Jor-El, I am honoured. Your son is a great man, as I'm sure his brother is as well, you should be proud." Both Harry and Jor-El smiled.
"I am" said Jor-El looking at Harry. "Which brings me to the reason me being here. Zor-El you have to go look for your brother Kal-El."
"Well the summer is coming up and I'm graduating this semester so I can go then, but why the rush father? Is Kal-El in trouble?" asked Harry concerned.
"Yes I'm afraid he is. At this very moment an extremely dangerous Zoner named Bizarro is after your brother."
"Zoner? Why does that sound familiar?" said Harry; he thought for a few minutes before it hit him. "A Phantom Zoner!" Harry remembered hearing the story about the Kryptonian prison and its inhabitants from the memories that were passed to him years ago.
"Yes, Kal-El was sent to the Phantom Zone by Brainiac; a villain of Krypton whom was a huge part in the reason Krypton was destroyed. He was determined to free General Zod from the Phantom Zone, and he succeeded. General Zod escaped, allowing all the other Zoners to escape as well; he has captured or destroyed every Zoner, including Zod, except one. He is a special Zoner; he is only able to inhabit a body of a Kryptonian, and that is Bizarro. He's going to need your help son" said Jor-El as Harry took this in.
"Wait! So are you saying that those Phantoms whatever can take over a human body like possession?" asked Logan as Jor-El's holographic head nodded.
"Yes" said Jor-El as Harry sighed. "Zor-El, there is another reason why I'm here. When you finished helping Kal-El with the Zoner you both need to start your Kryptonian training." (8.)
"Kryptonian training? Not that I am against the idea because I really want to learn how to fly, but I can't help but ask why now father?"
"Because events are coming up that will not only affect both of your lives but the lives of everybody you care about. You both need to reach levels once thought impossible not just for everyone you care about but for the entire galaxy. For the sake of the galaxy the sons of Krypton must reunite." It was at this point that Professor Xavier put in his two cents.
"Besides Harry, this is a perfect time for you to meet your brother. You see, Cerebro has recently picked up on a new mutant and it just so happens to be your brother." Harry's eyes went wide before he asked what everyone was thinking. (9.)
"Are you serious?! How can this be?" It was Jor-El who spoke.
"I'll answer that. You see Zor-El, what you people call the "X Gene" is not just a trait found on Earth. In fact it was becoming more and more common on Krypton before its untimely demise. In fact I found out that both of you have the same mutant power?" Harry looked shocked again.
"You mean Kal-El and I have the same mutant powers?!" It was Xavier who spoke this time.
"Yes, in fact it's not uncommon for siblings to share the same mutant powers." Harry then asked a question that all the other mutants were thinking.
"But how is it that neither he nor I knew about our mutant powers until recently?" Xavier smiled.
"You have just led me to my next point Harry. You see more and more people are carrying the X-gene but a recent study I made has shown that others aren't showing them as early as others." Many eyes went wide before Jean spoke for every person in the room. (10.)
"You mean there are teenagers and adults who still haven't shown mutant traits?" Xavier nodded his head.
"That is precisely what I mean, although it has usually been the case for just teenagers and young adults usually. Which brings me to another reason why I am all for you seeing your brother. You see Cerebro has picked up some new mutants who are very close to starting to show there powers and if your brother is anything like you it would be a good idea to have you two search them out not only if things get rough but because you will sell the idea of joining our school, becoming an X-Men (either part or full time), or both well." Harry thought for a moment before asking his next question.
"But what if Kal-El hasn't learned to control his mutant powers yet? If he's anything like me he'll not want to take forever to learn to harness them the long way especially since Father says we're kind of on a deadline here." Xavier smiled again.
"That's the beauty of the combination of both your Kryptonian and mutant powers. You see Harry you can use your powers to transport your knowledge on controlling your mutant powers right to your brother telepathically and with his quickness in learning anything, like you, it will only take a matter of minutes. Also, he can show you more about how to handle your Kryptonian powers since he has been aware of them longer." Harry was elated to hear that.
"Sounds good to me, I have to admit I have been hoping to see my brother soon" said Harry happily. "But where is he?"
"I believe that he is somewhere in Smallville or Metropolis, Kansas" said Jor-El smiling. "It was nice to finally meet the people who have saved my sons life"
"It was a pleasure Jor-El" said Jean who smiled at him.
"Good-bye my son"said Jor-El with a small nod "I will be speaking with you soon."
"Good-bye Father. I wish I could talk more with you but I understand that now is not the time. Say hi to Mother, Mom, and Dad for me and tell them that I love them." Jor-El smiled warmly.
"I will son and remember to be who you are, a great man, a hero, and a true Kryptonian." Harry smiled proudly.
With another bright red flash, the holograph was gone; the room suddenly became bright again. Harry looked around the room to see everyone staring at him; he flashed them a quick smile before it disappeared quickly. Jean, always quick on telling when something was troubling Harry, looked up to him concerned.
"What's wrong Harry? I thought you would be happy." Harry made a small smile at his Aunt's concern for his well-being.
"Oh don't get me wrong Aunt Jean, I am. It's just that I was looking forward to spending my first summer here as a full-fledged member of the X-Men. Plus I haven't figured out what my career will be or what college I want to go to." Xavier smiled.
"I understand Harry but you have been working very hard in order to graduate this year with your friends, and not only did you do that but you also graduated top in your class. You need a vacation and I can think of nothing better than you seeing your brother. Harry you have a chance to rebuild what was wrongfully taken from you when Krypton was destroyed and when Voldemort killed James and Lily; a family. Not only will you have your Aunt Jean but you will have your real-life brother in your life." Harry smiled at how Professor Xavier always finds a way to make everything clearer.
"You're absolutely right, this is more important and I must do this. Really words can't describe how much I'm looking forward to seeing my brother. Although this will mean I won't get to celebrate my birthday with you guys." Jean walked over to her nephew, looked up, and smiled warmly before hugging him and looking up into his eyes.
"Don't worry Harry, we'll think of something." Harry smiled at that.
"Come on, I'm going to take you out" said Jean as they exited his room along with everyone else.
"Where?" asked Harry.
"The mall" said Jean smirking as Harry groaned; Logan snickered behind them.
"You're coming too Logan" said Jean as it was Logan's turn to groan, or rather grunt.
"Like hell I am" he said as Harry chuckled before he decided to mess with Logan.
"I'll only go if Logan comes with us" said Harry smirking at Logan.
Logan just glared at Harry.
"Then it's settled. But first I have to go and talk to Ororo, Hank, and the Professor. You too Logan!" said Jean grabbing Logan's arm and dragged him down the hall. "Harry, just wait for us by the garage!"
"Alright I will. Logan?" Logan and Jean stopped and Logan looked back at Harry.
"What is it kid?" Harry chose to ignore the "kid" remark.
"Can I take a look at your bike again?" Since Harry has started to bond more with his second Godfather he has become a very big motorcycle enthusiast. In fact, thanks to Logan, he now knew how to take apart a motorcycle and rebuild it. Harry often calls riding a motorcycle like flying on a broom but on the ground. He loves the freedom that it gives the rider.
"Sure kid, just don't drive off with it. There's no chance I'm going to the mall without backup." Harry laughed while Jean gave Logan a playful slap on the arm.
Clark was walking with a mission. He was at the Daily Planet and he needed to talk to Chloe and he needed to do it now. He entered the office room in which Chloe's desk was located. There is where he found her; hard at work typing on her laptop. Thankfully she was the only one there, which wasn't uncommon for Chloe since she almost lived at her desk. She looked up at him and gave a warm smile.
"Oh good, you've made it." Clark looked surprised.
"You were expecting me?" Chloe looked perplexed for about a second then just rolled her eyes.
"Yes Clark, don't you remember? We were going to do research to find out where the last Zoner has been and where he might be going." Chloe hesitated for a moment before continuing. "I also thought we could talk about Lana." (11.)
Clark just nodded looking down; he was still grieving over Lana's death. They sat in silence for a while as Chloe continued to search the internet for more information before something crossed his mind. "Chloe, before Lana had died she said that she was leaving Smallville; do you think she purposely put a bomb in her car and pretended to have died?" he said to Chloe who immediately stopped what she was doing.
"But Clark, what if she wasn't in the car?" Clark thought for a moment before answering.
"What do you mean? Like she could have paid the police and everyone else who had been near enough to the car to see that she wasn't in it" said Clark "or could have paid the doctors to tell everyone that it was her who had died?"
"I'm not sure Clark but I don't think Lana would go that far to escape Smallville" said Chloe after thinking about it for a moment.
"She would if Lex and Lionel would think that she was dead so they wouldn't go after her" said Clark as Chloe pondered that idea before nodding.
"So if Lana is alive, which we both agree she is, are you going to want to get back together with her?" asked Chloe. Clark thought long and hard before answering.
"Lana and I have tried to have a relationship multiple times and yet…they always fail for multiple reasons. I have told her twice about my secret, but she had died in a car wreck every time. Once I went back in time to save her but it cost my father's life. The second time she died, I felt numb. What I'm trying to say Chloe is that I think that me and Lana were just….never meant to be together. Besides, I've come to the realization that why would I want a girl who runs at the slightest bit of drama in a relationship and runs right into the hands of my rival, then she wonders why I'm upset and tells me I'm acting childish. What kind of asinine statement is that! I mean…" Chloe stopped him before he went off on a tirade. (12.)
"Clark I get the point! I agree with you; it wasn't right of her to put the blame on your relationship on you when it clearly wasn't your fault." Clark looked embarrassed.
