Hi everyone! I can't express how sorry I am for this unacceptable delay. I've been so busy with school in April and I immediately left for a trip which I only came back from last week. But there you go, here's the last chapter. I could have separated it in two but I was too ashamed for this long wait ;) So enjoy and thanks again for all those reviews :)

Chapter 13

Usui's heart started to hammer unexpectedly as a haunted look darkened his green eyes. He took the remote control and fast-forwarded the video until the beaten stopped and the man pulled out a long needle that he dived right into Misaki's vein. As the transparent liquid disappeared from the syringe, Usui remembered what the boss told him five minutes ago. Broken, he instantly dropped the remote control as his heart lurched against his ribs.

"…We injected a drug that kill her not long after, making her death look like an overdose"

Usui stared blankly at the screen, feeling completely useless. At some point, the shock made him fall on his knees. He couldn't believe what was going on in front of his eyes, or more… what had happened.

A tear streaked noiselessly down his face and he couldn't figure out how much time he spent crouched on his knees. He heard a clock ticking in the room, but it seemed like the time had stopped. He started to imagine the seconds and minutes flying away, carrying each an image of Misaki. Had he been a magician, he wished he could be able to tie them at the end of a kite and never let it go.

"You're aware that you're losing precious time?" He heard the boss said, mocker.

Usui's head turned quickly towards him, not understanding where he was going with that.

"Why don't you put the time stamp on the video?"

His brain completely empty of any other thoughts, he obediently pressed the button on the remote control showing him what was the time during the recording.

11:35 AM

As Misaki was being escorted out the room in the video, Usui watched the actual time on the clock behind him.

11:41 AM

Understanding that it only had been 6 minutes since Misaki left the building and that she was still standing on her legs, a sudden ray of hope filled Usui's body.

"To prevent my murder in case the death of your girlfriend makes you terribly mad at me, I had to let you a second chance to save her"

Hearing that, Usui pointed the gun at him.

"Tell me where they went!" Usui shouted at him

"Unfortunately for you, it won't go this way. Either you write the last ingredients of the recipe and I give you the location or you kill me which will also kill your girlfriend because you'll never know where Gustavo is carrying her."

Knowing that holding the gun was completely pointless, he hurried to write the last ingredients and came closer to the boss.

"Now tell me where she is." Usui urged him as he put the list on the floor.

"The geographic coordinates are written on a paper in the first drawer of my desk." He explained with an apparent sense of victory in his voice.

He ran to his desk with only one thought invading his mind: saving Misaki. All of his moves became an automatism due to the fact that his brain was a complete wreck.

When he entered into his car, he quickly grabbed his GPS and set up the coordinates. As soon as he understood where it was, he started the engine and drove much faster than the law allowed him. But he didn't care. If he could save Misaki, he could go to jail and he wouldn't care.

Five minutes later, he reached the destination which was, of course, in the middle of nowhere in a field of corn where it wouldn't raise any suspicions.

He got out of the car, searching carefully where could be Misaki. But the plants were high, making it difficult to have an effective hunt. Just when he prepared to turn around and look somewhere else, he heard a discrete groaning. Even though it was hardly recognizable, deep down inside, Usui knew who had this tone of voice. With only three footsteps, he reached the source of the sound.

And there she was, the girl he thought was dead ten minutes ago. This nameless relief turned him almost blind to her actual physical condition. There were bruises all over her face and blood not yet dry. A black eye was starting to take shape around her right eye and her cheek looked like it was swelling up. Facing this horrible scene, Usui's face turned vulnerable. Just like he expected, a tape was stuck on her mouth to prevent her to scream. He cautiously approached her as an odd feeling of relief and misery lurched against his ribs.

He was so ecstatic to have found her alive that it took him all his self-control to not crush her against him in a sincere hug. But just when he crouched to take off the tape, he noticed the sense of alarm in Misaki's eyes. She was trying to mumble something but it wasn't until he heard a clinking right where was his ear that he understood the reason of her panic.

"The boss offered me two choices: either I kill you first or last but both cases imply that I bury two corpses" He heard Gustavo said as he felt the cold gun touching his ear.

How could I have been so naïve…

He carefully stood up, his both hands in the air. As he analyzed all of his options, he slowly began to understand that there was none. He could reach for the gun in his pocket but he'll be long dead before he could shoot Gustavo. Usui smiled weakly at Misaki, trying to hide his despair. But underneath the guise of a smile, he was suffocating and she knew it. His gaze held her for a long moment and they both knew they were facing a probable loss. He prepared himself to reply to Gustavo and saw Misaki nodding desperately. The haunted look didn't leave her eyes and she seemed to beg Usui of something or probably to don't do something. Usui finally realized that she knew what he was about to say.

"Kill me first" He solemnly replied.

