Hi everyone Natsu123 here, I know that I have said that I won't have enough time to write a story. But after quite some time struggling to get everything planned and organized, it turns out that I have quite some time left to write. That is if I keep up with everything as it goes right now, in any case I just had this sweet idea for a Naruto fanfic that I couldn't get out of my mind. So now I present to you:

Disclaimer: Naruto © Kishimoto


Naruto of the nine branches.

AU: what if the Kyuubi took a different form, a from more closer to its original form? Follow Naruto as container of demon tree that grants him one of the most powerful and feared Kekkei Genkai: The Mokuton. Naruto x Kurotsuchi

Chapter 1: Naruto of the nine branches

Minato Namikaze, by many revered as the greatest of Hokages, had felt many different sort of emotions during his life, the emptiness and coldness of the war, pride he became the fourth Hokage, the love he felt for his wife Kushina, sadness when Obito died. But never before he felt so helplessly and full of despair when he looked down on his beloved Konoha as the strongest of the Bijuu was rampaging throughout it.

The Bijuu was the Kyuubi, strongest of the Bijuu. Unlike any of its other brethren the Kyuubi didn't resemble an animal but rather a tree. Its upper body was human like with long wooden arms and on its shoulder and top of its head grew trees. The Kyuubi's face also resembled that of a man but with a with a wooden structure and a beard. The lower body of the Kyuubi was just like that of a tree with nine branches that the kyuubi used to move around.

The form the Kyuubi had taken and the destruction it was causing, puzzled Minato. According to Kushina the Kyuubi resembled a large tree not this form, and it was most certainly not aggressive. The opposite in fact Kushina had mentioned that in their time together the Kyuubi seldom had spoken preferring to stand still as a tree and listening to what the red-haired woman told it.

The blonde man suddenly looked behind him as something moved in the bushes, from it a Shinobi appeared. It was Murakumo Kurama the head of the Kurama clan, and old friend of Minato. The two man had both been students of Jiraiya of the Sannin.

"Murakumo?!" Minato called out. "Have you placed the Genjutsu?"

The other man nodded. "Yes I have done it, even the third shouldn't be able to see throughout it. But why Minato?! Why in Kami's name would you request such a thing! Why would you let everyone think the Kyuubi is a giant fox, when it is supposed to be this tree monster!"

Minato sighed darkly. "That my old friend is Konoha's greatest darkness, one that leads back to the founders themselves. I will tell you the story another time. So please keep the Genjutsu up."

Murakumo closed his eyes and thought for a few seconds, and then looked back at Minato. "Very well I trust you Minato. I will keep up the Genjutsu, but it will not hold for a long time; twenty minutes is the longest I can give you without endangering myself."

Minato began steading his breath for the upcoming confrontation with the Demon. Just when he was about teleport to the village itself a small cough was heard. Minato's head snapped to the right, the masked man that had threatened Kushina and his new born son only minutes ago. "Please Yondaime Hokage, tell me that story I am quite curious about it as well." The man requested with a threating voice.

Minato glared at him darkly. "Very well as you probably will keep preventing me from dealing with the Kyuubi until I have told you."


Meanwhile in the village itself the ninja of Konoha where fighting against an opponent they couldn't even damage. The brave man and woman quickly began to fall into despair.

"At this rate Konoha will be destroyed!" One Shinobi with brown hair yelled out desperately.

Many of his fellow Shinobi dropped to their knees, unable to keep standing anymore in the face of the Bijuu.

"Don't be so quick to give up!" The voice of an old man sounded.

The ninja looked up. "Sarutobi-Sama!" he exclaimed.

Hiruzen Sarutobi the previous Hokage, a man once so powerful that he was dubbed the third God of Shinobi, had arrived at the battle field. Following him where several ANBU ninja.

"We cannot shy away. No matter who our opponent is, or how power full he is! We are Shinobi of Konoha and we have to protect our village and its citizens!" Sarutobi's words gave the other ninja the courage to stand up again , to face their foe. "Let's go! It is time to drive that thing out of village!"

The old man and his ANBU jumped towards the rooftops and looked at the giant fox. "I cannot allow it to destroy Konoha! " Where the thoughts of Sarutobi when he slammed his hands on the ground. "Summoning no Jutsu! Monkey king Enma!" Sarutobi's old friend and fighting partner arrived on the battle field.

The monkey king snorted. "What sort of trouble have you gotten yourself now Hiruzen? You started a fight with the nine tails?"

Hiruzen shook his head. "No it went on a rampage, I need your help to stop it my old friend." Enma sighed and transformed itself into the Adamantine staff, ready to fight against the Kyuubi, who at that point noticed Sarutobi and let out a deafening roar that blew away rubble from destroyed buildings. Sarutobi was forced to jump to another building to dodge it.