"Sorry Chloe, it's just this whole thing with not knowing if Lana is dead or not, not to mention this whole thing with Lex. I've had it Chloe; next time I see Lex I am going to hurt him, badly." Chloe nodded.
"Onto other things, since you didn't remember that we were supposed to meet here in the first place what made you come here then?" asked Chloe.
"Oh that, well I believe I have developed some new powers." Chloe stopped what she was doing and looked up at Clark with a mixture of shock and curiosity.
"Are you serious?! What are they?" It never failed to amaze Chloe how happy it made her that she was one of the very few people Clark trusted enough to tell all his secrets to. It was a testament to their friendship that they could tell each other anything.
"Well for one, I can move things with my mind." Chloe's eyes opened wide and she couldn't help but ask what was stuck in her head.
"You're not joking, are you?" Clark just rolled his eyes before he looked over at a coffee mug on the other side of Chloe's desk. He concentrated hard, raised his right hand in front of it, and the coffee mug slowly landed on Clark's waiting hand. Chloe's jaw almost hit the floor in amazement.
"Whoa, you're telekinetic?! What an amazing gift to have. Imagine Clark, you now can remove a weapon from a criminal's hands without even being close." Chloe continued to think about Clark's new ability when another thought came to her head. "Wait, what is the other new ability?" Clark looked nervous before he finally answered.
"I have discovered that I can read minds." Chloe looked dumbstruck before she finally found the ability to speak again.
"You mean you're telepathic?" Clark nodded his head. "Are you sure? I'm not skeptical because, let's face it, with you anything is possible, but shouldn't we make sure?" Clark just shrugged his shoulders then thought a way to prove his new ability. It didn't take long.
"I know, how about you think of something only you know and I will see if I get it right." Chloe just nodded smiling. Suddenly a thought popped into her head and her sweat smile turned into an evil and conniving one. 'This is the perfect time to put my plan into action" thought Chloe. She was going to enjoy this. (13.)
"Ok Clark, I'm ready." Clark closed his eyes and concentrated. Soon he raised his right hand so it was in front of Chloe and he concentrated even more. Suddenly he got it and after a few minutes his eyes shot open and he fell backwards, his face beet-red. Chloe had a huge grin on her face before she all too innocently asked Clark.
"What did you see Clark?" asked Chloe, a little too sweetly. Clark looked up at her, his face still extremely red, and tried his best to glare at her. 'She can be quite evil when she wants to be' thought Clark before he was finally able to compose himself enough to speak.
"I..I..I saw you and Lois on her bed and Lois was telling you a rather…erotic dream she had about me." Chloe's smile grew even bigger.
"Correct. That means you really are telepathic." Clark just nodded, his face going red again as his mind wandered back to the vision Chloe provided him. "Clark, are you listening?" Clark looked up.
"I'm sorry, what?" Clark didn't think it possible but Chloe's smile grew even bigger.
"I said, that this means you really are telepathic." Then a wicked thought came to Chloe. "So did you enjoy Lois's dream?" Clark just blushed again. "I'll take that as a yes. Lois tends to be very detailed about her dreams of you." Clark nodded dumbly, which was becoming an unsettling trend, until he retraced what Chloe said and his eyes shot open.
"You mean dreams plural, as in more than one?" Chloe just nodded before Clark spoke again. "But she's not interested in me" said Clark, unsure of himself. Chloe just smiled.
"If you say so" This was driving Clark nuts and Chloe knew it. She loved messing with Clark especially since it was hard to do, for what is friendship without being allowed to mess with them. She decided to take it easy on Clark and changed the subject. "Before, when you told me about your new powers, you didn't seem as elated as I would expect you to be in this circumstance." Clark sighed before answering.
"It's not that I'm not happy about my new abilities, it's just that I have a tough time controlling them." Chloe was intrigued.
"How so?" asked Chloe.
"Well let's take my telepathic ability for example. Sure I can use it whenever I want to but it takes a lot of concentration and sometimes it happens even when I don't want it too."
"Can I have an example?" asked Chloe.
"Well, I'm cautious to telling you this but I keep hearing things that Lois is thinking. In fact, she was the first person whose mind I read accidentally." This really caught Chloe's interest.
"Like what Clark?" Clark seemed hesitant but went on anyways.
"Well first she said my hair was sexy, and then she talked about how she liked my ass, then she went on a tirade about how I annoy her so much but by the way she was thinking it she didn't sound sure of herself." Chloe looked absolutely giddy with excitement which confused Clark. "What is it?"
"Well I know my cousin better than anybody and what she's doing right now is quite simple. She's falling for you Clark." Clark, who was drinking the rest of his bottled water he brought with him, spit out most of the water and choked on the rest. Chloe couldn't help but laugh. Finally Clark stopped choking and looked shocked at Chloe.
"That can't be right. You must be mistaken Chloe; Lois doesn't feel that way about me." Chloe threw her hands up in frustration.
"Like hell I am. Clark, why is it so hard for you to believe that there might be something between you and Lois?" Clark looked like a deer caught in a headlight.
"I don't know, I guess it's just never really crossed my mind." Chloe smiled, now she was getting somewhere.
"That's exactly my point Clark. You've been so infatuated with Lana that you didn't even see that Lois is better for you." Clark was about to say something but Chloe stopped him. "I'm serious Clark. Haven't you ever found it odd that whenever you two are around each other that you act as if you're purposely trying hard to dislike each other even though you know it's a lost cause? Or how everyone mistakes you two for a couple or on the verge of being one? That's what Oliver thought, your Mom thinks, Lois's father thought, and even Lana thought." Clark looked a little shocked at that information. "It's true. That's why the entire time that you and Lana were together she was as cold as she could be towards Lois without making it evident to you. But we women know when we have tension towards each other Clark, even though most guys never have or might never even see." Clark's whole core was shaken. As if a whole new light had gone off in his head.
"Do you really think Lois and I would make a good couple?" Chloe's smile grew bigger; she knew now that Clark was ready to believe what everyone else already knows.
"Clark, as I said before, not only do I think so but many others as well. Think about it Clark, you're both strong-willed, both intelligent, both very attractive; both determined, both warm-hearted, you're both extremely stubborn, you're both physically and mentally strong, you're both great fighters, you both have a survivor mentality, and you both have a desire to help others. Now as far as you two together are concerned…I've never met two people who seem happier after being near each other than you two. You both seem to understand each other better than most people, you two are constantly smiting even though you don't notice, you both except each other for who you are unlike any of either of yours other relationships, and even though every time it happened one of you were under the power of red kryptonite you both have come extremely close a few times to having sex and that means more than either of you will admit. Also, you both enjoy making fun of each other but if someone else makes fun of one of you both of you are quick to get angry. You both have an uncanny sense of knowing what emotions one of you is feeling, and don't try to deny it Clark, you guys check each other out constantly." Clark's amazed expression grew bigger.
"Do we really check each other out that much?" Chloe just rolled her eyes.
"Please Clark; I've seen your expression when she's in a bikini. I also know you are conveniently around when Lois runs in her sports bra and shorts." Clark bushed, he had been caught. "I also know the look she gives you when you work outside shirtless and when you're dressed up. Face it Clark, you need a strong woman and Lois needs a strong man. You two are made for each other." Clark's face went through a multitude of expressions before finally settling on a look of heavy pondering. Finally, after what felt like hours to Clark but in actuality was only a few minutes, Clark spoke.
"I guess I have a lot to think about." Chloe smiled. It never ceased to amaze her, that no matter how much stronger, smarter, or more powerful Clark becomes he's still that humble farm boy she grew up with. Chloe has been and always will be thankful that she has him as a friend.
"Yes you do. Do you have any other examples of your telepathic ability going wrong?" Clark thought for a moment then smiled inwardly. 'Now's my change to get back at Chloe for messing with me before" thought Clark.
"Well there have been other circumstances with reading other people's minds accidentally?" Chloe looked curious.
"Really, whom else's minds did you read?" Clark had a small smile on his face.
"Well, when you , Jimmy, and I were sitting at the coffee house I unfortunately could hear all the little details of what you two wanted to do to each other" said Clark shuddering. It was Chloe's turn to blush beet red. Score one for Clark. Chloe decided to switch the subject before Clark embarrassed her more.
"What about your telekinesis?" Clark shrugged thinking though the last couple of days.
"It's not as bad as my telepathy, but I've had to dodge a few items that have come strait towards me at full speed when I think about the random object. I once wondered where Krypto was and next thing I knew he came floating in through the window. It scared the crap out of the poor dog." Chloe couldn't help but laugh at that and soon Clark joined in. Once they calmed down Clark continued. "It's gotten better though it still happens occasionally." Chloe thought for a moment. (14.)
"Well my only advice is to just stick with it. You always have a way of adjusting to your powers in no time so I don't think it will be that long until you have your new ones under control." Clark nodded in agreement. Chloe then noticed she was out of coffee and she knew she would be there for a while and so might Clark. "Would you like some coffee?"
"Yeah I'll have some coffee, thank you" he said as she nodded before heading towards the elevator; he waited for the elevator door to close before he reached in his pocket and took out the crystal of Jor-El. He fingered the 'S' on the small symbol as he thought if he could change the past again.
"No, I won't risk someone else dying" he said to himself as he put the crystal down on the desk. "Even if Lana would be alive again, I wouldn't risk losing someone else. Besides, I don't even know if she's dead or not."
Suddenly the crystal started to glow a light blue; Clarks eyes went wide as a bright light emerged from the crystal and up into the air. The light started to morph slowly until Jor-El's face appeared.
"Jor-El!" gasped Clark as he got up from his seat and took a few steps back to get a better look at his biological father; he looked rather old, just above his 40's. He had white hair and his eyes were pure sapphire blue just like Clark's eyes.