His head turned reflexively in her direction. From all the images he could pick from, he wanted the face of Misaki to be the last memory he could have. She was sobbing, tearless, broken sobs. His heart started to hammer uncontrollably as he waited for the death to consume him.

A gunshot was heard, but the pain didn't invade him the way he thought. Strangely, he was still perfectly fine and standing on his own two feet. Before he could understand what was going on, he heard a second gunshot. He quickly turned around and briefly saw Gustavo lying on the ground with his gun aimed at another man crouched in pain behind the corn plants. Without further analysis, he shouted Gustavo right in the head and aimed the gun at the other man. He allowed himself a deeper study of the situation considering that the stranger was twisted in pain and wasn't a threat.

"S-Son, it's me" He heard the man weakly said before he fell on the ground.


His mind was spinning with confusion as the mere view of the scene rushed through his head. He couldn't understand the reason why his father would be there and mostly how he managed to go out of the hospital.

"How did you know the exact place where I would be?" Usui asked.

"T-The same thing happened fifteen years ago, I-I knew something was up when you asked me about Josef Omar… your boss… m-my ex-boss…" He paused, coughing. "B-but I was t-too late when I reached this field…" He continued weakly as he was slowly losing his blood because of the gunshot wound.

"B-but y-you're not, you can save her"

Usui's eyes flickered toward Misaki who was still conscious. As much as he wanted to have further explanation he still had to protect her. He turned around and softly pulled off the tape from her mouth.

"I-I'm fine Usui, go help your father. He needs more help than I do." Misaki argued, trying to sound convincing.

But Usui wasn't fooled. Despite her resistance, he quickly gathered her up in his arms and carried her towards his car.

"I saw that he injected you a substance earlier. You're not fine." Usui explained with a thick voice that admitted no counter-argument. He laid her down on the passenger seat and buckled up her seat belt.

After he took place on his driver's seat and was ready to start the ignition, he was quickly robbed from his keys.

"Bring back your father otherwise I won't give you the keys" Misaki ordered.

"Every seconds count, Misaki!" Usui shouted as he tried to grab back the keys.

"Well then hurry up!"

"You don't underst-"

"Understand? Don't worry your boss told me all about the great story of the Usui family. He also told me that your father didn't try to save your mother. But from what I just heard, your boss is full of lies. If your father didn't tried to save your mother, how would he know this cornfield? I think he got fooled just like you were!" Misaki explained and her eyes were wide and serious.

"Bring back your father, Usui. It will only take 30 seconds and you won't have his death on your conscience for the rest of your life"

Usui's eyes traced over her white features that were becoming paler and paler. She had to obey him and let him drive her to the hospital but she was also the most stubborn person he knew. Reluctant, he opened the door and ran as fast as he could to reach his father. With the same fast pace, he carried him to his car and snatched the keys away from Misaki.

"Happy now? If you don't mind, I don't want to have two corpses in my car, so I will have to drive over the permitted limit" Usui said, but was disgusted by his joke. If he were to lose her… he'd rather not to imagine.

"Anyways, it's not like it would be your first transgression to our laws" She answered in an oddly flat voice. Usui briefly sneaked a look at her, considering the fact that he was driving 50 km/h over the limit.

"Are you okay?" He asked, but quickly realized that his question was stupid seeing that she was covered in sweat and breathing heavily.

"I-I'm fine, try to concentrate on the road" She muttered, not really convincing.

Without further debate, Usui opened the glove compartment whose door immediately fell over Misaki's laps.

"Throw up in it!" Usui ordered, hoping it will stop the drug to go into her blood.

"I-I'm no doctor, but I'm pretty sure the drug has already been metabolized" She answered before she closed the glove compartment.

Helpless and not knowing what else to do, Usui stepped on the gas. They were now three minutes away from hospital and he won't let anybody die under his supervision.

"I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused you, Misaki." He confessed after he had thought about all the events of the day. But he wasn't referring only to the present day but also to all the other events he had put her through during the past months. He didn't want her to think that he was apologizing because he almost lost her but because he was sincerely sorry.

He had to admit that it was cheesy, but why was she not answering?

"Hey, are you listening?" He smirked while he checked on his left to see if he could turn.

"Misaki?" He repeated when he turned to see why she was still not answering.

At the same moment he looked at her, her head fell back on the window. Her hair was sticking on her bluish pale face and her body seemed to be deathly still.

"MISAKI!" Usui screamed. He rolled her over so that her head could be on his shoulder. He didn't know if it was due to the fear, but he swore that he couldn't feel any air coming out of her nose. He violently braked right in front of the emergency department of the hospital. The screeching tires quickly alerted the paramedics who were outside the hospital. Seeing that they were running towards the car, Usui jumped outside and carried Misaki to them. He laid her down onto the stretcher and was ready to follow them behind when he realized that his father was still agonizing in the car. He quickly returned to the car, not too happy about the fact that it meant leaving Misaki alone. As he opened the door, he saw the urgent state of his father.

