Reviews for Double Life
Jennifer chapter 13 . 9/3/2016
Wow...sooooooooooooooo gooooood...
Such a unique story plot...I would love to read one more like this something...
Justabitofademon chapter 13 . 8/21/2016
I really liked it but can you please please please mke an epilogue? I just feel that this story is incomplete without one.
pasjsdfds chapter 13 . 5/10/2016
Guest chapter 13 . 2/4/2016
Love your story!
midnightcreature768 chapter 13 . 5/1/2015
best story i read here so far.
midnightcreature768 chapter 1 . 5/1/2015
very interesting...

me like plot very much...
LynseyXanime chapter 13 . 8/28/2014
That was the best story I've ever read! I love it and you as a writer and I just loved every second of it! I'm upset its finished but all good things come to an end hehe can't wait for you to write another story xxx
TheDamselInShiningArmour chapter 1 . 7/20/2014
It was a great story...loved it...can u tell me how to post stories? Im new here
BlackRose851 chapter 13 . 7/19/2014
Blommie8 chapter 13 . 7/18/2014
Kya..finally its over,i've been waiting for your update.
I hope there will another new kwms story.
Nice chapter and nice story!
Guest chapter 13 . 7/16/2014
after reading double life i had the urge to read your other stories. and so i came up with a conclusion; you are a great writer! and your writing style is really improving :D write more stories please :3
arsiefa chapter 13 . 7/15/2014
Nice story. But what happen with Misaki's mom and Takumi's dad? I think it'll be fine if the jail encounter written in epilogue, because it's seem like you're rushing to put this story to ended. But in 1-10 it's 9 i think. :D
Wait you in another story. Fighting!
takumisa chapter 13 . 7/15/2014
Hey there!
awesoooomme story! such a wonderful ending!
I planned on reading only this chapter, but then I felt like reading the previous chapter too, and finally I ended up reading the whole story all over again... :)
And the flow of storyline was just perfect! the initial hatred, to the mixed feeloings of love, all that doubt and confusion, and finally fighting for each other after realizing that they can't stay apart...
A very different ending from all the other stories that I've read. Usually everyone makes takumi without flaws, who becomes some great person in the end, but her, it was just so realistic for his character.
I really liked the fact that he served time in prison for drug dealing. You're sending out a very positive message to the readers that it's a wrong thing, and such acts will be punished (because who knows? some people might consider everything that usui does as cool)
And again, I love how misaki becomes a lawyer and vrings him out, their romance in the visitation room, his mini proposal, everything!

I love your story so so much! In fact, I love all your stories so so much! Please continue writing more! :)
Magica Ring chapter 13 . 7/14/2014
Touching ending! This story was awesome from first ch to last. Hope to see ur further new updates. Thank you for entertaining us. XD
Canichan001 chapter 13 . 7/14/2014
KYAAAAAAAA! I was so sad that u hadnt been updating cuz I really REALLY like this story! Im very happy for you :) you finally reached the ending and solved the hate, pain, loneliness and fear that invaded them both. Theres nothing better than a happy ending, but a happy ending that had to be fought for. Not the juvenile, teenage "omg he totally likes me more" crap, but actual angst. Angst to survive (nd the steamy scenes were woot woot nosebleed-steamy-kyaa-moe-moe teehee what a hentai Ive become XD). Ive re-read these chapters a bunch of times and I love how this ended. Arigato gusaimas for finishing it and for sharing ur brilliant, original and awesome story with us. This story will continue to be one of my top fav usuixmisa fanfics ;) I wish u the best and hopefully u get inspired for another one! Lol thnx C: ja ne!
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