Hello folks! I am afraid this is more of a signpost-post than a new chapter for a bit of a shout towards my current mini-series but I've put a little bonus scene in too.

I never had a chance to thank you all for your lovely comments and suggestions post-Transitions (so this is also an excuse to do that) and admittedly the mini-series I want to alert you to is based off a lot of those. A fair few people who read Transitions commented on missing Evan so I thought I'd just give a little shout to say I'm half way through a little mini-series hidden within Fosters, Nerds and Dummies (Starts Chapter 9). I just wanted to point it out because it is more of a mini-story than one shots and it's almost more in line with these larger stories. It may well end up being a bit of a prelude to a future long story that your final reviews are giving me the fuel for - which is why it may be of interest to anyone not following that particular post.

Anyhow, as I don't like just posting announcements in new chapters so I thought I'd write a little bonus scene of Kasey/Evan - one that bridges the gap a little over the fact that Evan and Kasey had actually met in Transitions before they became close in Nerd. So this is set probably a couple of months before Nerd (which probably puts it about a year after Transitions finished). I hope that doesn't confuse people. It's just a little insight into their early bonding, so if you're looking for excitement I'd just head straight over to Chapter 9 of Fosters, Nerds and Dummies instead (or maybe The Mice Will Play if you want some playful suspense of mine in the normal TV universe!) But if you like a little bit of sweet conversation between my OCs then read on!

Remember this takes place just before Nerd so it is round about the point where Kasey is skipping classes but nobody knows yet. If you haven't read Nerd then this may not make as much sense!

"What are you getting for number 23?" Kasey asked, rounding off her question and sipping at her coffee.

Her companion, and fellow school ditcher, Kelly scratched her head with her pen.

"x = 24 and y = -4".

"What?" Kasey groaned, clearly not having obtained the same. "Well this sucks. Man I hate math. What's the point in skipping gym if we're doing math instead?" she moaned stirring the foam around her coffee to distract herself with the pattern it made.

"Well unfortunately we still have to do that math at some point so at least we get it out of the way doing it now."

"You sound so much like my Mom." she replied with a squint.

"Your mom would be advising you to do your math homework while you're skipping class?" Kelly smirked.

Kasey smiled in reply. "OK well let's say if I've at least been doing homework she may let me live an extra ten minutes before she strangles me."

"Hey check it out!" Kelly quickly got distracted by a group of boys that came in.

"It's the cute college boys again." she bounced on her chair.

"You're impossible." Kasey chuckled, scribbling down on her book.

"A bunch of college guys interested in a pair of high school girls for more than good conversation is not a route you wanna pursue." she imparted wisely as Kelly nudged her.

"Right, like you'd say no." she accused. "Don't pretend you're an angel in that department."

"They seem like nice guys, they're fun to talk to. I'm not interested beyond that. For one, I can't exactly bring them home, can I?" she added.

"Fine, be boring. I think the blonde guy likes you though."

Kasey looked over to the boys who waved, identifying them from a chat the week before.

"Surfer dude? I swear I recognise him from somewhere." Kasey mused, having a sip of her coffee.

"Skipping class again, ladies?" one of the 4 boys asked. "This a weekly ditch?"

"Sorta." Kasey smiled back. "Gym. They didn't put us in a class and we're taking full advantage."

"Nice." the blonde haired one they had been talking about commented as a third brought over their drinks, settling at the table next to them.

"Oh my God!" Kasey blurted out. "Are you reading The Last Monsoon? I would kill to study that!" she spotted the book the blonde has tucked under his arm.

"Uh yeah, it's our text for the week."

"You read a book a week?" Kasey's eyes widened in awe. "For real?"

"You are such a nerd." Kelly teased as Kasey ignored her.

"You read it?" The boy held it out to her. "Only like 5 times. Man I would kill to study this with an expert. I wrote a paper on it last year and the teacher thought I was looking too deep into it. That's why high school teachers suck." she grumbled bitterly, reigniting the annoyance she had apparently suppressed at the time.

"They're not all bad." the boy weighed in. "It was a teacher of mine who got me onto reading. I'd be somewhere very different if it hadn't been for him." he shrugged as Kasey looked up to him.

"Yeah. Prison!" one of the boys quipped as Evan shook his head with a smile.

"Or holed up in O'Donnels still." another chipped in as Kasey's face suddenly enlightened.

"Oh my God, that's it!" she pointed at him almost jumping out of her chair. The boy looked back confused, a similar expression to the others.

"We met last year at O'Donnels! I spilled a drink over you...well, that dick Liam did and then- "

The boy's face lit up as it suddenly came to him. "We talked about how shit fathers are!" he laughed. "Oh my God! So you were what like, 16?"

"Hey well you must have been barely 18!" she sniggered barely able to believe it. "I can't believe that was you! I was gonna come talk but then my mom got shot!" she rattled it off as if it was the most normal thing in the world. As the faces around her dropped she quickly saw the need to clarify.