"Kal-El, my son" said Jor-El smiling "you finally get to see me for the first time as I get to see you, my grown-up son, up front for the first time."
"You look different than what I expected. It's like looking at what I will look like when I'm older" said Clark, his eyes wide as Jor-El chuckled before he got serious.
"My son, how have you been these last couple of months?" asked Jor-El as Clark raised an eyebrow; it was the first time Jor-El ever asked that.
"I'm not really sure" replied Clark. "My ex-girlfriend may or may not be dead, my former friend turned enemy is becoming very dangerous and I have to do something about it, and finally there is just one Phantom Zoner left and I haven't got the slightest clue where he is." Jor-El just nodded in understanding.
"So you're thinking on changing the past again are you?" Clark's eyes widened.
"How did you know that?!" asked Clark. Jor-El smiled.
"I'm always watching over you, son. Your mother, Jonathan Kent, and I are always watching you." The mention of his Earth father's name, as well as his birth mother shocked Clark to his core.
"Wait, Dad and my real Mom are there?!" asked Clark with hope. Jor-El's smile broadened at his son's hopeful look, which looked almost exactly like Zor-El's.
"Yes my son, they are all here. We all end up in the same place." Clark had three questions he desperately needed to be answered.
"What's my real mother's name? How is Dad? If you have been watching me why haven't you helped me though this whole mess?" Jor-El had a look of shock (because Kal-El was able to have so many questions that quickly) and pride (because Kal-El didn't hold back on his questions and was straight-forward).
"Didn't expect so many questions that quickly, but I will gladly answer them my son. Your real mother's name is Lara and she wants me to tell you to stop going pining over Lana and go after Lois." To Clark's shock, or it would be had it been before everything Chloe had just told him, he blushed. "Your Earth father is fine and well. He's a good man that I have the honor of calling my friend. He wants you to look after Martha and enjoy your life." Clark had a teary smile on his face which, in turn, caused Jor-El to smile warmheartedly. "As for why I haven't helped? I am sorry son but some things you have to do yourself in order to continue to be the great man you are. I sent you to Earth to make a difference and I wouldn't be helping your cause if I was always there to back you up because you have to learn to be dependent and confident in yourself in every aspect of life in order to grow and become a better person." Clark seemed to ponder this for a moment before finally nodding in acceptance.
"I understand father." Jor-El smiled proudly; happy that his oldest son, like his youngest son, was fine with calling him their father without any hesitation.
"How are you in the crest symbol father?" asked Clark.
"Well let me start from the beginning; I made this crest symbol and I put my memory in it. I gave it to Raya so she could have someone to talk to when I put her in the Phantom Zone. Even when I'm not in a holographic form I can understand what people are saying" said Jor-El.
"Oh" said Clark. It was at this moment that Chloe came back into the office.
"Whoa!" said the voice of Chloe; Jor-El and Clark twisted their heads towards the feminine voice to see Chloe carrying two cups of coffee. "Clark is that Jor-El?"
"Yeah" he said nodding as Chloe walked up to them wide eyed.
"So this is the famous scientist of Krypton" said Chloe putting the coffee's down on the desk and smiling up at Jor-El. "It's finally good to meet Clark's biological father."
"Thank you, it's very nice to see that Kal-El has trusting friends like you" said Jor-El smiling.
"Thank you" said Chloe. Jor-El then focused his attention back onto his son.
"Now about changing the past, do you want to change it?" asked Jor-El as Clark thought for a moment before he shook his head.
"No" said Clark as Jor-El nodded and smiled.
"Good answer my son. I wanted you to make the decision and you made the right one. You see your instincts are correct; the one you call Lana is indeed still alive." Both Clark's and Chloe's eyes went wide with this sudden realization. It was Clark who came back to reality first and he, once again, had many questions.
"She's alive! Are you sure? Where is she? Why did she fake her own death? Why hasn't she shown herself to us?" Chloe just nodded frantically. Fortunately for Jor-El he was ready for this because if his son was anything like him he wouldn't stop until he got his answers.
"Yes, she's alive. I don't know where she is. We only have the ability to locate loved ones. As to why she faked her death I'd say you two were correct in your assumption. She probably did it to get away from the Luther's. Now I don't know why she hasn't shown herself to either of you but son do not take this in a bad way but you are better off." Clark raised his eyebrows; he was more curious than angry. Chloe was also interested in the answer.
"How so father?"
"I say you're better off because your mother and I have been watching yours and Lana's relationship since it started and I've got to say that she causes more problems for you than anything else." Clark was about to protest but Jor-El continued. "Think about it son, ever since you've known her she has been such a focus on your life and all it has brought is constant problems and imminent drama. I don't mean to sound harsh to Lana Kal-El, but you deserve much better. Listen to what your mother says and go after this Lois girl." Clark tried hard not to blush but it was a lost cause. He just hoped that Chloe didn't pick up on that last part. Slowly and almost fearfully Clark turned his head in Chloe's direction only to realize his worst fears were realized. She had indeed picked up what his father just said and she had that damn "I told you so" smile on her face. Clark sighed and accepted that Chloe won the argument… again.
"Now on to business; Kal-El, I've seen that you are having difficulty trying to catch this Phantom Zoner" said Jor-El "I think it is finally the time that I tell you something I should have told you long ago" said Jor-El as Clark cocked an eye brow.
"What is it that you wanted to tell me?" asked Clark looking slightly skeptical. Jor-El sighed and prepared himself for the full anger of his oldest son. He might not be as moody as Zor-El, but from what he has seen, when Kal-El gets mad everybody should be on alert. (15.)
"Kal-El, you have family……..on earth" said Jor-El finally. Clarks and Chloe's jaws dropped.
"What?" asked Clark softly as Chloe looked at him anxiously.
"You….have a younger brother…on earth" said Jor-El as Clark's eyes went wide; he collapsed into a chair by another occupant's desk with his hands on head, pulling his hair back in frustration. "His name is Zor-El; he was named after your Uncle Zor-El." Clark went through a series of emotions at that moment: first shock, then anxiety, then sadness, and finally just flat out anger.
They waited for Clark to reply but his face was buried in his hands, that was until he burst out of the chair angrily, "Why didn't you tell me this before?!" yelled Clark as Chloe jumped in shock but Jor-El didn't even flinch. "You have no clue what I have been through when I found out that I was an alien; I prayed that I had someone, ANYONE, from Krypton!"
"You had Raya and John" said Jor-El as Clark growled.
"They are not my family damn it!" said Clark exasperatedly before he heaved a shuddery sigh. Chloe decided to step in and try to calm down Clark.
"Clark, maybe Jor-El had a good reason to keep this information away from you" said Chloe softly to Clark.
"What reason could there be for keeping the only family I have left away from me!" yelled Clark before he sat down again on the chair before tears brimmed his eyes. "My life could have been so much better if I had known my family since the beginning. I felt so alone when I found out that I was an alien."
Chloe walked over to him to, bent down on her knees and cupped his cheek, "Hey" she said as he looked at her "You were never alone."
Clark gave her a watery smile as he hugged his best friend. "I'm so sorry that you had to go through this Kal-El" said Jor-El as Chloe and Clark broke apart. "In my defense I didn't know where he was either." Clark looked up at this information.
"Wait…how come?" Chloe wondered the same thing. Jor-El's face fell slightly.
"I'm not completely sure. I placed him with the Earth parents I chose for him and everything was fine until he turned two and his life turned upside-down." Clark was about to ask how but Jor-El stopped him. "I'll get to that soon son. Now after that I was somehow blocked from being able to see your brother until only recently. Believe me son; I had no intention of keeping you two apart for this long. I wanted you to be there for each other but I knew that you needed to be separated at first because two sides of Earth needed both of your abilities and I knew that you both had to figure each other out on your own in order to become the heroes that you are." A few tears strained down Jor-El's face before he continued. "If you think it was hard not seeing Zor-El imagine being your mother and me. You have no idea what it feels like to be a parent and not be able to see your child grow up with your own eyes." Clark felt a sudden wave of guilt towards his previous reaction.
"I'm sorry father; I had no right to yell at you without knowing the full story. I was out of line." Jor-El smiled warmly at his oldest son.
"It's alright Kal-El, I understand. If I were in your position I would have reacted the same way. Now, as promised, I will tell you why Zor-El's life has been difficult."
"Okay…but how do you know about his life if you weren't able to watch it?" asked Clark.
"When Zor-El was finally, but accidentally, able to make contact with me I gave Zor-El a globe that is connected with this crystal that is embedded with our family's symbol; I have told him about you and his destiny already. With the globe I know everything that has happened to Zor-El."
"If it's possible I would like to know what my little brother has gone through" said Clark respectfully but with a hint of sternness. Jor-El nodded.
"Zor-El has suffered the consequences of death and sadness many times. His adoptive parents, whom I had sent him to, had been murdered by the age of two, he had to live with his adoptive mothers sister and her foul husband and son his whole life except for when he started to go to a special boarding school by the age of eleven, although he had to go back there during the summer. He has seen a student in his school die by the hands of an enemy when he was fourteen, he has suffered the betrayal of most of his friends, and he has spent the worse thirteen months of his life in imprisonment for being wrongfully accused of killing the same innocent student he saw die right before his eyes" said Jor-El as Clark was dumbfound as how his brother suffered his whole life. "Zor-El has faced many things my son, but nothing has come close to the betrayal of most of his friends and having to live his life with fear of his immortal enemy; Lord Voldemort, or for those to frightened of him to even say his name, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named."
"But why did people think he was a murderer?" asked Clark finally speaking.
"The minister had thought of Zor-El as a crazy, attention-seeking teenager" replied Jor-El as Clark gritted his teeth.