"I-It's time to go, Usui" He mumbled.

"You're not going anywhere, we're at the hospital, you'll be in good hands" Usui impatiently explained, annoyed by the seatbelt that was currently stuck.

"N-No, it's time for you to go. They have security cameras everywhere at Omar's office. It won't take time before the police starts connecting the dots and understands that you're also in the drug network" His father explained; oddly well for someone who seemed to be dying.

"Why would Omar call the police? It won't be in his best interest to do that" Usui replied, still struggling with the seatbelt.

"N-not when his life is in the balance."

Usui unconsciously paused a moment to recollect his thoughts and to try to make sense of what his father just told him.

"You killed him?" Usui exhaled with a choked voice.

"I-I did…But he had time to call the police right before. I-I ran to the c-cornfield to inform you of that and also help you b-but I got injured before I c-could tell you…" He weakly confirmed as the sweat glided down his face.

"So that's why you have to run away before the cops catch you" He continued.

"Absolutely not, I have to stay here with her!" Usui said as his voice edged up a few octaves.

"Y-You won't help her if you stay here, they will take her as an accomplice. But if you disappear, they'll take her for the victim."


"I haven't been a great father, but take this as the last advice and the best advice I'll give you. Please, Usui. Y-You're now free from O-Omar, but your true freedom w-will be threatened if you don't go now!" His father begged.

He could continue to deny all he wanted but he knew deep down inside that this was the right thing to do. For him, but mostly for her.

He didn't want to.
He didn't want to leave
He didn't want to say goodbye.

"Mister?" He heard someone say in a distant voice. With a discrete madness, he turned around to see who was calling him.

"We'll take care of him, you can go and be with your friend" The paramedic explained after he succeeded to unlock the seatbelt. Too deep in his thoughts, Usui never realized that there was a whole team of nurses surrounding him and helping to put his father on a stretcher.

"Is she now with a doctor? Will she be okay?" Usui asked and somehow feared the answer.

"Yes, she will be. They'll just have to pump her stomach and it will be like nothing ever happened" The paramedic replied as he looked at his team entering the hospital with the stretcher carrying Usui's father.

It will be like nothing ever happened.

He wished. He wished that he could erase all the trouble and problems he put Misaki through. Even if he could not erase them all, leaving was part of the solution.

"Do you want to see her? I can show you the way." The paramedic kindly suggested.

Usui looked up, with half a smile. He tried to hide the discrete madness twisting his features the better he could.

Yes, he wanted to see her. He had to say her goodbye after all. He knew that the most painful goodbyes are the ones that are never said and never explained. But yet, they are the easiest. Because he knew that the moment he would step a foot into her room would be the moment when he'll decide not to go. And he couldn't allow that. His father was right. He had to go so that she could be free. Who knew how many freaks were out there to threaten her life only because he was once a drug dealer? He couldn't even count how many bad people he had encounter over his career.

His eyes went blank as his face turned unexpectedly vulnerable.

"Sorry, but I need to leave"

With that said, he walked away and never looked back.

Not even once when he decided to fly out of the country
Not even after one month.
Not even after four whole years.

24th of May, 2018

Today was a good day. At least, she had a feeling like it would be.

She walked along the plain and long corridor, illuminated by blinding lamps. This fact alone didn't help the cheerfulness of the atmosphere. But one could not expect better… it was a prison, after all.

She remembered the first time she walked into this jail, greeted by orange jumpsuits. She didn't know if she had the nerves to survive this. But she did, and she swore that, one day, she'll get to the bottom of this injustice and everything will be sorted out.

All of this was because of one person… one guy…that she had to set foot into this sordid place. She remembered the first months when she had no news of him. She was devastated. Simply devastated. And then, the devastation slowly became pure hatred. She hated him for the lack of news, but especially because he left without any goodbyes. Which was the worse thing to do.

Then, one thing led to another, and there she was, in jail. Because of him. But time went by, and hatred became love.

"Here comes my favourite lawyer!" Usui answered, his lips stretched into an honest smile when he saw Misaki walking into the room.

Of course she wasn't in jail because of a crime. She was in jail to defend someone who was accused of a crime he didn't commit. That was the injustice she was trying to fight. She studied to become a lawyer for those special situations, after all.

"S-Stop kidding around, I have some news for you." She stammered, embarrassed about her lack of superiority every time she was in front of him. But she couldn't help it, working on this case brought them closer than ever before. She couldn't have predicted this scenario the first time she saw him in this same room. She wasn't prepared to face him, not after all those years. She only had a call at her office, saying that someone was requesting her assistance for a murder case. She could have never known that the defendant charged with a voluntary homicide was in fact, Usui.

