Reviews for Transitions
theypreferthetermpeople chapter 38 . 12/28/2016
I've never read any interpretation of Callie's coming forward and I REALLY like the way you tied Kasey into it. These last two chapters were especially good, so thanks.
theypreferthetermpeople chapter 27 . 12/26/2016
Thank you for that moms scene! Always love me some sweet AdamsFoster fluff :)
theypreferthetermpeople chapter 25 . 12/26/2016
I love love loved this whole episode, the slight change, the double storyline - all of it awesome! Especially a big fan of mikes reaction and the Stef/Kasey talk at the end. Thank you!
theypreferthetermpeople chapter 24 . 12/26/2016
LOVED the chat with Lexi and double loved the gay Danny reveal! This is heating uppp
theypreferthetermpeople chapter 19 . 12/26/2016
Loved the way it shook out! And love that Kasey FINALLY said Mama! Can't wait for the aftermath...
theypreferthetermpeople chapter 18 . 12/26/2016
OOOH KASEY IS GONNA BUY THE PILL HUH?! I predict it. Love love the sex talk and the Setting-Up-Mike idea.
theypreferthetermpeople chapter 15 . 12/26/2016
I have zero desire to go through the Braille rigamarole again, but I love love loved the reveal to Lena and Jude's little gay fashionista moment. Still bummed that Kasey is calling her Lena instead of Mama, though...
theypreferthetermpeople chapter 14 . 12/26/2016
I don't remember this chapter from my first read of this story but I LOVE your take on the actual Stef/Mariana conversation. That's one I always missed from the show and I'm so glad you showed us, with some insight into Stef's feelings. Can't wait to see how she tells Lena!
Guest chapter 37 . 12/25/2016
...I literally downloaded this app that lets you just see one word at a time so that I could get through this, that's how real you got the reals (if that makes any sense).

Seriously though... I suck at reviews and stuff, but you did really good with this.
theypreferthetermpeople chapter 13 . 12/24/2016
I really loved the Kasey/Mike phone call - especially her calling him Daddy. Would love to see more of them! (Obviously the story is already written but yknow.) Also, just a little thing that's been bothering me - in canon the kids call Lena Mama, but you've had them calling both Mom. Just a thing...
theypreferthetermpeople chapter 11 . 12/24/2016
I would love to see a whole story of young Adams Fosters in the Kasey AU... The divorce, getting the twins, the adjustment period... all with Kasey thrown in. Not to pressure you or anything, but damn it would be cool.
MayaTrinitySky chapter 70 . 4/16/2016
Très bonne histoire. J'aurai juste aimé plus de Stef/Callie et un peu déçu que Cooper finit par disparaitre totalement de l'histoire après le retour de Liam.
sc junction chapter 6 . 1/25/2015
Your post divorce flashbacks are seriously the best thing ever. 100 more please
sc junction chapter 5 . 1/25/2015
The beginning of this could have also worked as a delete scene with them discussing Brandons punishment. Loved it!
MeShugadee chapter 68 . 10/28/2014
This one cracked me up the most. Hahahaha
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