"Why would they think that about him?" said Clark angry. "What has he done to them?"
"Clark, Chloe….what I'm about to tell you will may shock you but you mustn't tell anybody else about it for it is Harry's choice to tell others" said Jor-El as Chloe and Clark nodded. "Zor-El is a wizard."
Clark and Chloe stared at him unable to believe what they had just heard. "Wait…what?" asked Chloe as Jor-El sighed.
"A wizard? No, that's not possible; Zor-El is a Kryptonian. Besides… that kind of hocus pocus isn't real…is it?" said Clark as his face scrunched up with confusion.
"You forget son that most earthlings say the same thing about aliens." Clark nodded his head in agreement of that assessment. "Let me tell you about your brother's life."
One Hour Later…
For a full hour Jor-El explained everything to Chloe and Clark about Harry; when he was finished both Clark's and Chloe's faces were white as chalk. They stood in silence for a minute or so before Jor-El finally broke the silence.
"Now before I forget I want to ask you something. Have you developed any new powers as of late?" That got Clark's attention.
"How did you know that father?" Chloe was curious as well.
"Remember, your mother and I watch both you and your brother from afar. Anyways I wanted to tell you that your new powers aren't Kryptonian."
"What do you mean? What else could they be?" For Clark, this day was just getting crazier and crazier, and for him that's saying something.
"Son, I know that I have put a substantial amount of new information on you but I'm afraid that I must. Clark, you and your brother are mutants."
Out of every mind-blowing announcement that Jor-El has said in their conversation this one had Clark very confused.
"Wait…how is that possible? I'm a Kryptonian, as is Zor-El, and from the limited knowledge I have right now of mutants it seems that the earthlings are the ones with the trait. How the hell could my brother and I have it?"
"Good question. The answer is simple; the mutation gene is not just a common trait on earthlings. In fact a few of my fellow scientists and I were conducting experiments on the mutant gene, before we obviously got a little sidetracked, and from what we could make out is that it is a gene that comes to existence at a certain time in a society's life. But it starts out slow, from generation to generation until everyone has the gene. That is what we originally concluded but we later discovered the mutant gene in Kryptonians that showed no mutant ability whatsoever, which lead us to believe that there are more people that have the gene than originally thought but some can harness it while others can't or haven't figured it out yet. But I digress, the reason that that these new powers weren't evident beforehand was because of that magical bind that was put your brother that I told you about" Clark frowned in remembrance of what his father told him about what those that were so-called "close" to Zor-El did to him.
"Where is he?" asked Clark as Jor-El looked at him surprised at his sudden question.
"You're going to look for him?" asked Chloe as he looked at her with a 'you got to be kidding me!' look on his face.
"Obviously!" he said before he stared back Jor-El "Where is Zor-El?"
"That, I won't tell you. What I will say is that he is indeed in the United States." said Jor-El as Clark frowned.
"Why won't you tell me? I have a right to know!" snapped Clark.
"Because he will come looking for you as soon as he takes care of other businesses he has to attend to. Do not worry Kal-El, I want nothing more than have my two sons see each other. Besides you're going to need his help to fight Bizarro and Lex, just as he will need help with his enemy that will soon be roused" finished Jor-El.
"I just hope it doesn't take long. I really want to see him" Clark said clearly frustrated.
"Of course you do Kal-El; in all due time you will" said Jor-El as Clark hesitantly nodded. "After he finds you, he will help you with the Zoner and then you both have to complete your training to fulfill your destiny."
Clark nodded again. "Farewell my son, we shall talk to each other soon" said Jor-El before his face faded away into light again and then the light immediately disappeared back into the crystal.
Clark sighed and fell back in the chair again, "I wish I could see him" he said as Chloe patted him on the shoulder.
"You will Clark, soon" she said before she went over to her desk and grabbed her coffee; she took a sip before she grimaced. "Ugh! The coffee got cold!"
"I'm not in the mood for coffee now anyways" said Clark shrugging before he got up from the chair "I'm going home."
"Me too" said Chloe before she quickly turned her computer off and headed off to the elevator with a dejected Clark who had thoughts about his younger brother spinning in his mind.
He felt a pang of guilt as he felt the elevator moving, 'I wish I could have been there to help him through those rough times' he thought before the elevator door slid open and both Chloe and Clark walked out.
"Are you done yet Aunt Jean" asked an annoyed Harry as he shuffled the bags in his hands. Jean, Logan, and he were at the mall doing some shopping for the day. Jean had asked him to help her do a bit of shopping for the school; school was almost over so she wanted to be prepared by getting some supplies for the next year. Why they were now shopping for clothes? 'Who the hell knows?' thought Harry.
"No" called Jean who was walking ahead of Harry and Logan; they both groaned in annoyance as Jean headed into another store before turning to look at them to see them looking disgruntled; she chuckled as she looked at her watch. "Don't worry, this is the last store and then we'll leave."
"We better" muttered Logan.
"Harry, why don't you go do a little shopping of your own? I know Logan won't but I know you like shopping." Logan looked at Harry in mock-shock at Jean's previous statement.
"You like shopping?" Harry rolled his eyes.
"Correction, I don't mind shopping for myself. I have found that guys shop with some iota of an idea of what they want, then we get it, and then we leave. Women, on the other hand, may go into a mall knowing what they want but then they get there and have to try on what seems to be every single thing in every store. It's like a slow painful death." Logan started barking with laughter while Jean looked a little annoyed. (16.)
"Just go Harry and take Logan with you!" With that she walked into a store named, "The Limited," a store neither Harry nor Logan wanted anything to do with. Harry couldn't help but smirk. Normally he would feel a little guilty about getting to his Aunt a little like that but 3 hours in a mall doing nothing but shopping for women's clothes is all kinds of wrong.
Harry looked at the now sitting Logan. "Well I'm going to take Aunt Jean's advice and look around, are you coming?"
"No thanks kid. I may hate this but at least she's not asking me to go into the store." Harry laughed and walked away while Logan folded his arms and closed his eyes on the bench.
Harry first went to a store called "Buckle" where he bought an "Affliction" shirt called, "Knighthood," which had two knights with angel wings kneeling with their swords presented in the front of the shirt and one in the back. Then he went to "American Eagle" where he bought some jeans. Suffice to say an hour later he had eight phone numbers, three cards from modeling agencies, four attempted look-ins when he was in a dressing room, five "stink eyes" from other guys for hogging all the girls attentions, and a couple of bags in his hands he decided to head back to where Aunt Jean and Logan were.
Meanwhile, Logan had lost his patience. While that might not seem as anything new Logan thought it commendable that he was actually able to be patient for four hours. But that was over now. "That's it! I've had it!" If she won't stop this madness then he's going to make her even if he has to carry her kicking and screaming out of the mall. As Logan entered the store all he could see was women carrying heavy loads of clothes; he reluctantly walked further in the large store even though every masculine fiber of his being was saying, 'Get out! Get out before it's too late!' As he searched for a ball of red hair he noticed women giving him strange looks; probably wondering what he was doing in a woman's store. Finally he found the red haired beauty that always brought a smile to his face no matter what. He walked over to it to see Jean looking at some dresses; she looked up to see Logan.
"What?" she said as he looked at her shaking his head "I'm not buying anything."
"I'm sure" said Logan as she shrugged. "I still don't know why I had to come. Honestly, there was no point; I could have been helping the others back at the mansion-"
"You're here to keep Harry company, which you are not doing right now" said Jean interrupting his upcoming rant. She headed over to an open changing room and went inside.
"Wait what are you doing? I thought you said you weren't going to buy anything and we were doing this to stall time for the others?' said Logan as she closed the door.
"I'm not Logan; I'm writing a card" she said from behind the door. He waited a minute before he asked another question.
"What's the time?" asked Logan as Jean opened the door.
"Its 8: 21 pm" said Jean as Logan groaned.
"We're late!" said Logan as Jean sighed.
"I know!" she said as she grabbed her bags and headed towards the exit with Logan at her heels. "I don't need a lecture Logan; I'm just wasting a bit more time, besides you only want to leave because you hate malls."
"Yeah just like most men in the damn world" growled Logan as Jean rolled her eyes and smiled. Once they exited the store they stopped dead in theirs tracks at the sight before them. There sat Harry with a loudly wailing baby in his arms with his face showing clear signs of torture; he kept on rocking the baby trying to calm it down but it wouldn't stop. To his left was a woman who was also trying to calm what was obviously the others baby's twin brother by feeding it; she herself was getting agitated.
"Come on Max! Calm down!" she tried shoving the nipple of the bottle into the Max's mouth but he only wailed louder making passerby's stop and stare. Harry wasn't getting much luck either; as he rocked the other baby, who's name was Mark, he muttered incoherently making the person sitting next to him look at him strangely.
"Come on baby…. why me……stop crying….for Pete's sake someone help me... ….hurry up Aunt Jean…..I can't wait to get home" he said quietly, distress clear in his voice as he rocked the baby gritting his teeth. A smile tugged on Jean's mouth and a look of pity on Logan's face as they both watched Harry help the woman out with her two babies.
Finally Harry had enough. "Alright you two, you are going to behave and cut your mother some slack and I mean now!" said Harry, frustration clear in his voice. To everyone's amazement the twin baby boys looked at Harry and immediately shut up and behaved.
Jean couldn't help but let out a small laugh making Harry look up; relief washed over his features as he handed baby Mark back to his mother and got up from the bench.
"Thank you!" said the extremely grateful mother as they were walking away. When they were out of ear shot of the woman Harry let of a gigantic sigh.
