Hey guys! TEM here!

So, Jujs and I are writing the story together. (Yeah, I nickname her.) So, I'm going to write a chapter and Jujupops494 is going to write another, and we'll keep doing that.

So, yeah, I'm gonna write the first chapter! This one will mainly focus on Benny.

Let's start with this story!

Benny's life has never been the same ever since he tried to get a new girlfriend.

He didn't even need to try to get a girl because one of them seemed surprisingly interested in him. Anne was her name, he remembered. Even though he was unsure of dating her, he did it, anyway. Desperation was eating him up, and he needed to change something in his life. If a girl liked him, he should just take a chance and do something.

At first, things were fine between them when they started dating. On the second date, things got a bit unexpected. He remembered every single bit of it until now.

She insisted on going somewhere she wanted on the date. Benny couldn't say no, so he agreed. Her idea was to go on a walk, and he didn't mind. They kept walking and talking for a long time. After a few minutes, he noticed the woods in front of them, so he stopped her and asked her if they were going there. In a mocking way, she asked if he was scared. It was just a way of hers that made want to act brave and go there, knowing there were many strange things hiding in the darkness.

When they were there, Benny would've run away from the woods, but Anne's hand holding his made him go on. Still, he wanted an excuse to get out, so he lied and pretended to be tired. Sadly for him, Anne made them sit somewhere.

He had to admit that it was kind of nice sitting and watching the stars with her. But after that, things got strange. He remembered her looking at him with glowing yellow eyes. He remembered how scared he was. He remembered that she kept coming closer to him until he felt pain on his arm. Then, his vision got dark and he fell.

The next thing he knew, he was one of them. What were they? Well, they were werewolves. A pack of werewolves. And why was he bitten? Because he was "chosen". The pack believed he was brave and strong enough. He didn't think he was, but they did. They told him that they needed as much help from the best people to fight in a war against the vampires. He was also told that the blood-suckers wanted the werewolves to leave, but they refused to do this. Now, a fight was coming to place, and he was needed.

It wasn't just one pack of werewolves fighting, but a lot of them. They all united to fight the vampires. If they won, they could stay. If they lose, well, Benny would have to run away from Whitechapel, and away from his family. Choosing what he wanted to do was no option because leaving was a must if they don't win the fight. All he knew was that it was supposed to start in two weeks until both sides got ready.

He hated that his girlfriend, now his ex, would do this to him. He hated her and he disliked the people who believed he'd be able to fight. Even if he tried to think he could, he just didn't guess he could do it.

Being completely swallowed by his thoughts, he didn't know it was the morning until he heard his grandmother's yelling from downstairs. It was time to go to school. Lazily getting out of bed, he changed his clothes, brushed his teeth and went downstairs with his school bag. The last thing he wanted to do that day was go to school, but he had to.

He put his bag in one of the corners of the kitchen and sat on a chair as his grandmother made breakfast.

"Morning," he greeted with a smile.

She looked at him for a second then went back to cooking. "Well, you're smiling. That's a good sign."

It was a bit weird that he was a bit happy, even with the negative thoughts in his head. He shrugged, knowing she can't see him doing so. "I really don't know why, Grandma."

"Well, you better stay happy. You've been acting a bit… not yourself these past few days," she said.

He was very conscious about that. The thing was, he couldn't stop thinking about the battle and the chances of winning it. It became his life now. "I know."

Holding two plates with pancakes on them, she came closer to him and put them on the table. Back went the pushed chair of hers before she sat on it. "If there's anything you want to tell me, and if there's anything bothering you, you can come to me. I won't overreact over anything like your father does all the time. I promise."

Maybe he believed her words were true, but that didn't mean that he should tell her about this. All he did was nod.

Looking at his plate made him so hungry, he started eating it all up until it was done in a matter of seconds. When he looked up, his grandmother was smiling at him, which made the corners of his mouth go up, too. He loved his grandmother more than anyone else. Even if his father was still there for him, she was the one that took care of him the most, and for that he was thankful.

"Well, I think I should go to school now." He walked to his bag and picked it up from the floor. "See you later."

After she said her goodbye, he went outside and began his walk to school, which wasn't far away from where he lived. He could drive his car there, but he loved to take his time and have a stroll. In a matter of minutes, he'd reach the school, and he did.

The happiness within him disappeared. He hated school more than anything. He had only one friend, Rory, and he liked it that way. But recently, the two had been driven apart by Anne, and he hated her even more for that. Now, he was forced to hang out with the pack for "protection", they had told him. Like he needed to be protected. And from what? Vampires who weren't allowed to assault werewolves until the battle? Anyway, he didn't count any of the members of the pack as friends.

When he reached his locker, he got his books out for the next period. As usual, some of the pack members would come, talk to him for a few seconds and walk away.

"How are you feeling now?" one of them asked.

All of them knew how unsure Benny was of this. Actually, every new member would be like that. "Like shit."

"Don't worry. You'll be better in a week." They told him that a week ago. And no, their words meant nothing.

"You gonna leave me alone now or what?" he asked. This was such a regular routine in his life now that he got tired of it.

"Fine. Whatever you say," one said.

To his luck, they weren't lying, like they usually would, and walked away until they were out of sight.

As quickly as he got to his locker, he went to class. He had biology class now, which he didn't like very much. He took his usual seat and waited for class to begin. Mr. Coleman, their teacher, came in early to class, but since the bell didn't ring for the class to start, all the chatting students continued talking. A few students came in one after another. Before the bell rang, he smelled something. Coconuts, maybe? To normal people, this was a normal smell, but to creatures with a strong sense of smell, that meant a vampire was in class. And he knew exactly where this scent was coming from.

Turning his head to the left, he saw one of the students that he would've last guesses was one of them. It was a guy called Ethan Morgan. In class , he was very quiet, very… well, innocent looking, very well-intentioned and very not one of those evil bastards. If it wasn't for the pale skin, he wouldn't have believed his guess.

For a second, Ethan looked at him with fear shown in his eyes. He guessed that Ethan knew who he was too, and he understood why he looked so scared. Being side-by-side with the enemy wasn't something a person would enjoy. And also, the distance in between them wasn't big, but very small, so it was uncomfortable.

In a few seconds, a girl he recognized as Erica Jones came and sat beside Ethan and started talking to him. He knew that she was a vampire, and he hated her since the beginning.

Looking at him, she gave a distasteful smile and then continued her talk until Mrs. Coleman made everyone quiet down for the lesson to begin.

TADAAA! Well, I hope this was good. Just two words you have to keep in mind for this story. Battle… and Bethan. Yep.

Well, this was fun. I've got not much more to say, so until I write my next chapter…