![]() Author has written 9 stories for Fullmetal Alchemist, Yu-Gi-Oh, Avatar: Last Airbender, Code Geass, Tiger & Bunny/タイガー&バニー, and Blue Exorcist/青の祓魔師. Deviantart: Fullmetal-Yamiflea Tumblr: analsnake NEW BULLETIN! Arranged from latest (top) to earliest (bottom) This space will be dedicated to any updates I'm making or any progress in headway with my stories! I know that I take a while to update my chapters (a really, REALLY long time) but please bear with me (those who are patient enough to still be interested ). As I've commented in one of my stories, I tend to write on the spur of the moment and often my ideas go nowhere. But, I promise you! That I do eventually end up getting back to my ideas. As you can see, I've blossomed into writing about Avatar: The Last Airbender. I really, really enjoyed watching the anime and I highly recommend it to anyone else who enjoys Chinese culture, fantasy, action and martial arts! Anyway, please peruse my stories as you please. Wow, I can't believe I finally decided to retype here. Anyway, hey all, Yami here. In case you haven't noticed this profile page is my bulletin board for my stories and updates (seeying as how I hardly do so). So! PM me if you wanna complain or rush me or hurry me up in writing. If I get complaints I'll probably write faster :P. Updates 9/10/11 LOLOLOLOL. Sorry. I just noticed the date today and THAT was a complete coincidence |D ANYWHO. Over a year since the last update. I'm sorry guys, I'm a really terrible person. But ya'll aren't terrible. In face, a lot of you are freaking amazing and wonderful. As some of you may have seen or read, I published a PWP of Tiger and Bunny just a couple of weeks ago and I've gotten soo much amazing feedback from it (by feedback I mean reviews and favourites). Let me just say that you guys are amazing (and perverted, but hey so am I ;D) and I am totally unworthy of your love. Now down to business! I now have a tumblr! I shall link it at the top so that it may be forever seen. I might upload small, seriously small snips there that I don't think are worthy of being uploaded to . That and there might be content restrictions I can bypass on tumblr |D; I'm worried enough as it is about getting that last fic taken down. Ahaa, let's hope. Anywho! I love you guys and thanks for being so amazingly amazing. READ ON 15/9/09 Just an update to show you guys I'm not dead :3. Anyway, that's all for now. Hope you've enjoyed reading many other fics! You'll hear more from me soon. 11/6/09 Broken reccord today! let me just waste your time for a moment in this update to declare that my hits for Mother of the Firelord have surpassed those of Temporary Illusion! Thanks to all who have been reading. This extremely warm reception of my new chapter has revitalised the writer inside me so keep an eye out for a new chapter/fic pretty soon! Just to those who don't know, Mother of the Firelord is my Avatar: TLA fanfic and Temporary Illusion, a personal favourite, is my Yu-Gi-Oh fanfic. If you haven't gotten a chance to read it yet, I highly recommend you do. I think it's one of my better ones (even though it's only one chapter so far) and is perfect for anyone with an interest in angsty fiction. Thanks again to all those reading!Please keep it up! I appreciate it!~ 1/6/09 CHAPTER 2 OF MOTHER OF THE FIRELORD FINALLY UPDATED! That's right! I've updated the Mother of the Firelord! Please be sure to check out the second chapter of said fanfiction and feel free to comment and criticise. At the moment I would really like to thanks Bloody Rose 021 for all the adivce she's given me on writting. Who knows, maybe more chapters will come quicker thanks to this progress :D! Oh, and thanks to those who have commented on my story. I'll take your comments into consideration and I thank you once more for the corrections. I'll be sure to keep those issue in mind as I write my next chapters. 9/5/09 Edit: (Because it isn't worth an entry) Now that the new Private Message (PM) function is up, feel free to PM me about inquiries about my stories, suggestions, hopes, wishes, or even requests for other stories. I like to try and stay horribly optimistic, so I'll definately work on them! :D I also take complaints, half-heartedly, but I take them. 5/5/09 Okay, so I know I said that I'd be ready to upload my stories soon, and I would really like that to be true... That's right, there's a however.. :( (sorry). However, school resumed this semester and things are kind of getting hectic with all the homework piling up and all. I realise this is no excuse and that many other great authors can still publish even during a school term/semester/quarter but I tend to struggle. Actually I'm in the process of composing my Major Work for my English course which will be a creative short story from scratch. Maybe when i'm done with that I'll post it up here as an orginal story. It's a pretty dark and angsty work in progress, but so far I'm really proud of it. I'd like to know what you all think of it. Anyway, I guess this update has turned more into a form of apology which I am only too obliged to provide. Thanks for letting me waste your time! 14/4/09: I'm not entirely sure whether or not people actually look at the profile page to check on updates but just in case, here goes. Guess what guys! I'm onto a new idea! Yes, I have a bit on my plate at the moment, but I'm well underway. The second chapter for Mother of the Firelord is well nearly done and I only have to clean up the ending before submitting it (it's a tad on the short side). Also, the second chapter for Temporary Illusion is finally, FINALLY going to be posted, but like Mother of the Firelord I still need to fix up the ending and I must warn you that the next chapter is going to go a tad slow, but trust me, I'm getting really, REALLY excited to write other parts of the story (and I kind of already have) and I'm sure you'll love it! Unfortunately, what does this mean for Day of Requiem? It means it'll be on hiatus for a while, but I do know where it's going (sorta) so don't worry. Otherwise, keep an eye out for my next story: Fear Itself. It's inspiration was a thriller novel called Fear Itself by Jonathen Nasaw, so yes, it's a crossover. I highly recommend it to anyone who likes crime or thriller stories. You'll get the gist of the real plot as the story progressess but I'm not gonna tell you much now because I don't wanna spoil it for you. If you really want to know though, just google it. Anyway, it's going to be a Yu-Gi-Oh based fanfic that I've already started and this has also taken up a lot of my time recently. Anyway, this update is way too long. I hope you'll enjoy what i've got in store for you all! |