Chapter 1 - Christina Anne Miller
"Christina Anne Miller!" shouted, Mary Miller, Christina's mother. "You get your 17 year old caboose down to this breakfast table immediately!"
Christina Anne Miller has long light brown, curly hair. Her eyes are hazel she and she has a warming smile that could brighten your day. She was a tall girl at 5'8 and had an attractive figure. Her joyful but shy personality kept her from talking to guys. Therefore, that kept her from having too many friends.
Christy was an ordinary 17-year-old girl. She lived in an ordinary house, on an ordinary farm, with an ordinary family, and nothing, absolutely nothing out of the ordinary happened to her. Yet.
She has a younger brother. His name is Matthew A.K.A most annoying little brother you could ask for. He has short brown hair, glasses, and was age nine. His eyes were a lime green.
Her mother was an overprotective parent who is a stay-at-home mom. She had dark brown, straight hair and has hazel eyes. They also have a hint of blue in them.
Her father Maxwell Miller was a soft hearted, middle-aged man who had curly light brown hair. He like his son had a lime green color to his eyes.
"Coming mum! Just a sec' k'?" Christy shouted back as she tugged a shirt over her head, and lunged down the stairs, her curly hair bouncing around in its ponytail. "I'm a-comin!" laughed Christy as she leaped into the room. "Well its bout time" matt scolded, as he bowed his head and murmured, "Why can't we just eat without her when she is late?"
Christy joined everyone at the table, and bowed her head to say grace. "Christy, your turn to say grace today." her father reminded her. "Oh right. Sorry!" She whispered, as she began "Dear Lord. Thank you so much for every thing you have done for us. Thank you for this day, this food and everyone seated at this table. Amen. "Thank you Christy dear. " Mom praised. Christy smiled. "Lets eat!" Matt said enthusiastically, as he began to dig into his bacon and eggs.
"Sure is a beautiful day today. Great breakfast dear. Thank you." Dad said bending over to give Mom a peck on the lips, before putting his plate in the sink. "Yeah it was great mom, thanks." Matt said as he walked over to the sink. "You're welcome Matty." Mom beamed, feeling like she did a splendid job." Thank you mum" Christy said joining into the thank yous.
Mom got up and strolled towards the sink, to begin the washing of the dishes. Mom hummed to herself obviously in a good mood. Christy walked to the table and began to give it a good scrubbing with a washcloth. Matt went towards the bathroom for a li'l private time. Dad was about to sit down when the doorbell rang. Dad got up abruptly and went to get the door. Christy looked up for a moment to see who it was.
"Thank you." Dad said to the man, he nodded. Dad sounded upset. He walked slowly back tot the table, and took a seat. Without saying a word, Christy knew something was wrong. Really wrong.