Well what a turmoil chapter 4 was.

Sorry this update took a while. I have been working on a few projects; I wrote a novel so im working to publish that sometime soon, charity work and other projects take up a lot of time. So yeah things have been hectic but I wont give up on these stories. I intend to see most of these projects through so thank you for your patience.

Kohitsuji-sama- Ill try not to break any hearts, but I can't promise anything ^_^

Sasuke-is-Badass- yeah I thought about all the possibilities and I just landed with this. Thank you and yes the ending was very cute. 3

Also if you have questions you don't want to comment send them through my tumblr. User name- xxxshineexxx

Or if you are one of the readers asking if you can do fanart, yeah go ahead but please tag me so I can see it! PLEASE! Just tag me through tumblr ok.

So lets begin!

Chapter 5

Sighing Chiaki stepped into the elevator, anxious to reach his lovers apartment. It had been over a week since he had seen Hatori after deciding to visit his family home after completing his latest manuscript on time. As much as Chiaki enjoyed spending time with his mother and sister, week away from Hatori had taken its toll on the mangaka and he just wanted to be wrapped in the mans strong arms once more.

With a chime, the doors opened and Chiaki stepped out onto Hatori's floor, his heart racing as his feet pulled him to his lovers door. Taking a deep breath, he could feel his excitement building. Imagining the look on Hatori's face made Chiaki giddy. Seeing the small, rare smile that was reserved only for him made is heart jump. The butterflies swarming in his stomach made him jittery, as he reached out a hand and pushed the door handle, relived that the door was unlocked.

Stepping into the apartment Chiaki was greeted by the warmth of the heater, a small shiver running through his body at the sudden change in temperature against his body. Letting the door click behind him, he kicked off his shoes and left them in a messy pile.

"Hatori doesn't usually leave the lights on..." Chiaki trailed looking around at the brightly lit hallway. Everything seemed quiet until a strange, muffled sound drifted from the closed bedroom door.

Dropping his bag to the floor, Chiaki quietly inched towards the closed bedroom door, the unusual sounds drawing him in. The sound was familiar, a sound Chiaki had heard himself make before in the exact same room. His hands started to shake, his nerves kicking in with each sound that reached his ears.

Opening the door slowly, the room was in total darkness, unlike the rest of the apartment, save for the faint stream of light the flooded in from the hallway. The heavy breathing and the dull squeak of the hinges filled the room. But as his eyes adjusted, he saw it. Something made his heart skip a beat in his chest. Everything went quiet around him except for the pounding of his heart deafening in his ears.

There on the bed, wrapped around an unknown man, was Hatori. His lover absorbed in pleasuring the man underneath him, writhing in pleasure, moans filling the small space.

Chiaki's breath hitched in his throat, his vision blurring with the vision in front of him. The love of his life pleasuring another man. He couldn't tear his eyes away from the scene in front of him, the scene now moving in slow motion as Chiaki tried to form words that he couldn't force past his lips.

The room spun around him, bile rising as a wave a nausea hit. Chiaki could feel his body had long since gone numb. He couldn't feel anything. Say anything. Think of anything more than the pain in his chest. Chiaki wasn't even sure there was a thought in his head, save for the images of Hatori and another guy. Echoing through his skull as if they had no plans to leave. And he wasn't even sure I wanted them to now. Not after what he'd said.

In an attempt to speak, Chiaki opened his mouth, but no sound came out whatsoever. He couldn't tear his eyes away from the scene laid out in front of him. Everything started moving in slow motion; Tori swiftly pulled on pair of sweatpants he grabbed from the pile on the floor before walking over to the visibly shaking mangaka, the unknown male covering himself over with the sheet.

"I cant do this."

"I cant handle being with a sick person."

"You're not who I fell in love with any more."

"I cant be with you any more."


The words sounded foreign, distorted in his mind behind a haze and emotions. Tears tried to force their way to the surface but Chiaki held them back, not wanting Hatori to see him break down. He fell back, his back hitting the frame of the door behind him, holding him upright as he caught his breath. He prayed for the nightmare to end but the scenes just kept playing out. Hatori moved closer, his hand reach out to Chiaki's shoulder in some gesture of comfort.

"Dont touch me!" Chiaki's voice was sharp, rattling Hatori as he never heard that tone come from the smaller man before. Slapping away the hand that was reaching for him, Chiaki forced his feet to move, turning and leaving the room, leaving the apartment.

Leaving Hatori.

Leaving behind the life he had built with the man he loved, torn apart by the betrayal by the one person Chiaki thought would never hurt him.