Sarutobi jumped to a building closer to the Kyuubi and Enma grew to epic proportions allowing Sarutobi to hit the beast from distance. The gigantic fox became furious at this and spew a beam of read compressed energy towards the previous Hokage who barely had time to get out of the way. This was repeated a few times while other Konoha shinobi fired all sort of Jutsu at the Kyuubi. However their attacks only seemed to hurt the Kyuubi a little, suddenly one of the ANBU landed besides Sarutobi. "Sir! Choza Akimichi has arrived!"

Sarutobi nodded and ran over the rooftops towards Choza. "Choza try to hold the Kyuubi off!" The old man ordered the head of the Akimichi clan.

Choza nodded. "Super-Expantions Jutsu!" Choza grew to a size that rivaled the demon itself and began fighting with it. The Clan head used his increased strength to lift the Kyuubi and throw it away. This didn't hinder the fox much as it got quickly on its feet again, and threw itself at Choza starting a fight in which the Bijuu quickly over powered the Akimichi clan head. The beast grabbed Choza's arms and flung him out of the city into the forest. Where Choza returned to his original size and lost consciousness.

Sarutobi cursed and grabbed the Fuuma shuriken from a fallen Shinobi. "Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" Using the shadow clone technuiqe Sarutobi created at least a thousand clones or the Fuuma shuriken and send them flying towards the Kyuubi which had begun to walk towards where it had thrown Choza. This gained the fox's attention as it turned back to Sarutobi with a roar in pain.

"Sir the Inuzuka Clan has arrived to fight!" The ANBU member informed Hiruzen before using a Doton jutsu against the Yonbi.

"Use a syncronised attack!" Sarutobi ordered the clan that used their dogs for their ninja techniques. The Six members of the clan that had arrived shouted eagerly.

"Yes sir! Show that demon the power of the Inuzuka clan!" The clan head ordered his clan members, as they approached the Kyuubi "Gatsuga!" Working together the clan formed one large drill-like vortex that hit the Yonbi fully. The mighty beast roared in pain when the jutsu hit and it was forced several meters back. In its anger the Kyuubi flung at the Inuzuka members most of them were able to dodge but one of them was hit, she and her dog flew into the roof of a nearby building.

Sarutobi recognized her as Tsume the wife of the clan-head. The Kyuubi looked at her and readied itself to spew its beam of compressed energy again. Tsume only could look in horror as the demon was about to kill her, when her husband landed besides her. His own dog had been hit by the Kyuubi and was dead for its body had hit the ground. "Kuromaru, take Tsume out of here!" He ordered his wife dog. Kuromaru barked and lifted Tsume on his back. The clan-head looked sadly at his wife before facing the Kyuubi.

"Oi! Ugly beast! Over here!" He shouted whilst throwing a Kunai with an explosive tag attached to it with great accuracy at the Kyuubi's eyes. The kunai hit its left eye and the tag caused a huge explosion. The Kyuubi yelped in pain as its left eye was injured and focused its attention on the Inuzuka clan head.

"Goodby Tsume, Hana, Kiba…..I love all you, until next time. " The Kyuubi fired a volley of compressed energy beams at the building the man was standing on, causing a huge explosion.

"Sir, a message from Shikaku Nara he and the other Shinobi are ready for our combined


Sarutobi nodded tiredly. "Give them the orders to start at my signal."


"Most people know that the first Hokage was and probably still is the strongest ninja to have ever lived, only rivaled by the Sage of the six paths." Minato started his story. "What is also known is that Hashirama Senju is the only one who has ever obtained the Mokuton Kekkei Genkai. This however is not entirely true, as both Mito Uzumaki and my own wife Kushina Uzumaki also possessed this bloodline."

"What why didn't you tell anyone about this?!" Murakumo questioned his friend, but Minato raised his hand.

"Let me continue please, the reason behind this….Well the reason is that all three of them where the Jinchiruki of the Kyuubi. After the fight with Madara Uchiha Mito Uzumaki sealed the Kyuubi inside her husband, thus giving him his Mokuton(wood release) Kekkei Genkai; the power of the nine tailed demon tree. At the time of Hashirama's dead Mito sealed the Kyuubi inside herself and later into Kushina. The first Hokage and his wife decided to keep the true identity and the source of Hashirama's Mokuton a secret, to protect the future Jinchiruki of the Kyuubi. The rumor was spread that the Kyuubi was a giant fox and the giant tree that some people had seen in during the fight between Madara and Hashirama was one of the firsts jutsu. The true indentity of the Kyuubi was only revealed to the next Jinchiruki by the former Jinchiruki around the time of the former Jinchiruki's dead."

