Land of Perverts: Everyone has Pervertness


Hey there fellow authors and readers inspired from various lemon fic I have decided to write my own fic. So expect smutty action to take place.

Source of Inspiration of the Day: Establishing Dominance by VFSNAKE

A master teaches knowledge to his pupil. Helps him become stronger to strive in the world of ruthlessness. But in Konoha there is catch. A Master also passes his pervertness on to his student to continue his pervecy (Pervert legacy (New word coined by me)).

But not all masters are this fortunate. There is a specific line for this. It started with Senju Tobirama. From the beginning of his life Tobirama was S Class pervert. Fucking every available women his vicinity. He was player of his own league. No women could resist his manly charms and would succumb in his embrace.

Up in the Heaven the Sex God Kama Devta (The Hero of KAMASUTRA) was impressed by this. He blessed Tobirama that his pervecy would continue to live through his line of student. And thus Konoha was also known as the "Land Of Perverts".

Tobirama passed is pervecy onto Sarutobi Hiruzen. Hiruzen invented the Jutsu of Remote visibility through crystal ball. From Hiruzen it went to Jiraiya. And I hope I don't require telling what he did for the 'Will of Pervecy'. From him it went to Namikaze Minato. But here came a problem, Minato couldn't completely grasp upon the 'Will of Pervecy'. It was thought the legacy would be lost in the sand of time. But Hatake Kakashi came forth his 'Will of pervecy' burning like 1000 watt focus at the dawn. He continued the pervecy and teached people in the way of Pervertness.

People thought that Sasuke was Kakashi's favorite student. How wrong they were. Jutsu and all that stuff could be taught to anybody. But the person required to inherit the 'Will of Pervecy' one in ten thousand and that was our favorite unpredictable, knucklehead ninja Uzumaki Naruto. His star pupil will continue his legacy.

Some people may think it as a disturbing or disgusting Kakashi took Naruto to a brothel after Wave Mission. Like a father would guide his son to ride bicycle Kakashi guided Naruto how to ride a women and make them your fan. He was there when Naruto lost his virginity. At first Naruto was against this Idea saying this would be like cheating on Sakura-chan (I am shivering in disgust). But Kakashi calmed him down by saying sakura has not accepted his felling so there is no cheating.

Boy did he regret this. Not a single hair on his body regretted. At the end of his orgasm he screamed "Fuck you sakura if not you then there are many fish in the sea and better than you." And that was the event that gave birth Emperor Of Perverts. All hail the 'Will Of Pervecy'.


An: - I know it is short and no lemon but lemon will begin in next chapter. It is MASS HAREM with no limit. 'Will of Pervecy' is only taught to a specific student but way of pervertness can be taught to many. R&R. thank you. Long Live the PERVECY.