Once outside in the freezing cold air Chiaki closed the apartment door behind him and fell back against the wood, the images of what just happened beginning to seep into his mind, the pain hitting him at once. Covering his face with his hands he let the tears fall making no attempt to stop them. His knees gave our and he slipped down to the floor, his body shaking violently from his sobbing.

'I'm not enough.'

'It's my fault. If I hadn't got sick this wouldn't have happened!'

'If I hadn't...'

"No!" Chiaki jolted up even before his eyes had a chance to open. Reality crashed down on him as soon as his eyes opened to the darkness that filled the bedroom around him. He pressed a palm over his chest, his heart pumping a marathon beneath it.

'It was only a dream.' Chiaki thought, taking deep breathes, attempting to calm himself down. The city lights and the approaching dawn filtered through the window, the blinds unclosed allowing the light the shine through.

Chiaki rubbed at the ache in his chest and looked down at the warm body lying beside him. Tori was curled on his side, facing him with an arm draped across Chiaki's lap. The man was breathing softly, untouched by Chiaki's rude awakening and Chiaki was grateful. He didn't want Hatori to see him like this so seeing him undisturbed calmed Chiaki down a little.

Reaching out slowly, Chiaki touched the taller man's temple, brushing a strand of brown hair away. The man shifted against the mattress, pulling against Chiaki's waist in an attempt to pull him closer.

Falling back against the pillow, Chiaki sighed, letting his body cuddle into the warmth of Hatori. The warmth of his body mixed with the smell that could only be described as Tori soothed Chiaki, his mind beginning to fade back into sleep once again. He forced himself to not think about the dream, focusing solely on the soft sounds of Tori breathing, letting his mind drift off till sleep overtook him completely.

In the same moment that Chiaki drifted off, Hatori's eyes opened to the dark bedroom. Shifting, Hatori noticed the weight on his side and gazed down at the crown of brown hair pressed into his shoulder. A small smile spread across the older mans tired face as his fingertips gently grazed against Chiaki's bare arm, following the path to Chiaki's shoulder coming to rest at the base of his neck.

Hatori moved his arm back down and wrapped his arm around Chiaki's tiny waist, pulling his small body closer into his, resting his chin on the top of his head. A small sigh escaped the lips of the smaller man before his body curled into Hatori, seeking the warmth and comfort even in his sleep.

Drifting off, Hatori caught the small whimper of the smaller man and tightened his arms around his waist, the warmth emanating from Chiaki relaxing his entire body, pulling him into a deep sleep.

Groaning, Chiaki opened one eyes, squinting at the offending bright light and turned over, burying his face into the pillow, attempting to fall asleep once more. But as soon as his eyes closed a warm hand brushed along the exposed skin of his back where the shirt had ridden up.

"Did you have a bad dream last night?"

"h-how?" Chiaki stuttered, knowing Hatori was asleep when he had been woken up.

"I could feel you watching me." Chiaki blushed, hiding his face away while his fingers continued gently tracing the lines of Hatori's palm. Feeling his warmth wrapped around him soothed his mind after the dream and calmed any thoughts he was having.

"I should have known you had woken up." Chiaki muttered, still avoiding eye contact. Hatori smiled softly running a finger along Chiaki's jaw, tilting his head to meet his gaze. Hatori's warm breath tickled against his lips before the distance closed and Chiaki lost himself in the soft, slow kiss that made him feel weak.

Chiaki never wanted the feeling to end.

As Hatori set about preparing breakfast Chiaki wondered into the living room, the pads of his feet muffled against the floor by the cuffs of his pants which were too big and baggy on his small frame. Shuffling over to the windows he pulled back the curtain, flooding the light with warm sunlight.

Without thinking his body took over and opened the window and Chiaki was hit with the warm breath of morning air, the sun bright against the cloudless blue sky. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes as the breeze brushed against his face. He couldn't remember the last time he looked out the window and took in a beautiful day.

"Chiaki?" Breaking out of his thought Chiaki turned and gazed at Hatori, his back facing him as he worked at the stove.

"Breakfast is ready." Tori announced switching off the flames, moving to plate up the food he has prepared.

Sitting down at the table, Chiaki watched as Hatori placed the dishes on the table in front of him, the smell of food earning a loud growl from his stomach.

Chiaki blushed at the smirk that formed on Hatori's face.

"You start. Ill join you in a minute."

Although Chiaki wanted to argue and wait for Hatori to join him hunger won him over and he carefully picked up a piece of omelette and took a bite, a small and content smile spreading across his lips as the taste filled his mouth.