"Finally!" he said as Jean and Logan chuckled. "Do you know how loud those babies were? Oh my God! My ears are ringing!"
"Oh my poor little Harry, did it hurt that bad?" said Jean mockingly, getting up on her tip toes to ruffle Harry's hair. Harry picked Jean up over his shoulder and spun her around.
"Harry! Harry put me down this instant or I'm going to throw up!" Harry decided he messed with his Aunt enough and put her down. They both start laughing while Logan rolled his eyes.
"You're both dorks" said Logan trying not to crack a smile. Jean looked up at him with a smile on her face.
'Should I?' asked Jean telepathically to Harry.
'Yes' replied Harry as Jean nodded; she handed Harry her bags and started to walk behind Logan and surprised him by jumping on his back and gave him a tight hug.
"Wha-" he said surprised as Jean squished him as Harry laughed; he stopped walking. "What are you doing Jeannie?"
"I'm giving you some love" she said playfully rumpling up his spiky hair which just made it even spikier; Logan smiled widely as he went along with it and started running around with Jean on his back laughing. Harry smiled and laughed at their playfulness as they all walked out the mall letting the warm sun bathe down on them; they walked towards their vehicle and packed all the bags in the trunk of the car.
"Hey Aunt Jean can I drive?" asked Harry as she nodded.
"Sure" she said before she tossed him the keys. He had learned to drive not long after him and Rogue figured out their feelings. Jean and Logan were the ones who taught him and (of course) he learned rather quickly. In fact he got his drivers license on the first test and didn't miss a score. He hopped into the driver's seat and started the car while Jean got in the passengers seat and Logan in the back seat.
The drive home wasn't a quite one as Harry made full use of Jean's "whoever drives gets to pick the music" privilege. They were currently listening to one of Harry's favorite songs, "Indestructible" by Disturbed, to which Harry was singing along and quite well in fact. After the song was over he looked further down the highway using his telescopic vision and did not like what he saw. (17.)
"That wanker!" yelled Harry.
"What?" asked Logan.
"That damn traffic control guy was way off! There's traffic coming up. Hold on, I'm going to double check" he said squinting slightly using his telescopic vision to see a bunch a stopped cars. "Yup there's traffic."
"Great, just great" said Logan while Jean sighed; they started to slow down as they came up to the traffic area before Jean looked at Logan through the rearview mirror.
'Should I call and tell the others we are going to be late?' she said telepathically to him blocking Harry, who was too busy swearing up a storm about being stuck in traffic.
'That would probably be a good idea Jeannie' Jean sighed knowing the inevitable rant from Storm would be coming soon.
"Storm, are you there?' Jean braced herself.
'Jean! Where are you guys? You should have been back here an hour ago!' Yep, Storm was upset.
'Sorry Ororo, we got a little caught up at the mall and now we're stuck in traffic.' Jean looked up to see there was some movement in the traffic flow.
'Please tell me you guys aren't on the highway Jean, please.' Jean rolled her eyes at her best friend's overreacting.
'All right then, I won't tell you 'Ro' Jean couldn't help but smile. She loved messing with Ororo.
Ororo groaned in frustration. 'Just get here as soon as you guys can! Everything's ready, even the big surprise.' Jean frowned at the mention of the big surprise. She still didn't approve.
After a few minutes the traffic picked up and the car started to go faster; soon they were out of traffic and back on the main road. Harry was busy listening to Audioslave's, "Set It Off", while Jean ended the conversation with Ororo and rubbed her temples.
'Well Ororo's pissed' said Jean as Logan chuckled.
'Well there's a shocker. I swear that woman is the most tightly wound woman I've ever met. She needs to get laid big time.' Jean looked back slightly to look at Logan sternly but with a hint of amusement.
'Logan, be nice. You know everyone wants this to go perfectly.' Logan nodded in agreement.
'So are they all ready?' asked Logan as Jean nodded.
'Yeah since 7: 45' she thought as he nodded.
'Ok then we're good!' he thought before Jean turned back to the road. Finally they reached home as Alter Bridge's, "Rise Today" was finishing. After Harry parked the car in the garage he told Jean and Logan that he wanted some wheels with a smirk on his face as Logan responded with a wide grin but Jean, whom has always had a good "game face," just told him he'll have to wait another year to get one.
Once they were out of the garage Harry started to head towards his room but Jean and Logan dragged him away and they started to head to the living room.
"What are we doing? I was about to take a shower than watch Sportscenter." Logan and Jean kept leading him towards the living room.
"We got something better for you to do" said Jean as Harry looked at her curiously.
"What?" he asked as she smirked.
"You'll see!" they said in unison once they reached the living room but the lights were out. They put him right by the entrance were he could see nothing but darkness.
"Stay here" said Logan before he felt Logan and Jean leave him.
"Ok ready?" asked Jean from somewhere.
"For what? What is this all about?" Harry asked before the lights were suddenly switched on.
"SURPRISE!" Chorused everyone before laughing when he jumped; it's not everyday when you can surprise Harry. Everyone who lived in the mansion was there with big smiles on their faces. Before Harry could say anything there were flashes of light; he looked around the room to see it drastically changed. The room was surrounded by many balloons; there was a huge banner that said "Happy Birthday Harry!", and there were streamers in all different colors (but mostly red, blue and yellow) hanging from the ceilings. A bunch of the students and staff had cameras in their hands taking pictures of him; he grinned from ear to ear.
"What's all of this?" he asked as Jean walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders and hugged him.
"Well Harry, since we're going to miss your birthday when you leave to find you long lost brother for the summer we all decided to give you a birthday party that you never had. It was all Jean's idea" said Bobby, who walked up and gave him their handshake they created which flowed into a one-armed hug between the two best friends. Harry's smiled at Jean, who blushed, as he was plopped down onto one of the comfiest chairs in the room. "Happy birthday buddy" said Bobby.
"Thanks dude" said Harry smiling at his Aunt and Logan before everyone wished him a happy birthday, gave him big hugs and kisses on the cheeks (from the girls) and hand shakes (from the guys). It was only fifteen minutes when everyone finally finished wishing him a happy birthday and putting a large pointy hat on his head that said "Birthday Boy," which Harry knew was Jean's idea to mess with him.
"Don't you just love spontaneous things!" said Kitty dreamily. For a second he was reminded of Luna but the thought disappeared as everyone started to sing "Happy Birthday" to him while Ororo came in with a chocolate cake that had, "Happy 18th Birthday Harry" on it with eighteen lit candles on it.
Once they finished singing Harry blew out the candles in one blow; everyone cheered as Harry smiled. 'This is definitely the best birthday I have ever had' he thought as someone yelled, "present time!"
"OK, Harry we have gotten you presents and I don't want to hear anything about something being too much or that we didn't have to, you hear me!" said Jean as Harry blushed. 'She knows me too well' thought Harry. "You are worth it and more! Besides, we're making up for lost time and years of not having a birthday." Jean then walked up to Harry and gave him the present she was holding "Happy birthday Harry"
She sat down next to him as he opened the card; tears brimmed in his eyes as he read her card:
Dear my sweet Harry,
Well, 18 years old now eh? Well soon anyway. I'm so proud of you Harry; you have grown to be such a handsome, smart, loyal, brave, strong, determined, and sweet gentleman. Lily and James would have been so proud of you; they are watching down on you, you know. Always watching, always guiding you. As much as I'm trying to be strong for you Harry, I feel guilty that I wasn't able to be there for you for the first 17 years of your life; it's that wretched Dumbledore! But this day is not about him, it's about you.
I just want you to know Harry, that you will never be alone. Every single person in this mansion loves and cares for you as much as Jor-El, Lara-El, Lily, and James do. Make no mistake about it, when your brother meets you he will feel the same way. We will never betray you Harry; we will always stand by your side no matter what dangers you come across.
You know, from the first moment I saw you I thought you were actually James and Lily's real son, but then they told me about your heritage. I was stunned at first but I didn't think of you as any danger; you were still the same Harry James Potter to me.
I'll always be there for you Harry; I love you as my own son. You should never keep anything from me; you can tell me anything.
Love, Jean
Harry looked up at Jean smiling at her before giving her a big hug, lifting her up in the air. "Thank you Aunt Jean" he said before he let her go.
"Your welcome, now open the present" she said excitedly; he put the card down on one side before he ripped open the present. When the wrapping paper was off he saw in his hands a book the size of a text book, it had a mahogany color to it, the borders of the book were silver, and it had fine details on it. In the middle of the book was a label that said 'Harry James Potter' on it; he opened the book and gasped. Inside were pictures of his parents, Jean, and the Marauders. There were three pictures on each page and he couldn't decide which he liked between them. He looked at the first picture on the first page, which had Jean and Lily in it; they looked to be in their first year at Hogwarts. They were both wearing Gryffindor robes and were sitting close together at a tree by the lake looking at a book. They looked up and smiled and waved at the camera before looking back down; the resemblance was uncanny.
The second picture had the Marauders in it; they too looked to be in their first year. They were huddled up together smiling at the camera. On the right was Remus, and from the scratches on his face it looked like he just recently had a transformation. He looked mature for his age and had a small grin on. Next to him looked to be Sirius from that mischievous grin; his hair was shaggy and long. Finally next to Sirius was his father James; his hair was sticking out in all direction, he had his round glasses on, and he too had a mischievous grin that looked exactly like his own.
Harry laughed as he noticed Sirius putting bunny ears over Remus' head. "Thank you Aunt Jean, this is awesome" said Harry flipping through the rest of he pages as she smiled.
"Your welcome" she said before getting up; Harry put down his present on one side as Jamie and Amara came up to him.
"Happy birthday Harry" chorused Amara and Jamie passing him a colorful bag filled with tissue paper.
