![]() Author has written 15 stories for Class of the Titans, Total Drama series, Bleach, Legend of Zelda, and White Knight Chronicles. Decided that this needed an overhaul so here I am. FireflySong profile version 2.0. First things first, while I have a wide variety of stories floating around my head (at previous count I have 4 WKC, 2 FFVIII, 1 Zelda, at least two DW, and 1 original story) I am terrible at putting it all down on paper, or on screen in this case. In order to hopefully fix this, I decided to try out a writing program I had heard about: Zen Writer. Basically it's a program that completely removes the exit and minimize tabs, as well and hiding any other programs you have at the time. Instead of writing on a blinding white page, I was able to pick from either a selection of background images included or import my own and write on that, as well as choose my own music and effects when I typed. I would like to say it was a complete success, after nearly three years of nothing, or a few sentences before giving up, I had an entire one-shot down in an afternoon. That being said there is no editing software involved, but that may have been a good thing, I was able to type without worrying about nasty red and green lines, and edited in another program when I finished. Unfortunately, its not a free program, there is only a 15 day trial before it needs to be purchased at a total of $17.50. Though depending on how things go, I might buy it anyway. RE: I bought it. As for things you might be able to expect from me writing wise, I am absolutely obsessed with video games and have played a lot of different genres and titles over various systems (Zelda, Final Fantasy, Tales series, God of War, Uncharted, White Knight Chronicles just to name a few). While my interest in TV has gone down recently, I still do watch the occassional anime (currently working on finally finishing Inuyasha, watched it every night as a kid but never saw all the episodes, read the manga go) and am in the process of working my way through Classic Doctor Who (watched all of NuWho and am halfway through the Third Doctor). I do read the occasional comic book (Walking Dead, X-Men, Saga, Sonic the Hedgehog, Megaman), and I have a large assortment of books (Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Wheel of Time, ...Doctor Who). My writing style is admittedly a little into the purple prose aspect though I am trying very hard to get out of it and would gladly take any feedback of how I am doing, and I'm sure that most people who have read my work has noticed that a lot of my stuff involved the romance genre. But no matter what I did I had always found writing any romantic scenes beyond flirting and innuendo to be, well, awkward. Thanks to tumblr I now know why though, it's because I'm apparently asexual and aromantic! Who knew? For anyone who in unfamiliar with the term, it means that I am not sexually nor romantically attracted to a person. This doesn't mean that I can't ship anything (trust me, I still ship lots and lots of people), it just means that in my case I'm not allowed to watch any romantic movies with my mother cause I burst out laughing at how cheesy I find the declaration of love or kiss scene. While this certainly won't stop me from writing any romantic scenes, it might just take longer to come out as I'm terrified that any scene I write that involves romance of any kind is too cliche or cheesy. Just remember though, I'm a horrible parent. I tend to forget about my children here and play favourites with most while I would lke to pretend that some never even existed. The Legend of Zelda: Horn of Light It has been over a century since the execution of Princess Zelda, the last of her line. Hyrule has since entered a period of darkness, with the rule of Ganondorf casting a shadow over the land. All the people have to believe is the Prophecy of Light, that a hero of the goddesses shall come and birth the land in light once again, but they have begun to lose faith and wonder where the prophecized Hero of Light is, and why hasn't he come? Oh man, every time I even think of this story all I want to do is hit the keyboard and just get to work. Unfortunately and obviously, this never happens. This isn't also helped by the fact that I do not like my first few chapters at all, and every time I sit to rewrite them I just can't. Maybe one day I'll finish this, I certainly hope so, but for now this story is dead, dead, dead. Fun Fact: The title was originally called Horn of Spirit but when the reveal of Spirit Tracks was released, I changed the title as not to copy it. The plot that came with the new title was much better anyways. Dancing A dancer may be as graceful and beautiful as an angel from heaven above, but they way they move can enchant and tempt you like a demon's promise. Of all the things he will ever remember about her, it will be how she danced the ways of angels and demons. One of my prouder contributions to the White Knight Chronicles fandom, a story that was suppose to be finished in a week instead took nearly a year. For those wondering, I actually have a sequel planned, but while this one took the seven sins from Caesar's POV, the next one is the seven virtues from Kara's POV. I still do not have a title for it though and I still have to decide which virtue goes where and how it's everything's gonna connect. Fun Fact: Each chapter was only supposed to be a small ficlet of only a couple of hundred words or so and was supposed to fit all in one chapter. Never happened obviously. Chronicles Although the story may have run its conclusion, it never truly ended. For each end is a new beginning and new tales are ready to be told. These tales are the ones lost, the ones forgotten, and the ones that simply became unknown. After years of planning, it has finally hit the web! Like all my other White Knight Chronicles stories, I have not included to expanded on my avatar, there's enough of those ones already. This one is actually 26 disconnected short stories in alphabetical order. So you may find one story that alludes to events that occurs in another before it timeline wise but will be posted later (ie. Flight and Kiss). Fun Fact: I had a few other ideas for short stories but removed them not because I didn't like them, but because I decided to expand on them in their own series (ie. Elements and Genocide were replaced by the much shorter and simpler Escape and Grey). I do actually have my own avatar for WKC, Wythia! She made her first (and so far only) appearance in Cosmetology. While I have yet to find her anything else to make an appearance in, she will always continue to be near and dear to my heart. Wythia: Born in a small village that rest by the borders of Balandor and Faria, it has constantly changed in ownership over the war, and thus is inhabited by both Farians and humans alike. Trained as warriors from a young age, Wythia took up the axe to the surprise of everyone despite her height. Now in her mid-twenties, she is a skilled warrior with the great axe despite being only 4'8" and traveling the world to kill one of every beast and monster out there so she can marry her childhood friend, a Farian archer. Because this was looked down upon and is all but considered illegal, they sent her out on a mission that would be practically impossible to finish. She joined up with Leonard and the others when she realized how easily they were able to attract monsters, especially the rare ones. Only problem is, she's not sure if she wants to marry her Farian best friend and if she actually does like him in that way. Figures that she'll figure it out once she's completed her mission. She has dark brown skin, shoulder length black hair has her side bangs ties back, and purple eyes. Despite her working with the great axe for most of her life, she is stick thin and looks only ten or eleven to those who don't know her. Has an undeniably fondness (read: addiction) to sweets and spends money likes its going out of fashion on new armour and weapons. Short temper. Warning: Unless you want to find all your money gone in mere seconds, never let her hold the purse. It might be the last thing you will ever live to regret. If you have any questions or complaints, or whatever, just PM me, I'll be sure to reply quicker than I update don't worry. And if for some reason you want to follow me elsewhere, you can find me on Tumblr at love-fireflysong. Love, FireflySong |