Wow, we actually made it to the end. Can you believe it? I can't.

Thank you all so much for sticking with me through this trainwreck. You guys are amazing. I loved all your input and I really liked getting to hear that you were enjoying reading the fic as much as I was enjoying writing it. I know it wasn't perfect and neither was the update schedule but it was a pleasure and y'know what we made it through and now it's finished. We can both return to realtive normalcy now.

But before that, I would love it if you could take some time to leave me a note. I'd really like to know how you liked Asphyxia as a whole, how it affected you, what you liked and didn't like, and what things I could improve on both in Asphyxia and in my writing overall. Meaningful reviews are worth more than gold to me. My goal in all this is to become a better writer, and I'd love it if you told me how I'm doing. (And, if you want to earn even more brownie points, come chat with me on PM. I'd love to talk to you personally and get your pros-and-cons about the fic.)

Sometime in the future I'll be revisiting Asphyxia to create a third draft, but I have no idea when or how that's going to go down. There are lots of other things to think about before that. But Asphyxia is and has been good practice for me to hone my editing skills (or lack thereof) and I will continue using it as such. So any tips you can give me on improving and critiquing this draft will be very much appreciated.

Okay. So I mentioned my next project at the end of the first draft, but I'm mentioning it again. I will be attempting to write a sequel to Asphyxia. I've been plotting it for the past few months and (hopefully) you guys will enjoy the new fic as much as you've enjoyed this one. The same mental health issues that APH has dealt with will be prevalent, but the sequel will have an all-new plot and fresh supporting characters. (One of those characters will be Major James Sholto from S3E2, who I've been wanting to play with for a while, muahaha.) I'm thinking about officially beginning it in August, but don't hold me to that. If you're interested in keeping up with the progress, follow me, and keep an eye out for Hysteria.

And that's all I have. Thank you again for all the feedback, guys, you're awesome. Keep reading, keep writing, and keep obsessing over Sherlock. I do enjoy knowing I'm not the only one doing so. Have a great week, and have a great summer.