"Thanks guys" he said hugging them. He dug through the tissue paper and grabbed on to a smooth flat surface; he pulled it out to see a book titled: "Random Zits," by Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman. He laughed as he looked through the book. "Great gift guys, this is my favorite comic strip in the newspapers. It always makes me laugh."
Jamie sighed in relief as Amara rolled her eyes, "I told you he would like it!" said Jamie as Amara shook her head at Harry's questioning look before they let Bobby have his turn.
"Happy Birthday dude" he said handing Harry a paper wrapped box.
"Hmm I wonder what it might be" said Harry as Bobby smirked at him. Harry ripped off the wrapper and opened the white box. He laughed as he took out an official Peyton Manning Indianapolis Colts home jersey, a New York Yankees "Respect the Dynasty" shirt, and a Manchester United "Bird of Grey" shirt.
"These are awesome! Thanks Bobby!"
"You're welcome. You don't know how hard it was for me, a New Englander, to buy the Colts jersey and Yankees shirt" said Bobby as Harry laughed. "Alright guys bring out the big gun!"
"Big gun?" said Harry as he turned to see Peter and Sam holding a huge box. "What the hell is that?"
"You'll have to open it for yourself Harry" said Kitty smiling as Peter and Sam dropped the box in front of Harry with a loud thud.
"All of us students pitched in some money for this bad boy" said Jay tapping the box as Harry smirked before he started to unwrap the huge present and was shocked when he finished.
"Wow you guys! A Colts 3-Way Recliner! This is way too much you guys" said a shocked and awed Harry. Bobby walked up to him and clapped him on the back.
"Not really dude. We all pitched in so it wasn't a big deal. Besides, you deserve it. You've never had a birthday and you saved all our asses plenty of times." Harry chuckled. "Also, this is a way to repay you for…well me and the other guys using your old desk chair to skateboard down the hallways." Harry laughed in remembrance of Bobby crashing into a wall at full speed after Peter put a little too much 'umph' into his push.
"Yup, plus now you can watch the Colts and other games in style" said Kurt as Harry looked at the picture on the box; the chair was mostly blue with a white stripe going from under the arm rest to around the head rest. The teams' logo, a horse shoe, was welded onto the back rest and 'COLTS' was welded on the footrest.
"Happy Birthday!" chorused Bobby, Kurt, Kitty, Sam, Peter, Jay, Warren, and Rogue as Harry smiled at all of them
"Thanks guys this is really cool" said Harry before putting the box to the side to make room for the next person. Ororo walked towards him with a big box in her arms while Hank walked behind her with an even bigger box. Harry arched his eyebrows.
"These gifts are joint gifts from the entire faculty Harry; Happy Birthday" said Storm, who put the present down on his lap and gave him a peck on the cheek. That got a few wolf calls as both Harry and Ororo rolled their eyes. Harry opened the present and smiled.
"Wow, a blue Dell XPS 1530 Laptop Computer, thanks professors!" They smiled as Hank handed him the other gift. Harry opened it a found a printer/scanner. "This is great you guys, thank you! And thank you to everyone else; you have no idea how shocked I am. I mean, how in the hell were you able to get the gifts so fast?" Everyone looked expectantly at a blushing Jean. Harry looked at Jean expectantly.
"I may have told everyone to shop early since I assumed it would be only a matter of time before you went looking for your brother." Harry smiled and hugged Jean.
"Way to think outside the box Aunt Jean. Anyways, I have to say this is the best birthday in my life but you all really didn't have to do this for me you know, I could have survived without a birthday party. I mean you guys obviously don't have party's like this for everyone-"
"Oh yes we do!" said Warren smirking as Harry cocked an eye brow.
"You should have seen professor Xavier's birthday last year!" said Sam; every snickered taking a moment to remember the hilarious day.
"What happened?" asked Harry breaking them out of their thought making them all snicker again.
"Erm, someone spiked the punch-" said Jean as Harry silently laughed
"-and the professor got a little tipsy-" continued Ororo.
"-and made everyone get headaches-" said Hank.
"-which was murder" finished off Logan making everyone chuckle but some of them held there heads as if experiencing the pain again for a split second. Harry looked over at the Professor who was seated right next to Scott; he nodded as Harry gave him 'Is that true' look making him laugh. Professor Xavier wheeled over to Harry and shook his hand.
"Happy Birthday Harry; now before cake we have one final gift for you and this is the big one."
"Another one, really you guys-"
"Shut up Harry, this is your birthday and I will have none of it!" said a very determined Rogue.
"Alright, alright I get it" said Harry putting his hands up in defense. "So where is it and who's it from?"
"The gift is from all of us, but more specifically Professor Xavier, Jean, and me. It took a lot to get Jean to agree with this, but she finally agreed. As for where it is…you'll see soon" said Logan as he put a blind fold over Harry's eyes "No peaking alright-" Harry nodded "-yeah as I was saying Jean wasn't for it until we agreed to her demands." Logan smirked at Jean who huffed and rolled her eyes.
They started to lead Harry to the garage; every step they took curiosity and excitement grew inside Harry. "Where are we going?" he asked in anticipation.
"You'll see" said Logan still leading him; finally they reached the garage. "Watch your step Harry."
Harry carefully walked down the steps and into the garage, they walked a bit further before they came up to a covered object and turned around to face a wall. "It was a bit too large to put in the living room since everyone was going to be there" said Logan as Harry nodded itching to know what it was.
"Uh huh, you don't say…take off the damn blind folds already!"
"Ok, ok!" said Logan untying the blind fold and let Harry look at the object.
"Wow guys, a wall. How did you know?" said Harry as sarcastically as possible. Everybody laughed.
"No Harry, that's not your gift" said Professor Xavier chuckling. "We just wanted to give you the first part of the present before you saw the main part."
"What do you mean first part?" asked Harry intrigued. Logan walked up to him with a big squared box.
"Open it and find out Harry" said Logan. So Harry did and what Harry saw almost took his breath away. Inside the box was a motorcycle helmet, but this wasn't just any helmet, this was a blue Harley-Davidson Stealth Flame Modular Helmet. Harry knew this was the best full-face modular helmet on the market. It was black with blue flames coming from the front and it covered almost all but the back of the helmet, and in the back was a design that Harry would come to describe as his insignia. The design was a wolf's head howling at the moon and inside the moon was the "alpha" symbol; it was all in blue and white. It was beautiful. Harry looked up at Logan who smirked.
"I know a guy who paints and designs motorcycles who owes me a favor. He was happy to help out." Jean put in her two cents as well.
"Logan found out the guy was a wizard too so the design on the back is made of a magical paint that will disappear when you want it to so nobody can recognize you that you don't want to." Harry looked awestruck as the implications of this helmet came to him.
"But this is a motorcycle helmet. That means…" Logan took pity on Harry.
"Turn around Harry." Harry did so and what he saw made him almost swallow his tongue. Harry slowly but surely walked over to his sheet covered gift. He gasped at the sight, noticing the shape of it.
"You didn't!" he said looking at Logan with wide eyes.
Harry's hands were shaking in anticipation as he reached for the sheet; he pulled it down and it slowly but surely revealed his gift. As Harry hoped it was a motorcycle, but this wasn't just any motorcycle, no this was a blue 2007 Harley-Davidson VRSCA V-Rod. It was blue and its frame had the same wolf design in the middle as his helmet, and on the back fender there were the words "The Alpha Male" in cursive on both sides; all three designs were in a combination of black, grey, and white while both the frame and both fenders were blue. The rest of the motorcycle was a combination of chrome and silver. "A blue 2007 Harley-Davidson VRSCA V-Rod!" he said excitedly as he looked at the motorcycle in awe. "This….oh God….you guys….I'm speechless!"
Everyone laughed except Jean who was still a little skeptical. "Yup and it's all yours" said Logan throwing the keys over to Harry who easily caught it.
"It's beautiful" he said before he got onto the bike. He started the ignition which immediately started to purr; he smiled at the sound. "That's the most beautiful sound I've ever heard." Jean walked closer to Harry with a serious look on her face.
"Oh come on Aunt Jean! It's not like I can get hurt, I'm invulnerable you know" said Harry smirking as Jean sighed.
"I know, and that is one of the reasons why I agreed to this." Harry was about to rush in and give her a big hug but she held her hand out. "Now hold on. The other reason is because I made them agree to allow me to put some spells on your motorcycle." This got Harry's full attention.
"What kind of spells Aunt Jean?"
"Well first off, just to let you know, yes those designs on your motorcycle are from the same guy who did the design on your helmet. Now as it pertains to the spell work I did, I did a variety of spells starting with my main concern; protection. There was no way I was going to let you have it without putting up every single safety charm I know on it. Now a truck could be coming at you full speed and you and your bike would miss it and be fine. The main protection spell I put on your bike was an invisible protective bubble that will not only alert you of upcoming danger but it will also make sure the bike comes to a safe stop away from any upcoming danger. The protective bubble also works as a charmed heating and air conditioning component that change depending on the weather around you."
"It also works as a protection from the elements so you stay dry. I also added enough security charms on it that not even the best thief could steal it. In fact, if any unwanted person tries to get near it the bike will disappear from their sight and the person will forget about the whole thing. It also has buttons specifically to your motorcycle. The first one is a turbo booster button that will get you to point "A" to point "B" faster while still allowing you to take in the view around unlike your super-speed. The second button activates the shrinking charm on the bike so you can take it with you. Finally, put on the helmet Harry." Harry did as his Aunt asked. "Say helmet screen activate." Again, Harry did as he was told and was amazed to see what appeared to be a holographic version of a navigation screen on the far right corner of his shield visor. Harry flipped the helmet open and looked at his Aunt with an awed expression. "The helmet can also be linked to your iPod and it also has a built-in radar detector and XM Satellite Radio. I can't take the all the credit though. Many mutants helped, especially with the technology-based parts." The look on Harry's face was like a kid in a candy store.