"I see…that was unexpected…I was informed that the Kyuubi was fox, but I find out that instead it is a giant tree that grants its container the Mokuton Kekkei Genkai." The masked man almost whispered to himself. "To thing that you would keep such secrets from your own village."

Minato send the masked man a dark glare. "What would happen if any of the other villagers or Konoha itself would find about the Kyuubi? A new great ninja war would be upon us, all to obtain the power of the Mokuton. Konoha would be destroyed, by its own residents or other villages."

The masked man moved into a battle stance. "It does not matter right now, all is going according to my plan and such minor drawbacks doesn't change anything. After all my eye of the moon plan must be completed."

Minato looked the masked man in the eyes. "A Sharingan! So that is how he controls the Kyuubi!"

"Marukumo! He keeps the Kyuubi under control with his Sharingan! Break it while I fight him!" Minato ordered as he engaged the masked man.

Marukumo took a deep breath and began to dispel the Genjutsu that the masked man has cast over the Kyuubi, without dispelling his own; had Marukumo been from another clan he would deem it impossible however he was the head of the Kurama Clan the best Genjutsu users in the Land of fire.


Hiruzen cursed when the Kyuubi's attack nearly hit him. "Shikaku are you ready yet?!" He yelled desperately at the Jonin commander.

"We are, comance operation!" Shikaku ordered, he and many others of the Nara clan formed their signature handseals "Kagemane no Jutsu!" Using the technique together the Nara clan was able to restrict the Kyuubi from moving. Meanwhile at the ground level of the village, almost its entire shinobi force had gathered together under the orders Inoichi Yamanaka.

Using his jutsu to contact all of shinobi gathered at the same time the head of the Yamanaka clan. "Sarutobi-Sama at your orders we are ready to begin!"

Sarutobi took a deep breath before giving to orders. "Everyone give the best you have, all of us together at the same time!" Giving the ninja a moment to ready themselves. "NOW ATTACK! " The previouse Hokage ordered with his loud voice.

Sarutobi took out a kunai with an explosive tag attached to it. By using his shadow shuriken technique again he created an enormous volley of explosive kunai that all hit the Kyuubi this in combination of a least an hundered other jutsu, shuriken and kunai dealt even the Kyuubi a lot of damage.

The giant fox yelped in pain and felt to the ground. "Is it over?" Sarutobi wondered, not letting his guard down for a moment.

The Kyuubi suddenly opened its eyes and got back on its feet, its roar was even more terrifying than before.

"How can something be this strong?!" A chunin yelled in fair. Fear and despair once more filled the Shinobi ranks.

Suddenly Minato's voice filled the battle field. "Summoning No Jutsu: Food kart destroyer!"

From the sky the boss-summon of the toads landed on top of the Kyuubi, pinning it on the ground. "Hurry Minato I won't be able to hold it down for too long." The giant toad grumbled loudly while he was struggling to keep the Kyuubi down.

Sarutobi looked at Minato as he began formed a familiar handseal. In the few seconds that Minato prepared to teleport the Kyuubi with him, Sarutobi made his dicision and jumped on top of the Kyuubi besides Minato. Before anyone could react the Kyuubi and the two Hokage had disappeared in a flash.


It was not long after that when several other shinobi had arrived at the location Minato had teleported himself, the Kyuubi and Sarutobi. Shikaku who was leading them found Minato hugging his wife who was holding their son, nor far from them lay the unconscious Marukumo.

"Hokage-Sama? Where is Sarutobi-Sama, he did go with you right?" The jonin-commander asked the village leader.

Minato pointed a little farther away. "Sarutobi-Sama sacrificed himself to seal the Kyuubi in Naruto."

Shikaku frowned and sighed. "Troublesome…"

Suddenly little Naruto began crying loudly, his little tears dropped on the ground. Kushina quickly began comfort her newborn…

A few minutes after, everyone had left small trees began to grown from the spot Naruto's tears had dropped on the ground.


So here it is the first chapter of my new story, to quickly answer a question most of you will likely have on your mind: No I will not be continuing Naruto the Salamander it has been adopted by 61394 and to be honest I dont feel any inspiration for it anymore. So please support 61394 with his story.

Now then a different Kyuubi that will lead to a different future for Naruto and the Shinobi world. This time I have choosen for the Naruto x Kurotsuchi pairing, I have found a few stories with this pairing an all where very interesting to be honest.

Read and Review please I will take ideas and suggestions gladly in consideration also please point out spelling and grammar mistakes I made. If there are any questions please ask, I will be happy to answer them.

(Look at my profile for a link to the picture that inspired me for the pairing.)