But he wasn't the one responsible for it. With the surveillance video and his fingerprints on the crime scene, they thought that it was Usui who killed Omar, and not his father. Unfortunately, he died before he could confess and it was a dead man's words against a missing drug dealer who was on the run.

"Do you dress sexy like that for every one of your clients?" Usui teased, a hidden jealousy in his voice.

"Yes…now listen to me" She lied, impatient to say her good news. Of course, she would never wear a dress that short in front of another client than Usui. She knew how much it provoked him and she liked that. She had to admit that a relationship with a prisoner wasn't really intimate, so she had to leave a memory of her so that he could remember her.

"Ok, so I've managed to convince the judge to move forward the trial in one month. By this time, I'll have everything to make the homicide accusation drop. There will only be the drug manufacturing left as charges, for which you already served a part of the sentence by being in this jail. But I'm pretty sure that the district attorney won't bother you with the remaining time because of the false accusation of murder, which will be a shameful error for him." She explained as she went through some random documents in her briefcase, to look more professional. But in reality, she didn't need any documents because she knew Usui's case by heart.

"You're beautiful with your hair down like that" He smirked as his eyes narrowed playfully.

"I just told you that you'll be a free man in one month and all you care about is my hair?" She rebelled but was pleasantly touched by his compliment.

"I only see men all day long, I'm going crazy! So please let me have this moment of contemplation" He explained, trying to look cheerful but she knew that he was suffocating here.

He quickly grabbed her hand and she felt her heart lurched against her ribs. His touch was so soft but also full of urges. Just when he leaned towards her, they were both startled by a strong knocking on the window.

They stared at the imposing guard, who was warning them to stay distant. But Misaki didn't care; she was sick and tired of being distant. She abruptly stood up and slammed the door open.

"Confidentiality privilege, have you heard of it? My client is entitled to his own privacy with his lawyer." She hissed before she closed the door beside her and the blind.

Under the captivated gaze of Usui, she pushed back his chair and sat on his laps as she framed his face.

"Damn, you're fierce, Mrs. Azuyawa" Usui whispered.

Without losing one second, her lips came down on hers and she drew him toward her for a long, open-mouthed kiss. She felt his fingers moving against his back and slid over the curve of her hips to pull her even closer. He then scooped her up in his arms and flung her across the table. His fingers tangled in her long hair as he drew her for another ardent kiss with a low growl.

His arms suddenly reached her wrists and he captured them right beside her ears.

"I-I would love to see you more than 30 minutes per week" He panted, breathless.

She nodded, confuse about where he was going with that. Ready for another kiss, she was surprise when she saw him taking out a sheet of paper from his orange jumpsuit.

"We could." He added as he gave her the paper.

She carefully raised her upper body to read the document.

"Well, yeah we could have more than 30 minutes with this, but it says here "conjugal visits". It means that it only applies to married couples" She replied before she tossed away the paper, missing completely his point. She put her arms around his neck in an attempt to kiss him, but he completely ignored her. Curiously, she didn't even felt hurt by it, mesmerized by the tenderness in his green eyes.

"Unfortunately, the jail doesn't own a jewerly but…" He stopped as he put a knee on the floor.

"Would you marry me?" He asked with a dazzling smile.

It didn't sink in at first. But strangely, she couldn't help but to smile, as if her unconsciousness understood before she could make sense of his words. Her heart started to hammer and she still couldn't place one word after another. Instead of a simple "yes", her logical thinking answered first.

"Idiot, I can't testify on your trial if we're married!" She replied, her jubilant smile contrasting with her plain answer.

"I have the best lawyer, who needs also the best testimony?" Usui replied, his glorious eyes burning into hers.

"Someone who doesn't have other witnesses, which is precisely your situation!"

He stood up as a small grin appeared on his face because of her answer. He suddenly grabbed her roughly around the hips to bring her closer to him.

"Well then, I guess we'll have to wait. After all, you said that you'll get me out of here in less than a month." He smiled.

"Who would have guessed that the lawyer and the prisoner would have ended up together." Misaki smirked, looking forward to when he'll be free.

"Or the stripper and the drug dealer." Usui suggested.

Hearing those words, Misaki shivered.

"Try not to put that in your marriage vows, we don't want to alarm anybody." She responded.

Four years ago, they would have never doubt that the day they could laugh about that would come. But now that every thing seemed to be soon over, they couldn't help but to be nostalgic.

After all, every thing begun with one stripper and one drug dealer who were both trying to hide their double life

So there you have the ending :) If you liked it, let me know, If you didn't, also :) But if it's because of grammatical errors, please don't tell me. As you know, english isn't my first language, so I've already correct the text to my maximum ability. Sorry if there's still some mistakes.

Once again, thank you for your support and if you liked this story, you check the other stories. Just go and see my profile :)


"Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting." (Peter Pan)