"I don't think I've seen you so relaxed." Chiaki just smiled and gazed down at the food, a warm sensation spreading through his chest at Hatori's soft voice.

The pair continued to eat in silence, enjoying each others presence more than words could ever form.

When every dish was cleared Chiaki let his chopsticks fall to the table and he gave his belly a small pat as he slumped in his chair.

"That was so good! Thank you Tori."

Once the dishes were cleared from the table Chiaki stretched his arms above his head, moving towards the coffee table where part of his edited storyboard sat.

"Im going to prepare the bath. Do you want to go first?" Hatori asked, coming to stand behind Chiaki.

"Ill bath later." Chiaki smiled, gently running a finger over the bandage on his head before running his fingers through his messy hair. "You go first."

As Hatori disappeared into the bathroom Chiaki caught the sound of his phone ringing from the bedroom. He came into the bedroom and looked around for a second before spotting his phone from the doorway.

Picking up the phone before it vibrated off the bedside table, Chiaki answered and was greeted with a familiar voice.

"Ahh Yuu, ohayou."

"I got a message about your deadline being moved."

"Yeah, because of what happened Tori managed to get my deadline pushed back. I have a few more weeks before the storyboard is due. Then after that the colour print and editing needs to be done." Chiaki explained, not sure how much Yuu had been told.

"How do you feel?"

"I'm ok. Head aches a little but it's nothing to worry about."

"Hatori told me what happened. I'm... I'm sorry I haven't visited. Its been busy."

"That's ok. It was just a bump. Nothing to worry about."

The pair continued to talk for a while, planning to try and catch up after the storyboard had been submitted, a new manga that had come out in stores that Chiaki had forgotten about. It felt like old times, a completely natural conversation for Chiaki. He smiled. He liked talking to Yuu. Yuu was... is his friend.

Ending the call Chiaki tossed his phone onto his pillow and slowly he began to notice how quiet the apartment was.

In the silence of the apartment Chiaki's mind wondered back to the dream from the night. The images still burned fresh in his mind, the searing pain in his chest faint but still there. He fell back onto the bed and stared at the wall opposite him, his mind flashing between the dream and the Tori he witnessed everyday, his mind blurring between the images, the sounds filling his ears.

A sharp pain from the wound cause his to hiss, clenching his teeth as he gripped his head, willing the pain to subside.

When Hatori came out of the bathroom, towel draped across his shoulders, Chiaki was no where to be found where Hatori left him. He walked down the hallway and entered through the ajar bedroom door. There sitting on the edge of the bed staring off into nothing was the man in question.

"Chiaki... I know something is wrong. Something you're not telling me."

"What happened last night?"

"I had a dream."

"If... if I were to fall ill, if I..."

"-Chiaki," Hatori interjected, knowing Chiaki was letting his fear prevent him from finishing his sentence.

"You were in bed, with someone else." Hatori's eyes darkened, his hands stopping in their gently caresses along Chiaki's arms. " I walked in and... well you said you couldn't handle being with a sick person, that I wasn't who you fell in love with."

"And I just..." Chiaki choked the words out, wringing the hem of his shirt through his fingers.

"If I was sick, if I was... in a wheelchair, would you-" Chiaki looked down at his hands, his voice shaking as he continued softly, "leave me?"


"Would I be a burden to you if something like that was to happen? Would you hate me?" Chiaki looked up at the taller man but he couldnt bring himself to look Hatori in the eye, letting his eyes fall back to his fingers pulling on the hem of his shirt.

Hatori froze, his hands stilling against the smaller mans own.

"Chiaki," Hatori whispered brining his hands to Chiaki's pale cheeks. He gently tilted Chiaki's face up, catching his eyes with his own, holding the gaze with soft, loving eyes.

And before Chiaki knew it tears were rolling down his cheeks. He was uncontrollably shaking

Hatori kissed his forehead, gently wiping the tears away with his thumbs, stroking Chiaki's cheeks. Before Chiaki could say anything more Hatori pulled the brunette closer, pressing his small body into his and wrapping his arms around the shaking frame.

His hands gently touched Chiaki's face, bringing his eyes to meet his own.

"I would never leave you. Ever." Hatori spoke as he searched Chiaki's eyes. He brushed away Chiaki's fringe, placing a kiss on his forehead.

"I love you Chiaki."

OOO! Was that too evil of a beginning? Oh well I love it.

Thank you for your continued support. See you in a week ^_^

As always comment and tell me what you think and what you like. Or what makes you sad. And I will send my love and hugs. s