![]() Author has written 24 stories for CSI: New York, Law and Order: CI, Law and Order, Criminal Minds, and Burn Notice. Hi, I'm Lenni George. If you haven't figured it out by now, my pen name comes from the two main characters in "Of Mice and Men" - with a little liberty on the spelling. I've been writing fan fiction since high school - before I even knew there was a name for this sickness I have. Way back in the early 80's I started to write my friends into their favorite TV shows (Lou Grant, 240 Robert, Hill St Blues). It became an addiction for me and, luckily, for them, too. I kept doing it after high school, sometimes for friends, sometimes, just for myself. Always thinking that I was just a little off and believing that I was the only one in the world with such a strange hobby. Enlightenment came some time shortly after my oldest daughter was born (1990), while on a forum board on Prodigy(told you it was the 90's), I discovered that other people did this too! So, I started writing L&O fan fic. Yes, I was addicted to Mike Logan since the debut episode. None of that original L&O stuff has ever been seen by the general public and probably never will!! When Logan left L&O in 1995, I was lost...but a couple of years later, an addiction to the XFiles took over my mind, I started writing again. and discovered that there were entire websites devoted to fan fiction. Wow, I could do this AND get feedback on my writing skills? How cool was that? I wrote a lot of XF stuff, mostly Skinner centered and Doggett centered and it's still out there in various places. When the XFiles faded off, I wrote some JAG stuff(mostly Clayton Webb centered) and then a bit of CSI:NY - but only one of the CSI:NY stories made it into the day light. It's here...if you care to read it. Update - I've brought more CSI:NY into the light. Feel free to read and review! In the fall of 2005 - L&O:CI did something that will have me forever in their debt - they brought back Mike Logan!! (and the clouds parted, rays of light began to shine and triumphant music came from the heavens...oops, sorry...off on a tangent again.) And that's where I am today...gone full circle - writing my Logan fic. Flash forawrd to 2008 and Mike Logan is once again leaving the world of L&O. Well, it was good while it lasted. Thank you, Chris Noth for bringing him back for a while. I'll miss him more than you'll ever know. My latest addiction is Criminal Minds - yes, I've been watching it since it's beginning, but it wasn't until this season that I really embraced it enough to start writing it. I like Mandy Patinkin (hell, my mother loves him) but something about Joe Montegna broke my writers block! (Thank you, Joe!) And, thanks to a request for a Hotch fic from Squarey, I've become addicted to writing Aaron Hotchner. Hey, it's a good addiction, at least if I get pulled over after writing Hotch fic, I won't lose my license! I warn you - all of my stuff has an original female lead. Mary Sue? Could be, although I try very hard not to take her there. So, if that's not your cup of tea, I appreciate that. You don't have to read what I write - just don't bash me for it. So, if you've read this far, please read my stories - they're better than this, I promise! Lenni George |