"So…you're okay with me having the bike, right?" asked a hopeful Harry who wanted to make sure. "I'm asking because I'd rather not have to argue with you about it every time I take it out."
'At least he asked me first' thought Jean as she sighed. "Yes Harry, I'm okay with you having the motorcycle" she said as everyone sighed in relief.
"YES!" yelled Harry before he hopped off the bike ran over to Jean and gave her a bear hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!"
"H-Harry….y-y-your c-choking me!" said Jean before he quickly let go of her.
"Sorry" he said smiling sheepishly; the rest of the night was eventful to say the students played loud music as the elder mutants chatted amongst themselves, cake was served, and the plan to spike the punch was foiled. After the game Harry went out in the garden to look at the stars; he wondered how Hermione was doing. He was then broken out of his thoughts by Logan who was carrying two bottles of beer. Harry raised an eyebrow to which Logan just shrugged.
"I just thought it would be nice to share your first drink with me. Besides, you and I both know that alcohol doesn't affect you so why not." Harry shrugged and smiled as Logan threw him a bottle and he easily caught with one hand. Harry examined the bottle. It was an imported beer called, "Amstel Light." He grasped the top of the bottle, put his upper thumb on the bottom of the bottle cap, and he then flicked his thumb upwards. What happened was an amazing site to see. As soon as Harry flicked his thumb the bottle cap shot up into the air like a rocket and went out of sight. Harry said the first thing to came to mind as Logan was laughing.
"I sure hope that doesn't land on somebody." Logan just laughed louder. Harry took his first swig a little too quickly and the foam came rushing out which caused Lagan to laugh again. (18.)
"Kid, that's why you never take a quick swig of beer, especially in bottles, it will always foam up and come pouring out of the bottle." Harry nodded as the bottle seemed to stop foaming after a short while, but the damage was already done. Beer was on his pants and on the ground. Harry then took a slow swig and while it was true as others have told him that it is an acquired taste at the beginning he found he liked it. Harry and Logan spent the rest of the time talking about random things until Harry asked a question that has been on his mind for a while now.
"You love her, don't you?" Logan chose the wrong time to take a drink from his beer as he started choking on it. He finally got his coughing down and looked at Harry nervously. He was really hoping Harry hadn't noticed, but he knew his godson was too observant not to.
"Love who? Who are you talking about kid?" Harry rolled his eyes. To his amazement Logan looked nervous for the first time since he's known him, and that's saying something. Magneto and his cronies could surround him and you wouldn't see a bead of sweat, but one mention of his Aunt made the rock that was Wolverine soften.
"Don't play dumb Logan; you know damn well I'm talking about Aunt Jean. I know you love her. I can see it in your eyes every time you look at her. Just admit it." Logan was getting frustrated.
"What the hell do you want from me Harry? Do you want me to tell you that I can't look at her without smiling? Do you want me to say that she is the reason I stay here? Do you want me to tell you that she makes me want to be a better man? That every emotion she seems to feel I seem to feel? That I would do anything to make her happy even at the cost of my own? Well guess what? They're all true! There I admit it! I am desperately in love with Jean and it kills me that I can't be with her! But I cannot live without her anymore so now I have to stay here like a fucking loser while the first person that I can recall that I am willing to open my heart to is with another man! I am completely out of my element here! I'm a wolf in a field of dogs! Is that what you wanted to know?!" Harry noticed that Logan wasn't yelling out of anger but of sheer sadness and pain. Then...out of the corner of his eye, behind Logan, he could see his Aunt Jean with her head just slightly out of the doorway, looking at them with tears in her eyes. She apparently didn't want to be noticed so she went back inside. Harry smiled and put a hand on one of Logan's shoulder in a reassuring way.
"Don't give up yet Logan, there's still a chance." Logan looked at him and smiled. (19.)
The next day is what some would call a hangover to most students. Some were constantly dozing off in class, some were actually hung over (someone evidently had managed to spike the punch during the night and the list of suspects were narrowed down to Bobby, Bobby, and Bobby), then there were some who were perfectly fine. Well in actuality one was fine. A healthy and alert Harry was receiving several glares around the classroom. It didn't help anybody that it was hot enough to fry an egg outside and the air conditioning chose that day to break and it wouldn't be fixed until later in the day. The only thing helping those in the class was Bobby's icicles on the ceiling and Harry's super breath. Speaking of which…
"But just one more please Harry" said Kitty as everyone nodded but Harry wasn't paying attention; he caught a glimpse of a smiling Scott through the window on the door but he disappeared. Just then a gorgeous woman came into view; she had straight white blond hair that went below her shoulders, she was what people in the entertainment business would call a blonde bombshell. Every inch of her face had the perfect shape; the perfect pouted lips, the arched eye brows, the high cheek bones, the perfect nose. It was all there; he suddenly felt a slight familiar burning in his eyes.
"Harry!" yelled Bobby breaking him out of his thoughts; Harry quickly whipped his head towards the other students. "Dude we have been calling you for like 5 minutes!"
"Oh sorry, I just saw something-"
"Can you please do your breath thing on us again?" asked Rogue; Harry took another quick glance at the woman who was smiling and laughing before he quickly nodded.
"Alright" said Harry as everyone braced themselves again as Harry took in another deep breath and blew all the air he could (within reason) at his fellow class mates; just as he was almost finished the door swung open. Harry heard someone clear their throat so he stopped his blowing and looked at the two occupants at the door entrance.
"You can go take your seat now Potter, that will be enough blowing for today" said Scott as Harry cocked an eye brow; he scoffed before he walked over to his desk and sat down. "Alright everyone, I know today is the last day of school but I would like to introduce you all to your new biology and chemistry teacher, Emma Frost."
Everyone turned their attention to the blonde haired woman who just smiled at them; all the guys except Harry gawked at her but all the girls seem quite intimidated by her. "Hello everyone" said Emma; even her voice was beautiful. "Of course some of you already know me but-" she took a quick glance at Harry for some oddly reason but looked away "-some of you don't so my name is Emma Frost but my codename is the White Queen."
Realization dawned over Harry and his eyes narrowed; she was the woman who Jean had thought that had an affair with Scott. "My powers are telepathy, the ability to morph into indestructible diamond, and I have superhuman strength in my diamond form" she said as everyone nodded. "I hope that we can all have a good relationship when I start teaching all of you that will still be studying next year."
"You can count on me" Harry heard Sam whisper making him chuckle once Scott and Emma started talking about the classes next year "man she is hot!"
"No doubt about that. I might try to be in class for another year with her as a teacher" said Bobby. From behind him he felt someone smack him on the head. "Ouch!" He turned around to see Rogue glaring at him "What was that for?" he asked as Rogue rolled her eyes. "What?"
Harry shook his head turning back toward the front. "Do you think she is single?" asked Jay who seemed to be gawking at Emma in awe making the rest of the boys snicker.
"I doubt little bro" said Sam smirking. "Poor little Jay, can't even get a date with Rahne and he's asking if Emma Frost is single."
"Hey shut up!" hissed Jay across the room as Sam and the others laughed. Harry paid no attention and was looking at Emma and Scott with skeptical eyes.
'The two seem to get along very nicely; laughing smiling, touching each others arms' thought Harry as he leaned back on his seat with a frown as Emma and Scott laughed. 'She may look attractive but she could cause harm to Jean's heart and I won't let that happen.'
Suddenly he felt the burning in his eyes, he rubbed them but the burning didn't want to go away. The pain felt familiar but he didn't know from where. He closed his eyes trying to sooth the pain, 'Erg, go away!' he thought before he was broken out of his thoughts by Scott's voice.
"Quiet! Alright class, I'm going to leave you" said Scott walking towards the door. "Make sure to be good to your new professor."
He then exited the room and closed the door leading to a very awkward silence. Everyone sat there waiting for Emma to speak as she went to the teacher's desk in the front and sat down. Finally she spoke, "Alright class today might be the last day of school, and while some of you are coming back next year and others won't that does not mean you can have fun, listen to music and watch movies in class. Well we are going to watch a movie but we do need a TV."
"I can go get it for you" chorused Sam and Jay both standing up; they both glared at each other before turning back to look at Emma who seemed confused at first but then smiled.
"Well if you both want to go get it you can both go" said Emma smiling as the both boys nodded while smiling insanely; they both rushed towards the door and ran out of it, almost getting stuck along the way. The remaining students in the class chuckled as they turned back towards Emma who was organizing her desk.
As Emma was getting situated Peter checked to see if the girls were paying attention, particularly his girlfriend Kitty, and as they weren't he turned to Harry, Bobby, and Kurt. "Man she's hot! Wow did we get lucky with our female professors!" The guys all grinned and nodded.
"Yeah no kidding, nothing Professor Monroe wears hides that perfect body of hers" said Bobby. All the guys nodded as Kurt decided to put in his two cents.
"Don't forget Professor Gre…" Harry cut him off before he could finish.
"I wouldn't finish that statement if I were you" said Harry with a threatening glare. Kurt decided to be defiant.
"And what if I decide not to?" asked Kurt as confidently as he could. Harry gave an evil grin.
"That depends. Do you enjoy breathing Kurt?" Kurt gulped and nodded. Professor Frost stood up and got the attention of the class.
