Sorry it's taken so long for me to update! Also, this is the finale of this sorry! I hope you enjoy it, but let me tell you now; it is not the best chapter in the world... I wasn't sure how to end it, but i just think that this needed to happen.
Also, I will be changing my Pen Name to RoboLime7x7
Chapter 6
Never Wrong
Their friend watched in silence as the couple curled perfectly into each other. They cried for what felt like days, before finally running out of tears to cry. Percy encased himself in water in an attempt to restore energy, but all it did was tire him out even more.
"Never leave me again?" He whimpered quietly, and pulled back slightly to look Annabeth in the eye.
"I never left to begin with." She replied; equally quiet, before pulling him in for a soft, meaningful kiss. Piper ushered everyone out of the room quietly, sensing that they needed to be alone for a while.
"It was… you were… I just—" Percy began, unable to explain.
"I know." She cut him off, and he watched her with weary eyes. "If you ever doubt if I'm real or not, look here." She placed his hand on her waist, near the bottom of her ribcage. He gave her a puzzled expression – what was that supposed to mean? She rolled her eyes slightly, and lifted her cut shirt up to show him where she motioned to. There was a small, blue trident tattoo, about the size of a thumb.
"When did you get this?" He asks, smiling a little.
"When you were… gone." She replies softly.
"Oh." Was his oh-so-Percy reply. "We're still alright?"
"We were never wrong."
Piper opens the door, and looks at them. They looked better.
"Sorry, but Chiron wants to talk to you." She says regretfully. She knew they still had stuff to get over; a lot of stuff. Chiron enters the room, smiling, before his eyes look to the floor, where they were sat, folded into each other.
"Oh my, children. You should not be out of bed." He says gently, as if they would break like china. The two teens stand up, clinging onto each other. They lock eyes for a moment, before both sit on Annabeths bed.
"I must say, while the odds were quite against you Percy, if anyone could pull through, it would be you." Chiron smiles, and Annabeths eyes turn into tornadoes of anger.
"But you didn't think he would! You gave up on him! You and our excuse for a camp 'Director'!" Thunder roars, and Annabeths turns her bleary eyes to the roof. "Oh shut the hell up! You know it's true!" No thunder came.
"I'm sorry." Chiron winced. "Percy, we all understand if you want to go home to recover for a while."
"Okay. We'll be gone by morning." He replies, and both him and Annabeth lay down. Without another word, both fell asleep.
"Take me home, Blackjack." Percy says, his voice slightly croaky. The pain was worse now.
Of course, Boss.
And with that, the Pegasus flew Annabeth and Percy to New York in the early hours of the morning.
They landed softly on the roof of Sally Jacksons' apartment building. Percy granted goodbye to Blackjack, before the couple headed down to Percy's Mothers' apartment. Percy knocked.
"Who could it be at this time in the morning…" Pauls' voice muttered from behind the closed door. It opened. "Percy?" Paul squinted, and rubbed his eyes.
"Hi Paul." Annabeth says awkwardly.
"Annabeth too. Come in, come in." Paul rushes them in before going to wake up Sally.
"Percy, my baby boy! You're okay! We were so worried when Annabeth told us what happened to you. Oh, my baby…" Sally gushed, hands on Percys cheeks as if checking he were real. "Annabeth." She opened her arms, offering a hug, and Annabeth rushed into them, not letting go of Percys' hand. She refused to let him go.
"Sally, I'll tell you now. If we're not here later, don't be worried. We need to go have a… word with the Gods. We'll be back, though." Annabeth says, and Sally nods in understanding.
"Now now, go get changed and have a nap." Sally says, and Percy pulls Annabeth along with him to his room. He hands her one of his smaller t-shirts, and Sally gives her some jeans. Percy changes into a clean shirt and jeans, while Annabeth goes into the bathroom to change. She brushes her hair up into a ponytail, before wrapping her arms around Percy's neck. He leaned down and captured her lips, pushing her gently against his chest of drawers. Her hands slid from his neck to his bare chest.
Sally opened the door, and stood there shocked for a moment. She cleared her throat, and they broke apart, looked at her once, and went back to making out.
"Percy." Sally says, and they ignore her. "Your math teacher is here." No comment. "I bought you a car." Nothing. "I made blue cookies." Still nothing. This shocked her. "Percy, for the Gods sake." She rolled her eyes when they still ignored her. She walked out of the room, and went back to tidying the kitchen.
"I love you." Percy whispers to Annabeth when they pull back.
"I love you too." Annabeth replies. "We should go see the Gods now."
"Key to the 600th floor, please." Annabeth asks the kid behind the counter.