"Oh she was fine. She's a cop." she assured them as if it made it better.

"Well that's uhm...different."

"Yeah usually when most girls blow off a date with Evan it's because they remember the last time he went round the block with them." One of the boys teased as he elbowed him.

"Yeah, you can talk." he jibed back. Kasey shook her head gently at the banter between them. It was clear that boys being at college didn't necessarily imply maturity over high school ones.

"So you're called Evan?" Kasey asked, moving on from the back-and-forth. "I actually don't think we've formally gone round names properly yet."

"Wow, I think you're right. Well yeah, I'm Evan, this is Charlie, Matty and Squid."

"Well I'm Kasey and this is Kelly."

"Nice to meet you formally." Matty teased lightly.

"So wait, your Mom's a cop and you're still skipping school? That's brave." Squid observed.

"You think that's bad? Her other Mom's our vice principal."

"Oh wow!" Charlie laughed. "Are they super chill or something?"

"No, they'd absolutely kill me - I'm pretty sure they won't find out though. We've got it worked out." She replied confidently as Evan squinted with an impressed smile.

"I'll be doin' fine till I ain't - then we'll talk." he whispered out as Kasey's eyes lit up.

"You did not just quote Sarah from Into the Fire?"

"You know that book too?" Evan giggled, sipping at his drink.

"Hey, is that the one we read a couple books ago? The one with the chick with the matches and the man-hate."

"Wow, you do stay awake occasionally!" He dug into his friend. "Though if you'd paid attention you'd notice it wasn't man-hate."

"Yeah, the entire point of it was playing them at their own game." Kasey weighed in naturally.

"Finally! Someone who understands subtlety!" Evan pointed his hand to Kasey who gave him back a smug grin.

"I loved her character, the development was perfect. I hated that she got betrayed by Wilson. That twist threw me right off, I really thought she was going to get away with what she did, you know, it wasn't that bad in the greater scheme of things."

"I'm starting to understand why you'd want her to get away with stuff." Evan chuckled, noting the similarity.

Kelly looked between the two of them with a raised eyebrow before noting the clock behind

"Uhm Kase, I hate to break up the party, but we gotta get going." Kelly broke the news, a hint of disappointment over Kasey's face.

"Aw, so soon?" Evan moved up out of his chair, politely, as the two stood up.

"Well, we'll be back next week no doubt." Kelly added.

"It's a shame you can't come to our classes." Evan joked. "You may actually provide some insight as opposed to these dimwits."

The boys shook their heads as one of them flicked a spoon of foam at Evan who batted it back.

"I guess we'll see you next time then." He gave them a salute as the others said goodbye.

Once they had disappeared, Matty dug his elbow into Evan's arm.

"She's seventeen with a cop Mom, dude. Watch it."

Evan looked at him, momentarily confused before he twigged.

"Don't be like that. It is actually possible to not automatically think of sex. Of course I get why you struggle with that, the amount of time you spend thinking about yourself." He added, playing the game as the others laughed and whooped continuing their chatter.

As soon as the girls left Scurro's, Kasey plunged into a monologue that saw no sign of an ending.

"Reading that many books though. For class! I mean imagine the insights the professors must have if guys like that are coming out with quotes. Half the time they're goofing off and half the time quoting literature."

Kelly gave her a side glance. "I kinda saw more goofing off to be honest. Only one of them was quoting literature as you put it. But then we both know you would have married him on the spot. You should have seen your face!" She teased as Kasey looked back defensive.

"Hey, I just appreciate a guy who thinks, that's all. It's nice to be able to have a conversation with someone about the stuff you love - it doesn't have to be all about jumping into his arms just because he's a guy."

"Alright." Kelly replied, not quite convinced but she did know that Kasey was the kind who appreciated depth.

They had a few moments of silence, walking back along the road.

"They always come after class right?" Kasey finally broke the monotony of their footsteps, her mind having been ticking away in the meantime.

"I guess so yeah." Kelly commented as they approached her house.

"You think we could maybe...I dunno...go to the class instead of just hangin' at Scurro's next week?"

Kelly's eyes widened.

"Are you serious?" She asked, unsure if this was a joke but saw Kasey's eyes implied otherwise.

"It may be something a little different..." she shrugged.

Kelly left her hanging for a few moments before shaking her head. "Maybe." She replied. "But I warn you - let this guy get under your skin, you're gonna get caught. I'll see you tomorrow." She laughed to herself at the quirks of her friend.

Kasey watched her go, unable to hide her smile. She was intrigued by so many things that had come out of their afternoon. Mostly at the idea of breaking out of her unchallenged boredom with school work but also at meeting people with a similar passion. Well, one guy at least.

"I'll be doin' fine till I ain't - then we'll talk." She whispered to herself before turning off and heading back home.