"As we wait for those two to come back, I want to get reintroduced or in some circumstances introduced to everyone in this class; we'll learn abut those boys when they come back" she said as everyone nodded. "Alright we will start with the front row and then we will start to head back. Please state your name and your mutant powers. You young man, you are first."
"Me?" asked Kurt who was sitting in the front row in the corner; Emma nodded. "Aright…..
Kurt had introduced himself and his powers along with the rest of the students before Harry was the last one left. Once it was his turn Emma looked at him with narrowed eyes.
"Hmm, I've never seen you before" she said as he shrugged.
"I only came here a few months ago" said Harry as she nodded smiling at him; he felt the burning in his eyes again.
"OK then, introduce yourself" she said leaning foreword on the desk interested in Harry.
"Well err, my name is Harry Potter my mutation powers are telekinesis and I'm telepathic" he said as she looked at him a bit strangely.
"Oh, so you're 'her' nephew?" said Emma distastefully. Harry glared.
"I sure am. Is there a problem with that?" asked Harry, daring her to say something against his beloved Aunt.
"No, no problem" said Professor Frost a little too nonchalantly for Harry's taste. Suddenly Harry had an evil grin on his face and Bobby knew all to well what was coming.
"Uh oh, Harry what do you have planned?" whispered Bobby. Peter, Jay, Sam, Warren, and Kurt looked at Harry curiously as Harry's grin continued to widen.
"Oh I think our dear sweat Professor Frost has her knickers up in a twist and is in need of a good prank. Care to watch in on the fun?" asked Harry to the other guys. The guys knew they were in for a good show so they nodded vigorously. Harry smiled before he silently cast a spell on all of them and himself before he turned to Professor Frost and cast a spell on her. His smile widened as he looked intently at Emma. The other guys looked confused at Harry.
"Well….where's the prank Harry?" asked Bobby. Harry never took his eyes off Emma.
"Look at Professor Frost and you'll see" said Harry in a very reassuring manner. And so they did, and as they took their first glance at Emma their mouths dropped and their tongues rolled out of their mouths. Harry had given them all x-ray vision of sorts so that now they could look at what Professor Frost was wearing under her clothes! Bobby was the first to recover, albeit his mouth very dry.
"She's wearing the 'Sexy Little Things' pink bra on page twenty-four and the 'Sexy Little Things' pink lace-up fishnet hiphugger on page twenty-five." Peter did a double-take and looked at Bobby. (20.)
"I don't think so, are you sure?" It was Harry who answered.
"Come on Peter, you know better than to question Bobby on his Victoria's Secret knowledge." It was true, they were all certain no man had more knowledge about the magazine more than Bobby. In fact, Bobby almost proposed to Rogue in the mall when she asked him if she should get something from there. Harry laughed at the memory. He was brought back to reality by Professor Emma, still only in her underwear, getting the class's attention.
"Very well, next" she said as Sam introduced himself; Harry rubbed his eyes ignoring everyone else as the burning sensation returned.
'I have felt this kind of burning before but from where?' he thought before he opened his eyes and looked at Emma deciding to do a little experiment; he looked at her sizing her down. 'It has something to do with her.'
Emma was an attractive woman, Harry held no interest in her but something about her made him feel attracted; maybe what she was wearing, white skin tight clothes. Or maybe it was the way her hair fell down her shoulders. Maybe because Harry could now see her now in nothing but her sexy underwear; whatever it was Harry did not like it. Suddenly the burning in his eyes multiplied; it was burning as if someone put hot sauce in his eyes.
"Harry?" said the voice of Sam.
"Harry what's wrong?" asked Bobby as realization dawned upon Harry
'Heat vision!'
"Har-" started Peter but was interrupted when Harry opened his eyes and immediately holes started to burn through the desk and onto Harry's jeans; Bobby quickly froze the fire as Harry closed back his eyes. The burning finally went away as he opened his eyes
"What the hell was that?!" asked Emma wide eyed.
"Sorry" said Harry smiling sheepishly. "That has never happened before like that."
"I thought you said you had telekinetic and telepathic powers?" asked Emma as Harry shrugged in his own nonchalant way.
"I guess some people have their own little secrets" said Harry, smirking as Emma raised an eye brow at him
The rest of the class period they all watched a video on what those who were coming back would be learning next year. Actually most of them slept through it. Finally when the bell rang signaling school was over the class cheered and they were out the door as quickly as possible.
"Hey Harry you coming?" asked Rogue as the rest of his friends were waiting outside the class.
"Huh? Oh, uh, yeah in a minute" he said.
'I have something to do first' he said to her telepathically beckoning to Emma who was turning the TV off; she was confused for a second before nodding understandingly. She left the room closing the door as he turned around, exhaled, and walked towards Emma.
"Uh, excuse me Professor Frost but may I speak to you for a minute?" asked Harry as she turned towards him with a grin on her face; she walked over her desk and hopped on it crossing her legs. Harry raised his eyebrows, realizing that he hadn't taken the spell off. Harry canceled the spell, as he couldn't concentrate with her looking like that, and tried not to look at her legs thinking that she might be doing that on purpose; she nodded.
"Of course Mr. Potter" she said smirking flipping her hair slightly in a flirtatious manner.
'What the hell did I get myself into?' thought Harry gulping.
(A/R): Viola, we're finished!!! First of all how in the hell do these chapters get so flipping long?!?!?!? (A/T) Seriously; I had to cut about ten pages from this story and it STILL went to 40 pages. (A/R) I know. So we promise you guys that Harry will leave to go to Smallville in the next chapter; you will see Harry's talk with Emma Frost, and Harry leaving for Smallville. (A/T) Yes, and once again we are sorry for the delay and we will be much quicker with the next update.
(A/T): As promised…here are the information points. Yes, they will get shorter.
(1.) If you haven't noticed Harry and Clark are going to play the roles of leaders and ones whom others come to for advice and help. We both feel that they are natural leaders so it fits them both well.
(2.) (A/T) That was my way of saying that everything that Rowling set up with the relationship between Hermione and Ron is wrong.
(3.) We decided that now was the time for Harry and most of his friends to graduate. The reasons are that it will explain why they aren't in school when they go to Hogwarts, they can become full-fledged X-Men, and they can start looking what colleges they're going to and/or careers they're going to be doing.
(4.) Yes, we know there's a lot of cussing in this scene but there aren't many fights anyone has been involved with that doesn't involve cussing.
(5.) (A/R) That was something that actually happened in the X-Men comics. We are going to turn it in our favor for what is to come between Jean and Logan.
(6.) (A/T) It was important for us to have both Harry and Clark establish a good relationship with their birthparents.
(7.) (A/T) That was my idea and Raquel agrees. It just fits and feels right to have them all go to heaven. It really helps Harry and Clark to have communication with their parents (besides Martha Kent of course) and will have importance further on in the story as well.
(8.) (A/T) That will be explained in more detail in later chapters.
(9.) As it was already brought up in previous chapters, yes Clark have the same mutant powers as Harry in this story. We both agreed this makes the story even more interesting. It also makes sure both Harry and Clark are at an equal power level, which we both want.
(10.) (A/T) This is another one of my ideas that will be explained in later chapters.
(11.) (A/R) For this stories sake lets just say that Clark doesn't know where Lex is at this time so he doesn't immediately go to Lex's lab but instead is searching but can't find him.
(12.) (A/R) That is our opinion of the whole Clark/Lana thing and why Smallville tends to be too much like 90210 than what it should be like.
(13.) (A/R) This was something TheAlphaMale set up. (A/T) It was a good way to delve deeper into having Clark and Lois get together. Doing it in a hilarious way among friends is just a bonus. (A/R) Lol!
(14.) We both believe that Krypto is not used enough so we are going to make sure that he plays more of a role than he has even in the show. Basically, Krypto is going to be for Clark what Hedwig is to Harry.
(15.) (A/T) I was adamant and we both agree that we not only have to set up the similarities but also the differences between Harry and Clark. This is to make them being brothers in this story seem more realistic. The anger differential between the two is something that I studied when doing an essay on siblings. I found that the older sibling seems to be more even tempered but when mad they get really mad while the middle or second child tends to be more temperamental. It also just fits with their characters as Harry tends to wear his emotions on his sleeves while Clark holds them in somewhat.
(16.) (A/T) It's true. When I was young I had to go with my Mom and my sister and so on to stores on vacation and otherwise and Dad and I had to walk around from clothing store to clothing store just waiting for the torture to end. It's easier now with my girlfriend since there are more stores for guys, but doing nothing but shopping for women's clothing is wrong. (A/R) Lol!
(17.) (A/T) I don't mean to go on a rant here but I personally believe that this site not allowing song lyrics anymore is ridiculous. I mean you would think singers/songwriters and bands have something better to do than go on this site and get upset about their lyrics being on. Really, who cares? There are so many sites that list singer/songwriter and bands lyrics without consent so why does this site make the exception? It's not that big of a deal I guess but it's worth pointing out.
(18.) (A/T) Believe me that will happen if you take a swig of beer too quickly.
(19.) (A/R) Since day one of this story I have been adamant about Jean and Logan's relationship so this is mine and Alpha's way of setting up their relationship getting stronger. Although I cannot take credit for Logan admitting his feelings; that was all Tommy. (A/T) Thank you, but you helped by showing what kind of relationship you want between the two so really it was a joint effort.
(20.) (A/T) Lol! That was a little thing I thought up that would be funny. Those are actual items in the Victoria Secret catalog and I know that because…um…my girlfriend buys from them and has a subscription to their catalog. (A/R) Lol! Are you blushing Alpha? (A/T) Shut up!
So adios for now! We promise it won't take forever to update this story again. And if we don't…well…flame us all you want….actually, not too much ;)
Review please, pretty please with a cherry on top!