"Sorry, ma'am, but there's no 600th floor."
"Listen kid. You got any idea who I am?" Percy demands, staring the kid straight on. Percy was somewhat a legend in the demi-god world. Annabeth not so much, but she was known. "My name is Percy Jackson. Now give me the goddamn key. I have business with the Gods that I don't think you want to get involved in." The boy hands over the green key-card without another word.
"Percy." Annabeth says simply, and he turns from glaring at the boy. "Hurry up." He slips an arm around her waist, and throws one more glare at the boy. The second they enter the privacy of the elevator, Percy has Annabeth by the waist as she pulls him down for a kiss. They knew for a fact that this was a long elevator ride. However many minutes later, the elevator dings, and they enter Olympus.
"You did a good job here, Annie." He says, and she whacks him lightly on the chest for calling her Annie.
"I did, didn't I…" She says cheekily, smiling. He laughs, and gives her a quick kiss. They open the doors to the throne room without knocking, and stand confidently before the Gods. There were even a few minor Gods here to witness the chaos.
"Son, it's good to see you well!" Poseidon exclaims.
"No thanks to you." Annabeth mutters. All heads swivel to face her.
"You would do well not to be so disrespectful." Zeus booms, and stands. "Bow."
"I'll bow to you when you bow to me." Percy retorts, and Zeus' face turns stony. "We're sick of doing your dirty work. Find yourself some new kid to ruin the life of."
"Poseidon wasn't there when Percy was… sick. Zeus didn't care when we brought back Thalia. Hades still hates us for proving him wrong on our first quest. We'll give you respect when you give us some. You may as well kill us now, because we're done with helping you." Annabeth says.
"Hera stole my memory and dumped me in another camp. You still haven't released Calypso from her island as promised, and demi-gods are still filling up the Hermes cabin because you won't get off your lazy butts and claim them. We've had it up to here with your antics." Percy clarifies, and tightens his grip on Annabeth.
"That is it! If you wish for death, then death you get." Zeus shouts, stands from his throne, lightning bolt at the ready.
"NO." Percy says so confidently that Zeus stops and looks at him. "There you go again! You think you're all big and mighty? Who was it that killed Kronos when you couldn't do it? US! Who fought Gaia and won? US! Who went through Tartarus? US! Who fought in two wars and won them both? DEMI-GODS! You're scared of us, and you know it. Our kind, you say is the worst; hurt by monsters and swords. But that's a good thing – it means we have something you don't; feelings."
Silence filled the whole of Olympus.
Percy pulled Annabeth in front of him, so he could wrap both arms around her waist in a protective hug. Athena's eyes narrowed at this action and it didn't go unnoticed by Annabeth.
"That is it. I don't give a damn what you think." Annabeth yells at Athena. "I am ashamed to say that I'm a daughter of Athena. Yours meant to be the God of Wisdom and Battle Strategy. If you were wise, you'd know that I love Percy, and we're better together than apart. And for the God of Battle Strategy, it seems I'm doing all the strategizing in wars. You are not my mother, and you are most certainly not worthy of an opinion." Just to add affect, she walks right up to Athena as she says the last part.
Athena looks shocked, and doesn't a word.
"We're done here." Percy says. "Don't call on us again." He wraps an arm around Annabeths shoulder as she slips one around his waist. They walk out, and everyone they pass looks at them with wide, scared eyes. They keep stony faces as they exit the elevator and hand the boy behind the desk the key card. He takes it with a shaky hand. As they walk down the street towards the apartment, mortals ignore them, and demi-gods stare at them. It seems they were loud enough that their voices were heard from all the way up on Olympus.
"Percy!" Sally cries as they walk in.
"Mum." Percy says, and lets her hug him.
"That was such a stupid thing to do!" She cries, and Paul raises his eyebrows at them.
"We don't care anymore." Annabeth says quietly, and grabs Percy's hand. "We're going to bed."
And with that, they go and lay on Percy's bed, not bothering to change, and just embrace.
"We're still alright?" Annabeth asks, looking at Percy.
"We were never wrong."
Love it? Hate it? Don't forget to rate it!
See what I mean its different? Well, that's it! So, I'll answer a few of your reviews. Not all of them, so I'm sorry if yours isn't answered!
They'll go from when the story was first updated, to now.
1. totalfangirl734 chapter 1 . Dec 10, 2013
That's a favourite ad that's a follow. I absolutely love this story is is so amazing and really original. Or did I say that before?;-)
So glad you like it! I was looking through fanfics for something like this, but couldn't find anything, so well... here I am!
2. Petalwish chapter 1 . Dec 10, 2013
Oh. My. Gods! That was so creepy and scary! It was AMAZING! I am definitely going to follow and favorite! Update ASAP! Its SO good!
The first chapter is actually quite dark... I didn't fully realize until I re-read it ;P
3. Pleaseberobin145 chapter 1 . Dec 10, 2013
Hey, read your fan-fic and I have to say, I loved it. You perfectly described how much Percy loves Annabeth and it was awesome :) I would totally write more it I were you:) Lol, so keep writing, its great so far :)
So glad you loved it :D
4. totalfangirl734 chapter 2 . Dec 11, 2013
Brilliant chapter! Really cute little bit of Percabeth there, and 0MG!madness! Insanity! My favourite!
I felt like I needed to add a little more Percabeth into the mix :D
5. expa chapter 3 . Dec 27, 2013
Busy doing the do, probably.
But I really like this chapter :)
I actually have a life off of the internet, and thought it's not all that good, it's there.
6. Petalwish chapter 3 . Dec 27, 2013
Love it! Percy's getting better, at least sort of! Update as soon as possible, please!
Oh and it was hilarious when Percy called Drew dog and Lou Ellen tu-tu!
I have to say, this was quite possibly the most fun chapter to write :D Glad you liked the little joke bits in there :)
7. SingingSilently chapter 3 . Dec 27, 2013
You want me to tell you how I think about the story? I LOVE IT!
8. totalfangirl734 chapter 3 . Dec 27, 2013
Yay! Another chapter! I love this story. Again, I've run out of words that describe your amazing writing. Honestly, I just... argh! This story is so good and a really original idea. It reminds me of what happened to Chris Rodregriuz in book something. You know, when he goes crazy and all that? Update soon!
I kind of based it on Chris Rodregriuz's story. Your the first to pick up on that!
9. team Leo leader chapter 4 . Jan 19
That's great! I love this story!
Good to know! Have a go at writing a one-shot of this if you want - i'm telling you, it's fun to write crazy.
10. I really don't chapter 4 . Jan 20
Hahaha oops almost forgot to review this one ahm ...GIVE ME MORE CHAPTERS PLEASE :9
Firstly, you failed at a smiley face ;) I'm really surprised you managed to review every chapter.
11. totalfangirl734 chapter 5 . Feb 23
No. Cliffhanger. Dam. My. Worst. Nightmare. Dam.
Don't worry! This is the only real cliff-hanger I used! :D
12. I really don't chapter 5 . Feb 24
Please tell me your gonna do a in side the darkness chapter
You betcha!
13. TheKookieKing11 chapter 5 . Feb 25
better than the last chapter i think, had to reread the whole story to understand...i think i'm running out of fanfiction that i like! oh no!
Glad you like the story, but OH NO! Go check out my friend Gcq9! She does the best stories ever! She has a really long Percabeth High School one which I have read 4 times. It's so good.
14. Petalwish chapter 5 . Feb 26
Does this mean Percy's better? Please say it means he's better! This chapter was just AHHH! You captured Annabeth's emotions perfectly I felt like crying. I just want Percabeth to be whole again...
I want Percabeth to be whole again too! I cried a little while writing this... I'm kind of wierd :P
15. 7thseven chapter 5 . Feb 27
Dude, this is an awesome story! I love it! UPDATE VERY SOON!
Glad you think so!
16. WiseGirl1993 chapter 5 . Mar 5
Something about him calling Drew "Dog" and Lou Ellen "Tu-tu" just cracked me up! I LOVE this story! (P.S This is Petalwish, I got a new account.)
This is by far my best story! HI PETALWISH! :P
17. adebisi980 chapter 5 . May 13
New chapter please! I love this story,and I hope that whatever was going on at home is over now
It is... kind of. My grandma is really sick, and is in hospital. But I felt like I owe you guys the finale.
18. Idislikeboys chapter 5 . May 22
really cool idea, i like it
I like it too :P
19. Guest chapter 5 . Jun 1
That was amazing :) I've searched high and low for fanfiction to be how I want it, and I found it :D
I know what you mean! If you want something cool, go check out Gcq9, she does such brilliant Percabeth stories. Romantic and hilarious in such perfect quantities :)
That's all I'm doing then, guys! I want to thank you all for supporting this story, because we wouldn't have gotten this far if you guys didn't say such enthusiastic and uplifting things in your reviews! This story belongs to you just as much as it belongs to me :)
Thanks you!
~Rose (DaughterOfLupaxmx)
P.S. Changing my Pen Name to RoboLime7x7